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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


Abnormal - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.Session.State
ABNORMAL_MECHANISM - Static variable in class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
AbnormalExit - Interface in io.sentry.hints
Marker interface for Sessions experiencing abnormal status
ABORTED - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
The operation was aborted.
ABS_PATH - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
AbstractSentryWebFilter - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux
Manages IScope in Webflux request processing.
AbstractSentryWebFilter(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.AbstractSentryWebFilter
accept(PropagationContext) - Method in interface io.sentry.Scope.IWithPropagationContext
The accept method of the callback
accept(ITransaction) - Method in interface io.sentry.Scope.IWithTransaction
The accept method of the callback
accept(Object, Class<?>) - Method in interface io.sentry.util.HintUtils.SentryHintFallback
accept(T) - Method in interface io.sentry.util.HintUtils.SentryConsumer
accept(T) - Method in interface io.sentry.util.HintUtils.SentryNullableConsumer
acquire() - Method in class io.sentry.util.AutoClosableReentrantLock
addAttachment(Attachment) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
addAttachment(Attachment) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Adds an attachment to the Scope's list of attachments.
addAttachment(Attachment) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
addAttachment(Attachment) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Adds an attachment to the Scope's list of attachments.
addAttachment(Attachment) - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
addAttachments(List<Attachment>) - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Adds a breadcrumb to the breadcrumbs queue It also executes the BeforeBreadcrumb callback if set
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Adds a breadcrumb to the current Scope
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Adds a breadcrumb to the breadcrumbs queue It also executes the BeforeBreadcrumb callback if set
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Adds a breadcrumb to the current Scope
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Adds a breadcrumb to the breadcrumbs queue.
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Adds a breadcrumb to the current Scope
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Adds a breadcrumb to the breadcrumbs queue.
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb, Hint) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Adds a breadcrumb to the current Scope
addBreadcrumb(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Adds a breadcrumb to the current Scope
addBreadcrumb(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Adds a breadcrumb to the current Scope
addBreadcrumb(String, String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Adds a breadcrumb to the current Scope
addBreadcrumb(String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Adds a breadcrumb to the current Scope
addBreadcrumb(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
addBundleId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
addBundleId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Adds a bundle ID (also known as debugId) representing a source bundle that contains sources for this application.
addChild(SpanNode) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SpanNode
addChildren(List<SpanNode>) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SpanNode
addConnectionStatusObserver(IConnectionStatusProvider.IConnectionStatusObserver) - Method in interface io.sentry.IConnectionStatusProvider
Adds an observer for listening to connection status changes.
addConnectionStatusObserver(IConnectionStatusProvider.IConnectionStatusObserver) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpConnectionStatusProvider
addContextTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
addContextTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Adds context tag name that is applied to Sentry events as Sentry tag.
addCount(ClientReportKey, Long) - Method in interface io.sentry.clientreport.IClientReportStorage
addCpuData(CpuCollectionData) - Method in class io.sentry.PerformanceCollectionData
Store a CpuCollectionData, if not null.
addEventProcessor(EventProcessor) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
addEventProcessor(EventProcessor) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Adds an event processor to the Scope's event processors list
addEventProcessor(EventProcessor) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
addEventProcessor(EventProcessor) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Adds an event processor to the Scope's event processors list
addEventProcessor(EventProcessor) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Adds an event processor
addIgnoredCheckIn(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Adds a monitor slug to the list of slugs for which captured check-ins should not be sent to Sentry.
addIgnoredError(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Adds an item to the list of strings/regex patterns that `event.message`, `event.formatted`, and `{}: {event.throwable.message}` are checked against to determine if an event shall be sent to Sentry or ignored.
addIgnoredExceptionForType(Class<? extends Throwable>) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
addIgnoredExceptionForType(Class<? extends Throwable>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Adds exception type to the list of ignored exceptions.
addIgnoredSpanOrigin(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Adds an item to the list of strings/regex patterns the origin of a new span/transaction will be tested against to determine whether the span/transaction shall be created.
addIgnoredTransaction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Adds an element the list of strings/regex patterns that captured transaction names are checked against to determine if a transaction shall be sent to Sentry or ignored.
addInAppExclude(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
addInAppExclude(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Adds an inApp exclude
addInAppInclude(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
addInAppInclude(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Adds an inApp include
addIntegration(Integration) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Adds an integration
addIntegration(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion
addIntegration(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryIntegrationPackageStorage
addIntegrationToSdkVersion(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.IntegrationUtils
addMaskViewClass(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
addMemoryData(MemoryCollectionData) - Method in class io.sentry.PerformanceCollectionData
Store a MemoryCollectionData, if not null.
addOptionsObserver(IOptionsObserver) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Adds a SentryOptions observer
addPackage(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion
addPackage(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryIntegrationPackageStorage
addPerformanceCollector(IPerformanceCollector) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Adds a ICollector.
addRateLimitObserver(RateLimiter.IRateLimitObserver) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.RateLimiter
ADDRESS - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason.JsonKeys
addScopeObserver(IScopeObserver) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Adds a Scope observer
addTracePropagationTarget(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
addUnmaskViewClass(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
AdoptedStyleSheet - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
AGENT - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryOpenTelemetryMode
The `sentry-opentelemetry-agent` is used
AGENTLESS - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryOpenTelemetryMode
`sentry-opentelemetry-agentless` is used, meaning OpenTelemetry will be used but there is no auto instrumentation available.
AGENTLESS_SPRING - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryOpenTelemetryMode
`sentry-opentelemetry-agentless-spring-boot` is used, meaning `opentelemetry-spring-boot-starter` and its auto instrumentation is used.
AgentlessMarker - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry.agent
AgentlessMarker() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.agent.AgentlessMarker
AgentlessSpringMarker - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry.agent
AgentlessSpringMarker() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.agent.AgentlessSpringMarker
AgentMarker - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry.agent
Marker class used to check if the Sentry Java Agent is active.
AgentMarker() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.agent.AgentMarker
All - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
ALL - Static variable in class io.sentry.Baggage.DSCKeys
ALPHA - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode.JsonKeys
ALREADY_EXISTS - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
The entity attempted to be created already exists
ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryOptions.RequestSize
ANDROID_ACTIVITY - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Activity breadcrumbs.
ANDROID_API_LEVEL - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
ANDROID_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Configuration changes breadcrumbs.
ANDROID_FRAGMENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Fragment breadcrumbs.
ANDROID_INTENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for System breadcrumbs.
ANDROID_MOTION_EVENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Gesture breadcrumbs.
ANDROID_NAV_DESTINATION - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Navigation breadrcrumbs.
ANDROID_NETWORK_CAPABILITIES - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Network breadrcrumbs.
ANDROID_SENSOR_EVENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Sensor breadcrumbs.
ANDROID_VIEW - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for View breadcrumbs.
ANDROIDX_MEDIA_VIEW_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
ANY - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
ApacheHttpClientTransport - Class in io.sentry.transport.apache
ITransport implementation that executes request asynchronously in a non-blocking manner using Apache Http Client 5.
ApacheHttpClientTransport(SentryOptions, RequestDetails, CloseableHttpAsyncClient, RateLimiter) - Constructor for class io.sentry.transport.apache.ApacheHttpClientTransport
ApacheHttpClientTransportFactory - Class in io.sentry.transport.apache
ApacheHttpClientTransportFactory() - Constructor for class io.sentry.transport.apache.ApacheHttpClientTransportFactory
ApacheHttpClientTransportFactory(TimeValue) - Constructor for class io.sentry.transport.apache.ApacheHttpClientTransportFactory
API_TARGET - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Request.JsonKeys
API_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu.JsonKeys
apiName() - Method in enum class io.sentry.CheckInStatus
apiName() - Method in interface io.sentry.MeasurementUnit
Unit adhering to the API spec.
apiName() - Method in class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Custom
apiName() - Method in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Duration
apiName() - Method in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Fraction
apiName() - Method in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
apiName() - Method in enum class io.sentry.MonitorScheduleType
apiName() - Method in enum class io.sentry.MonitorScheduleUnit
apiName() - Method in enum class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionNameSource
apiName() - Method in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
APOLLO_REQUEST - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Apollo Request breadcrumbs.
APOLLO_RESPONSE - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Apollo response breadcrumbs.
App - Class in io.sentry.protocol
App() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.App
APP_BUILD - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.App.JsonKeys
APP_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.App.JsonKeys
APP_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.App.JsonKeys
APP_PERMISSIONS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.App.JsonKeys
APP_START_PROFILING_CONFIG_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.Sentry
APP_START_TIME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.App.JsonKeys
APP_VERSION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.App.JsonKeys
App.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
App.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
append(ILoggingEvent) - Method in class io.sentry.logback.SentryAppender
append(LogEvent) - Method in class io.sentry.log4j2.SentryAppender
apply(Runnable) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryScheduleHook
apply(Runnable) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.webflux.SentryScheduleHook
applyIgnoredSpanOrigins(SentryOptions) - Static method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryUtil
ApplyScopeData - Interface in io.sentry.hints
Marker interface for applying scope's data.
applyToOptions(SentryOptions, List<Properties>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.DebugMetaPropertiesApplier
applyToRequest(Request) - Method in class io.sentry.util.UrlUtils.UrlDetails
applyToSpan(ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.util.UrlUtils.UrlDetails
ARCH - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage.JsonKeys
ARCHITECTURE - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
ARCHS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
assignTraceContext(SentryEvent) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
assignTraceContext(SentryEvent) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
assignTraceContext(SentryEvent) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
assignTraceContext(SentryEvent) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
AsyncHttpTransport - Class in io.sentry.transport
ITransport implementation that executes request asynchronously in a blocking manner using HttpURLConnection.
AsyncHttpTransport(SentryOptions, RateLimiter, ITransportGate, RequestDetails) - Constructor for class io.sentry.transport.AsyncHttpTransport
AsyncHttpTransport(QueuedThreadPoolExecutor, SentryOptions, RateLimiter, ITransportGate, HttpConnection) - Constructor for class io.sentry.transport.AsyncHttpTransport
AsyncHttpTransportFactory - Class in io.sentry
AsyncHttpTransportFactory() - Constructor for class io.sentry.AsyncHttpTransportFactory
atomicIntegerArrayToList(AtomicIntegerArray) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.JsonSerializationUtils
attach(Context) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryContextStorage
attach(Context) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryOtelThreadLocalStorage
Attachment - Class in io.sentry
You can use an attachment to store additional files alongside an event or transaction.
Attachment - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
Attachment - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
Attachment(byte[], String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Attachment
Initializes an Attachment with bytes and a filename.
Attachment(byte[], String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Attachment
Initializes an Attachment with bytes, a filename, and a content type.
Attachment(byte[], String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Attachment
Initializes an Attachment with bytes, a filename, a content type, and addToTransactions.
Attachment(byte[], String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Attachment
Initializes an Attachment with bytes, a filename, a content type, and addToTransactions.
Attachment(JsonSerializable, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Attachment
Initializes an Attachment with bytes factory, a filename, a content type, and addToTransactions.
Attachment(String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Attachment
Initializes an Attachment with a path.
Attachment(String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Attachment
Initializes an Attachment with a path and a filename.
Attachment(String, String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Attachment
Initializes an Attachment with a path, a filename, and a content type.
Attachment(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Attachment
Initializes an Attachment with a path, a filename, a content type, and addToTransactions.
Attachment(String, String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Attachment
Initializes an Attachment with a path, a filename, a content type, addToTransactions, and attachmentType.
Attachment(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Attachment
Initializes an Attachment with a path, a filename, a content type, and addToTransactions.
ATTACHMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader.JsonKeys
attachReportToEnvelope(SentryEnvelope) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReportRecorder
attachReportToEnvelope(SentryEnvelope) - Method in interface io.sentry.clientreport.IClientReportRecorder
attachReportToEnvelope(SentryEnvelope) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.NoOpClientReportRecorder
ATTRS - Static variable in class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.ScopeBindingMode
Let the SDK decide whether to add the span to the current scope.
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryOpenTelemetryMode
Let the SDK figure out what mode OpenTelemetry is in and whether to even use OpenTelemetry This is the default for non Android.
AutoClosableReentrantLock - Class in io.sentry.util
AutoClosableReentrantLock() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.AutoClosableReentrantLock


Backfillable - Interface in io.sentry.hints
Marker interface for events that have to be backfilled with the event data (contexts, tags, etc.) that is persisted on disk between application launches
backfilledSampleRand(TracesSamplingDecision) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.SampleRateUtils
backfilledSampleRand(Double, Double, Boolean) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.SampleRateUtils
BackfillingEventProcessor - Interface in io.sentry
Marker interface for event processors that process events that have to be backfilled, i.e.
BACKPRESSURE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardReason
BackpressureMonitor - Class in io.sentry.backpressure
BackpressureMonitor(SentryOptions, IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.backpressure.BackpressureMonitor
baggage - Variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext
Baggage - Class in io.sentry
Baggage(Baggage) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Baggage
Baggage(ILogger) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Baggage
Baggage(Map<String, String>, String, boolean, boolean, ILogger) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Baggage
BAGGAGE - Static variable in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.InternalSemanticAttributes
BAGGAGE_HEADER - Static variable in class io.sentry.BaggageHeader
BAGGAGE_MUTABLE - Static variable in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.InternalSemanticAttributes
Baggage.DSCKeys - Class in io.sentry
BaggageHeader - Class in io.sentry
BaggageHeader(String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.BaggageHeader
Base64 - Class in io.sentry.vendor
Utilities for encoding and decoding the Base64 representation of binary data.
BATTERY_LEVEL - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
BATTERY_TEMPERATURE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
BEFORE_SEND - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardReason
BEGIN_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class
The opening of a JSON array.
BEGIN_OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class
The opening of a JSON object.
beginArray() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
beginArray() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
beginArray() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
beginArray() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectWriter
beginArray() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
beginArray() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
beginArray() - Method in class
Consumes the next token from the JSON stream and asserts that it is the beginning of a new array.
beginArray() - Method in class
Begins encoding a new array.
beginExecuteOperation(InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGraphqlInstrumentation
beginExecuteOperation(InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryInstrumentation
beginExecuteOperation(InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql22.SentryInstrumentation
beginExecution(InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryInstrumentation
beginExecution(InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql22.SentryInstrumentation
beginExecution(InstrumentationExecutionParameters, SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.TracingState) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGraphqlInstrumentation
beginObject() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
beginObject() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
beginObject() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
beginObject() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectWriter
beginObject() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
beginObject() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
beginObject() - Method in class
Consumes the next token from the JSON stream and asserts that it is the beginning of a new object.
beginObject() - Method in class
Begins encoding a new object.
bindClient(ISentryClient) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
bindClient(ISentryClient) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
bindClient(ISentryClient) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
bindClient(ISentryClient) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
bindClient(ISentryClient) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Binds a different client to the scopes
bindClient(ISentryClient) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
bindClient(ISentryClient) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
bindClient(ISentryClient) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
bindClient(ISentryClient) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
bindClient(ISentryClient) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
bindClient(ISentryClient) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
bindClient(ISentryClient) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Binds a different client to the current Scopes
bindTransaction(ITransaction) - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransactionProfiler
bindTransaction(ITransaction) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransactionProfiler
BIT - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Bit (`"bit"`), corresponding to 1/8 of a byte.
bitRate - Variable in enum class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions.SentryReplayQuality
Defines the quality of the session replay.
BLOCKED - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
BLOCKED_MAIN_THREAD_KEY - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
BlockingFlushHint - Class in io.sentry.hints
BlockingFlushHint(long, ILogger) - Constructor for class io.sentry.hints.BlockingFlushHint
Blur - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType
BODY_SIZE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Request.JsonKeys
BODY_SIZE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Response.JsonKeys
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class
A JSON true or false.
BOOT_TIME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
BRAND - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
Breadcrumb - Class in io.sentry
Series of application events
Breadcrumb() - Constructor for class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Breadcrumb ctor
Breadcrumb(long) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Breadcrumb(Date) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Breadcrumb ctor
Breadcrumb(String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Breadcrumb ctor
Breadcrumb.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
Breadcrumb.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
BREADCRUMBS - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys
BREADCRUMBS_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
Browser - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Browser() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Browser
Browser.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Browser.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
BUFFER - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.ReplayType
BUILD - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem.JsonKeys
BUILD_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
BUILD_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.App.JsonKeys
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.apollo
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.apollo3
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.graphql
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.graphql22
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.jdbc
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.jul
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.log4j2
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.logback
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.okhttp
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.quartz
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.servlet
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.servlet.jakarta
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.spring
BuildConfig - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
BYTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Byte (`"byte"`).
byteCountToString(long) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.StringUtils
Converts the given number of bytes to a human-readable string.
bytesFrom(ISerializer, ILogger, JsonSerializable) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.JsonSerializationUtils


CACHE_OVERFLOW - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardReason
Cached - Interface in io.sentry.hints
Marker interface for a capture involving data cached from disk
cacheLock - Variable in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
calculateStringHash(String, ILogger) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.StringUtils
Calculates the SHA-1 String hash
calendarToMap(Calendar) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.JsonSerializationUtils
CALL_STACK_KEY - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
camelCase(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.StringUtils
Converts a String to CamelCase format.
CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
The operation was cancelled, typically by the caller.
CanvasMutation - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
capitalize(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.StringUtils
Returns a Capitalized String and all remaining chars to lower case.
captureCheckIn(CheckIn) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
captureCheckIn(CheckIn) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
captureCheckIn(CheckIn) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
captureCheckIn(CheckIn) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
captureCheckIn(CheckIn) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
captureCheckIn(CheckIn) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
captureCheckIn(CheckIn) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
captureCheckIn(CheckIn) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
captureCheckIn(CheckIn, IScope, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
captureCheckIn(CheckIn, IScope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryClient
captureEnvelope(SentryEnvelope) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures an envelope.
captureEnvelope(SentryEnvelope) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures an envelope.
captureEnvelope(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
captureEnvelope(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
captureEnvelope(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures an envelope.
captureEnvelope(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures an envelope.
captureEnvelope(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
captureEnvelope(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
captureEnvelope(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
captureEnvelope(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
captureEnvelope(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryClient
captureEvent(SentryEvent) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures the event.
captureEvent(SentryEvent) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures the event.
captureEvent(SentryEvent) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Captures the event.
captureEvent(SentryEvent, ScopeCallback) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures the event.
captureEvent(SentryEvent, ScopeCallback) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Captures the event.
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures the event.
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Capture the event
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Captures the event.
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures the event.
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
captureEvent(SentryEvent, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Captures the event.
captureEvent(SentryEvent, IScope) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures the event.
captureEvent(SentryEvent, IScope, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Capture the event
captureEvent(SentryEvent, IScope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryClient
captureException(Throwable) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures the exception.
captureException(Throwable) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures the exception.
captureException(Throwable) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Captures the exception.
captureException(Throwable, ScopeCallback) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures the exception.
captureException(Throwable, ScopeCallback) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Captures the exception.
captureException(Throwable, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
captureException(Throwable, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
captureException(Throwable, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures the exception.
captureException(Throwable, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures the exception.
captureException(Throwable, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
captureException(Throwable, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
captureException(Throwable, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
captureException(Throwable, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
captureException(Throwable, Hint) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Captures the exception.
captureException(Throwable, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
captureException(Throwable, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
captureException(Throwable, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures the exception.
captureException(Throwable, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
captureException(Throwable, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
captureException(Throwable, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
captureException(Throwable, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
captureException(Throwable, Hint, ScopeCallback) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Captures the exception.
captureException(Throwable, IScope) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures the exception.
captureException(Throwable, IScope, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures the exception.
captureMessage(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures the message.
captureMessage(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Captures the message.
captureMessage(String, ScopeCallback) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures the message.
captureMessage(String, ScopeCallback) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Captures the message.
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures the message.
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures the message.
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Captures the message.
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel, ScopeCallback) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures the message.
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel, ScopeCallback) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Captures the message.
captureMessage(String, SentryLevel, IScope) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures the message.
captureReplay(SentryReplayEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
captureReplay(SentryReplayEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
captureReplay(SentryReplayEvent, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
captureReplay(SentryReplayEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
captureReplay(SentryReplayEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
captureReplay(SentryReplayEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
captureReplay(SentryReplayEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
captureReplay(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpReplayController
captureReplay(Boolean) - Method in interface io.sentry.ReplayController
captureReplayEvent(SentryReplayEvent, IScope, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
captureReplayEvent(SentryReplayEvent, IScope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryClient
captureSession(Session) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures a session.
captureSession(Session, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures a session.
captureSession(Session, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryClient
captureThrowable(Throwable, ExceptionReporter.ExceptionDetails, ExecutionResult) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.ExceptionReporter
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures a transaction without scope nor hint.
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction, IScope, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures a transaction.
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction, TraceContext) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures the transaction and enqueues it for sending to Sentry server.
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction, TraceContext) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures a transaction without scope nor hint.
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction, TraceContext, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures the transaction and enqueues it for sending to Sentry server.
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction, TraceContext, Hint, ProfilingTraceData) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction, TraceContext, Hint, ProfilingTraceData) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction, TraceContext, Hint, ProfilingTraceData) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures the transaction and enqueues it for sending to Sentry server.
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction, TraceContext, Hint, ProfilingTraceData) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction, TraceContext, Hint, ProfilingTraceData) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction, TraceContext, Hint, ProfilingTraceData) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction, TraceContext, Hint, ProfilingTraceData) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction, TraceContext, IScope, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures a transaction.
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction, TraceContext, IScope, Hint, ProfilingTraceData) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures a transaction.
captureTransaction(SentryTransaction, TraceContext, IScope, Hint, ProfilingTraceData) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryClient
captureUserFeedback(UserFeedback) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
captureUserFeedback(UserFeedback) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
captureUserFeedback(UserFeedback) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Captures a manually created user feedback and sends it to Sentry.
captureUserFeedback(UserFeedback) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Captures a manually created user feedback and sends it to Sentry.
captureUserFeedback(UserFeedback) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
captureUserFeedback(UserFeedback) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
captureUserFeedback(UserFeedback) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
captureUserFeedback(UserFeedback) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
captureUserFeedback(UserFeedback) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Captures a manually created user feedback and sends it to Sentry.
captureUserFeedback(UserFeedback) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryClient
CATEGORY - Static variable in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb.JsonKeys
CATEGORY - Static variable in class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardedEvent.JsonKeys
CATEGORY - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent.JsonKeys
CHARGING - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
CHECK_IN_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.CheckIn.JsonKeys
CheckIn - Class in io.sentry
CheckIn - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
CheckIn(String, CheckInStatus) - Constructor for class io.sentry.CheckIn
CheckIn(SentryId, String, CheckInStatus) - Constructor for class io.sentry.CheckIn
CheckIn(SentryId, String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.CheckIn
CHECKIN_MARGIN - Static variable in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig.JsonKeys
CheckIn.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
CheckIn.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
CheckInStatus - Enum Class in io.sentry
Status of a CheckIn
CheckInUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
CheckInUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.CheckInUtils
CHILDREN - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode.JsonKeys
CITY - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Geo.JsonKeys
CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason.JsonKeys
classLoaderOrDefault(ClassLoader) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.ClassLoaderUtils
ClassLoaderUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
ClassLoaderUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.ClassLoaderUtils
clear() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
clear() - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
Clears all attributes added via Hint.set(String, Object) Note: SDK internal attributes are being kept.
clear() - Method in interface io.sentry.IPerformanceContinuousCollector
Called when no more data should be collected.
clear() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Resets the Scope to its default state
clear() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
clear() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Resets the Scope to its default state
clearAttachments() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
clearAttachments() - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
clearAttachments() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Clear all attachments.
clearAttachments() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
clearAttachments() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Clear all attachments.
clearBreadcrumbs() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
clearBreadcrumbs() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
clearBreadcrumbs() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
clearBreadcrumbs() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Clear all the breadcrumbs
clearBreadcrumbs() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Deletes current breadcrumbs from the current scope.
clearBreadcrumbs() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
clearBreadcrumbs() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
clearBreadcrumbs() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
clearBreadcrumbs() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Clear all the breadcrumbs
clearBreadcrumbs() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
clearBreadcrumbs() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
clearBreadcrumbs() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Deletes current breadcrumbs from the current scope.
clearSession() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
clearSession() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
clearSession() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
clearSession() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
clearStorage() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryIntegrationPackageStorage
clearTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
clearTransaction() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Clears the transaction.
clearTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
clearTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Clears the transaction.
Click - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType
CLICKABLE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.internal.gestures.UiElement.Type
ClientReport - Class in io.sentry.clientreport
ClientReport - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
ClientReport(Date, List<DiscardedEvent>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReport
ClientReport.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.clientreport
ClientReport.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.clientreport
ClientReportRecorder - Class in io.sentry.clientreport
ClientReportRecorder(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReportRecorder
clone() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
clone() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
clone() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
clone() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Clones the Scope
clone() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
clone() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
clone() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
Clones the Scope
clone() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
clone() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Clones the Scope
clone() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
clone() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
clone() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
Ctor copy of the Session
close() - Method in class io.sentry.backpressure.BackpressureMonitor
close() - Method in interface io.sentry.backpressure.IBackpressureMonitor
close() - Method in class io.sentry.backpressure.NoOpBackpressureMonitor
close() - Method in class io.sentry.DefaultScopesStorage
close() - Method in class io.sentry.DefaultTransactionPerformanceCollector
close() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
close() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
close() - Method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileInputStream
close() - Method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream
close() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Flushes out the queue for up to timeout seconds and disable the Scopes.
close() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopesStorage
close() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Flushes out the queue for up to timeout seconds and disable the client.
close() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryLifecycleToken
close() - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransactionProfiler
Cancel the profiler and stops it.
close() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
close() - Method in class io.sentry.jul.SentryHandler
close() - Method in class io.sentry.MainEventProcessor
close() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
close() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
close() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopesLifecycleToken
close() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopesStorage
close() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransactionPerformanceCollector
close() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransactionProfiler
close() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelContextScopesStorage
close() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
close() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
close() - Method in class io.sentry.SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration
close() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Close the SDK
close() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryClient
close() - Method in class io.sentry.ShutdownHookIntegration
close() - Method in class io.sentry.SpotlightIntegration
close() - Method in interface io.sentry.TransactionPerformanceCollector
Cancel the collector and stops it.
close() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.apache.ApacheHttpClientTransport
close() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.AsyncHttpTransport
close() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.NoOpTransport
close() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.RateLimiter
close() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.StdoutTransport
close() - Method in class io.sentry.UncaughtExceptionHandlerIntegration
close() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
close() - Method in class
Closes this JSON reader and the underlying Reader.
close() - Method in class
Flushes and closes this writer and the underlying Writer.
close(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
close(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
close(boolean) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Flushes out the queue for up to timeout seconds and disable the Scopes.
close(boolean) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Flushes out the queue for up to timeout seconds and disable the client.
close(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
close(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
close(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
close(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
close(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryClient
close(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.apache.ApacheHttpClientTransport
close(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.AsyncHttpTransport
close(boolean) - Method in interface io.sentry.transport.ITransport
Closes the transport.
close(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.NoOpTransport
close(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.StdoutTransport
close(long) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryExecutorService
Closes the ThreadExecutor and awaits for the timeout
close(long) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryExecutorService
close(Object) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.LifecycleHelper
CODE_FILE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage.JsonKeys
CODE_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage.JsonKeys
collect() - Method in interface io.sentry.IMemoryCollector
Used for collecting data about memory load when a transaction is active.
collect(PerformanceCollectionData) - Method in interface io.sentry.IPerformanceSnapshotCollector
collect(PerformanceCollectionData) - Method in class io.sentry.JavaMemoryCollector
CollectionUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
Util class for Collections
CollectionUtils.Mapper<T,R> - Interface in io.sentry.util
A simple function to map an object into another.
CollectionUtils.Predicate<T> - Interface in io.sentry.util
A simplified copy of Java 8 Predicate.
COLNO - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
COMBINED - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.ScopeType
CombinedContextsView - Class in io.sentry
CombinedContextsView(Contexts, Contexts, Contexts, ScopeType) - Constructor for class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
CombinedScopeView - Class in io.sentry
CombinedScopeView(IScope, IScope, IScope) - Constructor for class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
COMMENTS - Static variable in class io.sentry.UserFeedback.JsonKeys
compareTo(Breadcrumb) - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
compareTo(EventProcessorAndOrder) - Method in class io.sentry.internal.eventprocessor.EventProcessorAndOrder
compareTo(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryDate
compareTo(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryNanotimeDate
COMPONENT - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionNameSource
Named after a software component, such as a function or class name.
ComposeGestureTargetLocator - Class in io.sentry.compose.gestures
ComposeGestureTargetLocator(ILogger) - Constructor for class io.sentry.compose.gestures.ComposeGestureTargetLocator
ComposeViewHierarchyExporter - Class in io.sentry.compose.viewhierarchy
ComposeViewHierarchyExporter(ILogger) - Constructor for class io.sentry.compose.viewhierarchy.ComposeViewHierarchyExporter
CompositeModulesLoader - Class in io.sentry.internal.modules
CompositeModulesLoader(List<IModulesLoader>, ILogger) - Constructor for class io.sentry.internal.modules.CompositeModulesLoader
configure(BootstrapPackagesBuilder, ConfigProperties) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryBootstrapPackagesProvider
configure(T) - Method in interface io.sentry.Sentry.OptionsConfiguration
configure the options
configureScope(ScopeCallback) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Configures the scope through the callback.
configureScope(ScopeCallback) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Configures the scope through the callback.
configureScope(ScopeType, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
configureScope(ScopeType, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
configureScope(ScopeType, ScopeCallback) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Configures the scope through the callback.
configureScope(ScopeType, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
configureScope(ScopeType, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
configureScope(ScopeType, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
configureScope(ScopeType, ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
configureScope(ScopeType, ScopeCallback) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Configures the scope through the callback.
CONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.IConnectionStatusProvider.ConnectionStatus
CONNECTION_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
contain(List<String>, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.PropagationTargetsUtils
contain(List<String>, URI) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.PropagationTargetsUtils
CONTAINER - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys
contains(T[], T) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.CollectionUtils
Returns true if the element is present in the array, false otherwise.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
containsKey(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
containsSensitiveHeader(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HttpUtils
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader.JsonKeys
CONTEXT_LINE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
ContextMenu - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType
Contexts - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Contexts() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
Contexts(Contexts) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
CONTEXTS - Static variable in class io.sentry.CheckIn.JsonKeys
CONTEXTS - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys
CONTEXTS_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
Contexts.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
ContextTagsEventProcessor - Class in io.sentry.spring
Attaches context tags defined in SentryOptions.getContextTags() from MDC to SentryBaseEvent.getTags().
ContextTagsEventProcessor - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
Attaches context tags defined in SentryOptions.getContextTags() from MDC to SentryBaseEvent.getTags().
ContextTagsEventProcessor(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.ContextTagsEventProcessor
ContextTagsEventProcessor(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.ContextTagsEventProcessor
continueTrace(String, List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
continueTrace(String, List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
continueTrace(String, List<String>) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Continue a trace based on HTTP header values.
continueTrace(String, List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
continueTrace(String, List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
continueTrace(String, List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
continueTrace(String, List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
continueTrace(String, List<String>) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Continue a trace based on HTTP header values.
CONTRIBUTES_TTFD - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
CONTRIBUTES_TTID - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
convert(Breadcrumb) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpReplayBreadcrumbConverter
convert(Breadcrumb) - Method in interface io.sentry.ReplayBreadcrumbConverter
COOKIE_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.util.HttpUtils
COOKIES - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Request.JsonKeys
COOKIES - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Response.JsonKeys
copyForChild(String, SpanId, SpanId) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
countOf(String, char) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.StringUtils
Counts the occurrences of a character in a String
COUNTRY_CODE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Geo.JsonKeys
CPU_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
CpuCollectionData - Class in io.sentry
CpuCollectionData(long, double) - Constructor for class io.sentry.CpuCollectionData
CRASH_MARKER_FILE - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
Crashed - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.Session.State
CRASHED - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread.JsonKeys
create() - Static method in class io.sentry.config.PropertiesProviderFactory
Creates a composite properties provider enabling properties resolution from following locations in order: system properties environment variables file which location is resolved from the system property file which location is resolved from the environment variable SENTRY_PROPERTIES_FILE located in the root of the classpath located in the application's current working directory
create(IScopes, SentryOptions) - Method in interface io.sentry.SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration.SendFireAndForgetFactory
create(IScopes, SentryOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.SendFireAndForgetEnvelopeSender
create(IScopes, SentryOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.SendFireAndForgetOutboxSender
create(SentryOptions) - Static method in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
create(SentryOptions, RequestDetails) - Method in class io.sentry.AsyncHttpTransportFactory
create(SentryOptions, RequestDetails) - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransportFactory
Creates an instance of ITransport.
create(SentryOptions, RequestDetails) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransportFactory
create(SentryOptions, RequestDetails) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.apache.ApacheHttpClientTransportFactory
create(LoadClass, ILogger) - Static method in class io.sentry.ScopesStorageFactory
create(LoadClass, ILogger) - Static method in class io.sentry.SpanFactoryFactory
create(FileInputStream, FileDescriptor) - Static method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileInputStream.Factory
create(FileInputStream, File) - Static method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileInputStream.Factory
create(FileInputStream, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileInputStream.Factory
create(FileOutputStream, FileDescriptor) - Static method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream.Factory
create(FileOutputStream, File) - Static method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream.Factory
create(FileOutputStream, File, boolean) - Static method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream.Factory
create(FileOutputStream, File, IScopes) - Static method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream.Factory
create(FileOutputStream, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream.Factory
create(FileOutputStream, String, boolean) - Static method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream.Factory
create(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.sentry.OptionsContainer
createAppender(String, Level, Level, String, Boolean, Filter, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.log4j2.SentryAppender
Create a Sentry Appender.
createBreadcrumb(ILoggingEvent) - Method in class io.sentry.logback.SentryAppender
Creates Breadcrumb from Logback's ILoggingEvent.
createBreadcrumb(LogEvent) - Method in class io.sentry.log4j2.SentryAppender
Creates Breadcrumb from log4j2 LogEvent.
createEvent(ILoggingEvent) - Method in class io.sentry.logback.SentryAppender
Creates SentryEvent from Logback's ILoggingEvent.
createEvent(HttpServletRequest, Exception) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryExceptionResolver
createEvent(HttpServletRequest, Exception) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentryExceptionResolver
createEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class io.sentry.log4j2.SentryAppender
Creates SentryEvent from Log4j2 LogEvent.
createHint(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryExceptionResolver
createHint(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentryExceptionResolver
createInstance() - Method in class io.sentry.OptionsContainer
createSpan(IScopes, SpanOptions, SpanContext, ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.DefaultSpanFactory
createSpan(IScopes, SpanOptions, SpanContext, ISpan) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpanFactory
createSpan(IScopes, SpanOptions, SpanContext, ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpanFactory
createSpan(IScopes, SpanOptions, SpanContext, ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanFactory
createState() - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGraphqlInstrumentation
createState() - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryInstrumentation
createState(InstrumentationCreateStateParameters) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql22.SentryInstrumentation
createTransaction(TransactionContext, IScopes, TransactionOptions, TransactionPerformanceCollector) - Method in class io.sentry.DefaultSpanFactory
createTransaction(TransactionContext, IScopes, TransactionOptions, TransactionPerformanceCollector) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpanFactory
createTransaction(TransactionContext, IScopes, TransactionOptions, TransactionPerformanceCollector) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpanFactory
createTransaction(TransactionContext, IScopes, TransactionOptions, TransactionPerformanceCollector) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanFactory
createWithTypeCheckHint(Object) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HintUtils
CRLF - Static variable in class io.sentry.vendor.Base64
Encoder flag bit to indicate lines should be terminated with a CRLF pair instead of just an LF.
Cron() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Cron
crontab(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule
CRONTAB - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MonitorScheduleType
current() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryContextStorage
current() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryOtelThreadLocalStorage
current() - Static method in class io.sentry.util.SentryRandom
Returns the current threads instance of Random.
CURRENT - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.ScopeType
CURRENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread.JsonKeys
CurrentDateProvider - Class in io.sentry.transport
currentThreadSystemId() - Method in interface io.sentry.util.thread.IThreadChecker
Returns the system id of the current thread.
currentThreadSystemId() - Method in class io.sentry.util.thread.NoOpThreadChecker
currentThreadSystemId() - Method in class io.sentry.util.thread.ThreadChecker
Custom - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEventType
Custom(String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Custom
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionNameSource
User-defined name
CustomElement - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
customize(AutoConfigurationCustomizer) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryAutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider
customize(SchedulerFactoryBean) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentrySchedulerFactoryBeanCustomizer
customize(SchedulerFactoryBean) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentrySchedulerFactoryBeanCustomizer
CustomSamplingContext - Class in io.sentry
Arbitrary data used in SamplingContext to determine if transaction is going to be sampled.
CustomSamplingContext() - Constructor for class io.sentry.CustomSamplingContext


DAEMON - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread.JsonKeys
data - Variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext
DATA - Static variable in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb.JsonKeys
DATA - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism.JsonKeys
DATA - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Request.JsonKeys
DATA - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Response.JsonKeys
DATA - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan.JsonKeys
DATA - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.User.JsonKeys
DATA - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent.JsonKeys
DATA - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.JsonKeys
DATA - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.JsonKeys
DATA - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent.JsonKeys
DATA - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent.JsonKeys
DATA - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent.JsonKeys
DATA - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys
DATA - Static variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext.JsonKeys
DATA_LOSS - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
Unrecoverable data loss or corruption.
databaseDetailsLock - Variable in class io.sentry.jdbc.SentryJdbcEventListener
DatabaseUtils - Class in io.sentry.jdbc
DatabaseUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.jdbc.DatabaseUtils
DatabaseUtils.DatabaseDetails - Class in io.sentry.jdbc
DataCategory - Enum Class in io.sentry
dateOrNull(String, ILogger) - Static method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
dateToNanos(Date) - Static method in class io.sentry.DateUtils
Convert Date to nanoseconds represented as Long.
dateToSeconds(Date) - Static method in class io.sentry.DateUtils
Convert Date to epoch time in seconds represented as Double.
DateUtils - Class in io.sentry
Utilities to deal with dates
DAY - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Duration
Day (`"day"`), 86,400 seconds.
DAY - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MonitorScheduleUnit
DB_NAME_KEY - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
DB_SYSTEM_KEY - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
DblClick - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType
DEADLINE_EXCEEDED - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
The deadline expired before the operation could succeed.
debug(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates debug breadcrumb - typically a log message.
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryLevel
DEBUG_FILE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage.JsonKeys
DEBUG_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage.JsonKeys
DEBUG_META - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys
DEBUG_META_PROPERTIES_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.util.DebugMetaPropertiesApplier
DebugImage - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Legacy apple debug images (MachO).
DebugImage() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
DebugImage.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
DebugImage.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
DebugMeta - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Debugging and processing meta information.
DebugMeta() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.DebugMeta
DebugMeta.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
DebugMeta.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
DebugMetaPropertiesApplier - Class in io.sentry.util
DebugMetaPropertiesApplier() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.DebugMetaPropertiesApplier
decode(byte[], int) - Static method in class io.sentry.vendor.Base64
Decode the Base64-encoded data in input and return the data in a new byte array.
decode(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class io.sentry.vendor.Base64
Decode the Base64-encoded data in input and return the data in a new byte array.
decode(String, int) - Static method in class io.sentry.vendor.Base64
Decode the Base64-encoded data in input and return the data in a new byte array.
decorate(Runnable) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryTaskDecorator
decorate(Runnable) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentryTaskDecorator
decrement() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.ReusableCountLatch
Decrements the count of the latch, releasing all waiting threads if the count reaches zero.
DeduplicateMultithreadedEventProcessor - Class in io.sentry
An event processor that deduplicates crash events of the same type that are simultaneously from multiple threads.
DeduplicateMultithreadedEventProcessor(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.DeduplicateMultithreadedEventProcessor
Default - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
DEFAULT - Static variable in class io.sentry.vendor.Base64
Default values for encoder/decoder flags.
DEFAULT_DEADLINE_TIMEOUT_AUTO_TRANSACTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
DEFAULT_IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in class io.sentry.IpAddressUtils
DEFAULT_MAX - Static variable in class io.sentry.HttpStatusCodeRange
DEFAULT_MIN - Static variable in class io.sentry.HttpStatusCodeRange
DEFAULT_ORIGIN - Static variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext
DEFAULT_PLATFORM - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
DEFAULT_PROPAGATION_TARGETS - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.TransactionContext
DefaultScopesStorage - Class in io.sentry
DefaultScopesStorage() - Constructor for class io.sentry.DefaultScopesStorage
DefaultSpanFactory - Class in io.sentry
DefaultSpanFactory() - Constructor for class io.sentry.DefaultSpanFactory
DefaultTransactionPerformanceCollector - Class in io.sentry
DefaultTransactionPerformanceCollector(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.DefaultTransactionPerformanceCollector
deleteRecursively(File) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.FileUtils
Deletes the file or directory denoted by a path.
description - Variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext
Longer description of the span's operation, which uniquely identifies the span but is consistent across instances of the span.
description() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentrySpan
Span description.
description() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentrySpan
Span description.
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism.JsonKeys
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan.JsonKeys
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent.JsonKeys
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext.JsonKeys
deserialize(JsonObjectReader) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectDeserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReport.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardedEvent.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in interface io.sentry.JsonDeserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorContexts.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurementValue.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Browser.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugMeta.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.DeviceOrientation.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Geo.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Message.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Response.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryId.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryPackage.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionInfo.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchy.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.ReplayRecording.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEventType.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryItemType.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLevel.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.ReplayType.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.Session.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanId.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanStatus.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.TraceContext.Deserializer
deserialize(ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.UserFeedback.Deserializer
deserialize(Reader, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISerializer
deserialize(Reader, Class<T>) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonSerializer
deserializeCollection(Reader, Class<T>, JsonDeserializer<R>) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISerializer
deserializeCollection(Reader, Class<T>, JsonDeserializer<R>) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonSerializer
deserializeEnvelope(InputStream) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISerializer
deserializeEnvelope(InputStream) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonSerializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.Breadcrumb.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.CheckIn.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReport.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardedEvent.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.MonitorConfig.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.MonitorContexts.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurementValue.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.App.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Browser.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.DebugMeta.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Device.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Device.DeviceOrientation.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Geo.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Message.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Request.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Response.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryId.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryPackage.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionInfo.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.User.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchy.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.ReplayRecording.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEventType.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEvent.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryItemType.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryLevel.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryLockReason.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.ReplayType.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.Session.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SpanContext.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SpanId.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SpanStatus.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.TraceContext.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.UserFeedback.Deserializer
deserializeValue(RRWebEvent, String, ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent.Deserializer
deserializeValue(RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent, String, ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.Deserializer
deserializeValue(SentryBaseEvent, String, ObjectReader, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.Deserializer
destroy() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryInitBeanPostProcessor
destroy() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentryInitBeanPostProcessor
Device - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Device() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Device
DEVICE_APP_HASH - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.App.JsonKeys
DEVICE_CPU_FREQUENCIES - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
DEVICE_IS_EMULATOR - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
DEVICE_LOCALE - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
DEVICE_MANUFACTURER - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
DEVICE_MODEL - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
DEVICE_OS_BUILD_NUMBER - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
DEVICE_OS_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
DEVICE_OS_VERSION - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
DEVICE_PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
Device.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Device.DeviceOrientation - Enum Class in io.sentry.protocol
Device.DeviceOrientation.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Device.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
DiagnosticLogger - Class in io.sentry
Sentry SDK internal diagnostic logger.
DiagnosticLogger(SentryOptions, ILogger) - Constructor for class io.sentry.DiagnosticLogger
Creates a new instance of DiagnosticLogger with the wrapped ILogger.
DID - Static variable in class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
diff(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryDate
Difference between two dates in nanoseconds.
diff(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryNanotimeDate
directory - Variable in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
discard(SentryEnvelope) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
discard(SentryEnvelope) - Method in interface io.sentry.cache.IEnvelopeCache
discard(SentryEnvelope) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.NoOpEnvelopeCache
DISCARDED_EVENTS - Static variable in class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReport.JsonKeys
DiscardedEvent - Class in io.sentry.clientreport
DiscardedEvent(String, String, Long) - Constructor for class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardedEvent
DiscardedEvent.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.clientreport
DiscardedEvent.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.clientreport
DiscardReason - Enum Class in io.sentry.clientreport
DISCONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.IConnectionStatusProvider.ConnectionStatus
DiskFlushNotification - Interface in io.sentry.hints
DIST - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys
DIST_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentrySpringFilter
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryUserFilter
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryTracingFilter
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentrySpringFilter
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentryUserFilter
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryTracingFilter
doFinally(ServerWebExchange, IScopes, ITransaction) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.AbstractSentryWebFilter
doFirst(ServerWebExchange, IScopes) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.AbstractSentryWebFilter
DomContentLoaded - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEventType
doOnError(ITransaction, Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.AbstractSentryWebFilter
Drag - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
DSCKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.Baggage.DSCKeys
dsn() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.EnableSentry
The DSN tells the SDK where to send the events to.
dsn() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.EnableSentry
The DSN tells the SDK where to send the events to.
DsnUtil - Class in io.sentry
DsnUtil() - Constructor for class io.sentry.DsnUtil
DuplicateEventDetectionEventProcessor - Class in io.sentry
Deduplicates events containing throwable that has been already processed.
DuplicateEventDetectionEventProcessor(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.DuplicateEventDetectionEventProcessor
DURATION - Static variable in class io.sentry.CheckIn.JsonKeys
DURATION - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys
DURATION - Static variable in class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
DURATION_NS - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys


EMAIL - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.User.JsonKeys
EMAIL - Static variable in class io.sentry.UserFeedback.JsonKeys
empty() - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Creates SentryOptions instance without initializing any of the internal parts.
EMPTY_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryId
EMPTY_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.SpanId
EnableSentry - Annotation Interface in io.sentry.spring
Enables Sentry error handling capabilities.
EnableSentry - Annotation Interface in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
Enables Sentry error handling capabilities.
encode(byte[], int) - Static method in class io.sentry.vendor.Base64
Base64-encode the given data and return a newly allocated byte[] with the result.
encode(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class io.sentry.vendor.Base64
Base64-encode the given data and return a newly allocated byte[] with the result.
encodeToString(byte[], int) - Static method in class io.sentry.vendor.Base64
Base64-encode the given data and return a newly allocated String with the result.
encodeToString(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class io.sentry.vendor.Base64
Base64-encode the given data and return a newly allocated String with the result.
ENCODING - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys
end() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
Ends a session and update its values
end(Date) - Method in class io.sentry.Session
Ends a session and update its values
END_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class
The closing of a JSON array.
END_CPU_MS - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData.JsonKeys
END_DOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum class
The end of the JSON stream.
END_NS - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData.JsonKeys
END_OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class
The closing of a JSON object.
END_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent.JsonKeys
endArray() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
endArray() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
endArray() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
endArray() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectWriter
endArray() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
endArray() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
endArray() - Method in class
Consumes the next token from the JSON stream and asserts that it is the end of the current array.
endArray() - Method in class
Ends encoding the current array.
endObject() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
endObject() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
endObject() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
endObject() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectWriter
endObject() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
endObject() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
endObject() - Method in class
Consumes the next token from the JSON stream and asserts that it is the end of the current object.
endObject() - Method in class
Ends encoding the current object.
endSession() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
endSession() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
endSession() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
endSession() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Ends a session, unbinds it from the scope and returns it.
endSession() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Ends the current session
endSession() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
endSession() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
endSession() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
endSession() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Ends a session, unbinds it from the scope and returns it.
endSession() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
endSession() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
endSession() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Ends the current session
Enqueable - Interface in io.sentry.hints
Marker interface for envelopes to notify when they are submitted to the http transport queue
enrich(Client) - Method in class io.sentry.openfeign.SentryCapability
ensureBaggage(Baggage, TracesSamplingDecision) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.TracingUtils
Ensures a non null baggage instance is present by creating a new Baggage instance if null is passed in.
ensureBaggage(Baggage, Boolean, Double, Double) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.TracingUtils
Ensures a non null baggage instance is present by creating a new Baggage instance if null is passed in.
entrySet() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
entrySet() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
ENV - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Request.JsonKeys
EnvelopeCache - Class in io.sentry.cache
EnvelopeCache(SentryOptions, String, int) - Constructor for class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
EnvelopeReader - Class in io.sentry
EnvelopeReader(ISerializer) - Constructor for class io.sentry.EnvelopeReader
EnvelopeSender - Class in io.sentry
EnvelopeSender(IScopes, ISerializer, ILogger, long, int) - Constructor for class io.sentry.EnvelopeSender
ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.Baggage.DSCKeys
ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.CheckIn.JsonKeys
ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys
ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.TraceContext.JsonKeys
ENVIRONMENT_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryId
equals(Object, Object) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.Objects
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.FilterString
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.internal.gestures.UiElement
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurementValue
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Browser
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryPackage
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.ReplayRecording
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
equals(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanId
error() - Static method in class io.sentry.transport.TransportResult
Use this method to announce failure of sending the event.
error(int) - Static method in class io.sentry.transport.TransportResult
Use this method to announce failure of sending the event.
error(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates error breadcrumb.
Error - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.CheckInStatus
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryLevel
ERROR_IDS - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.JsonKeys
errorCount() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
ERRORS - Static variable in class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
ErrorUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
ErrorUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.ErrorUtils
evaluate() - Method in interface io.sentry.util.LazyEvaluator.Evaluator
Event - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
EVENT_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys
EVENT_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader.JsonKeys
EVENT_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.UserFeedback.JsonKeys
EVENT_PROCESSOR - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardReason
EVENT_TAG - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
EVENT_TAG - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent
EVENT_TAG - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
EVENT_TAG - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
EventDropReason - Enum Class in io.sentry.hints
A reason for which an event was dropped, used for (not to confuse with ClientReports)
EventProcessor - Interface in io.sentry
An Event Processor that may mutate or drop an event.
EventProcessorAndOrder - Class in io.sentry.internal.eventprocessor
EventProcessorAndOrder(EventProcessor, Long) - Constructor for class io.sentry.internal.eventprocessor.EventProcessorAndOrder
EventProcessorUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
EventProcessorUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.EventProcessorUtils
EXABYTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Exabyte (`"exabyte"`), 10^18 bytes.
EXBIBYTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Exbibyte (`"exbibyte"`), 2^60 bytes.
EXCEPTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEvent.JsonKeys
EXCEPTION_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism.JsonKeys
ExceptionDetails(IScopes, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql.ExceptionReporter.ExceptionDetails
ExceptionDetails(IScopes, DataFetchingEnvironment, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql.ExceptionReporter.ExceptionDetails
ExceptionMechanismException - Exception in io.sentry.exception
A throwable decorator that holds an Mechanism related to the decorated Throwable.
ExceptionMechanismException(Mechanism, Throwable, Thread) - Constructor for exception io.sentry.exception.ExceptionMechanismException
A Throwable that decorates another with a Sentry Mechanism.
ExceptionMechanismException(Mechanism, Throwable, Thread, boolean) - Constructor for exception io.sentry.exception.ExceptionMechanismException
A Throwable that decorates another with a Sentry Mechanism.
ExceptionReporter - Class in io.sentry.graphql
ExceptionReporter(boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql.ExceptionReporter
ExceptionReporter.ExceptionDetails - Class in io.sentry.graphql
exceptionResolverAdapter() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.graphql.SentryGraphqlAutoConfiguration
exceptionResolverAdapter() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphql22AutoConfiguration
exceptionResolverAdapter() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphqlAutoConfiguration
exceptionResolverAdapter() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryGraphqlConfiguration
exceptionResolverAdapter() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphql22Configuration
exceptionResolverAdapter() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphqlConfiguration
exceptionResolverOrder() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.EnableSentry
Determines whether all web exceptions are reported or only uncaught exceptions.
exceptionResolverOrder() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.EnableSentry
Determines whether all web exceptions are reported or only uncaught exceptions.
ExceptionUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
ExceptionUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.ExceptionUtils
execute(Request, Request.Options) - Method in class io.sentry.openfeign.SentryFeignClient
execute(Breadcrumb, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.SentryOptions.BeforeBreadcrumbCallback
Mutates or drop a callback before being added
execute(ISpan, Request, Response) - Method in interface io.sentry.openfeign.SentryFeignClient.BeforeSpanCallback
execute(ISpan, DataFetchingEnvironment, Object) - Method in interface io.sentry.graphql.SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback
execute(ITransaction) - Method in interface io.sentry.TransactionFinishedCallback
Called when observed transaction finishes
execute(SentryTransaction, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.SentryOptions.BeforeSendTransactionCallback
Mutates or drop a transaction before being sent
execute(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.SentryOptions.BeforeEnvelopeCallback
A callback which gets called right before an envelope is about to be sent
execute(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.SpotlightIntegration
execute(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.SentryOptions.BeforeSendCallback
Mutates or drop an event before being sent
execute(SentryReplayEvent, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.SentryOptions.BeforeSendReplayCallback
Mutate or drop a replay event before being sent.
execute(Span) - Method in interface io.sentry.SpanFinishedCallback
Called when observed span finishes.
execute(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.sentry.SentryOptions.BeforeEmitMetricCallback
A callback which gets called right before a metric is about to be emitted.
Exited - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.Session.State
EXOPLAYER_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
EXOPLAYER_STYLED_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
ExperimentalOptions - Class in io.sentry
Experimental options for new features, these options are going to be promoted to SentryOptions before GA.
ExperimentalOptions(boolean, SdkVersion) - Constructor for class io.sentry.ExperimentalOptions
export(ViewHierarchyNode, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.compose.viewhierarchy.ComposeViewHierarchyExporter
export(ViewHierarchyNode, Object) - Method in interface io.sentry.internal.viewhierarchy.ViewHierarchyExporter
Exports the view hierarchy
export(Collection<SpanData>) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySpanExporter
EXTERNAL_FREE_STORAGE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
EXTERNAL_MODULES_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.internal.modules.ModulesLoader
EXTERNAL_STORAGE_SIZE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
ExternalOptions - Class in io.sentry
Externally bindable properties set on SentryOptions.
ExternalOptions() - Constructor for class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
EXTRA - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys
extract(SpanData, ISpan, IScope) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryAttributesExtractor
extract(Context, C, TextMapGetter<C>) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSentryPropagator
extract(Context, C, TextMapGetter<C>) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryPropagator
extractSamplingDecision(Attributes) - Static method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSamplingUtil
extractSpanInfo(SpanData, IOtelSpanWrapper) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SpanDescriptionExtractor
EXTRAS_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver


Factory() - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileInputStream.Factory
Factory() - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream.Factory
FAILED_PRECONDITION - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
The client shouldn't retry until the system state has been explicitly handled.
FAILURE_ISSUE_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig.JsonKeys
FAMILY - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
FATAL - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryLevel
Feedback - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
fields() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSentryPropagator
fields() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryPropagator
fieldToString(MergedField) - Static method in class io.sentry.graphql.GraphqlStringUtils
FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader.JsonKeys
FileUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
FileUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.FileUtils
filter(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.RateLimiter
filter(ClientRequest, ExchangeFunction) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentrySpanClientWebRequestFilter
filter(ClientRequest, ExchangeFunction) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentrySpanClientWebRequestFilter
filter(ServerWebExchange, WebFilterChain) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryWebFilter
filter(ServerWebExchange, WebFilterChain) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryWebFilterWithThreadLocalAccessor
filter(ServerWebExchange, WebFilterChain) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.webflux.SentryWebFilter
filterListEntries(List<T>, CollectionUtils.Predicate<T>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.CollectionUtils
Returns a new list which entries match a predicate specified by a parameter.
filterMapEntries(Map<K, V>, CollectionUtils.Predicate<Map.Entry<K, V>>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.CollectionUtils
Returns a new map which entries match a predicate specified by a parameter.
filterOutSecurityCookies(String, List<String>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HttpUtils
filterOutSecurityCookiesFromHeader(Enumeration<String>, String, List<String>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HttpUtils
filterOutSecurityCookiesFromHeader(List<String>, String, List<String>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HttpUtils
FilterString - Class in io.sentry
FilterString(String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.FilterString
findRootCause(Throwable) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.ExceptionUtils
Returns exception root cause or the exception itself if there are no causes
FINGERPRINT - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEvent.JsonKeys
FINGERPRINT_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
finish() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Sets span timestamp marking this span as finished.
finish() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
finish() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
finish() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
finish() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
finish() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
finish() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
finish() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
finish(SpanStatus) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Sets span timestamp marking this span as finished.
finish(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
finish(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
finish(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
finish(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
finish(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
finish(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
finish(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
finish(SpanStatus, SentryDate) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Sets span timestamp marking this span as finished.
finish(SpanStatus, SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
finish(SpanStatus, SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
finish(SpanStatus, SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
finish(SpanStatus, SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
finish(SpanStatus, SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
finish(SpanStatus, SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
finish(SpanStatus, SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
Used to finish unfinished spans by SentryTracer.
finish(SpanStatus, SentryDate, boolean, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransaction
finish(SpanStatus, SentryDate, boolean, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
finish(SpanStatus, SentryDate, boolean, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
finish(SpanStatus, SentryDate, boolean, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
flush() - Method in class io.sentry.jul.SentryHandler
flush() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySpanExporter
flush() - Method in class
Ensures all buffered data is written to the underlying Writer and flushes that writer.
flush(long) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
flush(long) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
flush(long) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Flushes events queued up, but keeps the scopes enabled.
flush(long) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Flushes events queued up, but keeps the client enabled.
flush(long) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
flush(long) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
flush(long) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
flush(long) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
flush(long) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Flushes events queued up to the current Scopes.
flush(long) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryClient
flush(long) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.apache.ApacheHttpClientTransport
flush(long) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.AsyncHttpTransport
flush(long) - Method in interface io.sentry.transport.ITransport
Flushes events queued up, but keeps the client enabled.
flush(long) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.NoOpTransport
flush(long) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.StdoutTransport
Flushable - Interface in io.sentry.hints
marker interface that awaits events to be flushed
flushPreviousSession() - Method in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
Focus - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType
Font - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
forceFinish(SpanStatus, boolean, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransaction
Force finishes the transaction and it's child spans with the specified status.
forceFinish(SpanStatus, boolean, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
forceFinish(SpanStatus, boolean, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
forceFinish(SpanStatus, boolean, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
forceSetSampleRate(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
forkedCurrentScope(String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
forkedCurrentScope(String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
forkedCurrentScope(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Creates a fork of current scope without forking isolation scope.
forkedCurrentScope(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
forkedCurrentScope(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
forkedCurrentScope(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
forkedCurrentScope(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
forkedCurrentScope(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
forkedRootScopes(String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
forkedRootScopes(String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
forkedRootScopes(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Creates a fork of both current and isolation scope from root scopes.
forkedRootScopes(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
forkedRootScopes(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
forkedRootScopes(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
forkedRootScopes(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
forkedRootScopes(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Returns a new Scopes which is cloned from the rootScopes.
forkedScopes(String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
forkedScopes(String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
forkedScopes(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Creates a fork of both current and isolation scope from current scopes.
forkedScopes(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
forkedScopes(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
forkedScopes(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
forkedScopes(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
forkedScopes(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
format(Date) - Static method in class io.sentry.vendor.gson.internal.bind.util.ISO8601Utils
Format a date into 'yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ' (default timezone, no milliseconds precision)
format(Date, boolean) - Static method in class io.sentry.vendor.gson.internal.bind.util.ISO8601Utils
Format a date into 'yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss[.sss]Z' (GMT timezone)
format(Date, boolean, TimeZone) - Static method in class io.sentry.vendor.gson.internal.bind.util.ISO8601Utils
Format date into yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss[.sss][Z|[+-]hh:mm]
FORMATTED - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Message.JsonKeys
forName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry
forName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry
forTypePair(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry
forTypePair(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry
FRAGMENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Request.JsonKeys
FRAME_COUNT - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys
FRAME_RATE - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys
FRAME_RATE_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys
FRAMES - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace.JsonKeys
FRAMES_DELAY - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
FRAMES_FROZEN - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
FRAMES_SLOW - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
FRAMES_TOTAL - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
FREE_MEMORY - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
FREE_STORAGE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
freeze() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
from(PropertiesProvider, ILogger) - Static method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
from(ISerializer, ProfilingTraceData, long, SdkVersion) - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelope
from(ISerializer, SentryBaseEvent, SdkVersion) - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelope
from(ISerializer, Session, SdkVersion) - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelope
fromApiNameSafely(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
fromAttachment(ISerializer, ILogger, Attachment, long) - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItem
fromBaggageAndOutgoingHeader(Baggage, List<String>) - Static method in class io.sentry.BaggageHeader
fromCheckIn(ISerializer, CheckIn) - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItem
fromClientReport(ISerializer, ClientReport) - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItem
fromEvent(ISerializer, SentryBaseEvent) - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItem
fromEvent(SentryEvent, SentryOptions) - Static method in class io.sentry.Baggage
fromHeader(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Baggage
fromHeader(String, boolean, ILogger) - Static method in class io.sentry.Baggage
fromHeader(List<String>) - Static method in class io.sentry.Baggage
fromHeader(List<String>, boolean, ILogger) - Static method in class io.sentry.Baggage
fromHeader(List<String>, ILogger) - Static method in class io.sentry.Baggage
fromHeader(String, ILogger) - Static method in class io.sentry.Baggage
fromHeaders(ILogger, String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.PropagationContext
fromHeaders(ILogger, String, List<String>) - Static method in class io.sentry.PropagationContext
fromHeaders(SentryTraceHeader, Baggage, SpanId) - Static method in class io.sentry.PropagationContext
fromHttpStatusCode(int) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
Creates SpanStatus from HTTP status code.
fromHttpStatusCode(Integer, SpanStatus) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
Creates SpanStatus from HTTP status code.
fromMap(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class io.sentry.protocol.Geo
Creates geo from a map.
fromMap(Map<String, Object>, SentryOptions) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates breadcrumb from a map.
fromMap(Map<String, Object>, SentryOptions) - Static method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
Creates user from a map.
fromProfilingTrace(ProfilingTraceData, long, ISerializer) - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItem
fromPropagationContext(PropagationContext) - Static method in class io.sentry.TransactionContext
fromReplay(ISerializer, ILogger, SentryReplayEvent, ReplayRecording, boolean) - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItem
fromScreenshot(byte[]) - Static method in class io.sentry.Attachment
Creates a new Screenshot Attachment
fromSession(ISerializer, Session) - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItem
fromThreadDump(byte[]) - Static method in class io.sentry.Attachment
Creates a new Thread Dump Attachment
fromUserFeedback(ISerializer, UserFeedback) - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItem
fromViewHierarchy(ViewHierarchy) - Static method in class io.sentry.Attachment
Creates a new View Hierarchy Attachment
FullSnapshot - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEventType
FullyDisplayedReporter - Class in io.sentry
FullyDisplayedReporter.FullyDisplayedReporterListener - Interface in io.sentry
FUNCTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys


generateSentryId() - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryUUID
generateSpanId() - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryUUID
Geo - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Geo() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Geo
Geo(Geo) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Geo
GEO - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.User.JsonKeys
Geo.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Geo.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
GestureTargetLocator - Interface in io.sentry.internal.gestures
get() - Method in class io.sentry.DefaultScopesStorage
get() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopesStorage
get() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopesStorage
get() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelContextScopesStorage
get() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryContextStorageProvider
get(ContextKey<V>) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryContextWrapper
get(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
get(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
get(String) - Method in class io.sentry.CustomSamplingContext
get(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
get(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
get(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentrySpanStorage
getAbnormalMechanism() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
getAbsPath() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getAddress() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
getAlpha() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
getAndroidApiLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getApiTarget() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
getApiType() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
getApp() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
getApp() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
getAppBuild() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
getAppIdentifier() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
getAppName() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
getAppStartTime() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
getAppVersion() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
getArch() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
getArchs() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getAs(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
getAttachments() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getAttachments() - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
getAttachments() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Returns the Scopes's attachments
getAttachments() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getAttachments() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns the Scopes's attachments
getAttachmentType() - Method in class io.sentry.Attachment
Returns the attachmentType type
getAttachmentType() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader
Returns the attachmentType type
getAttributes() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySamplingResult
getBackpressureMonitor() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getBaggage() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
getBaggage() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
getBaggage() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Returns the "baggage" header that allows tracing across services.
getBaggage() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
getBaggage() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
getBaggage() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.TraceData
getBaggage() - Method in class io.sentry.PropagationContext
getBaggage() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
getBaggage() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
getBaggage() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Returns the "baggage" header that allows tracing across services.
getBaggage() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
getBaggageHeader() - Method in class io.sentry.util.TracingUtils.TracingHeaders
getBatteryLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getBatteryTemperature() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getBeforeBreadcrumb() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the beforeBreadcrumb callback
getBeforeEnvelopeCallback() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getBeforeSend() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the BeforeSend callback
getBeforeSendReplay() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the BeforeSendReplay callback
getBeforeSendTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the BeforeSendTransaction callback
getBodySize() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
getBodySize() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Response
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.config.PropertiesProvider
Resolves a boolean property given by it's name.
getBootTime() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getBrand() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getBreadcrumbConverter() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpReplayController
getBreadcrumbConverter() - Method in interface io.sentry.ReplayController
getBreadcrumbs() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getBreadcrumbs() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Returns the Scope's breadcrumbs queue
getBreadcrumbs() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getBreadcrumbs() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns the Scope's breadcrumbs queue
getBreadcrumbs() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getBreadcrumbTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
getBreadcrumbType() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
getBrowser() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
getBrowser() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
getBuild() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
getBuildId() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getBuildType() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
getBundleIds() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getBundleIds() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns all configured bundle IDs referencing source code bundles.
getBytes() - Method in class io.sentry.Attachment
Gets the bytes of the attachment.
getCacheDirPath() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the cache dir.
getCategory() - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Returns the category
getCategory() - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardedEvent
getCategory() - Method in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
getCategory() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
getCheckInId() - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
getCheckinMargin() - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
getChildren() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SpanNode
getChildren() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
getChildren() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getCity() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Geo
Gets the human readable city name.
getClassName() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.gestures.UiElement
getClassName() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
getClient() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getClient() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
getClient() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getClient() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
getClientReport(ISerializer) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItem
getClientReportRecorder() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns a ClientReportRecorder or a NoOp if sending of client reports has been disabled.
getCodeFile() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
getCodeId() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
getColno() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getComments() - Method in class io.sentry.UserFeedback
Gets comments of the user about what happened.
getConnectionStatus() - Method in interface io.sentry.IConnectionStatusProvider
Gets the connection status.
getConnectionStatus() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpConnectionStatusProvider
getConnectionStatusProvider() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getConnectionTimeoutMillis() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the connection timeout in milliseconds.
getConnectionType() - Method in interface io.sentry.IConnectionStatusProvider
Gets the connection type.
getConnectionType() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpConnectionStatusProvider
getConnectionType() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getContainer() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getContentType() - Method in class io.sentry.Attachment
Gets the content type of the attachment.
getContentType() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader
getContextLine() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getContexts() - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
getContexts() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getContexts() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Returns the Scope's contexts
getContexts() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
getContexts() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getContexts() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
getContexts() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getContexts() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getContexts() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getContexts() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getContexts() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns the Scope's contexts
getContexts() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getContexts() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getContexts() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getContextTags() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getContextTags() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns Context tags names applied to Sentry events as Sentry tags.
getCookies() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
getCookies() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Response
getCount() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.ReusableCountLatch
Returns the current count.
getCountryCode() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Geo
Gets the two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
getCpuArchitecture() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getCpuData() - Method in class io.sentry.PerformanceCollectionData
getCpuDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getCpuUsagePercentage() - Method in class io.sentry.CpuCollectionData
getCreator() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
getCron() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getCron() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getCurrentDateTime() - Static method in class io.sentry.DateUtils
Get the current Date (UTC)
getCurrentHub() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
please use Sentry.getCurrentScopes() instead
getCurrentScopes() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
getCurrentSessionFile(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
getCurrentTimeMillis() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.CurrentDateProvider
getCurrentTimeMillis() - Method in interface io.sentry.transport.ICurrentDateProvider
Returns the current time in millis
getCustomSamplingContext() - Method in class io.sentry.SamplingContext
getCustomSamplingContext() - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
Gets the customSamplingContext
getData() - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Returns the data map
getData() - Method in class io.sentry.CustomSamplingContext
getData() - Method in interface io.sentry.opentelemetry.IOtelSpanWrapper
getData() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getData() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getData() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
getData() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
getData() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Response
getData() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
getData() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
Gets additional arbitrary fields of the user.
getData() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
getData() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
getData() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItem
getData() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getData() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getData() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
getData(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Returns the value of data[key] or null
getData(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Returns extra data from span or transaction.
getData(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
getData(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getData(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getData(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getData(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getData(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getData(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getDataUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
getDataUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
getDataUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent
getDataUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent
getDataUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent
getDataUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
getDataUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getDateProvider() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the current SentryDateProvider that is used to retrieve the current date.
getDateTime(long) - Static method in class io.sentry.DateUtils
Get the Date from millis timestamp
getDateTime(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.DateUtils
Get the Date from UTC/ISO 8601 timestamp
getDateTimeWithMillisPrecision(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.DateUtils
Get the Date from millis timestamp
getDbName() - Method in class io.sentry.jdbc.DatabaseUtils.DatabaseDetails
getDbSystem() - Method in class io.sentry.jdbc.DatabaseUtils.DatabaseDetails
getDeadlineTimeout() - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
Gets the deadlineTimeout
getDebug() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getDebugFile() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
getDebugId() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
getDebugMeta() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getDebugMetaLoader() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns a DebugMetaLoader to load containing ProGuard UUID, source bundle IDs etc.
getDecision() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySamplingResult
getDefaultCheckinMargin() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Cron
getDefaultFailureIssueThreshold() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Cron
getDefaultMaxRuntime() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Cron
getDefaultRecoveryThreshold() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Cron
getDefaultScopeType() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getDefaultTimezone() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Cron
getDescription() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Returns the span description.
getDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
getDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanInfo
getDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySampler
getDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
getDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
getDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
getDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
getDevice() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
getDevice() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
getDeviceAppHash() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
getDeviceCpuFrequencies() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getDeviceLocale() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getDeviceManufacturer() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getDeviceModel() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getDeviceOsBuildNumber() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getDeviceOsName() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getDeviceOsVersion() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getDevicePhysicalMemoryBytes() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getDiagnosticLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the minimum LogLevel
getDirPath() - Method in interface io.sentry.SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration.SendFireAndForgetDirPath
getDiscardedEvents() - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReport
getDist() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getDist() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getDist() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the distribution
getDistinctId() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the distinct Id
getDistinctId() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
getDoubleProperty(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.config.PropertiesProvider
Resolves a Double property given by it's name.
getDownsampleFactor() - Method in class io.sentry.backpressure.BackpressureMonitor
getDownsampleFactor() - Method in interface io.sentry.backpressure.IBackpressureMonitor
getDownsampleFactor() - Method in class io.sentry.backpressure.NoOpBackpressureMonitor
getDsn() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getDsn() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the DSN.
getDuration() - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
getDuration() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
getDurationMs() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getDurationNs() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getEmail() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
Gets the e-mail address of the user.
getEmail() - Method in class io.sentry.UserFeedback
Gets the email of the user.
getEnableDeduplication() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getEnableUncaughtExceptionHandler() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getEncoding() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getEndTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
getEnvelopeDiskCache() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the EnvelopeCache interface
getEnvelopeReader() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getEnvironment() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
getEnvironment() - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
getEnvironment() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getEnvironment() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getEnvironment() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getEnvironment() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the environment
getEnvironment() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
getEnvironment() - Method in class io.sentry.TraceContext
getEnvs() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
getErrorIds() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
getErrorReplayDuration() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
getEvent(ISerializer) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItem
getEventDropReason(Hint) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HintUtils
getEventId() - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransaction
getEventId() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getEventId() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getEventId() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getEventId() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader
getEventId() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getEventId() - Method in class io.sentry.UserFeedback
Gets the eventId of the event to which the user feedback is associated.
getEventProcessor() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.eventprocessor.EventProcessorAndOrder
getEventProcessors() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getEventProcessors() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Returns the Scope's event processors
getEventProcessors() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getEventProcessors() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns the Scope's event processors
getEventProcessors() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the list of event processors
getEventProcessorsWithOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getEventProcessorsWithOrder() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
getEventProcessorsWithOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getEventProcessorsWithOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns the Scope's event processors including their order
getExceptionId() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
getExceptionMechanism() - Method in exception io.sentry.exception.ExceptionMechanismException
Returns the encapsulated Mechanism
getExceptionResolverOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties
Returns the order used for Spring SentryExceptionResolver, which determines whether all web exceptions are reported, or only uncaught exceptions.
getExceptionResolverOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties
Returns the order used for Spring SentryExceptionResolver, which determines whether all web exceptions are reported, or only uncaught exceptions.
getExceptions() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
getExecutorService() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the SentryExecutorService
getExperimental() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getExternalFreeStorage() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getExternalStorageSize() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getExtra(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getExtras() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getExtras() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Returns the Scope's extra map
getExtras() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getExtras() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns the Scope's extra map
getExtras() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getFailureIssueThreshold() - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
getFamily() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getFilename() - Method in class io.sentry.Attachment
Gets the name of the attachment to display in Sentry.
getFilename() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getFileName() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader
getFilterString() - Method in class io.sentry.FilterString
getFingerprint() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getFingerprint() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Returns the Scope's fingerprint list
getFingerprint() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getFingerprint() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns the Scope's fingerprint list
getFingerprints() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
getFinishDate() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Returns the end date of this span or transaction.
getFinishDate() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
getFinishDate() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getFinishDate() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getFinishDate() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getFinishDate() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getFinishDate() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getFinishDate() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getFirst() - Method in class io.sentry.util.Pair
getFlushTimeoutMillis() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the flush timeout in millis
getFormatted() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Message
getFragment() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
getFragment() - Method in class io.sentry.util.UrlUtils.UrlDetails
getFrameCount() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getFrameRate() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getFrameRate() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
getFrameRateType() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getFrames() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace
Gets the frames of this stacktrace.
getFramesOmitted() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getFreeMemory() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getFreeStorage() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getFullyDisplayedReporter() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Gets the reporter to call when a screen is fully loaded, used for time-to-full-display spans.
getFunction() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getGeo() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
Get user geo location.
getGestureTargetLocators() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns a list of all GestureTargetLocator instances used to determine which UiElement was part of an user interaction.
getGlobalScope() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
getGlobalScope() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
getGlobalScope() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Returns the global scope.
getGlobalScope() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
getGlobalScope() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
getGlobalScope() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
getGlobalScope() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
getGlobalScope() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
getGpu() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
getGpu() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
getGraphql() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties
getGraphql() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties
getHeader() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelope
getHeader() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItem
getHeaders() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
getHeaders() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Response
getHeaders() - Method in class io.sentry.RequestDetails
getHeight() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
getHeight() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent
getHeight() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getHeldLocks() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Gets locks held by this thread.
getHelpLink() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
getHost() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Proxy
getHref() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent
getHub() - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.ExceptionReporter.ExceptionDetails
getId() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SpanNode
getId() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
getId() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getId() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
getId() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Gets the Id of the thread.
getId() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
Gets the id of the user.
getId() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
getId() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position
getIdentifier() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.gestures.UiElement
getIdentifier() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
getIdleTimeout() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getIdleTimeout() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the idle timeout.
getIdleTimeout() - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
Gets the idleTimeout
getIgnoredCheckIns() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getIgnoredCheckIns() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the list of monitor slugs for which captured check-ins should not be sent to Sentry.
getIgnoredErrors() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getIgnoredErrors() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the list of strings/regex patterns that `event.message`, `event.formatted`, and `{}: {event.throwable.message}` are checked against to determine if an event shall be sent to Sentry or ignored.
getIgnoredErrorTypes() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties.Graphql
getIgnoredErrorTypes() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties.Graphql
getIgnoredExceptionsForType() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getIgnoredExceptionsForType() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the list of exception classes that once captured will not be sent to Sentry as SentryEvent.
getIgnoredSpanOrigins() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the list of strings/regex patterns the origin of a new span/transaction will be tested against to determine whether the span/transaction shall be created.
getIgnoredTransactions() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getIgnoredTransactions() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the list of strings/regex patterns that captured transaction names are checked against to determine if a transaction shall be sent to Sentry or ignored.
getImageAddr() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
getImageAddr() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getImages() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugMeta
getImageSize() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
getInAppCallStack() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryStackTraceFactory
getInAppExcludes() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getInAppExcludes() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
the list of inApp excludes
getInAppIncludes() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getInAppIncludes() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the inApp includes list
getInForeground() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
getInit() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
getInitPriority() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.backpressure.NoOpBackpressureMonitor
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.FullyDisplayedReporter
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.graphql.NoOpSubscriptionHandler
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.internal.debugmeta.NoOpDebugMetaLoader
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.internal.modules.NoOpModulesLoader
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.NoOpEnvelopeReader
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.NoOpLogger
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.NoOpReplayBreadcrumbConverter
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.NoOpReplayController
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopesLifecycleToken
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopesStorage
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpanFactory
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransactionPerformanceCollector
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransactionProfiler
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransportFactory
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryWeakSpanStorage
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryCrashLastRunState
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryIntegrationPackageStorage
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.SentrySpanStorage
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.transport.CurrentDateProvider
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.transport.NoOpEnvelopeCache
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.transport.NoOpTransport
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.transport.NoOpTransportGate
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.util.thread.NoOpThreadChecker
getInstance() - Static method in class io.sentry.util.thread.ThreadChecker
getInstructionAddr() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getInstrumenter() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the instrumenter used for performance instrumentation
getInstrumenter() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
getIntegrations() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryIntegrationPackageStorage
getIntegrations() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the list of integrations
getIntegrationSet() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion
getInteractionType() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
getInternalTracesSampler() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getIpAddress() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
Gets the IP address of the user.
getIpAddress() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
getIsolationScope() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
getIsolationScope() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
getIsolationScope() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Returns the isolation scope of this Scopes.
getIsolationScope() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
getIsolationScope() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
getIsolationScope() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
getIsolationScope() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
getItems() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelope
getItemType() - Method in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
getKernelVersion() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
getLastEventId() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getLastEventId() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
getLastEventId() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
getLastEventId() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
getLastEventId() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Last event id recorded in the current scope
getLastEventId() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
getLastEventId() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getLastEventId() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
getLastEventId() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
getLastEventId() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
getLastEventId() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
getLastEventId() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Last event id recorded in the current scope
getLatestActiveSpan() - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransaction
Returns the latest span that is not finished.
getLatestActiveSpan() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getLatestActiveSpan() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getLatestActiveSpan() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getLayoutNodeBoundsInWindow(LayoutNode) - Method in class io.sentry.compose.SentryComposeHelper
getLeft() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getLength() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader
getLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Returns the SentryLevel
getLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getLevel() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
getLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
getLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns the Scope's SentryLevel
getLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
getLineno() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getList(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.config.PropertiesProvider
Resolves a list of values for a property given by it's name.
getLocale() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getLock() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getLogger() - Method in class io.sentry.DiagnosticLogger
getLogger() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
getLogger() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the Logger interface
getLoggers() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties.Logging
getLoggers() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties.Logging
getLogging() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties
getLogging() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties
getLongProperty(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.config.PropertiesProvider
Resolves a Long property given by it's name.
getManufacturer() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getMap(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.config.PropertiesProvider
Resolves a map for a property given by it's name.
getMaskViewClasses() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
getMaskViewContainerClass() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
getMaxAttachmentSize() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the maximum attachment size for each attachment in MiB.
getMaxBreadcrumbs() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the max Breadcrumbs Default is 100
getMaxCacheItems() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
The max cache items for capping the number of events Default is 30
getMaxDepth() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the max depth for when serializing object graphs using reflection.
getMaxQueueSize() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the Max queue size
getMaxRequestBodySize() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getMaxRequestBodySize() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getMaxRuntime() - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
getMaxSpans() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the maximum number of spans that can be attached to single transaction.
getMaxTraceFileSize() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the maximum trace file size for each envelope item in bytes.
getMeasurements() - Method in interface io.sentry.opentelemetry.IOtelSpanWrapper
getMeasurements() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getMeasurements() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getMeasurements() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
getMeasurements() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction
getMeasurements() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getMeasurementsMap() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getMechanism() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
Gets an optional mechanism that created this exception.
getMemoryData() - Method in class io.sentry.PerformanceCollectionData
getMemorySize() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getMemorySize() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
getMessage() - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Returns the message
getMessage() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Message
getMessage() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
getMessage() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
getMeta() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
getMethod() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
getMinimumBreadcrumbLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.jul.SentryHandler
getMinimumBreadcrumbLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.logback.SentryAppender
getMinimumBreadcrumbLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties.Logging
getMinimumBreadcrumbLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties.Logging
getMinimumEventLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.jul.SentryHandler
getMinimumEventLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.logback.SentryAppender
getMinimumEventLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties.Logging
getMinimumEventLevel() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties.Logging
getModel() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getModelId() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getModule() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
Gets the optional module, or package which the exception type lives in.
getModule() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getModule(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
getModulesLoader() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns a ModulesLoader to load external modules (dependencies/packages) of the program.
getMonitorConfig() - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
getMonitorSlug() - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.BaggageHeader
getName() - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransaction
Returns transaction name.
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryPropagatorProvider
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Browser
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryPackage
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Gets the name of the thread.
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
Get human readable name.
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.quartz.SentryJobListener
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTraceHeader
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionContext
getName() - Method in class io.sentry.UserFeedback
Gets the name of the user.
getNpotSupport() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
getOnErrorSampleRate() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
getOp() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanInfo
getOp() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
getOp() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
getOpenTelemetryMode() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getOperatingSystem() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
getOperatingSystem() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
getOperation() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Returns the span operation.
getOperation() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
getOperation() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getOperation() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanContext
getOperation() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getOperation() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getOperation() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getOperation() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getOperation() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getOperation() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
getOptions() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getOptions() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
getOptions() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
getOptions() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
getOptions() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Gets the SentryOptions attached to current scope.
getOptions() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
getOptions() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getOptions() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
getOptions() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
getOptions() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
getOptions() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
getOptionsObservers() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the list of SentryOptions observers
getOptionsPayload() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent
getOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.DeduplicateMultithreadedEventProcessor
getOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.DuplicateEventDetectionEventProcessor
getOrder() - Method in interface io.sentry.EventProcessor
Controls when this EventProcessor is invoked.
getOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.eventprocessor.EventProcessorAndOrder
getOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.MainEventProcessor
getOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryLinkErrorEventProcessor
getOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.ContextTagsEventProcessor
getOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryGraphqlBeanPostProcessor
getOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.ContextTagsEventProcessor
getOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphqlBeanPostProcessor
getOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryExceptionResolver
getOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryRequestHttpServletRequestProcessor
getOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentryExceptionResolver
getOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentryRequestHttpServletRequestProcessor
getOrientation() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getOrigin() - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Returns the origin
getOrigin() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.gestures.UiElement
getOrigin() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
getOrigin() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
getOrigin() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanOptions
getOrLoadModules() - Method in interface io.sentry.internal.modules.IModulesLoader
getOrLoadModules() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.modules.ModulesLoader
getOrLoadModules() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.modules.NoOpModulesLoader
getOthers() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
getOutboxPath() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the outbox path if cacheDirPath is set
getPackage() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getPackageName() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
getPackages() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryIntegrationPackageStorage
getPackageSet() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion
getParams() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Message
getParentId() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
getParentNode() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SpanNode
getParentSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionContext
getParentSamplingDecision() - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionContext
getParentScopes() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
getParentScopes() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
getParentScopes() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Returns the parent of this Scopes instance or null, if it does not have a parent.
getParentScopes() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
getParentScopes() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
getParentScopes() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
getParentScopes() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
getParentSpanId() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.TraceData
getParentSpanId() - Method in class io.sentry.PropagationContext
getParentSpanId() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
getParentSpanId() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getParentSpanId() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
getPass() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Proxy
getPath() - Method in class
Returns a JsonPath to the current location in the JSON value.
getPathname() - Method in class io.sentry.Attachment
Gets the pathname string of the attachment.
getPayload() - Method in class io.sentry.ReplayRecording
getPayloadUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
getPayloadUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
getPayloadUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getPerformanceCollectors() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the list of ICollectors.
getPermissions() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
getPlatform() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getPlatform() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getPlatform() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getPointerId() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
getPointerId() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent
getPointerType() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
getPort() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Proxy
getPositions() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent
getPostContext() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getPreContext() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getPreviousSessionFile(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
getPrintUncaughtStackTrace() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getPriority() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Gets the priority of the thread.
getProcessorCount() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getProcessorFrequency() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getProfileId() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getProfileSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
getProfileSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.TracesSamplingDecision
getProfileSampleRate() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
getProfileSampleRate() - Method in class io.sentry.TracesSamplingDecision
getProfilesSampler() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the callback used to determine if a profile is sampled.
getProfilesSampleRate() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getProfilesSampleRate() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the profiles sample rate.
getProfilingTracesDirPath() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
getProfilingTracesDirPath() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the profiling traces dir.
getProfilingTracesHz() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
getProfilingTracesHz() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the rate the profiler will sample rates at.
getProguardUuid() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getProguardUuid() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns a Proguard UUID.
getProguardUuid(Properties) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.DebugMetaPropertiesApplier
getPropagationContext() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getPropagationContext() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
getPropagationContext() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getPropagationContext() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
getPropagator(ConfigProperties) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryPropagatorProvider
getProperty(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.config.PropertiesProvider
Resolves property given by it's name.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in interface io.sentry.config.PropertiesProvider
Resolves property given by it's name.
getProxy() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getProxy() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the proxy if set
getPublicKey() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
getPublicKey() - Method in class io.sentry.TraceContext
getQuality() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
getQuantity() - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardedEvent
getQuery() - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.ExceptionReporter.ExceptionDetails
getQuery() - Method in class io.sentry.util.UrlUtils.UrlDetails
getQueryString() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
getRateLimiter() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
getRateLimiter() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
getRateLimiter() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
getRateLimiter() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
getRateLimiter() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
getRateLimiter() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
getRateLimiter() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
getRateLimiter() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
getRateLimiter() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryClient
getRateLimiter() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.apache.ApacheHttpClientTransport
getRateLimiter() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.AsyncHttpTransport
getRateLimiter() - Method in interface io.sentry.transport.ITransport
getRateLimiter() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.NoOpTransport
getRateLimiter() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.StdoutTransport
getRawDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
getRawDescription() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime
getRawFunction() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getReactive() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties
getReadTimeoutMillis() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the read timeout in milliseconds
getReason() - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardedEvent
getReason() - Method in enum class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardReason
getRecoveryThreshold() - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
getRegion() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Geo
Gets the human readable region name or code.
getRegisters() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace
getRelativeEndCpuMs() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
getRelativeEndNs() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
getRelativeStartCpuMs() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
getRelativeStartNs() - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurementValue
getRelativeStartNs() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
getRelease() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
getRelease() - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
getRelease() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getRelease() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getRelease() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getRelease() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the release
getRelease() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
getRelease() - Method in class io.sentry.TraceContext
getRenderingSystem() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchy
getRenderingSystem() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
getReplayController() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getReplayId() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
getReplayId() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getReplayId() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Returns the Scope's current replay_id, previously set by IScope.setReplayId(SentryId)
getReplayId() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpReplayController
getReplayId() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getReplayId() - Method in interface io.sentry.ReplayController
getReplayId() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
getReplayId() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
getReplayId() - Method in class io.sentry.TraceContext
getReplayRecording() - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
getReplayStartTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
getReplayType() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
getRequest() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getRequest() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Returns the Scope's request
getRequest() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getRequest() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns the Scope's request
getRequest() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getResourceName() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.gestures.UiElement
getResponse() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
getResponse() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
getResponseCode() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.TransportResult
getRuntime() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
getRuntime() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
getSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
getSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
getSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.TraceContext
getSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.TracesSamplingDecision
getSampledProfile() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getSampleRand() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
getSampleRand() - Method in class io.sentry.PropagationContext
getSampleRand() - Method in class io.sentry.SamplingContext
getSampleRand() - Method in class io.sentry.TraceContext
getSampleRand() - Method in class io.sentry.TracesSamplingDecision
getSampleRandDouble() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
getSampleRate() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
getSampleRate() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the sample rate Default is null (disabled)
getSampleRate() - Method in class io.sentry.TraceContext
getSampleRate() - Method in class io.sentry.TracesSamplingDecision
getSampleRateDouble() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
getSamplingDecision() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
getSamplingDecision() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
getSamplingDecision() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getSamplingDecision() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getSamplingDecision() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getSamplingDecision() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getSamplingDecision() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction
getSamplingDecision() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getSamplingDecision() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getSamplingDecision() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
getSchedule() - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
getScope() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
getScope() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
getScope() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Returns the current scope of this Scopes.
getScope() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
getScope() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
getScope() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
getScope() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
getScopeBindingMode() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanOptions
getScopeObservers() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the list of Scope observers
getScopes() - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.ExceptionReporter.ExceptionDetails
getScopes() - Method in interface io.sentry.opentelemetry.IOtelSpanWrapper
getScopes() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getScopes() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getScreen() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getScreen() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Returns the Scope's current screen, previously set by IScope.setScreen(String)
getScreen() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getScreen() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns the Scope's current screen, previously set by IScope.setScreen(String)
getScreenDensity() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getScreenDpi() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getScreenHeightPixels() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getScreenshot() - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
getScreenWidthPixels() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getSdk() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getSdkInfo() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugMeta
getSdkName() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo
getSdkVersion() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader
getSdkVersion() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the SdkVersion object
getSdkVersion() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
getSecond() - Method in class io.sentry.util.Pair
getSegmentId() - Method in class io.sentry.ReplayRecording
getSegmentId() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getSegmentId() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
getSendClientReports() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getSentAt() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader
Get the timestamp when the event was sent from the SDK as string in RFC 3339 format.
getSentryClientName() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the Sentry client name
getSentryDecision() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySamplingResult
getSentryExceptions(Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryExceptionFactory
Creates a new instance from the given throwable.
getSentryExceptionsFromThread(SentryThread, Mechanism, Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryExceptionFactory
getSentrySdkHint(Hint) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HintUtils
getSentrySpan(SpanContext) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryWeakSpanStorage
getSentryTraceHeader() - Method in exception io.sentry.exception.InvalidSentryTraceHeaderException
getSentryTraceHeader() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.TraceData
getSentryTraceHeader() - Method in class io.sentry.util.TracingUtils.TracingHeaders
getSentryUserProviders() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryUserFilter
getSentryUserProviders() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentryUserFilter
getSequence() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
getSerializable() - Method in class io.sentry.Attachment
Provides the bytes of the attachment.
getSerializeNulls() - Method in class
Returns true if object members are serialized when their value is null.
getSerializer() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the Serializer interface
getServerName() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getServerName() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getServerName() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Gets the default server name to be used in Sentry events.
getSession() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getSession() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
getSession() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getSession() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
getSessionDuration() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
getSessionFlushTimeoutMillis() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getSessionId() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
getSessionReplay() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getSessionSampleRate() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
getSessionSegmentDuration() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
getSessionTrackingIntervalMillis() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the session tracking interval in millis
getShutdownTimeoutMillis() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the shutdown timeout in Millis
getSize() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
getSize() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
getSize() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getSnapshot() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace
getSource() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent
getSpan() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getSpan() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
getSpan() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
getSpan() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Returns current active Span or Transaction.
getSpan() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Gets the current active transaction or span.
getSpan() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
getSpan() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getSpan() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
getSpan() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SpanNode
getSpan() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns current active Span or Transaction.
getSpan() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
getSpan() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
getSpan() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Gets the current active transaction or span.
getSpanContext() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Gets the span context.
getSpanContext() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
getSpanContext() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getSpanContext() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getSpanContext() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getSpanContext() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getSpanContext() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getSpanContext() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getSpanFactory() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getSpanFactory() - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
getSpanId() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.TraceData
getSpanId() - Method in class io.sentry.PropagationContext
getSpanId() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
getSpanId() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTraceHeader
getSpanId() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getSpanId() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
getSpans() - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransaction
getSpans() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getSpans() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getSpans() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction
getSpans() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getSplitApks() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
getSplitNames() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
getSpotlightConnectionUrl() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getSpotlightConnectionUrl() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getSpotlightConnectionUrl() - Method in class io.sentry.SpotlightIntegration
getSslSocketFactory() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns SSLSocketFactory
getStackFrames(StackTraceElement[], boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryStackTraceFactory
convert an Array of Java StackTraceElements to a list of SentryStackFrames
getStacktrace() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
Gets the stack trace.
getStacktrace() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Gets the stacktrace of the thread.
getStartDate() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Returns the start date of this span or transaction.
getStartDate() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
getStartDate() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getStartDate() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getStartDate() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getStartDate() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getStartDate() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getStartDate() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getStarted() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
getStartTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
getStartTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction
getStartTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
getStartTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanOptions
Gets the startTimestamp
getStartType() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
getState() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Gets the state of the thread.
getStatus() - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
getStatus() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Returns the span status
getStatus() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
getStatus() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getStatus() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanContext
getStatus() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getStatus() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getStatus() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getStatus() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
getStatus() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction
getStatus() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getStatus() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
getStatus() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getStatus() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
getStatusCode() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Response
getStorageSize() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getStringAfterDot(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.StringUtils
getSymbol() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getSymbolAddr() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getSynthetic() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
getTag() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.gestures.UiElement
getTag() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
getTag() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
getTag() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent
getTag() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
getTag() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getTag(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
getTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
getTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getTags() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getTags() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getTags() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Returns the Scope's tags
getTags() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getTags() - Method in interface io.sentry.opentelemetry.IOtelSpanWrapper
getTags() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getTags() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getTags() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
getTags() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns the Scope's tags
getTags() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getTags() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns tags applied to all events and transactions.
getTags() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getTags() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
getThirdPartyHeader() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
getThread() - Method in exception io.sentry.exception.ExceptionMechanismException
Returns the encapsulated Thread
getThreadChecker() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
getThreadDump() - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
getThreadId() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
Gets an optional value which refers to a thread in the threads interface.
getThreadId() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
getThreads() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
getThrowable() - Method in exception io.sentry.exception.ExceptionMechanismException
Returns the encapsulated Throwable
getThrowable() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Gets the throwable that was thrown during the execution of the span.
getThrowable() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
getThrowable() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getThrowable() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getThrowable() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getThrowable() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getThrowable() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
Returns the captured Throwable or null.
getThrowable() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getThrowable() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getThrowableMechanism() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
Returns the captured Throwable or null.
getTimeOffset() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position
getTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Returns the Breadcrumb's timestamp as java.util.Date
getTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReport
getTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
getTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction
getTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent
getTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
getTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
getTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
getTimestamp(Date) - Static method in class io.sentry.DateUtils
Get the UTC/ISO 8601 timestamp from Date
getTimestampMillis() - Method in class io.sentry.CpuCollectionData
getTimestampMillis() - Method in class io.sentry.MemoryCollectionData
getTimezone() - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
getTimezone() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getTop() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getTrace() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
getTrace() - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorContexts
getTrace() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
getTraceContext() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader
getTraceFile() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getTraceId() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
getTraceId() - Method in interface io.sentry.opentelemetry.IOtelSpanWrapper
getTraceId() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getTraceId() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getTraceId() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.TraceData
getTraceId() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getTraceId() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
getTraceId() - Method in class io.sentry.PropagationContext
getTraceId() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
getTraceId() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTraceHeader
getTraceId() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
getTraceId() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
getTraceId() - Method in class io.sentry.TraceContext
getTraceIds() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
getTraceparent() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
getTraceparent() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
getTraceparent() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Returns the "sentry-trace" header that allows tracing across services.
getTraceparent() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
getTraceparent() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
getTraceparent() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
getTraceparent() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
getTraceparent() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Returns the "sentry-trace" header that allows tracing across services.
getTracePropagationTargets() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getTracePropagationTargets() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns a list of origins to which `sentry-trace` header should be sent in HTTP integrations.
getTraceSampleRate() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
getTracesSampler() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the callback used to determine if transaction is sampled.
getTracesSampleRate() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
getTracesSampleRate() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the traces sample rate Default is null (disabled)
getTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
getTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.TracingState
getTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
getTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
getTransaction() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Returns active transaction or null if there is no active transaction.
getTransaction() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Returns the transaction.
getTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
getTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
getTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction
getTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns active transaction or null if there is no active transaction.
getTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
getTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
getTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
getTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.TraceContext
getTransaction(ISerializer) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItem
getTransactionContext() - Method in class io.sentry.SamplingContext
getTransactionFinishedCallback() - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
Gets the transactionFinishedCallback callback
getTransactionId() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getTransactionName() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getTransactionName() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Returns the Scope's transaction name.
getTransactionName() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getTransactionName() - Method in interface io.sentry.opentelemetry.IOtelSpanWrapper
getTransactionName() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getTransactionName() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getTransactionName() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getTransactionName() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns the Scope's transaction name.
getTransactionNameSource() - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransaction
Returns the source of the transaction name.
getTransactionNameSource() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
getTransactionNameSource() - Method in interface io.sentry.opentelemetry.IOtelSpanWrapper
getTransactionNameSource() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanInfo
getTransactionNameSource() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
getTransactionNameSource() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
getTransactionNameSource() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
getTransactionNameSource() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
getTransactionNameSource() - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionContext
getTransactionPerformanceCollector() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Gets the performance collector used to collect performance stats while transactions run.
getTransactionProfiler() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the listener interface to perform operations when a transaction is started or ended.
getTransactions() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getTransportFactory() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the TransportFactory interface
getTransportGate() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns the TransportGate interface
getTruncationReason() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getType() - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Returns the type
getType() - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule
getType() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
getType() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
getType() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
The Exception Type.
getType() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction
getType() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
getType() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent
getType() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader
getType() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
getType() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Proxy
getType() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
getUnhandledException() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
getUnit() - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule
getUnit() - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
getUnit() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReport
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardedEvent
getUnknown() - Method in interface io.sentry.JsonUnknown
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurementValue
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Browser
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugMeta
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Geo
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Message
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Response
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryPackage
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionInfo
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchy
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.ReplayRecording
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.TraceContext
getUnknown() - Method in class io.sentry.UserFeedback
getUnmaskViewClasses() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
getUnmaskViewContainerClass() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
getUrl() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
getUrl() - Method in class io.sentry.RequestDetails
getUrl() - Method in class io.sentry.util.UrlUtils.UrlDetails
getUrlOrFallback() - Method in class io.sentry.util.UrlUtils.UrlDetails
getUrls() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
getUsableMemory() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
getUsedHeapMemory() - Method in class io.sentry.MemoryCollectionData
getUsedNativeMemory() - Method in class io.sentry.MemoryCollectionData
getUser() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
getUser() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Returns the Scope's user
getUser() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
getUser() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns the Scope's user
getUser() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
getUser() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Proxy
getUserAgent() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
getUserFilterOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties
getUserFilterOrder() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties
getUserId() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
getUserId() - Method in class io.sentry.TraceContext
getUsername() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
Gets the username of the user.
getUuid() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
getValue() - Method in class io.sentry.BaggageHeader
getValue() - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule
getValue() - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurementValue
getValue() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue
getValue() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
The exception value.
getValue() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTraceHeader
getValue() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryReactorThreadLocalAccessor
getValue() - Method in class io.sentry.util.LazyEvaluator
Executes the evaluator function and caches its result, so that it's called only once, unless resetValue is called.
getValues() - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
getVariables() - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.ExceptionReporter.ExceptionDetails
getVars() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
getVendorId() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
getVendorName() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
getVersion() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Browser
getVersion() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
getVersion() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
getVersion() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion
getVersion() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryPackage
getVersion() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime
getVersionMajor() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo
getVersionMinor() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo
getVersionPatchlevel() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo
getVideoFile() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
getView() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.gestures.UiElement
getViewHierarchy() - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
getViewHierarchyExporters() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns a list of all ViewHierarchyExporter instances used to export view hierarchy information.
getViewNames() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
getVisibility() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
getWidth() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
getWidth() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent
getWidth() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
getWindows() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchy
getX() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
getX() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
getX() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position
getY() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
getY() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
getY() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position
GIBIBYTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Gibibyte (`"gibibyte"`), 2^30 bytes.
GIGABYTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Gigabyte (`"gigabyte"`), 10^9 bytes.
GLOBAL - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.ScopeType
Gpu - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Gpu() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
Gpu.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Gpu.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Graphql() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties.Graphql
Graphql() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties.Graphql
GRAPHQL_DATA_FETCHING_ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for GraphQl data fetcher breadcrumbs.
GRAPHQL_HANDLER_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for GraphQl handler exceptions.
graphqlBeanPostProcessor() - Static method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.graphql.SentryGraphqlAutoConfiguration
graphqlBeanPostProcessor() - Static method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphql22AutoConfiguration
graphqlBeanPostProcessor() - Static method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphqlAutoConfiguration
graphqlBeanPostProcessor() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryGraphqlConfiguration
graphqlBeanPostProcessor() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphql22Configuration
graphqlBeanPostProcessor() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphqlConfiguration
graphqlDataFetcher(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates a breadcrumb for a GraphQL data fetcher.
graphqlDataLoader(Iterable<?>, Class<?>, Class<?>, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates a breadcrumb for a GraphQL data loader.
graphqlOperation(String, String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates a breadcrumb for a GraphQL operation.
GraphqlStringUtils - Class in io.sentry.graphql
GraphqlStringUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql.GraphqlStringUtils


handle(ServerWebExchange, Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryWebExceptionHandler
handle(ServerWebExchange, Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.webflux.SentryWebExceptionHandler
HANDLED - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism.JsonKeys
handleException(Throwable, DataFetchingEnvironment, DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGraphqlExceptionHandler
handleException(DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler
hash(Object...) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.Objects
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.FilterString
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.gestures.UiElement
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurementValue
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Browser
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryId
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryPackage
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.ReplayRecording
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
hashCode() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanId
hasNext() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
hasNext() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
hasNext() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
hasNext() - Method in class
Returns true if the current array or object has another element.
hasType(Hint, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HintUtils
hasValidPath(String, ILogger) - Method in interface io.sentry.SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration.SendFireAndForgetFactory
HEADERS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Request.JsonKeys
HEADERS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Response.JsonKeys
heartbeat() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentryCheckIn
Whether to send only send heartbeat events.
heartbeat() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentryCheckIn
Whether to send only send heartbeat events.
HEIGHT - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode.JsonKeys
HEIGHT - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent.JsonKeys
HEIGHT - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys
HELD_LOCKS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread.JsonKeys
HELP_LINK - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism.JsonKeys
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.InitPriority
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions.SentryReplayQuality
Video Scale: 100% Bit Rate: 100.000 JPEG Compression: 50
HIGHEST - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.InitPriority
Hint - Class in io.sentry
Hint() - Constructor for class io.sentry.Hint
HintUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
Util class dealing with Hint as not to pollute the Hint API with internal functionality
HintUtils.SentryConsumer<T> - Interface in io.sentry.util
HintUtils.SentryHintFallback - Interface in io.sentry.util
HintUtils.SentryNullableConsumer<T> - Interface in io.sentry.util
HOUR - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Duration
Hour (`"hour"`), 3600 seconds.
HOUR - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MonitorScheduleUnit
HREF - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent.JsonKeys
http(String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates HTTP breadcrumb.
http(String, String, Integer) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates HTTP breadcrumb.
HTTP_END_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
HTTP_FRAGMENT_KEY - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
HTTP_METHOD_KEY - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
HTTP_QUERY_KEY - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
HTTP_RESPONSE_CONTENT_LENGTH_KEY - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
HTTP_START_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
httpServletRequestSentryUserProvider(SentryOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryWebConfiguration
httpServletRequestSentryUserProvider(SentryOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentryWebConfiguration
HttpServletRequestSentryUserProvider - Class in io.sentry.spring
Resolves user information from HttpServletRequest obtained via RequestContextHolder.
HttpServletRequestSentryUserProvider - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
Resolves user information from HttpServletRequest obtained via RequestContextHolder.
HttpServletRequestSentryUserProvider(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.HttpServletRequestSentryUserProvider
HttpServletRequestSentryUserProvider(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.HttpServletRequestSentryUserProvider
HttpStatusCodeRange - Class in io.sentry
The Http status code range.
HttpStatusCodeRange(int) - Constructor for class io.sentry.HttpStatusCodeRange
HttpStatusCodeRange(int, int) - Constructor for class io.sentry.HttpStatusCodeRange
HttpUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
HttpUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.HttpUtils
HubAdapter - Class in io.sentry
use ScopesAdapter instead
HubScopesWrapper - Class in io.sentry
HubScopesWrapper(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper


IBackpressureMonitor - Interface in io.sentry.backpressure
IClientReportRecorder - Interface in io.sentry.clientreport
IClientReportStorage - Interface in io.sentry.clientreport
IConnectionStatusProvider - Interface in io.sentry
IConnectionStatusProvider.ConnectionStatus - Enum Class in io.sentry
IConnectionStatusProvider.IConnectionStatusObserver - Interface in io.sentry
ICurrentDateProvider - Interface in io.sentry.transport
Date Provider to make the Transport unit testable
ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData.JsonKeys
ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu.JsonKeys
ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread.JsonKeys
ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.User.JsonKeys
ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.JsonKeys
ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position.JsonKeys
ID_CPU_USAGE - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
ID_FROZEN_FRAME_RENDERS - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
ID_MEMORY_FOOTPRINT - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
ID_MEMORY_NATIVE_FOOTPRINT - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
ID_SCREEN_FRAME_RATES - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
ID_SLOW_FRAME_RENDERS - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
ID_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
IDebugMetaLoader - Interface in io.sentry.internal.debugmeta
IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode.JsonKeys
IEnvelopeCache - Interface in io.sentry.cache
IEnvelopeReader - Interface in io.sentry
IEnvelopeSender - Interface in io.sentry
ignoreCurrentThread() - Method in interface io.sentry.hints.AbnormalExit
Whether the current thread should be ignored from being marked as crashed, e.g.
ignoredSpanOriginsForOpenTelemetry(SentryOpenTelemetryMode) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.SpanUtils
A list of span origins that are ignored by default when using OpenTelemetry.
IHub - Interface in io.sentry
please use IScopes instead
ILogger - Interface in io.sentry
Sentry SDK internal logging interface.
IMAGE_ADDR - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage.JsonKeys
IMAGE_ADDR - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
IMAGE_SIZE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage.JsonKeys
IMAGE_VIEW_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
IMAGES - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugMeta.JsonKeys
IMemoryCollector - Interface in io.sentry
Used for collecting data about memory load when a transaction is active.
IModulesLoader - Interface in io.sentry.internal.modules
IN_APP - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
IN_FOREGROUND - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.App.JsonKeys
IN_PROGRESS - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.CheckInStatus
InAppIncludesResolver - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot
Resolves SentryProperties inAppIncludes by getting a package name from a class annotated with SpringBootConfiguration or another annotation meta-annotated with SpringBootConfiguration like SpringBootApplication.
InAppIncludesResolver - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta
Resolves SentryProperties inAppIncludes by getting a package name from a class annotated with SpringBootConfiguration or another annotation meta-annotated with SpringBootConfiguration like SpringBootApplication.
InAppIncludesResolver() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.InAppIncludesResolver
InAppIncludesResolver() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.InAppIncludesResolver
increment() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.ReusableCountLatch
Increments the count of the latch, which will make it possible to block all threads waiting till count reaches zero.
IncrementalSnapshot - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEventType
info(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates info breadcrumb - information that helps identify the root cause of the issue or for whom the error occurred.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryLevel
init() - Method in class io.sentry.DefaultScopesStorage
init() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopesStorage
init() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopesStorage
init() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelContextScopesStorage
init() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Initializes the SDK
init(OptionsContainer<T>, Sentry.OptionsConfiguration<T>) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Initializes the SDK
init(OptionsContainer<T>, Sentry.OptionsConfiguration<T>, boolean) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Initializes the SDK
init(Sentry.OptionsConfiguration<SentryOptions>) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Initializes the SDK with an optional configuration options callback.
init(Sentry.OptionsConfiguration<SentryOptions>, boolean) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Initializes the SDK with an optional configuration options callback.
init(SentryOptions) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Initializes the SDK with a SentryOptions.
init(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Initializes the SDK
INIT - Static variable in class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
InitPriority - Enum Class in io.sentry
InitUtil - Class in io.sentry.util
InitUtil() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.InitUtil
inject(Context, C, TextMapSetter<C>) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSentryPropagator
inject(Context, C, TextMapSetter<C>) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryPropagator
Input - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
INSTRUCTION_ADDR - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
instrumentDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?>, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryInstrumentation
instrumentDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?>, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql22.SentryInstrumentation
instrumentDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?>, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters, SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.TracingState) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGraphqlInstrumentation
Instrumenter - Enum Class in io.sentry
Which framework is responsible for instrumenting.
instrumentExecutionResult(ExecutionResult, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql22.SentryInstrumentation
instrumentExecutionResult(ExecutionResult, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryInstrumentation
instrumentExecutionResultComplete(InstrumentationExecutionParameters, ExecutionResult, Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGraphqlInstrumentation
Integration - Interface in io.sentry
Code that provides middlewares, bindings or hooks into certain frameworks or environments, along with code that inserts those bindings and activates them.
INTEGRATIONS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion.JsonKeys
IntegrationUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
IntegrationUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.IntegrationUtils
intercept(HttpRequest, byte[], ClientHttpRequestExecution) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentrySpanClientHttpRequestInterceptor
intercept(HttpRequest, byte[], ClientHttpRequestExecution) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentrySpanClientHttpRequestInterceptor
INTERNAL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
Some invariants expected by the underlying system have been broken.
InternalSemanticAttributes - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
InternalSemanticAttributes() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.InternalSemanticAttributes
interval(Integer, MonitorScheduleUnit) - Static method in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule
INTERVAL - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MonitorScheduleType
INVALID_ARGUMENT - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
The client specified an invalid argument.
InvalidSentryTraceHeaderException - Exception in io.sentry.exception
Thrown when SentryTraceHeader fails to create because of the invalid value of the "sentry-trace" header field.
InvalidSentryTraceHeaderException(String) - Constructor for exception io.sentry.exception.InvalidSentryTraceHeaderException
InvalidSentryTraceHeaderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.sentry.exception.InvalidSentryTraceHeaderException
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentryCheckInAdvice
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.exception.SentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvice
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentryCheckInAdvice
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception.SentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvice
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentrySpanAdvice
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryTransactionAdvice
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentrySpanAdvice
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryTransactionAdvice
io.sentry - package io.sentry
io.sentry.apollo - package io.sentry.apollo
io.sentry.apollo3 - package io.sentry.apollo3
io.sentry.backpressure - package io.sentry.backpressure
io.sentry.cache - package io.sentry.cache
io.sentry.clientreport - package io.sentry.clientreport
io.sentry.compose - package io.sentry.compose
io.sentry.compose.gestures - package io.sentry.compose.gestures
io.sentry.compose.viewhierarchy - package io.sentry.compose.viewhierarchy
io.sentry.config - package io.sentry.config
io.sentry.exception - package io.sentry.exception
io.sentry.graphql - package io.sentry.graphql
io.sentry.graphql22 - package io.sentry.graphql22
io.sentry.hints - package io.sentry.hints
io.sentry.instrumentation.file - package io.sentry.instrumentation.file
io.sentry.internal.debugmeta - package io.sentry.internal.debugmeta
io.sentry.internal.eventprocessor - package io.sentry.internal.eventprocessor
io.sentry.internal.gestures - package io.sentry.internal.gestures
io.sentry.internal.modules - package io.sentry.internal.modules
io.sentry.internal.viewhierarchy - package io.sentry.internal.viewhierarchy
io.sentry.jdbc - package io.sentry.jdbc
io.sentry.jul - package io.sentry.jul
io.sentry.log4j2 - package io.sentry.log4j2
io.sentry.logback - package io.sentry.logback
io.sentry.okhttp - package io.sentry.okhttp
io.sentry.openfeign - package io.sentry.openfeign
io.sentry.opentelemetry - package io.sentry.opentelemetry
io.sentry.opentelemetry.agent - package io.sentry.opentelemetry.agent
io.sentry.profilemeasurements - package io.sentry.profilemeasurements
io.sentry.protocol - package io.sentry.protocol
io.sentry.quartz - package io.sentry.quartz
io.sentry.rrweb - package io.sentry.rrweb
io.sentry.servlet - package io.sentry.servlet
io.sentry.servlet.jakarta - package io.sentry.servlet.jakarta
io.sentry.spring - package io.sentry.spring
io.sentry.spring.boot - package io.sentry.spring.boot
io.sentry.spring.boot.graphql - package io.sentry.spring.boot.graphql
io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta - package io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta
io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.graphql - package io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.graphql
io.sentry.spring.checkin - package io.sentry.spring.checkin
io.sentry.spring.exception - package io.sentry.spring.exception
io.sentry.spring.graphql - package io.sentry.spring.graphql
io.sentry.spring.jakarta - package io.sentry.spring.jakarta
io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin - package io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin
io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception - package io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception
io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql - package io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql
io.sentry.spring.jakarta.opentelemetry - package io.sentry.spring.jakarta.opentelemetry
io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing - package io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing
io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux - package io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux
io.sentry.spring.opentelemetry - package io.sentry.spring.opentelemetry
io.sentry.spring.tracing - package io.sentry.spring.tracing
io.sentry.spring.webflux - package io.sentry.spring.webflux
io.sentry.transport - package io.sentry.transport
io.sentry.transport.apache - package io.sentry.transport.apache
io.sentry.util - package io.sentry.util
io.sentry.util.thread - package io.sentry.util.thread
io.sentry.vendor - package io.sentry.vendor
io.sentry.vendor.gson.internal.bind.util - package io.sentry.vendor.gson.internal.bind.util - package
IOptionsObserver - Interface in io.sentry
A SentryOptions observer that tracks changes of SentryOptions.
IOtelSpanWrapper - Interface in io.sentry.opentelemetry
IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.User.JsonKeys
IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
IpAddressUtils - Class in io.sentry
IPerformanceCollector - Interface in io.sentry
Used for collecting performance data while a transaction / span is running
IPerformanceContinuousCollector - Interface in io.sentry
Used for collecting continuous data about vitals (slow, frozen frames, etc.) when a transaction/span is running.
IPerformanceSnapshotCollector - Interface in io.sentry
Used for collecting data about vitals (memory, cpu, etc.) when a transaction is active.
IS_EXCEPTION_GROUP - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism.JsonKeys
IS_PROFILING_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions.JsonKeys
IS_REMOTE_PARENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.InternalSemanticAttributes
IS_SPLIT_APKS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.App.JsonKeys
isActiveForCategory(DataCategory) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.RateLimiter
isAfter(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryDate
isAncestorOf(IScopes) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
isAncestorOf(IScopes) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
isAncestorOf(IScopes) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Checks whether this Scopes instance is direct or indirect parent of the other Scopes instance.
isAncestorOf(IScopes) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
isAncestorOf(IScopes) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
isAncestorOf(IScopes) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
isAncestorOf(IScopes) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
isAndroid() - Static method in class io.sentry.util.Platform
isAnyRateLimitActive() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.RateLimiter
isAppStartTransaction() - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
isAttachServerName() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns if SDK automatically resolves and attaches server name to events.
isAttachStacktrace() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Checks if the AttachStacktrace is enabled or not
isAttachThreads() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Checks if the AttachThreads is enabled or not
isBefore(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryDate
isBindToScope() - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
Checks if bindToScope is enabled
isCharging() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
isClassAvailable(String, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.util.LoadClass
isClassAvailable(String, SentryOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.util.LoadClass
isClosed() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryExecutorService
Check if there was a previous call to the close() method.
isClosed() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryExecutorService
isConnected() - Method in interface io.sentry.transport.ITransportGate
Checks if the device is connected or not
isConnected() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.NoOpTransportGate
IScope - Interface in io.sentry
IScopeObserver - Interface in io.sentry
A Scope observer that tracks changes on Scope.
IScopes - Interface in io.sentry
IScopesStorage - Interface in io.sentry
isCrashed() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Gets whether the crash happened on this thread.
isCrashed() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
Returns true if any exception was unhandled by the user.
isCrashedLastRun() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
isCrashedLastRun() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
isCrashedLastRun() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Returns if the App has crashed (Process has terminated) during the last run.
isCrashedLastRun() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
isCrashedLastRun() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
isCrashedLastRun() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
isCrashedLastRun() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
isCrashedLastRun() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Returns if the App has crashed (Process has terminated) during the last run.
isCrashedLastRun(String, boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryCrashLastRunState
isCurrent() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Get an optional flag to indicate that the thread was in the foreground.
isDaemon() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Gets if this thread is a daemon thread.
isDebug() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Check if debug mode is ON Default is OFF
isDefault(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.IpAddressUtils
isDeviceIsEmulator() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
isDirectoryValid() - Method in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
Check if a dir.
isEmpty() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
isEmpty() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
isEnableAotCompatibility() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties
isEnableAppStartProfiling() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Whether to profile app launches, depending on profilesSampler or profilesSampleRate.
isEnableAutoSessionTracking() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns if the automatic session tracking is enabled or not
isEnableBackpressureHandling() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
isEnableBackpressureHandling() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
isEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
isEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
isEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Check if Sentry is enabled/active.
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
Whether the client is enabled or not
isEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
isEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
isEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
isEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
isEnabled() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Check if Sentry is enabled/active.
isEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryClient
isEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Whether Sentry is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties.Logging
isEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties.Logging
isEnabled(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.DiagnosticLogger
Whether this logger is enabled for the specified SentryLevel.
isEnabled(SentryLevel) - Method in interface io.sentry.ILogger
Whether this logger is enabled for the specified SentryLevel.
isEnabled(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpLogger
isEnabled(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.SystemOutLogger
isEnableDeduplication() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns if event deduplication is turned on.
isEnableExternalConfiguration() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns if loading properties from external sources is enabled.
isEnablePrettySerializationOutput() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
isEnablePrettySerializationOutput() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Whether to format serialized data, e.g.
isEnableScopePersistence() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
isEnableScreenTracking() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
isEnableShutdownHook() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
True if ShutdownHookIntegration is enabled, false otherwise.
isEnableSpotlight() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
isEnableSpotlight() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
isEnableTimeToFullDisplayTracing() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Gets if the time-to-full-display spans is tracked in navigation transactions.
isEnableUncaughtExceptionHandler() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Checks if the default UncaughtExceptionHandlerIntegration is enabled or not.
isEnableUserInteractionBreadcrumbs() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
isEnableUserInteractionTracing() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
isEndRequired() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSentrySpanProcessor
isEndRequired() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySpanProcessor
ISentryClient - Interface in io.sentry
Sentry Client interface
ISentryExecutorService - Interface in io.sentry
Sentry Executor Service that sends cached events and envelopes on App.
ISentryLifecycleToken - Interface in io.sentry
ISerializer - Interface in io.sentry
isErrored() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
Returns true if this event has any sort of exception
isExceptionGroup() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
isFinished() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Returns if span has finished.
isFinished() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
isFinished() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
isFinished() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
isFinished() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
isFinished() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
isFinished() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
isFinished() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction
isFinished() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
isFinished() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
isFlushable(SentryId) - Method in interface io.sentry.hints.DiskFlushNotification
isFlushable(SentryId) - Method in class io.sentry.UncaughtExceptionHandlerIntegration.UncaughtExceptionHint
isForceInit() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
isForceInit() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
isForNextAppStart() - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionContext
Whether this TransactionContext evaluates for the next app start.
isFromHybridSdk(Hint) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HintUtils
isGlobalHubMode() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
isGlobalHubMode() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
isHandled() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
isHealthy() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
isHealthy() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
isHealthy() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Whether the transport is healthy.
isHealthy() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryClient
isHealthy() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
isHealthy() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
isHealthy() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
isHealthy() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
isHealthy() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
isHealthy() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryClient
isHealthy() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.AsyncHttpTransport
isHealthy() - Method in interface io.sentry.transport.ITransport
isHtmlSafe() - Method in class
Returns true if this writer writes JSON that's safe for inclusion in HTML and XML documents.
isHttpClientError(int) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HttpUtils
isHttpServerError(int) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HttpUtils
isIdle() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanOptions
isIgnored(Set<Class<? extends Throwable>>, Throwable) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.ExceptionUtils
Checks if an exception has been ignored.
isIgnored(List<FilterString>, SentryEvent) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.ErrorUtils
Checks if an error has been ignored.
isIgnored(List<FilterString>, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.CheckInUtils
Checks if a check-in for a monitor (CRON) has been ignored.
isIgnored(List<FilterString>, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.SpanUtils
Checks if a span origin has been ignored.
isIgnored(List<FilterString>, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.TracingUtils
Checks if a transaction is to be ignored.
isInApp() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
isInApp(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryStackTraceFactory
Returns if the className is InApp or not.
isInRange(int) - Method in class io.sentry.HttpStatusCodeRange
isJavaNinePlus() - Static method in class io.sentry.util.Platform
isJvm() - Static method in class io.sentry.util.Platform
isLenient() - Method in class
Returns true if this parser is liberal in what it accepts.
isLenient() - Method in class
Returns true if this writer has relaxed syntax rules.
isLowMemory() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
isMain() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
If applicable, a flag indicating whether the thread was responsible for rendering the user interface.
isMainThread() - Method in interface io.sentry.util.thread.IThreadChecker
Checks if the calling/current thread is the Main/UI thread
isMainThread() - Method in class io.sentry.util.thread.NoOpThreadChecker
isMainThread() - Method in class io.sentry.util.thread.ThreadChecker
isMainThread(long) - Method in interface io.sentry.util.thread.IThreadChecker
isMainThread(long) - Method in class io.sentry.util.thread.NoOpThreadChecker
isMainThread(long) - Method in class io.sentry.util.thread.ThreadChecker
isMainThread(SentryThread) - Method in interface io.sentry.util.thread.IThreadChecker
Checks if a given thread is the Main/UI thread
isMainThread(SentryThread) - Method in class io.sentry.util.thread.NoOpThreadChecker
isMainThread(SentryThread) - Method in class io.sentry.util.thread.ThreadChecker
isMainThread(Thread) - Method in interface io.sentry.util.thread.IThreadChecker
Checks if a given thread is the Main/UI thread
isMainThread(Thread) - Method in class io.sentry.util.thread.NoOpThreadChecker
isMainThread(Thread) - Method in class io.sentry.util.thread.ThreadChecker
isMultiThreadedRendering() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
isMutable() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
isNative() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
isNoOp() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
isNoOp() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Whether this span instance is a NOOP that doesn't collect information
isNoOp() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
isNoOp() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
isNoOp() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
isNoOp() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
isNoOp() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
isNoOp() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
isNoOp() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
isNoOp() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
isNoOp() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
ISO8601Utils - Class in io.sentry.vendor.gson.internal.bind.util
Utilities methods for manipulating dates in iso8601 format.
ISO8601Utils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.vendor.gson.internal.bind.util.ISO8601Utils
ISOLATION - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.ScopeType
isOnline() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
ISpan - Interface in io.sentry
Represents performance monitoring Span.
ISpanFactory - Interface in io.sentry
isPrintfStyle() - Method in class io.sentry.jul.SentryHandler
isPrintUncaughtStackTrace() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Checks if printing exceptions by UncaughtExceptionHandler is enabled or disabled.
isProfileSampled() - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransaction
Returns if the profile of a transaction is sampled.
isProfileSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
isProfileSampled() - Method in interface io.sentry.opentelemetry.IOtelSpanWrapper
isProfileSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
isProfileSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
isProfileSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
isProfileSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
isProfileSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
isProfileSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
isProfilingEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
isProfilingEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns if profiling is enabled for transactions.
isRecording() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpReplayController
isRecording() - Method in interface io.sentry.ReplayController
isRelevantFileName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.EnvelopeSender
isRelevantFileName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.OutboxSender
isRetry() - Method in interface io.sentry.hints.Retryable
isRooted() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
isRunning() - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransactionProfiler
isRunning() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransactionProfiler
isSampled() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
isSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
isSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
isSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
isSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
isSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
isSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.PropagationContext
isSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction
isSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTraceHeader
isSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
isSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
isSecurityCookie(String, List<String>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HttpUtils
isSendClientReports() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns whether sending of client reports has been enabled.
isSendDefaultPii() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
isSendDefaultPii() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
isSendModules() - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
isSendModules() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Whether to send modules containing information about versions.
isSentryRequest(IScopes, SpanKind, Attributes) - Static method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelInternalSpanDetectionUtil
isSessionReplayEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
isSessionReplayForErrorsEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
isShouldFreeze() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
isSimulator() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
isSnapshot() - Method in exception io.sentry.exception.ExceptionMechanismException
Returns true if its a snapshot or false otherwise
isStartRequired() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSentrySpanProcessor
isStartRequired() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySpanProcessor
isSubscription() - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.ExceptionReporter.ExceptionDetails
isSuccess() - Method in interface io.sentry.hints.SubmissionResult
isSuccess() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.TransportResult
isTerminated() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
isThreadLocalAccessorEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties.Reactive
isThreadLocalContextAware() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryDataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter
isThreadLocalContextAware() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryDataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter
isTraceOptionsRequests() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Whether OPTIONS requests should be traced.
isTraceSampled() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
isTraceSampling() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns whether the `baggage` header is attached to HTTP client integrations and the `trace` header is attached to envelopes.
isTracingEnabled() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Returns if tracing should be enabled.
isTrackOrientationChange() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
isTrimEnd() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanOptions
isTrimStart() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanOptions
isUseGitCommitIdAsRelease() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties
isUseGitCommitIdAsRelease() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties
isValidProfilesSampleRate(Double) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.SampleRateUtils
isValidSampleRate(Double) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.SampleRateUtils
isValidTracesSampleRate(Double) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.SampleRateUtils
isValidTracesSampleRate(Double, boolean) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.SampleRateUtils
isWaitForChildren() - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
Checks if waitForChildren is enabled
iterator() - Method in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
iterator() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.NoOpEnvelopeCache
IThreadChecker - Interface in io.sentry.util.thread
ITransaction - Interface in io.sentry
ITransactionProfiler - Interface in io.sentry
Used for performing operations when a transaction is started or ended.
ITransport - Interface in io.sentry.transport
A transport is in charge of sending the event to the Sentry server.
ITransportFactory - Interface in io.sentry
Creates instances of ITransport.
ITransportGate - Interface in io.sentry.transport
Implementations of this interface serve as gatekeepers that allow or disallow sending of the events through the ITransport.


JavaMemoryCollector - Class in io.sentry
JavaMemoryCollector() - Constructor for class io.sentry.JavaMemoryCollector
jobExecutionVetoed(JobExecutionContext) - Method in class io.sentry.quartz.SentryJobListener
jobToBeExecuted(JobExecutionContext) - Method in class io.sentry.quartz.SentryJobListener
jobWasExecuted(JobExecutionContext, JobExecutionException) - Method in class io.sentry.quartz.SentryJobListener
join(CharSequence, Iterable<? extends CharSequence>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.StringUtils
Returns a new String joining together given strings using the given delimiter.
JsonDeserializer<T> - Interface in io.sentry
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.Breadcrumb.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.CheckIn.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReport.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardedEvent.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.MonitorConfig.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurementValue.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.App.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Browser.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.DebugMeta.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Geo.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Message.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Request.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Response.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryPackage.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionInfo.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.User.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchy.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.ReplayRecording.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEvent.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryLockReason.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SpanContext.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.TraceContext.JsonKeys
JsonKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.UserFeedback.JsonKeys
JsonObjectDeserializer - Class in io.sentry
JsonObjectDeserializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.JsonObjectDeserializer
JsonObjectReader - Class in io.sentry
JsonObjectReader(Reader) - Constructor for class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
JsonObjectSerializer - Class in io.sentry
JsonObjectSerializer(int) - Constructor for class io.sentry.JsonObjectSerializer
JsonObjectWriter - Class in io.sentry
JsonObjectWriter(Writer, int) - Constructor for class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
JsonReader - Class in
Reads a JSON (RFC 7159) encoded value as a stream of tokens.
JsonReader(Reader) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that reads a JSON-encoded stream from in.
jsonReflectionObjectSerializer - Variable in class io.sentry.JsonObjectSerializer
JsonReflectionObjectSerializer - Class in io.sentry
JsonSerializable - Interface in io.sentry
JsonSerializationUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
JsonSerializationUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.JsonSerializationUtils
JsonSerializer - Class in io.sentry
The serializer class that uses manual JSON parsing with the help of vendored GSON reader/writer classes.
JsonSerializer(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.JsonSerializer
All our custom deserializers need to be registered to be used with the deserializer instance.
JsonToken - Enum Class in
A structure, name or value type in a JSON-encoded string.
JsonUnknown - Interface in io.sentry
jsonValue(String) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
jsonValue(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectWriter
jsonValue(String) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
jsonValue(String) - Method in class
Writes value directly to the writer without quoting or escaping.
JsonWriter - Class in
Writes a JSON (RFC 7159) encoded value to a stream, one token at a time.
JsonWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that writes a JSON-encoded stream to out.
JUL_LOG_RECORD - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for JUL breadcrumbs.
JVM - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage


KERNEL_VERSION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem.JsonKeys
key() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryReactorThreadLocalAccessor
KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryReactorThreadLocalAccessor
KEY_APP_START_COLD - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue
KEY_APP_START_WARM - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue
KEY_FRAMES_DELAY - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue
KEY_FRAMES_FROZEN - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue
KEY_FRAMES_SLOW - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue
KEY_FRAMES_TOTAL - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue
KEY_TIME_TO_FULL_DISPLAY - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue
KEY_TIME_TO_INITIAL_DISPLAY - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue
keys() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
keys() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
KIBIBYTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Kibibyte (`"kibibyte"`), 2^10 bytes.
KILOBYTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Kilobyte (`"kilobyte"`), 10^3 bytes.


LANDSCAPE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.protocol.Device.DeviceOrientation
laterDateNanosTimestampByDiff(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryDate
Calculates a date by using another date.
laterDateNanosTimestampByDiff(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryNanotimeDate
LazyEvaluator<T> - Class in io.sentry.util
Class that evaluates a function lazily.
LazyEvaluator(LazyEvaluator.Evaluator<T>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.LazyEvaluator
Class that evaluates a function lazily.
LazyEvaluator.Evaluator<T> - Interface in io.sentry.util
LEFT - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys
LENGTH - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader.JsonKeys
LEVEL - Static variable in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb.JsonKeys
LEVEL - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent.JsonKeys
LEVEL - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEvent.JsonKeys
LEVEL_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
LifecycleHelper - Class in io.sentry.util
LifecycleHelper() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.LifecycleHelper
LINENO - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
Load - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEventType
loadClass(String, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.util.LoadClass
Try to load a class via reflection
LoadClass - Class in io.sentry.util
An Adapter for making Class.forName testable
LoadClass() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.LoadClass
loadDebugMeta() - Method in interface io.sentry.internal.debugmeta.IDebugMetaLoader
loadDebugMeta() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.debugmeta.NoOpDebugMetaLoader
loadDebugMeta() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.debugmeta.ResourcesDebugMetaLoader
loadModules() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.modules.CompositeModulesLoader
loadModules() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.modules.ManifestModulesLoader
loadModules() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.modules.ModulesLoader
loadModules() - Method in class io.sentry.internal.modules.ResourcesModulesLoader
LOCALE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
locate(Object, float, float, UiElement.Type) - Method in class io.sentry.compose.gestures.ComposeGestureTargetLocator
locate(Object, float, float, UiElement.Type) - Method in interface io.sentry.internal.gestures.GestureTargetLocator
lock - Variable in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
LOCK - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
LOCKED - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
log(SentryLevel, String, Object...) - Method in class io.sentry.DiagnosticLogger
Logs a message with the specified level, message and optional arguments.
log(SentryLevel, String, Object...) - Method in interface io.sentry.ILogger
Logs a message with the specified level, message and optional arguments.
log(SentryLevel, String, Object...) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpLogger
log(SentryLevel, String, Object...) - Method in class io.sentry.SystemOutLogger
Logs to console a message with the specified level, message and optional arguments.
log(SentryLevel, String, Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.DiagnosticLogger
Logs a message with the specified level, message and throwable.
log(SentryLevel, String, Throwable) - Method in interface io.sentry.ILogger
Logs a message with the specified level, message and optional arguments.
log(SentryLevel, String, Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpLogger
log(SentryLevel, String, Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.SystemOutLogger
Logs to console a message with the specified level, message and throwable.
log(SentryLevel, Throwable, String, Object...) - Method in class io.sentry.DiagnosticLogger
Logs a message with the specified level, throwable, message and optional arguments.
log(SentryLevel, Throwable, String, Object...) - Method in interface io.sentry.ILogger
Logs a message with the specified level, throwable, message and optional arguments.
log(SentryLevel, Throwable, String, Object...) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpLogger
log(SentryLevel, Throwable, String, Object...) - Method in class io.sentry.SystemOutLogger
Logs to console a message with the specified level, throwable, message and optional arguments.
Log - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
LOG4J_LOG_EVENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Log4j breadcrumbs.
LOGBACK_LOGGING_EVENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Logback breadcrumbs.
logger - Variable in class io.sentry.internal.modules.ModulesLoader
LOGGER - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEvent.JsonKeys
Logging() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties.Logging
Logging() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties.Logging
logNotInstanceOf(Class<?>, Object, ILogger) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.LogUtils
LogUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
LogUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.LogUtils
LOW - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.InitPriority
LOW - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions.SentryReplayQuality
Video Scale: 80% Bit Rate: 50.000 JPEG Compression: 10
LOW_MEMORY - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
LOWEST - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.InitPriority


MAIN - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread.JsonKeys
MainEventProcessor - Class in io.sentry
MainEventProcessor(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.MainEventProcessor
makeCurrent() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
makeCurrent() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
makeCurrent() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Stores this Scopes in store, making it the current one that is used by static API.
makeCurrent() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
makeCurrent() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
makeCurrent() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
makeCurrent() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
makeCurrent() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
makeCurrent() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
makeCurrent() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
makeCurrent() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
makeCurrent() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
makeCurrent() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
makeCurrent() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
makeCurrent() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
MalformedJsonException - Exception in
Thrown when a reader encounters malformed JSON.
MalformedJsonException(String) - Constructor for exception
MalformedJsonException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
MalformedJsonException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
ManifestModulesLoader - Class in io.sentry.internal.modules
ManifestModulesLoader(ILogger) - Constructor for class io.sentry.internal.modules.ManifestModulesLoader
MANUFACTURER - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
map(List<T>, CollectionUtils.Mapper<T, R>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.CollectionUtils
Returns a new list with the results of the function applied to all elements of the original list.
map(T) - Method in interface io.sentry.util.CollectionUtils.Mapper
MapObjectReader - Class in io.sentry.util
MapObjectReader(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
MapObjectWriter - Class in io.sentry.util
MapObjectWriter(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
markEnqueued() - Method in interface io.sentry.hints.Enqueable
markFlushed() - Method in class io.sentry.hints.BlockingFlushHint
markFlushed() - Method in interface io.sentry.hints.DiskFlushNotification
matches(String) - Method in class io.sentry.FilterString
MAX_RUNTIME - Static variable in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig.JsonKeys
maxRequestBodySize() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.EnableSentry
Controls the size of the request body to extract if any.
maxRequestBodySize() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.EnableSentry
Controls the size of the request body to extract if any.
maybeStartTransaction(IScopes, ServerHttpRequest, String) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.AbstractSentryWebFilter
maybeUpdateBaggage(IScope, SentryOptions) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.TracingUtils
MEASUREMENTS - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
MEASUREMENTS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan.JsonKeys
MEASUREMENTS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction.JsonKeys
MeasurementUnit - Interface in io.sentry
The unit of measurement of a metric value.
MeasurementUnit.Custom - Class in io.sentry
Custom units without builtin conversion.
MeasurementUnit.Duration - Enum Class in io.sentry
A time duration.
MeasurementUnit.Fraction - Enum Class in io.sentry
Fractions such as percentages.
MeasurementUnit.Information - Enum Class in io.sentry
Size of information derived from bytes.
MeasurementValue - Class in io.sentry.protocol
MeasurementValue(Number, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue
MeasurementValue(Number, String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue
MeasurementValue.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
MeasurementValue.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
MEBIBYTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Mebibyte (`"mebibyte"`), 2^20 bytes.
mechanism() - Method in interface io.sentry.hints.AbnormalExit
What was the mechanism this Session has abnormal'ed with
Mechanism - Class in io.sentry.protocol
The mechanism by which an exception was generated and handled.
Mechanism() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
Mechanism(Thread) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
MECHANISM - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException.JsonKeys
MECHANISM_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.jul.SentryHandler
MECHANISM_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.log4j2.SentryAppender
MECHANISM_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.logback.SentryAppender
MECHANISM_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryExceptionResolver
MECHANISM_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryWebExceptionHandler
MECHANISM_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.SentryExceptionResolver
MECHANISM_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.webflux.SentryWebExceptionHandler
Mechanism.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Mechanism.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
MediaInteraction - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.InitPriority
MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryOptions.RequestSize
MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions.SentryReplayQuality
Video Scale: 100% Bit Rate: 75.000 JPEG Compression: 30
MEGABYTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Megabyte (`"megabyte"`), 10^6 bytes.
MEMORY_SIZE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
MEMORY_SIZE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu.JsonKeys
MemoryCollectionData - Class in io.sentry
MemoryCollectionData(long, long) - Constructor for class io.sentry.MemoryCollectionData
MemoryCollectionData(long, long, long) - Constructor for class io.sentry.MemoryCollectionData
merge(ExternalOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Merges with another SentryOptions object.
Message - Class in io.sentry.protocol
A log entry message.
Message() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Message
MESSAGE - Static variable in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb.JsonKeys
MESSAGE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Message.JsonKeys
MESSAGE - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent.JsonKeys
MESSAGE - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEvent.JsonKeys
Message.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Message.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Meta - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEventType
META - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism.JsonKeys
METHOD - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Request.JsonKeys
MICROSECOND - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Duration
Microsecond (`"microsecond"`), 10^-6 seconds.
MILLISECOND - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Duration
Millisecond (`"millisecond"`), 10^-3 seconds.
millisToNanos(long) - Static method in class io.sentry.DateUtils
millisToSeconds(double) - Static method in class io.sentry.DateUtils
Converts milliseconds to seconds.
MINUTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Duration
Minute (`"minute"`), 60 seconds.
MINUTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MonitorScheduleUnit
MODEL - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
MODEL_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
MODULE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException.JsonKeys
MODULE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
MODULES - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEvent.JsonKeys
ModulesLoader - Class in io.sentry.internal.modules
ModulesLoader(ILogger) - Constructor for class io.sentry.internal.modules.ModulesLoader
Monitor - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
MONITOR_CONFIG - Static variable in class io.sentry.CheckIn.JsonKeys
MONITOR_SLUG - Static variable in class io.sentry.CheckIn.JsonKeys
MonitorConfig - Class in io.sentry
MonitorConfig(MonitorSchedule) - Constructor for class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
MonitorConfig.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
MonitorConfig.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
MonitorContexts - Class in io.sentry
MonitorContexts() - Constructor for class io.sentry.MonitorContexts
MonitorContexts(MonitorContexts) - Constructor for class io.sentry.MonitorContexts
MonitorContexts.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
MonitorSchedule - Class in io.sentry
MonitorSchedule(String, String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule
MonitorSchedule.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
MonitorSchedule.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
MonitorScheduleType - Enum Class in io.sentry
Type of a monitor schedule
MonitorScheduleUnit - Enum Class in io.sentry
Time unit of a monitor schedule.
monitorSlug() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentryCheckIn
Monitor slug.
monitorSlug() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentryCheckIn
Monitor slug.
MONTH - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MonitorScheduleUnit
MouseDown - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType
MouseInteraction - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
MouseMove - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
MouseUp - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType
MULTI_THREADED_RENDERING - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu.JsonKeys
MULTITHREADED_DEDUPLICATION - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.hints.EventDropReason
Mutation - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource


name() - Method in class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Custom
name() - Method in interface io.sentry.MeasurementUnit
name() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryTransaction
Transaction name.
name() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryTransaction
Transaction name.
name(String) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
name(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectWriter
name(String) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
name(String) - Method in class
Encodes the property name.
NAME - Enum constant in enum class
A JSON property name.
NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData.JsonKeys
NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Browser.JsonKeys
NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu.JsonKeys
NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem.JsonKeys
NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion.JsonKeys
NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryPackage.JsonKeys
NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime.JsonKeys
NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread.JsonKeys
NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.User.JsonKeys
NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.UserFeedback.JsonKeys
NANOSECOND - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Duration
Nanosecond (`"nanosecond"`), 10^-9 seconds.
nanosToDate(long) - Static method in class io.sentry.DateUtils
Converts nanoseconds to Date rounded down to milliseconds
nanosToMillis(double) - Static method in class io.sentry.DateUtils
Converts nanoseconds to milliseconds
nanosToSeconds(long) - Static method in class io.sentry.DateUtils
Converts nanoseconds to seconds
nanoTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryDate
Returns the date in nanoseconds as long.
nanoTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryInstantDate
nanoTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLongDate
nanoTimestamp() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryNanotimeDate
NATIVE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
NATIVE_CRASH_MARKER_FILE - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
navigation(String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates navigation breadcrumb - a navigation event can be a URL change in a web application, or a UI transition in a mobile or desktop application, etc.
NETWORK_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardReason
newArrayList(List<T>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.CollectionUtils
Creates a new ArrayList as a shallow copy of list given by parameter.
newConcurrentHashMap(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.CollectionUtils
Creates a new ConcurrentHashMap as a shallow copy of map given by parameter.
newHashMap(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.CollectionUtils
Creates a new HashMap as a shallow copy of map given by parameter.
nextBoolean() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextBoolean() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextBoolean() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextBoolean() - Method in class io.sentry.util.Random
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed boolean value from this random number generator's sequence.
nextBoolean() - Method in class
Returns the boolean value of the next token, consuming it.
nextBooleanOrNull() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextBooleanOrNull() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextBooleanOrNull() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextBytes(byte[]) - Method in class io.sentry.util.Random
Generates random bytes and places them into a user-supplied byte array.
nextDateOrNull(ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextDateOrNull(ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextDateOrNull(ILogger) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextDouble() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextDouble() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextDouble() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextDouble() - Method in class io.sentry.util.Random
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed double value between 0.0 and 1.0 from this random number generator's sequence.
nextDouble() - Method in class
Returns the double value of the next token, consuming it.
nextDoubleOrNull() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextDoubleOrNull() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextDoubleOrNull() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextFloat() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextFloat() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextFloat() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextFloat() - Method in class io.sentry.util.Random
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed float value between 0.0 and 1.0 from this random number generator's sequence.
nextFloatOrNull() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextFloatOrNull() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextFloatOrNull() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextInt() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextInt() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextInt() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextInt() - Method in class io.sentry.util.Random
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value from this random number generator's sequence.
nextInt() - Method in class
Returns the int value of the next token, consuming it.
nextInt(int) - Method in class io.sentry.util.Random
Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
nextIntegerOrNull() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextIntegerOrNull() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextIntegerOrNull() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextListOrNull(ILogger, JsonDeserializer<T>) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextListOrNull(ILogger, JsonDeserializer<T>) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextListOrNull(ILogger, JsonDeserializer<T>) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextLong() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextLong() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextLong() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextLong() - Method in class io.sentry.util.Random
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed long value from this random number generator's sequence.
nextLong() - Method in class
Returns the long value of the next token, consuming it.
nextLongOrNull() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextLongOrNull() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextLongOrNull() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextMapOfListOrNull(ILogger, JsonDeserializer<T>) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextMapOfListOrNull(ILogger, JsonDeserializer<T>) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextMapOfListOrNull(ILogger, JsonDeserializer<T>) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextMapOrNull(ILogger, JsonDeserializer<T>) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextMapOrNull(ILogger, JsonDeserializer<T>) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextMapOrNull(ILogger, JsonDeserializer<T>) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextName() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextName() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextName() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextName() - Method in class
Returns the next token, a property name, and consumes it.
nextNull() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextNull() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextNull() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextNull() - Method in class
Consumes the next token from the JSON stream and asserts that it is a literal null.
nextObjectOrNull() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
Decodes JSON into Java primitives/objects (null, boolean, int, long, double, String, Map, List) with full nesting support.
nextObjectOrNull() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextObjectOrNull() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextOrNull(ILogger, JsonDeserializer<T>) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextOrNull(ILogger, JsonDeserializer<T>) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextOrNull(ILogger, JsonDeserializer<T>) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextString() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextString() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextString() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextString() - Method in class
Returns the string value of the next token, consuming it.
nextStringOrNull() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextStringOrNull() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextStringOrNull() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextTimeZoneOrNull(ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextTimeZoneOrNull(ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextTimeZoneOrNull(ILogger) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
nextUnknown(ILogger, Map<String, Object>, String) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
nextUnknown(ILogger, Map<String, Object>, String) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
nextUnknown(ILogger, Map<String, Object>, String) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
NO_CLOSE - Static variable in class io.sentry.vendor.Base64
Flag to pass to Base64OutputStream to indicate that it should not close the output stream it is wrapping when it itself is closed.
NO_PADDING - Static variable in class io.sentry.vendor.Base64
Encoder flag bit to omit the padding '=' characters at the end of the output (if any).
NO_PERMISSION - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.IConnectionStatusProvider.ConnectionStatus
NO_WRAP - Static variable in class io.sentry.vendor.Base64
Encoder flag bit to omit all line terminators (i.e., the output will be on one long line).
NONE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryOptions.RequestSize
NONE - Static variable in interface io.sentry.MeasurementUnit
Untyped value.
NoOpBackpressureMonitor - Class in io.sentry.backpressure
NoOpClientReportRecorder - Class in io.sentry.clientreport
NoOpClientReportRecorder() - Constructor for class io.sentry.clientreport.NoOpClientReportRecorder
NoOpConnectionStatusProvider - Class in io.sentry
NoOpConnectionStatusProvider() - Constructor for class io.sentry.NoOpConnectionStatusProvider
NoOpDebugMetaLoader - Class in io.sentry.internal.debugmeta
NoOpEnvelopeCache - Class in io.sentry.transport
NoOpEnvelopeCache() - Constructor for class io.sentry.transport.NoOpEnvelopeCache
NoOpEnvelopeReader - Class in io.sentry
NoOpHub - Class in io.sentry
NoOpLogger - Class in io.sentry
No-op implementation of ILogger
NoOpModulesLoader - Class in io.sentry.internal.modules
NoOpReplayBreadcrumbConverter - Class in io.sentry
NoOpReplayController - Class in io.sentry
NoOpScope - Class in io.sentry
NoOpScopes - Class in io.sentry
NoOpScopesLifecycleToken - Class in io.sentry
NoOpScopesStorage - Class in io.sentry
NoOpSpan - Class in io.sentry
NoOpSpanFactory - Class in io.sentry
NoOpSubscriptionHandler - Class in io.sentry.graphql
NoOpThreadChecker - Class in io.sentry.util.thread
NoOpThreadChecker() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.thread.NoOpThreadChecker
NoOpTransaction - Class in io.sentry
NoOpTransactionPerformanceCollector - Class in io.sentry
NoOpTransactionProfiler - Class in io.sentry
NoOpTransport - Class in io.sentry.transport
NoOpTransportFactory - Class in io.sentry
NoOpTransportGate - Class in io.sentry.transport
normalizeUUID(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.StringUtils
Normalizes UUID string representation to adhere to the actual UUID standard
NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
Content was not found or request was denied for an entire class of users.
notifyFinish(Long, Long, Long, Long) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
Notifies this transaction data that the transaction (or the profile) finished, to update its internal values.
now() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAutoDateProvider
now() - Method in interface io.sentry.SentryDateProvider
now() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryInstantDateProvider
now() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryNanotimeDateProvider
NPOT_SUPPORT - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu.JsonKeys
NULL - Enum constant in enum class
A JSON null.
nullValue() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
nullValue() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectWriter
nullValue() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
nullValue() - Method in class
Encodes null.
NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class
A JSON number represented in this API by a Java double, long, or int.


OBJECT_PLACEHOLDER - Static variable in class io.sentry.JsonObjectSerializer
ObjectReader - Interface in io.sentry
Objects - Class in io.sentry.util
objectTypeToString(GraphQLObjectType) - Static method in class io.sentry.graphql.GraphqlStringUtils
ObjectWriter - Interface in io.sentry
OFF - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.ScopeBindingMode
Do not set the new span on the scope.
OFF - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryOpenTelemetryMode
Do not try to use OpenTelemetry, even if it is available.
Ok - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.Session.State
OK - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.CheckInStatus
OK - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
Not an error, returned on success.
OKHTTP_REQUEST - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for OkHttp Request breadcrumbs.
OKHTTP_RESPONSE - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for OkHttp response breadcrumbs.
ON - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.ScopeBindingMode
Set the new span on the current scope.
onAfterAnyExecute(StatementInformation, long, SQLException) - Method in class io.sentry.jdbc.SentryJdbcEventListener
onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryLogbackInitializer
onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryLogbackInitializer
onBeforeAnyExecute(StatementInformation) - Method in class io.sentry.jdbc.SentryJdbcEventListener
onConnectionStatusChanged(IConnectionStatusProvider.ConnectionStatus) - Method in interface io.sentry.IConnectionStatusProvider.IConnectionStatusObserver
Invoked whenever the connection status changed.
onConnectionStatusChanged(IConnectionStatusProvider.ConnectionStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration
onEnd(ReadableSpan) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSentrySpanProcessor
onEnd(ReadableSpan) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySpanProcessor
onException(DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler
onFullyDrawn() - Method in interface io.sentry.FullyDisplayedReporter.FullyDisplayedReporterListener
ONLINE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
onRateLimitChanged(RateLimiter) - Method in interface io.sentry.transport.RateLimiter.IRateLimitObserver
Invoked whenever the rate limit changed.
onSpanFinished(ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.DefaultTransactionPerformanceCollector
onSpanFinished(ISpan) - Method in interface io.sentry.IPerformanceContinuousCollector
Called when a span itself is finished or a timeout is reached.
onSpanFinished(ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransactionPerformanceCollector
onSpanFinished(ISpan) - Method in interface io.sentry.TransactionPerformanceCollector
Called whenever a span (including the top level transaction) is finished.
onSpanStarted(ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.DefaultTransactionPerformanceCollector
onSpanStarted(ISpan) - Method in interface io.sentry.IPerformanceContinuousCollector
Called when a span is started.
onSpanStarted(ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransactionPerformanceCollector
onSpanStarted(ISpan) - Method in interface io.sentry.TransactionPerformanceCollector
Called whenever a new span (including the top level transaction) is started.
onStart(Context, ReadWriteSpan) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSentrySpanProcessor
onStart(Context, ReadWriteSpan) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySpanProcessor
onStartup(Set<Class<?>>, ServletContext) - Method in class io.sentry.servlet.jakarta.SentryServletContainerInitializer
onStartup(Set<Class<?>>, ServletContext) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentrySpringServletContainerInitializer
onStartup(Set<Class<?>>, ServletContext) - Method in class io.sentry.servlet.SentryServletContainerInitializer
onStartup(Set<Class<?>>, ServletContext) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentrySpringServletContainerInitializer
onSubscriptionResult(Object, IScopes, ExceptionReporter, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.NoOpSubscriptionHandler
onSubscriptionResult(Object, IScopes, ExceptionReporter, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters) - Method in interface io.sentry.graphql.SentrySubscriptionHandler
onSubscriptionResult(Object, IScopes, ExceptionReporter, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryDgsSubscriptionHandler
onSubscriptionResult(Object, IScopes, ExceptionReporter, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentrySpringSubscriptionHandler
onSubscriptionResult(Object, IScopes, ExceptionReporter, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryDgsSubscriptionHandler
onSubscriptionResult(Object, IScopes, ExceptionReporter, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentrySpringSubscriptionHandler
onTransactionFinish(ITransaction, List<PerformanceCollectionData>, SentryOptions) - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransactionProfiler
onTransactionFinish(ITransaction, List<PerformanceCollectionData>, SentryOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransactionProfiler
op - Variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext
Short code identifying the type of operation the span is measuring.
OP - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan.JsonKeys
OP - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent.JsonKeys
OP - Static variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext.JsonKeys
OPEN_FEIGN_REQUEST - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for OpenFeign Request breadcrumbs.
OPEN_FEIGN_RESPONSE - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for OpenFeign response breadcrumbs.
OpenTelemetryAttributesExtractor - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
OpenTelemetryAttributesExtractor() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryAttributesExtractor
OpenTelemetryLinkErrorEventProcessor - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
this is no longer needed for the latest version of our OpenTelemetry integration.
OpenTelemetryLinkErrorEventProcessor() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryLinkErrorEventProcessor
openTelemetrySpanFactory(OpenTelemetry) - Static method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.opentelemetry.SentryOpenTelemetryNoAgentConfiguration
openTelemetrySpanFactory(OpenTelemetry) - Static method in class io.sentry.spring.opentelemetry.SentryOpenTelemetryNoAgentConfiguration
OpenTelemetryUtil - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
OpenTelemetryUtil() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryUtil
OperatingSystem - Class in io.sentry.protocol
OperatingSystem() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
OperatingSystem.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
OperatingSystem.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
operation() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentrySpan
Span operation.
operation() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryTransaction
A transaction operation, for example "http".
operation() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentrySpan
Span operation.
operation() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryTransaction
A transaction operation, for example "http".
options - Variable in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
OPTIONS_CACHE - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
OptionsContainer<T> - Class in io.sentry
ORIENTATION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
origin - Variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext
origin - Variable in class io.sentry.SpanOptions
ORIGIN - Static variable in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb.JsonKeys
ORIGIN - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan.JsonKeys
ORIGIN - Static variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext.JsonKeys
OTEL - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.Instrumenter
OtelContextScopesStorage - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
OtelContextScopesStorage() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelContextScopesStorage
OtelInternalSpanDetectionUtil - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
OtelInternalSpanDetectionUtil() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelInternalSpanDetectionUtil
OtelSamplingUtil - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
OtelSamplingUtil() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSamplingUtil
OtelSentryPropagator - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
OtelSentryPropagator() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSentryPropagator
OtelSentrySpanProcessor - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
OtelSentrySpanProcessor() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSentrySpanProcessor
OtelSpanContext - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
OtelSpanContext(ReadWriteSpan, TracesSamplingDecision, IOtelSpanWrapper, SpanId, Baggage) - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanContext
OtelSpanFactory - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
OtelSpanFactory() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanFactory
OtelSpanFactory(OpenTelemetry) - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanFactory
OtelSpanInfo - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
OtelSpanInfo(String, String, TransactionNameSource) - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanInfo
OtelSpanWrapper - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
NOTE: This wrapper is not used when using OpenTelemetry API, only when using Sentry API.
OtelSpanWrapper(ReadWriteSpan, IScopes, SentryDate, TracesSamplingDecision, IOtelSpanWrapper, SpanId, Baggage) - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
This holds a strong reference to the OpenTelemetry span, preventing it from being garbage collected.
OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper(Span, IOtelSpanWrapper) - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
OtelTransactionSpanForwarder - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
OtelTransactionSpanForwarder(IOtelSpanWrapper) - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
OTHER - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Request.JsonKeys
OUT_OF_RANGE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
The operation was attempted past the valid range e.g.
OutboxSender - Class in io.sentry
OutboxSender(IScopes, IEnvelopeReader, ISerializer, ILogger, long, int) - Constructor for class io.sentry.OutboxSender


PACKAGE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
PACKAGE_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason.JsonKeys
PACKAGES - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion.JsonKeys
Pair<A,B> - Class in io.sentry.util
Pair(A, B) - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.Pair
PARAMS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Message.JsonKeys
PARENT_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism.JsonKeys
PARENT_SAMPLED - Static variable in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.InternalSemanticAttributes
PARENT_SPAN_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan.JsonKeys
PARENT_SPAN_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext.JsonKeys
parse(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.UrlUtils
parse(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.jdbc.DatabaseUtils
parse(String, ParsePosition) - Static method in class io.sentry.vendor.gson.internal.bind.util.ISO8601Utils
Parse a date from ISO-8601 formatted string.
parseNullable(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.UrlUtils
parseStream(InputStream) - Method in class io.sentry.internal.modules.ModulesLoader
pause() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpReplayController
pause() - Method in interface io.sentry.ReplayController
PAYLOAD - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent.JsonKeys
PAYLOAD - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent.JsonKeys
PAYLOAD - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent.JsonKeys
PAYLOAD - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys
PEBIBYTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Pebibyte (`"pebibyte"`), 2^50 bytes.
peek() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
peek() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
peek() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
peek() - Method in class
Returns the type of the next token without consuming it.
PERCENT - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Fraction
Ratio expressed as a fraction of `100`.
PerformanceCollectionData - Class in io.sentry
PerformanceCollectionData() - Constructor for class io.sentry.PerformanceCollectionData
PERMISSION_DENIED - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
The caller doesn't have permission to execute the specified operation.
PersistingOptionsObserver - Class in io.sentry.cache
PersistingOptionsObserver(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
PersistingScopeObserver - Class in io.sentry.cache
PersistingScopeObserver(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
PETABYTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Petabyte (`"petabyte"`), 10^15 bytes.
Platform - Class in io.sentry.util
Platform() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.Platform
PLATFORM - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
PLATFORM - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
PLATFORM - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys
Plugin - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEventType
POINTER_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.JsonKeys
POINTER_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.JsonKeys
POINTER_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.JsonKeys
popScope() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
popScope() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
please call ISentryLifecycleToken.close() on the token returned by IScopes.pushScope() or IScopes.pushIsolationScope() instead.
popScope() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
please call ISentryLifecycleToken.close() on the token returned by IScopes.pushScope() or IScopes.pushIsolationScope() instead.
popScope() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
please call ISentryLifecycleToken.close() on the token returned by IScopes.pushScope() or IScopes.pushIsolationScope() instead.
popScope() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
please call ISentryLifecycleToken.close() on the token returned by IScopes.pushScope() or IScopes.pushIsolationScope() instead.
popScope() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
please call ISentryLifecycleToken.close() on the token returned by IScopes.pushScope() or IScopes.pushIsolationScope() instead.
popScope() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
please call ISentryLifecycleToken.close() on the token returned by IScopes.pushScope() or IScopes.pushIsolationScope() instead.
popScope() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
please call ISentryLifecycleToken.close() on the token returned by Sentry.pushScope() or Sentry.pushIsolationScope() instead.
PORTRAIT - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.protocol.Device.DeviceOrientation
Position() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position
POSITIONS - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.JsonKeys
postProcessAfterInitialization(Object, String) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryInitBeanPostProcessor
postProcessAfterInitialization(Object, String) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentryInitBeanPostProcessor
postProcessAfterInitialization(Object, String) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryGraphqlBeanPostProcessor
postProcessAfterInitialization(Object, String) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphqlBeanPostProcessor
PREFIX_CURRENT_SESSION_FILE - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
PREFIX_PREVIOUS_SESSION_FILE - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
PRIORITY - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread.JsonKeys
process(SentryTransaction, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.EventProcessor
May mutate or drop a SentryTransaction
process(SentryTransaction, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.MainEventProcessor
process(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.DeduplicateMultithreadedEventProcessor
process(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.DuplicateEventDetectionEventProcessor
process(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.EventProcessor
May mutate or drop a SentryEvent
process(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.MainEventProcessor
process(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryLinkErrorEventProcessor
process(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryRequestHttpServletRequestProcessor
process(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentryRequestHttpServletRequestProcessor
process(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.ContextTagsEventProcessor
process(SentryEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.ContextTagsEventProcessor
process(SentryReplayEvent, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.EventProcessor
May mutate or drop a SentryEvent
process(SentryReplayEvent, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.MainEventProcessor
processDir(DirectoryProcessor, String, ILogger) - Method in interface io.sentry.SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration.SendFireAndForgetFactory
processDirectory(File) - Method in class io.sentry.EnvelopeSender
processEnvelopeFile(String, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.EnvelopeSender
processEnvelopeFile(String, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.IEnvelopeSender
processEnvelopeFile(String, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.OutboxSender
processFile(File, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.EnvelopeSender
processFile(File, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.OutboxSender
PROCESSOR_COUNT - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
PROCESSOR_FREQUENCY - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
Profile - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
Profile - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
PROFILE_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
PROFILE_SAMPLE_RATE - Static variable in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.InternalSemanticAttributes
PROFILE_SAMPLE_RATE - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions.JsonKeys
PROFILE_SAMPLED - Static variable in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.InternalSemanticAttributes
PROFILE_SAMPLED - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions.JsonKeys
ProfileMeasurement - Class in io.sentry.profilemeasurements
ProfileMeasurement() - Constructor for class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
ProfileMeasurement(String, Collection<ProfileMeasurementValue>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
ProfileMeasurement.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.profilemeasurements
ProfileMeasurement.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.profilemeasurements
ProfileMeasurementValue - Class in io.sentry.profilemeasurements
ProfileMeasurementValue() - Constructor for class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurementValue
ProfileMeasurementValue(Long, Number) - Constructor for class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurementValue
ProfileMeasurementValue.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.profilemeasurements
ProfileMeasurementValue.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.profilemeasurements
PROFILING_TRACES_DIR_PATH - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions.JsonKeys
PROFILING_TRACES_HZ - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions.JsonKeys
ProfilingTraceData - Class in io.sentry
ProfilingTraceData(File, ITransaction) - Constructor for class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
ProfilingTraceData(File, Date, List<ProfilingTransactionData>, String, String, String, String, int, String, Callable<List<Integer>>, String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, String, String, String, Map<String, ProfileMeasurement>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
ProfilingTraceData.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
ProfilingTransactionData - Class in io.sentry
ProfilingTransactionData() - Constructor for class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
ProfilingTransactionData(ITransaction, Long, Long) - Constructor for class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
ProfilingTransactionData.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
ProfilingTransactionData.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
PROGUARD - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
PROGUARD_UUID_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
PropagationContext - Class in io.sentry
PropagationContext() - Constructor for class io.sentry.PropagationContext
PropagationContext(PropagationContext) - Constructor for class io.sentry.PropagationContext
PropagationContext(SentryId, SpanId, SpanId, Baggage, Boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.PropagationContext
PropagationTargetsUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
Checks if an URL matches the list of origins.
PropagationTargetsUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.PropagationTargetsUtils
PROPER_NIL_UUID - Static variable in class io.sentry.util.StringUtils
PropertiesProvider - Interface in io.sentry.config
PropertiesProviderFactory - Class in io.sentry.config
PropertiesProviderFactory() - Constructor for class io.sentry.config.PropertiesProviderFactory
provideTransactionName(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SpringMvcTransactionNameProvider
provideTransactionName(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SpringServletTransactionNameProvider
provideTransactionName(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.TransactionNameProvider
Resolves transaction name from HttpServletRequest.
provideTransactionName(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SpringMvcTransactionNameProvider
provideTransactionName(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SpringServletTransactionNameProvider
provideTransactionName(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface io.sentry.spring.tracing.TransactionNameProvider
Resolves transaction name from HttpServletRequest.
provideTransactionSource() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SpringMvcTransactionNameProvider
provideTransactionSource() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SpringServletTransactionNameProvider
provideTransactionSource() - Method in interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.TransactionNameProvider
Returns the source of the transaction name.
provideTransactionSource() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SpringMvcTransactionNameProvider
provideTransactionSource() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SpringServletTransactionNameProvider
provideTransactionSource() - Method in interface io.sentry.spring.tracing.TransactionNameProvider
Returns the source of the transaction name.
provideUser() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.HttpServletRequestSentryUserProvider
provideUser() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.HttpServletRequestSentryUserProvider
provideUser() - Method in interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryUserProvider
provideUser() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SpringSecuritySentryUserProvider
provideUser() - Method in interface io.sentry.spring.SentryUserProvider
provideUser() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SpringSecuritySentryUserProvider
Proxy() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Proxy
Proxy(String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Proxy
Proxy(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Proxy
Proxy(String, String, Proxy.Type) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Proxy
Proxy(String, String, Proxy.Type, String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Proxy
PUBLIC_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.Baggage.DSCKeys
PUBLIC_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.TraceContext.JsonKeys
publish(LogRecord) - Method in class io.sentry.jul.SentryHandler
pushIsolationScope() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
pushIsolationScope() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
pushIsolationScope() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
pushIsolationScope() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
pushIsolationScope() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
pushIsolationScope() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
pushIsolationScope() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
pushIsolationScope() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Pushes a new isolation and current scope while inheriting the current scope's data.
pushScope() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
pushScope() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
pushScope() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Pushes a new scope while inheriting the current scope's data.
pushScope() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
pushScope() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
pushScope() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
pushScope() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
pushScope() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Pushes a new scope while inheriting the current scope's data.
put(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
put(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
putAll(Contexts) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts


QUANTITY - Static variable in class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardedEvent.JsonKeys
query(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates query breadcrumb - representing a query that was made in your application.
QUERY_STRING - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Request.JsonKeys
QUEUE_OVERFLOW - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardReason


Random - Class in io.sentry.util
A simplified version of Random that we use for sampling, which is much faster than SecureRandom.
Random() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.Random
Creates a new random number generator.
Random(long) - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.Random
Creates a new random number generator using a single long seed.
randomHalfLengthUUID() - Static method in class io.sentry.util.UUIDGenerator
randomUUID() - Static method in class io.sentry.util.UUIDGenerator
RATELIMIT_BACKOFF - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardReason
RateLimiter - Class in io.sentry.transport
Controls retry limits on different category types sent to Sentry.
RateLimiter(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.transport.RateLimiter
RateLimiter(ICurrentDateProvider, SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.transport.RateLimiter
RateLimiter.IRateLimitObserver - Interface in io.sentry.transport
RATIO - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Fraction
Floating point fraction of `1`.
RAW_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem.JsonKeys
RAW_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime.JsonKeys
RAW_FUNCTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
Reactive() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties.Reactive
ReactorUtils - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux
ReactorUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.ReactorUtils
read() - Method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileInputStream
read(SentryOptions, String, Class<T>) - Static method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
read(SentryOptions, String, Class<T>) - Static method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
read(SentryOptions, String, Class<T>, JsonDeserializer<R>) - Static method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
read(SentryOptions, String, Class<T>, JsonDeserializer<R>) - Static method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
read(InputStream) - Method in class io.sentry.EnvelopeReader
read(InputStream) - Method in interface io.sentry.IEnvelopeReader
read(InputStream) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpEnvelopeReader
readBytesFromFile(String, long) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.FileUtils
Reads the content of a path into a byte array.
readDeviceCpuFrequencies() - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
readFrom(StatementInformation) - Static method in class io.sentry.jdbc.DatabaseUtils
readText(File) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.FileUtils
Reads the content of a File into a String.
REASON - Static variable in class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardedEvent.JsonKeys
recordLostEnvelope(DiscardReason, SentryEnvelope) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReportRecorder
recordLostEnvelope(DiscardReason, SentryEnvelope) - Method in interface io.sentry.clientreport.IClientReportRecorder
recordLostEnvelope(DiscardReason, SentryEnvelope) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.NoOpClientReportRecorder
recordLostEnvelopeItem(DiscardReason, SentryEnvelopeItem) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReportRecorder
recordLostEnvelopeItem(DiscardReason, SentryEnvelopeItem) - Method in interface io.sentry.clientreport.IClientReportRecorder
recordLostEnvelopeItem(DiscardReason, SentryEnvelopeItem) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.NoOpClientReportRecorder
recordLostEvent(DiscardReason, DataCategory) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReportRecorder
recordLostEvent(DiscardReason, DataCategory) - Method in interface io.sentry.clientreport.IClientReportRecorder
recordLostEvent(DiscardReason, DataCategory) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.NoOpClientReportRecorder
recordLostEvent(DiscardReason, DataCategory, long) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReportRecorder
recordLostEvent(DiscardReason, DataCategory, long) - Method in interface io.sentry.clientreport.IClientReportRecorder
recordLostEvent(DiscardReason, DataCategory, long) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.NoOpClientReportRecorder
RECOVERY_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig.JsonKeys
REGION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Geo.JsonKeys
register(IScopes, SentryOptions) - Method in interface io.sentry.Integration
Registers an integration
register(IScopes, SentryOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration
register(IScopes, SentryOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.ShutdownHookIntegration
register(IScopes, SentryOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.SpotlightIntegration
register(IScopes, SentryOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.UncaughtExceptionHandlerIntegration
registerBatchLoader(BiFunction<List<K>, BatchLoaderEnvironment, Flux<V>>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec
registerBatchLoader(BiFunction<List<K>, BatchLoaderEnvironment, Flux<V>>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec
registerBeanDefinitions(AnnotationMetadata, BeanDefinitionRegistry) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryHubRegistrar
registerBeanDefinitions(AnnotationMetadata, BeanDefinitionRegistry) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentryHubRegistrar
registerDataLoaders(DataLoaderRegistry, GraphQLContext) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry
registerDataLoaders(DataLoaderRegistry, GraphQLContext) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry
registerFullyDrawnListener(FullyDisplayedReporter.FullyDisplayedReporterListener) - Method in class io.sentry.FullyDisplayedReporter
registerMappedBatchLoader(BiFunction<Set<K>, BatchLoaderEnvironment, Mono<Map<K, V>>>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec
registerMappedBatchLoader(BiFunction<Set<K>, BatchLoaderEnvironment, Mono<Map<K, V>>>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec
REGISTERS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace.JsonKeys
RELEASE - Static variable in class io.sentry.Baggage.DSCKeys
RELEASE - Static variable in class io.sentry.CheckIn.JsonKeys
RELEASE - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
RELEASE - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys
RELEASE - Static variable in class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
RELEASE - Static variable in class io.sentry.TraceContext.JsonKeys
RELEASE_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
remove(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
remove(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
remove(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
removeAndGet(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentrySpanStorage
removeConnectionStatusObserver(IConnectionStatusProvider.IConnectionStatusObserver) - Method in interface io.sentry.IConnectionStatusProvider
Removes an observer.
removeConnectionStatusObserver(IConnectionStatusProvider.IConnectionStatusObserver) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpConnectionStatusProvider
removeContexts(String) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
removeContexts(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Removes a value from the Scope's contexts
removeContexts(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
removeContexts(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Removes a value from the Scope's contexts
removeData(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Removes an entry from the data's map
removeExtra(String) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
removeExtra(String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
removeExtra(String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
removeExtra(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Removes an extra from the Scope's extras
removeExtra(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
removeExtra(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Removes the extra key to an arbitrary value to the current Scope
removeExtra(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
removeExtra(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
removeExtra(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
removeExtra(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Removes an extra from the Scope's extras
removeExtra(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
removeExtra(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
removeExtra(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
removeExtra(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Removes the extra key to an arbitrary value to the current Scope
removeExtra(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
removeModule(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
removePrefix(String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.StringUtils
removeRateLimitObserver(RateLimiter.IRateLimitObserver) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.RateLimiter
removeSurrounding(String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.StringUtils
Removes character specified by the delimiter parameter from the beginning and the end of the string.
removeTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
removeTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
removeTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
removeTag(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Removes a tag from the Scope's tags
removeTag(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
removeTag(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Removes the tag to a string value to the current Scope
removeTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
removeTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
removeTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
removeTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Removes a tag from the Scope's tags
removeTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
removeTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
removeTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
removeTag(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Removes the tag to a string value to the current Scope
removeTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
RENDERING_SYSTEM - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchy.JsonKeys
RENDERING_SYSTEM - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode.JsonKeys
replaceAttachments(List<Attachment>) - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
replaceOptions(SentryOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
replaceOptions(SentryOptions) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
replaceOptions(SentryOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
replaceOptions(SentryOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Replay - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
REPLAY_CONTAINER - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
REPLAY_ENCODING - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
REPLAY_ERROR_SAMPLE_RATE_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
REPLAY_EVENT_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
REPLAY_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
REPLAY_FRAME_RATE_TYPE_CONSTANT - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
REPLAY_FRAME_RATE_TYPE_VARIABLE - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
REPLAY_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.Baggage.DSCKeys
REPLAY_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
REPLAY_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.JsonKeys
REPLAY_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.TraceContext.JsonKeys
REPLAY_START_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.JsonKeys
REPLAY_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.JsonKeys
REPLAY_VIDEO_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
ReplayBreadcrumbConverter - Interface in io.sentry
ReplayController - Interface in io.sentry
ReplayEvent - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
ReplayRecording - Class in io.sentry
ReplayRecording - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
ReplayRecording() - Constructor for class io.sentry.ReplayRecording
ReplayRecording.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
ReplayRecording.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
ReplayVideo - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
reportFullyDisplayed() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
reportFullyDisplayed() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
reportFullyDisplayed() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Report a screen has been fully loaded.
reportFullyDisplayed() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
reportFullyDisplayed() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
reportFullyDisplayed() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
reportFullyDisplayed() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
reportFullyDisplayed() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Report a screen has been fully loaded.
reportFullyDrawn() - Method in class io.sentry.FullyDisplayedReporter
Request - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Http request information.
Request() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Request
Request(Request) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Request
REQUEST - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys
REQUEST_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
Request.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Request.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
requestDestroyed(ServletRequestEvent) - Method in class io.sentry.servlet.jakarta.SentryServletRequestListener
requestDestroyed(ServletRequestEvent) - Method in class io.sentry.servlet.SentryServletRequestListener
RequestDetails - Class in io.sentry
Represents common HTTP request properties that must be set on the requests sending SentryEnvelope.
RequestDetails(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.RequestDetails
requestInitialized(ServletRequestEvent) - Method in class io.sentry.servlet.jakarta.SentryServletRequestListener
requestInitialized(ServletRequestEvent) - Method in class io.sentry.servlet.SentryServletRequestListener
requireNonNull(T, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.Objects
reset() - Method in interface io.sentry.hints.Resettable
Reset the Hint to its initial state
reset() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryCrashLastRunState
reset() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryReactorThreadLocalAccessor
resetCountsAndGet() - Method in interface io.sentry.clientreport.IClientReportStorage
Resettable - Interface in io.sentry.hints
Marker interface for a reusable Hint
resetValue() - Method in class io.sentry.util.LazyEvaluator
Resets the internal value and forces the evaluator function to be called the next time getValue() is called.
resolve(Object) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
resolveException(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, Exception) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryExceptionResolver
resolveException(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, Exception) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentryExceptionResolver
resolveInAppIncludes() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.InAppIncludesResolver
resolveInAppIncludes() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.InAppIncludesResolver
resolveSentryRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryRequestResolver
resolveSentryRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentryRequestResolver
resolveSentryRequest(ServerHttpRequest) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryRequestResolver
resolveSentryRequest(ServerHttpRequest) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.webflux.SentryRequestResolver
resolveToMultipleErrors(Throwable, DataFetchingEnvironment) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryDataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter
resolveToMultipleErrors(Throwable, DataFetchingEnvironment) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryDataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter
resolveToSingleError(Throwable, DataFetchingEnvironment) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryDataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter
resolveToSingleError(Throwable, DataFetchingEnvironment) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryDataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter
RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
The resource has been exhausted e.g.
ResourcesDebugMetaLoader - Class in io.sentry.internal.debugmeta
ResourcesDebugMetaLoader(ILogger) - Constructor for class io.sentry.internal.debugmeta.ResourcesDebugMetaLoader
ResourcesModulesLoader - Class in io.sentry.internal.modules
ResourcesModulesLoader(ILogger) - Constructor for class io.sentry.internal.modules.ResourcesModulesLoader
Response - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Response() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Response
Response(Response) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.Response
Response.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Response.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
responseLock - Variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
Response lock, Ops should be atomic
resume() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpReplayController
resume() - Method in interface io.sentry.ReplayController
Retryable - Interface in io.sentry.hints
ReusableCountLatch - Class in io.sentry.transport
A synchronization aid that allows one or more threads to wait until a set of operations being performed in other threads completes.
ReusableCountLatch() - Constructor for class io.sentry.transport.ReusableCountLatch
Constructs a ReusableCountLatch with initial count set to 0.
ReusableCountLatch(int) - Constructor for class io.sentry.transport.ReusableCountLatch
Constructs a ReusableCountLatch initialized with the given count.
ROOTED - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem.JsonKeys
rotateCacheIfNeeded(File[]) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
Rotates the caching folder if full, deleting the oldest files first
ROUTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionNameSource
Parametrized URL / route
RRWebBreadcrumbEvent - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebBreadcrumbEvent() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
RRWebBreadcrumbEvent.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebBreadcrumbEvent.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebEvent - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebEvent() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent
RRWebEvent(RRWebEventType) - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent
RRWebEvent.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebEvent.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebEvent.Serializer - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebEventType - Enum Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebEventType.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent(RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource) - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent
RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource - Enum Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.Serializer - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebInteractionEvent - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebInteractionEvent() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
RRWebInteractionEvent.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType - Enum Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebInteractionEvent.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebInteractionMoveEvent - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebInteractionMoveEvent() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent
RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebMetaEvent - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebMetaEvent() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent
RRWebMetaEvent.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebMetaEvent.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebOptionsEvent - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebOptionsEvent() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent
RRWebOptionsEvent(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent
RRWebOptionsEvent.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebOptionsEvent.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebSpanEvent - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebSpanEvent() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
RRWebSpanEvent.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebSpanEvent.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebVideoEvent - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebVideoEvent() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
RRWebVideoEvent.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.rrweb
run() - Method in class io.sentry.backpressure.BackpressureMonitor
run(IScope) - Method in interface io.sentry.ScopeCallback
runIfDoesNotHaveType(Hint, Class<T>, HintUtils.SentryNullableConsumer<Object>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HintUtils
runIfHasType(Hint, Class<T>, HintUtils.SentryConsumer<T>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HintUtils
runIfHasType(Hint, Class<T>, HintUtils.SentryConsumer<T>, HintUtils.SentryHintFallback) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HintUtils
runIfHasTypeLogIfNot(Hint, Class<T>, ILogger, HintUtils.SentryConsumer<T>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HintUtils


sample(SamplingContext) - Method in interface io.sentry.SentryOptions.ProfilesSamplerCallback
Calculates the sampling value used to determine if a profile is going to be sent to Sentry backend.
sample(SamplingContext) - Method in interface io.sentry.SentryOptions.TracesSamplerCallback
Calculates the sampling value used to determine if transaction is going to be sent to Sentry backend.
sample(SamplingContext) - Method in class io.sentry.TracesSampler
SAMPLE_RAND - Static variable in class io.sentry.Baggage.DSCKeys
SAMPLE_RAND - Static variable in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.InternalSemanticAttributes
SAMPLE_RAND - Static variable in class io.sentry.TraceContext.JsonKeys
SAMPLE_RATE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardReason
SAMPLE_RATE - Static variable in class io.sentry.Baggage.DSCKeys
SAMPLE_RATE - Static variable in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.InternalSemanticAttributes
SAMPLE_RATE - Static variable in class io.sentry.TraceContext.JsonKeys
SAMPLED - Static variable in class io.sentry.Baggage.DSCKeys
SAMPLED - Static variable in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.InternalSemanticAttributes
SAMPLED - Static variable in class io.sentry.TraceContext.JsonKeys
SAMPLED_PROFILE - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
SampleRateUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
SampleRateUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.SampleRateUtils
SamplingContext - Class in io.sentry
Context used by SentryOptions.TracesSamplerCallback to determine if transaction is going to be sampled.
SamplingContext(TransactionContext, CustomSamplingContext) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SamplingContext
SamplingContext(TransactionContext, CustomSamplingContext, Double) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SamplingContext
schedule(Runnable, long) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryExecutorService
schedule(Runnable, long) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryExecutorService
SCHEDULE - Static variable in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig.JsonKeys
scheduleFinish() - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransaction
Schedules when transaction should be automatically finished.
scheduleFinish() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
scheduleFinish() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
scheduleFinish() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
schedulerFactoryBeanCustomizer() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentryQuartzConfiguration
schedulerFactoryBeanCustomizer() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentryQuartzConfiguration
Scope - Class in io.sentry
Scope data to be sent with the event
Scope(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Scope
Scope's ctor
SCOPE_CACHE - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
Scope.IWithPropagationContext - Interface in io.sentry
the IWithPropagationContext callback
Scope.IWithTransaction - Interface in io.sentry
The IWithTransaction callback
ScopeBindingMode - Enum Class in io.sentry
ScopeCallback - Interface in io.sentry
ScopeObserverAdapter - Class in io.sentry
ScopeObserverAdapter() - Constructor for class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
Scopes - Class in io.sentry
Scopes(IScope, IScope, IScope, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Scopes
ScopesAdapter - Class in io.sentry
ScopesStorageFactory - Class in io.sentry
ScopesStorageFactory() - Constructor for class io.sentry.ScopesStorageFactory
ScopeType - Enum Class in io.sentry
SCREEN_DENSITY - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
SCREEN_DPI - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
screenshotQuality - Variable in enum class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions.SentryReplayQuality
Defines the compression quality with which the screenshots are stored to disk.
Scroll - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
SCROLLABLE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.internal.gestures.UiElement.Type
SDK - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys
SDK - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader.JsonKeys
SDK_INFO - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugMeta.JsonKeys
SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo.JsonKeys
SDK_VERSION_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
SdkInfo - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Holds information about the system SDK.
SdkInfo() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo
SdkInfo.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SdkInfo.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SdkVersion - Class in io.sentry.protocol
The SDK Interface describes the Sentry SDK and its configuration used to capture and transmit an event.
SdkVersion(String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion
SdkVersion.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SdkVersion.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SECOND - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Duration
Full second (`"second"`).
secondsToNanos(long) - Static method in class io.sentry.DateUtils
Security - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
SEGMENT_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.ReplayRecording.JsonKeys
SEGMENT_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys
SEGMENT_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.JsonKeys
Selection - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
send() - Method in interface io.sentry.SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration.SendFireAndForget
send(SentryEnvelope) - Method in interface io.sentry.transport.ITransport
send(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.apache.ApacheHttpClientTransport
send(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.AsyncHttpTransport
send(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.transport.ITransport
send(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.NoOpTransport
send(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.StdoutTransport
SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration - Class in io.sentry
Sends cached events over when your App is starting or a network connection is present.
SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration(SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration.SendFireAndForgetFactory) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration
SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration.SendFireAndForget - Interface in io.sentry
SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration.SendFireAndForgetDirPath - Interface in io.sentry
SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration.SendFireAndForgetFactory - Interface in io.sentry
sendDefaultPii() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.EnableSentry
Whether to send personal identifiable information along with events.
sendDefaultPii() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.EnableSentry
Whether to send personal identifiable information along with events.
SendFireAndForgetEnvelopeSender - Class in io.sentry
SendFireAndForgetEnvelopeSender(SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration.SendFireAndForgetDirPath) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SendFireAndForgetEnvelopeSender
SendFireAndForgetOutboxSender - Class in io.sentry
SendFireAndForgetOutboxSender(SendCachedEnvelopeFireAndForgetIntegration.SendFireAndForgetDirPath) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SendFireAndForgetOutboxSender
SENSITIVE_DATA_SUBSTITUTE - Static variable in class io.sentry.util.UrlUtils
SENT_AT - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader.JsonKeys
Sentry - Class in io.sentry
Sentry SDK main API entry point
SENTRY - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.Instrumenter
SENTRY_APOLLO_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.apollo.BuildConfig
SENTRY_APOLLO3_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.apollo3.BuildConfig
SENTRY_BAGGAGE_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryOtelKeys
SENTRY_CHECK_IN_ID_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.quartz.SentryJobListener
SENTRY_DART_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
SENTRY_DOTNET_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
SENTRY_EVENT_DROP_REASON - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
SENTRY_EXCEPTIONS_CONTEXT_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGraphqlInstrumentation
SENTRY_EXCEPTIONS_CONTEXT_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryInstrumentation
SENTRY_EXCEPTIONS_CONTEXT_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.graphql22.SentryInstrumentation
SENTRY_GRAPHQL_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.graphql.BuildConfig
SENTRY_GRAPHQL22_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.graphql22.BuildConfig
SENTRY_HUB_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.AbstractSentryWebFilter
SENTRY_HUB_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.webflux.SentryWebFilter
SENTRY_IS_FROM_HYBRID_SDK - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
SENTRY_JAVA_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.BuildConfig
SENTRY_JAVASCRIPT_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
SENTRY_JDBC_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.jdbc.BuildConfig
SENTRY_JUL_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.jul.BuildConfig
SENTRY_LOG4J2_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.log4j2.BuildConfig
SENTRY_LOGBACK_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.logback.BuildConfig
SENTRY_OKHTTP_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.okhttp.BuildConfig
SENTRY_QUARTZ_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.quartz.BuildConfig
SENTRY_SCOPE_LIFECYCLE_TOKEN_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.quartz.SentryJobListener
SENTRY_SCOPE_LIFECYCLE_TOKEN_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.servlet.jakarta.SentryServletRequestListener
SENTRY_SCOPE_LIFECYCLE_TOKEN_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.servlet.SentryServletRequestListener
SENTRY_SCOPES_CONTEXT_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGraphqlInstrumentation
SENTRY_SCOPES_CONTEXT_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryInstrumentation
SENTRY_SCOPES_CONTEXT_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.graphql22.SentryInstrumentation
SENTRY_SCOPES_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryOtelKeys
SENTRY_SCOPES_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.AbstractSentryWebFilter
SENTRY_SCOPES_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.webflux.SentryWebFilter
SENTRY_SERVLET_JAKARTA_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.servlet.jakarta.BuildConfig
SENTRY_SERVLET_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.servlet.BuildConfig
SENTRY_SLUG_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.quartz.SentryJobListener
SENTRY_SPRING_BOOT_JAKARTA_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.BuildConfig
SENTRY_SPRING_BOOT_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.boot.BuildConfig
SENTRY_SPRING_JAKARTA_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.BuildConfig
SENTRY_SPRING_SDK_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.BuildConfig
SENTRY_SYNTHETIC_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Synthetic exceptions.
SENTRY_TRACE_HEADER - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryTraceHeader
SENTRY_TRACE_KEY - Static variable in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryOtelKeys
SENTRY_TYPE_CHECK_HINT - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Sentry.OptionsConfiguration<T extends SentryOptions> - Interface in io.sentry
Configuration options callback
SentryAdviceConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing
Creates advice infrastructure for SentrySpan and SentryTransaction.
SentryAdviceConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.tracing
Creates advice infrastructure for SentrySpan and SentryTransaction.
SentryAdviceConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryAdviceConfiguration
SentryAdviceConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryAdviceConfiguration
SentryAppender - Class in io.sentry.log4j2
Appender for Log4j2 in charge of sending the logged events to a Sentry server.
SentryAppender - Class in io.sentry.logback
Appender for logback in charge of sending the logged events to a Sentry server.
SentryAppender() - Constructor for class io.sentry.logback.SentryAppender
SentryAppender(String, Filter, String, Level, Level, Boolean, ITransportFactory, IScopes, String[]) - Constructor for class io.sentry.log4j2.SentryAppender
SentryAppStartProfilingOptions - Class in io.sentry
SentryAppStartProfilingOptions() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
SentryAppStartProfilingOptions.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
SentryAppStartProfilingOptions.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
SentryAutoConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta
SentryAutoConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot
SentryAutoConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryAutoConfiguration
SentryAutoConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryAutoConfiguration
SentryAutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
SentryAutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryAutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider
SentryAutoDateProvider - Class in io.sentry
SentryAutoDateProvider() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryAutoDateProvider
SentryBaseEvent - Class in io.sentry
An item sent to Sentry in the envelope.
SentryBaseEvent() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
SentryBaseEvent(SentryId) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
SentryBaseEvent.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
SentryBaseEvent.Serializer - Class in io.sentry
SentryBatchLoaderRegistry - Class in io.sentry.spring.graphql
SentryBatchLoaderRegistry - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql
SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec<K,V> - Class in io.sentry.spring.graphql
SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec<K,V> - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql
SentryBootstrapPackagesProvider - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
To ensure that the classes we add to bootstrap class loader are available in class loaders that don't delegate all class loading requests to bootstrap class loader e.g.
SentryBootstrapPackagesProvider() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryBootstrapPackagesProvider
SentryCapability - Class in io.sentry.openfeign
Adds Sentry tracing capability to Feign clients.
SentryCapability() - Constructor for class io.sentry.openfeign.SentryCapability
SentryCapability(IScopes, SentryFeignClient.BeforeSpanCallback) - Constructor for class io.sentry.openfeign.SentryCapability
SentryCapability(SentryFeignClient.BeforeSpanCallback) - Constructor for class io.sentry.openfeign.SentryCapability
SentryCaptureExceptionParameter - Annotation Interface in io.sentry.spring.exception
Captures an exception passed to an annotated method.
SentryCaptureExceptionParameter - Annotation Interface in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception
Captures an exception passed to an annotated method.
sentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvice() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.exception.SentryExceptionParameterAdviceConfiguration
sentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvice() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception.SentryExceptionParameterAdviceConfiguration
SentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvice - Class in io.sentry.spring.exception
Captures an exception passed to a bean method annotated with SentryCaptureExceptionParameter.
SentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvice - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception
Captures an exception passed to a bean method annotated with SentryCaptureExceptionParameter.
SentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvice() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.exception.SentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvice
SentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvice() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception.SentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvice
SentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvice(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.exception.SentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvice
SentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvice(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception.SentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvice
sentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvisor(Pointcut, Advice) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.exception.SentryExceptionParameterAdviceConfiguration
sentryCaptureExceptionParameterAdvisor(Pointcut, Advice) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception.SentryExceptionParameterAdviceConfiguration
SentryCaptureExceptionParameterConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.exception
Provides infrastructure beans for capturing exceptions passed to bean methods annotated with SentryCaptureExceptionParameter.
SentryCaptureExceptionParameterConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception
Provides infrastructure beans for capturing exceptions passed to bean methods annotated with SentryCaptureExceptionParameter.
SentryCaptureExceptionParameterConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.exception.SentryCaptureExceptionParameterConfiguration
SentryCaptureExceptionParameterConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception.SentryCaptureExceptionParameterConfiguration
sentryCaptureExceptionParameterPointcut() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.exception.SentryCaptureExceptionParameterPointcutConfiguration
Pointcut around which spans are created.
sentryCaptureExceptionParameterPointcut() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception.SentryCaptureExceptionParameterPointcutConfiguration
Pointcut around which spans are created.
SentryCaptureExceptionParameterPointcutConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.exception
AOP pointcut configuration for SentryCaptureExceptionParameter.
SentryCaptureExceptionParameterPointcutConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception
AOP pointcut configuration for SentryCaptureExceptionParameter.
SentryCaptureExceptionParameterPointcutConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.exception.SentryCaptureExceptionParameterPointcutConfiguration
SentryCaptureExceptionParameterPointcutConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception.SentryCaptureExceptionParameterPointcutConfiguration
SentryCheckIn - Annotation Interface in io.sentry.spring.checkin
Sends a CheckIn for the annotated method.
SentryCheckIn - Annotation Interface in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin
Sends a CheckIn for the annotated method.
sentryCheckInAdvice() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentryCheckInAdviceConfiguration
sentryCheckInAdvice() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentryCheckInAdviceConfiguration
SentryCheckInAdvice - Class in io.sentry.spring.checkin
Reports execution of every bean method annotated with SentryCheckIn as a monitor check-in.
SentryCheckInAdvice - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin
Reports execution of every bean method annotated with SentryCheckIn as a monitor check-in.
SentryCheckInAdvice() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentryCheckInAdvice
SentryCheckInAdvice() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentryCheckInAdvice
SentryCheckInAdvice(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentryCheckInAdvice
SentryCheckInAdvice(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentryCheckInAdvice
SentryCheckInAdviceConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.checkin
SentryCheckInAdviceConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin
SentryCheckInAdviceConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentryCheckInAdviceConfiguration
SentryCheckInAdviceConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentryCheckInAdviceConfiguration
sentryCheckInAdvisor(Pointcut, Advice) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentryCheckInAdviceConfiguration
sentryCheckInAdvisor(Pointcut, Advice) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentryCheckInAdviceConfiguration
sentryCheckInPointcut() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentryCheckInPointcutConfiguration
Pointcut around which check-ins are created.
sentryCheckInPointcut() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentryCheckInPointcutConfiguration
Pointcut around which check-ins are created.
SentryCheckInPointcutConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.checkin
AOP pointcut configuration for SentryCheckIn.
SentryCheckInPointcutConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin
AOP pointcut configuration for SentryCheckIn.
SentryCheckInPointcutConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentryCheckInPointcutConfiguration
SentryCheckInPointcutConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentryCheckInPointcutConfiguration
SentryClient - Class in io.sentry
SentryClient(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryClient
SentryComposeHelper - Class in io.sentry.compose
SentryComposeHelper(ILogger) - Constructor for class io.sentry.compose.SentryComposeHelper
SentryContextStorage - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
SentryContextStorage(ContextStorage) - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryContextStorage
SentryContextStorageProvider - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
SentryContextStorageProvider() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryContextStorageProvider
SentryContextWrapper - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
SentryCrashLastRunState - Class in io.sentry
SentryDataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter - Class in io.sentry.spring.graphql
SentryDataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql
SentryDataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryDataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter
SentryDataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryDataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter
SentryDate - Class in io.sentry
SentryDate() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryDate
SentryDateProvider - Interface in io.sentry
SentryDgsSubscriptionHandler - Class in io.sentry.spring.graphql
SentryDgsSubscriptionHandler - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql
SentryDgsSubscriptionHandler() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryDgsSubscriptionHandler
SentryDgsSubscriptionHandler() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryDgsSubscriptionHandler
SentryEnvelope - Class in io.sentry
SentryEnvelope(SentryEnvelopeHeader, Iterable<SentryEnvelopeItem>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEnvelope
SentryEnvelope(SentryId, SdkVersion, SentryEnvelopeItem) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEnvelope
SentryEnvelope(SentryId, SdkVersion, Iterable<SentryEnvelopeItem>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEnvelope
SentryEnvelopeException - Exception in io.sentry.exception
Thrown when there was an issue reading/creating the envelope.
SentryEnvelopeException(String) - Constructor for exception io.sentry.exception.SentryEnvelopeException
SentryEnvelopeHeader - Class in io.sentry
SentryEnvelopeHeader() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader
SentryEnvelopeHeader(SentryId) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader
SentryEnvelopeHeader(SentryId, SdkVersion) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader
SentryEnvelopeHeader(SentryId, SdkVersion, TraceContext) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader
SentryEnvelopeHeader.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
SentryEnvelopeHeader.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
SentryEnvelopeItem - Class in io.sentry
SentryEnvelopeItemHeader - Class in io.sentry
SentryEnvelopeItemHeader(SentryItemType, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader
SentryEnvelopeItemHeader.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
SentryEnvelopeItemHeader.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
SentryEvent - Class in io.sentry
SentryEvent() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEvent
SentryEvent(Date) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEvent
SentryEvent(Throwable) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryEvent
SentryEvent ctor with the captured Throwable
SentryEvent.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
SentryEvent.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
SentryException - Class in io.sentry.protocol
A single exception.
SentryException() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
SentryException.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryException.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryExceptionFactory - Class in io.sentry
class responsible for converting Java Throwable to SentryExceptions
SentryExceptionFactory(SentryStackTraceFactory) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryExceptionFactory
ctor SentryExceptionFactory
SentryExceptionParameterAdviceConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.exception
Creates advice infrastructure for SentryCaptureExceptionParameter.
SentryExceptionParameterAdviceConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception
Creates advice infrastructure for SentryCaptureExceptionParameter.
SentryExceptionParameterAdviceConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.exception.SentryExceptionParameterAdviceConfiguration
SentryExceptionParameterAdviceConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.exception.SentryExceptionParameterAdviceConfiguration
SentryExceptionResolver - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
HandlerExceptionResolver implementation that will record any exception that a Spring Controller throws to Sentry.
SentryExceptionResolver - Class in io.sentry.spring
HandlerExceptionResolver implementation that will record any exception that a Spring Controller throws to Sentry.
SentryExceptionResolver(IScopes, TransactionNameProvider, int) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryExceptionResolver
SentryExceptionResolver(IScopes, TransactionNameProvider, int) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.SentryExceptionResolver
SentryExecutorService - Class in io.sentry
SentryExecutorService() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryExecutorService
SentryFeignClient - Class in io.sentry.openfeign
A Feign client that creates a span around each executed HTTP call.
SentryFeignClient(Client, IScopes, SentryFeignClient.BeforeSpanCallback) - Constructor for class io.sentry.openfeign.SentryFeignClient
SentryFeignClient.BeforeSpanCallback - Interface in io.sentry.openfeign
SentryFileInputStream - Class in io.sentry.instrumentation.file
An implementation of FileInputStream that creates a ISpan for reading operation with filename and byte count set as description
SentryFileInputStream(FileDescriptor) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileInputStream
SentryFileInputStream(File) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileInputStream
SentryFileInputStream(String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileInputStream
SentryFileInputStream.Factory - Class in io.sentry.instrumentation.file
SentryFileOutputStream - Class in io.sentry.instrumentation.file
An implementation of FileOutputStream that creates a ISpan for writing operation with filename and byte count set as description
SentryFileOutputStream(FileDescriptor) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream
SentryFileOutputStream(File) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream
SentryFileOutputStream(File, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream
SentryFileOutputStream(String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream
SentryFileOutputStream(String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream
SentryFileOutputStream.Factory - Class in io.sentry.instrumentation.file
SentryFileReader - Class in io.sentry.instrumentation.file
SentryFileReader(File) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileReader
SentryFileReader(FileDescriptor) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileReader
SentryFileReader(String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileReader
SentryFileWriter - Class in io.sentry.instrumentation.file
SentryFileWriter(File) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileWriter
SentryFileWriter(FileDescriptor) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileWriter
SentryFileWriter(File, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileWriter
SentryFileWriter(String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileWriter
SentryFileWriter(String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileWriter
SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler - Class in io.sentry.graphql
Captures exceptions that occur during data fetching, passes them to Sentry and invokes a delegate exception handler.
SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler(DataFetcherExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler
SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler(IScopes, DataFetcherExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler
SentryGraphql22AutoConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.graphql
SentryGraphql22AutoConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphql22AutoConfiguration
SentryGraphql22Configuration - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql
SentryGraphql22Configuration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphql22Configuration
SentryGraphqlAutoConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot.graphql
SentryGraphqlAutoConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.graphql
SentryGraphqlAutoConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.graphql.SentryGraphqlAutoConfiguration
SentryGraphqlAutoConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphqlAutoConfiguration
SentryGraphqlBeanPostProcessor - Class in io.sentry.spring.graphql
SentryGraphqlBeanPostProcessor - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql
SentryGraphqlBeanPostProcessor() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryGraphqlBeanPostProcessor
SentryGraphqlBeanPostProcessor() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphqlBeanPostProcessor
SentryGraphqlConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.graphql
SentryGraphqlConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql
SentryGraphqlConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryGraphqlConfiguration
SentryGraphqlConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphqlConfiguration
SentryGraphqlExceptionHandler - Class in io.sentry.graphql
SentryGraphqlExceptionHandler(DataFetcherExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGraphqlExceptionHandler
SentryGraphqlInstrumentation - Class in io.sentry.graphql
SentryGraphqlInstrumentation(SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback, SentrySubscriptionHandler, boolean, List<String>, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGraphqlInstrumentation
SentryGraphqlInstrumentation(SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback, SentrySubscriptionHandler, ExceptionReporter, List<String>, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGraphqlInstrumentation
SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback - Interface in io.sentry.graphql
SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.TracingState - Class in io.sentry.graphql
SentryHandler - Class in io.sentry.jul
Logging handler in charge of sending the java.util.logging records to a Sentry server.
SentryHandler() - Constructor for class io.sentry.jul.SentryHandler
Creates an instance of SentryHandler.
SentryHandler(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.jul.SentryHandler
Creates an instance of SentryHandler.
SentryHttpClientException - Exception in io.sentry.exception
Used for holding a HTTP client error, for example.
SentryHttpClientException(String) - Constructor for exception io.sentry.exception.SentryHttpClientException
SentryHubRegistrar - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
Registers beans required to use Sentry core features.
SentryHubRegistrar - Class in io.sentry.spring
Registers beans required to use Sentry core features.
SentryHubRegistrar() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryHubRegistrar
SentryHubRegistrar() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.SentryHubRegistrar
SentryId - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryId() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryId
SentryId(String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryId
SentryId(UUID) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryId
SentryId.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryInitBeanPostProcessor - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
Initializes Sentry after all beans are registered.
SentryInitBeanPostProcessor - Class in io.sentry.spring
Initializes Sentry after all beans are registered.
SentryInitBeanPostProcessor() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryInitBeanPostProcessor
SentryInitBeanPostProcessor() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.SentryInitBeanPostProcessor
SentryInstantDate - Class in io.sentry
This class uses Instant to provide timestamps.
SentryInstantDate() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryInstantDate
SentryInstantDate(Instant) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryInstantDate
SentryInstantDateProvider - Class in io.sentry
SentryInstantDateProvider() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryInstantDateProvider
SentryInstrumentation - Class in io.sentry.graphql
SentryInstrumentation - Class in io.sentry.graphql22
SentryInstrumentation(SentrySubscriptionHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql.SentryInstrumentation
SentryInstrumentation(SentrySubscriptionHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql22.SentryInstrumentation
SentryInstrumentation(SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback, SentrySubscriptionHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql.SentryInstrumentation
SentryInstrumentation(SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback, SentrySubscriptionHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql22.SentryInstrumentation
SentryInstrumentation(SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback, SentrySubscriptionHandler, boolean, List<String>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql.SentryInstrumentation
SentryInstrumentation(SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback, SentrySubscriptionHandler, boolean, List<String>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql22.SentryInstrumentation
SentryInstrumentation(SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback, SentrySubscriptionHandler, ExceptionReporter, List<String>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql.SentryInstrumentation
SentryInstrumentation(SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback, SentrySubscriptionHandler, ExceptionReporter, List<String>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql22.SentryInstrumentation
SentryInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback - Interface in io.sentry.graphql
SentryInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback - Interface in io.sentry.graphql22
sentryInstrumentationWebflux(SentryProperties, ObjectProvider<SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphql22AutoConfiguration
sentryInstrumentationWebflux(SentryProperties, ObjectProvider<SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphqlAutoConfiguration
sentryInstrumentationWebflux(SentryProperties, ObjectProvider<SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.graphql.SentryGraphqlAutoConfiguration
sentryInstrumentationWebflux(ObjectProvider<SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryGraphqlConfiguration
sentryInstrumentationWebflux(ObjectProvider<SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphql22Configuration
sentryInstrumentationWebflux(ObjectProvider<SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphqlConfiguration
sentryInstrumentationWebMvc(SentryProperties, ObjectProvider<SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphql22AutoConfiguration
sentryInstrumentationWebMvc(SentryProperties, ObjectProvider<SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphqlAutoConfiguration
sentryInstrumentationWebMvc(SentryProperties, ObjectProvider<SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.graphql.SentryGraphqlAutoConfiguration
sentryInstrumentationWebMvc(ObjectProvider<SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryGraphqlConfiguration
sentryInstrumentationWebMvc(ObjectProvider<SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphql22Configuration
sentryInstrumentationWebMvc(ObjectProvider<SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryGraphqlConfiguration
SentryIntegrationPackageStorage - Class in io.sentry
SentryItemType - Enum Class in io.sentry
SentryItemType.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
SentryJdbcEventListener - Class in io.sentry.jdbc
P6Spy JDBC event listener that creates Spans around database queries.
SentryJdbcEventListener() - Constructor for class io.sentry.jdbc.SentryJdbcEventListener
SentryJdbcEventListener(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.jdbc.SentryJdbcEventListener
SentryJobListener - Class in io.sentry.quartz
SentryJobListener() - Constructor for class io.sentry.quartz.SentryJobListener
SentryJobListener(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.quartz.SentryJobListener
SentryLevel - Enum Class in io.sentry
the SentryLevel
SentryLevel.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
SentryLockReason - Class in io.sentry
Represents an instance of a held lock (java monitor object) in a thread.
SentryLockReason() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
SentryLockReason(SentryLockReason) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
SentryLockReason.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
SentryLockReason.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
SentryLogbackAppenderAutoConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta
Auto-configures SentryAppender.
SentryLogbackAppenderAutoConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot
Auto-configures SentryAppender.
SentryLogbackAppenderAutoConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryLogbackAppenderAutoConfiguration
SentryLogbackAppenderAutoConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryLogbackAppenderAutoConfiguration
sentryLogbackInitializer(SentryProperties) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryLogbackAppenderAutoConfiguration
sentryLogbackInitializer(SentryProperties) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryLogbackAppenderAutoConfiguration
SentryLogbackInitializer - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta
Registers SentryAppender after Spring context gets refreshed.
SentryLogbackInitializer - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot
Registers SentryAppender after Spring context gets refreshed.
SentryLogbackInitializer(SentryProperties) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryLogbackInitializer
SentryLogbackInitializer(SentryProperties) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryLogbackInitializer
SentryLongDate - Class in io.sentry
SentryLongDate(long) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryLongDate
SentryNanotimeDate - Class in io.sentry
Uses Date in combination with System.nanoTime().
SentryNanotimeDate() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryNanotimeDate
SentryNanotimeDate(Date, long) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryNanotimeDate
SentryNanotimeDateProvider - Class in io.sentry
SentryNanotimeDateProvider() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryNanotimeDateProvider
SentryOpenTelemetryAgentWithoutAutoInitConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.opentelemetry
SentryOpenTelemetryAgentWithoutAutoInitConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.opentelemetry
SentryOpenTelemetryAgentWithoutAutoInitConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.opentelemetry.SentryOpenTelemetryAgentWithoutAutoInitConfiguration
SentryOpenTelemetryAgentWithoutAutoInitConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.opentelemetry.SentryOpenTelemetryAgentWithoutAutoInitConfiguration
SentryOpenTelemetryMode - Enum Class in io.sentry
Configures the SDK to either automatically determine if OpenTelemetry is available, whether to use it and what way to use it in.
SentryOpenTelemetryNoAgentConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.opentelemetry
SentryOpenTelemetryNoAgentConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.opentelemetry
SentryOpenTelemetryNoAgentConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.opentelemetry.SentryOpenTelemetryNoAgentConfiguration
SentryOpenTelemetryNoAgentConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.opentelemetry.SentryOpenTelemetryNoAgentConfiguration
sentryOpenTelemetryOptionsConfiguration() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.opentelemetry.SentryOpenTelemetryAgentWithoutAutoInitConfiguration
sentryOpenTelemetryOptionsConfiguration() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.opentelemetry.SentryOpenTelemetryNoAgentConfiguration
sentryOpenTelemetryOptionsConfiguration() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.opentelemetry.SentryOpenTelemetryAgentWithoutAutoInitConfiguration
sentryOpenTelemetryOptionsConfiguration() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.opentelemetry.SentryOpenTelemetryNoAgentConfiguration
SentryOptions - Class in io.sentry
Sentry SDK options
SentryOptions() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryOptions
SentryOptions ctor It adds and set default things
SentryOptions.BeforeBreadcrumbCallback - Interface in io.sentry
The BeforeBreadcrumb callback
SentryOptions.BeforeEmitMetricCallback - Interface in io.sentry
The BeforeEmitMetric callback
SentryOptions.BeforeEnvelopeCallback - Interface in io.sentry
The BeforeEnvelope callback
SentryOptions.BeforeSendCallback - Interface in io.sentry
The BeforeSend callback
SentryOptions.BeforeSendReplayCallback - Interface in io.sentry
The BeforeSendReplay callback
SentryOptions.BeforeSendTransactionCallback - Interface in io.sentry
The BeforeSendTransaction callback
SentryOptions.Cron - Class in io.sentry
SentryOptions.ProfilesSamplerCallback - Interface in io.sentry
The profiles sampler callback.
SentryOptions.Proxy - Class in io.sentry
SentryOptions.RequestSize - Enum Class in io.sentry
SentryOptions.TracesSamplerCallback - Interface in io.sentry
The traces sampler callback.
SentryOtelKeys - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
SentryOtelKeys() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryOtelKeys
SentryOtelThreadLocalStorage - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
Workaround to make OpenTelemetry context storage work for Sentry since Sentry sometimes forks Context without cleaning up.
SentryOtelThreadLocalStorage() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryOtelThreadLocalStorage
SentryPackage - Class in io.sentry.protocol
An installed and loaded package as part of the Sentry SDK.
SentryPackage(String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryPackage
SentryPackage.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryPackage.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryPropagator - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
please use OtelSentryPropagator instead
SentryPropagator() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryPropagator
SentryPropagatorProvider - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
SentryPropagatorProvider() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryPropagatorProvider
SentryProperties - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta
Configuration for Sentry integration.
SentryProperties - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot
Configuration for Sentry integration.
SentryProperties() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties
SentryProperties() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties
SentryProperties.Graphql - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta
SentryProperties.Graphql - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot
SentryProperties.Logging - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta
SentryProperties.Logging - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot
SentryProperties.Reactive - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta
SentryQuartzConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.checkin
SentryQuartzConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin
SentryQuartzConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentryQuartzConfiguration
SentryQuartzConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentryQuartzConfiguration
SentryRandom - Class in io.sentry.util
This SentryRandom is a compromise used for improving performance of the SDK.
SentryRandom() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.SentryRandom
SentryReactorThreadLocalAccessor - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux
SentryReactorThreadLocalAccessor() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryReactorThreadLocalAccessor
SentryRegistrationSpec(BatchLoaderRegistry.RegistrationSpec<K, V>, Class<K>, Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec
SentryRegistrationSpec(BatchLoaderRegistry.RegistrationSpec<K, V>, Class<K>, Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec
SentryRegistrationSpec(BatchLoaderRegistry.RegistrationSpec<K, V>, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec
SentryRegistrationSpec(BatchLoaderRegistry.RegistrationSpec<K, V>, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec
SentryReplayEvent - Class in io.sentry
SentryReplayEvent() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
SentryReplayEvent.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
SentryReplayEvent.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
SentryReplayEvent.ReplayType - Enum Class in io.sentry
SentryReplayEvent.ReplayType.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
SentryReplayOptions - Class in io.sentry
SentryReplayOptions(boolean, SdkVersion) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
SentryReplayOptions(Double, Double, SdkVersion) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
SentryReplayOptions.SentryReplayQuality - Enum Class in io.sentry
SentryRequestHttpServletRequestProcessor - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
Attaches transaction name from the HTTP request to SentryEvent.
SentryRequestHttpServletRequestProcessor - Class in io.sentry.spring
Attaches transaction name from the HTTP request to SentryEvent.
SentryRequestHttpServletRequestProcessor(TransactionNameProvider, HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryRequestHttpServletRequestProcessor
SentryRequestHttpServletRequestProcessor(TransactionNameProvider, HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.SentryRequestHttpServletRequestProcessor
SentryRequestResolver - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
SentryRequestResolver - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux
SentryRequestResolver - Class in io.sentry.spring
SentryRequestResolver - Class in io.sentry.spring.webflux
SentryRequestResolver(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryRequestResolver
SentryRequestResolver(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryRequestResolver
SentryRequestResolver(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.SentryRequestResolver
SentryRequestResolver(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.webflux.SentryRequestResolver
SentryRuntime - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryRuntime() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime
SentryRuntime.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryRuntime.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentrySampler - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
SentrySampler() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySampler
SentrySampler(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySampler
SentrySamplingResult - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
SentrySamplingResult(TracesSamplingDecision) - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySamplingResult
SentryScheduleHook - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux
Hook meant to used with Schedulers.onScheduleHook(String, Function) to configure Reactor to copy correct scopes into the operating thread.
SentryScheduleHook - Class in io.sentry.spring.webflux
Hook meant to used with Schedulers.onScheduleHook(String, Function) to configure Reactor to copy correct scopes into the operating thread.
SentryScheduleHook() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryScheduleHook
SentryScheduleHook() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.webflux.SentryScheduleHook
sentryScheduleHookApplicationRunner() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryWebfluxAutoConfiguration
Configures hook that sets correct scopes on the executing thread.
SentrySchedulerFactoryBeanCustomizer - Class in io.sentry.spring.checkin
SentrySchedulerFactoryBeanCustomizer - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin
SentrySchedulerFactoryBeanCustomizer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentrySchedulerFactoryBeanCustomizer
SentrySchedulerFactoryBeanCustomizer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentrySchedulerFactoryBeanCustomizer
SentryServletContainerInitializer - Class in io.sentry.servlet.jakarta
Servlet container initializer used to add the SentryServletRequestListener to the ServletContext.
SentryServletContainerInitializer - Class in io.sentry.servlet
Servlet container initializer used to add the SentryServletRequestListener to the ServletContext.
SentryServletContainerInitializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.servlet.jakarta.SentryServletContainerInitializer
SentryServletContainerInitializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.servlet.SentryServletContainerInitializer
SentryServletRequestListener - Class in io.sentry.servlet.jakarta
This request listener pushes a new scope into sentry that enriches a Sentry event with the details about the current request upon sending.
SentryServletRequestListener - Class in io.sentry.servlet
This request listener pushes a new scope into sentry that enriches a Sentry event with the details about the current request upon sending.
SentryServletRequestListener() - Constructor for class io.sentry.servlet.jakarta.SentryServletRequestListener
SentryServletRequestListener() - Constructor for class io.sentry.servlet.SentryServletRequestListener
SentryServletRequestListener(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.servlet.jakarta.SentryServletRequestListener
SentryServletRequestListener(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.servlet.SentryServletRequestListener
SentrySpan - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentrySpan - Annotation Interface in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing
Makes annotated method execution or a method execution within a class annotated with SentrySpan executed within running SentryTransaction to get wrapped into Span.
SentrySpan - Annotation Interface in io.sentry.spring.tracing
Makes annotated method execution or a method execution within a class annotated with SentrySpan executed within running SentryTransaction to get wrapped into Span.
SentrySpan(Span) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
SentrySpan(Span, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
SentrySpan(Double, Double, SentryId, SpanId, SpanId, String, String, SpanStatus, String, Map<String, String>, Map<String, MeasurementValue>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
SentrySpan.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentrySpan.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
sentrySpanAdvice() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryAdviceConfiguration
sentrySpanAdvice() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryAdviceConfiguration
SentrySpanAdvice - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing
Creates a span from every bean method executed within SentryTransaction.
SentrySpanAdvice - Class in io.sentry.spring.tracing
Creates a span from every bean method executed within SentryTransaction.
SentrySpanAdvice() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentrySpanAdvice
SentrySpanAdvice() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentrySpanAdvice
SentrySpanAdvice(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentrySpanAdvice
SentrySpanAdvice(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentrySpanAdvice
sentrySpanAdvisor(Pointcut, Advice) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryAdviceConfiguration
sentrySpanAdvisor(Pointcut, Advice) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryAdviceConfiguration
SentrySpanClientHttpRequestInterceptor - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing
SentrySpanClientHttpRequestInterceptor - Class in io.sentry.spring.tracing
SentrySpanClientHttpRequestInterceptor(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentrySpanClientHttpRequestInterceptor
SentrySpanClientHttpRequestInterceptor(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentrySpanClientHttpRequestInterceptor
SentrySpanClientHttpRequestInterceptor(IScopes, boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentrySpanClientHttpRequestInterceptor
SentrySpanClientWebRequestFilter - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing
SentrySpanClientWebRequestFilter - Class in io.sentry.spring.tracing
SentrySpanClientWebRequestFilter(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentrySpanClientWebRequestFilter
SentrySpanClientWebRequestFilter(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentrySpanClientWebRequestFilter
SentrySpanExporter - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
SentrySpanExporter() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySpanExporter
SentrySpanExporter(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySpanExporter
sentrySpanPointcut() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentrySpanPointcutConfiguration
Pointcut around which spans are created.
sentrySpanPointcut() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentrySpanPointcutConfiguration
Pointcut around which spans are created.
SentrySpanPointcutConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing
AOP pointcut configuration for SentrySpan.
SentrySpanPointcutConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.tracing
AOP pointcut configuration for SentrySpan.
SentrySpanPointcutConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentrySpanPointcutConfiguration
SentrySpanPointcutConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentrySpanPointcutConfiguration
SentrySpanProcessor - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
please use OtelSentrySpanProcessor instead.
SentrySpanProcessor() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySpanProcessor
SentrySpanStorage - Class in io.sentry
please use SentryWeakSpanStorage (from sentry-opentelemetry-bootstrap) instead.
SentrySpringFilter - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
SentrySpringFilter - Class in io.sentry.spring
SentrySpringFilter() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentrySpringFilter
SentrySpringFilter() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.SentrySpringFilter
SentrySpringFilter(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentrySpringFilter
SentrySpringFilter(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.SentrySpringFilter
SentrySpringFilter(IScopes, SentryRequestResolver, TransactionNameProvider) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentrySpringFilter
SentrySpringFilter(IScopes, SentryRequestResolver, TransactionNameProvider) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.SentrySpringFilter
SentrySpringServletContainerInitializer - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
Servlet container initializer used to add the SentrySpringFilter to the ServletContext.
SentrySpringServletContainerInitializer - Class in io.sentry.spring
Servlet container initializer used to add the SentrySpringFilter to the ServletContext.
SentrySpringServletContainerInitializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentrySpringServletContainerInitializer
SentrySpringServletContainerInitializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.SentrySpringServletContainerInitializer
SentrySpringSubscriptionHandler - Class in io.sentry.spring.graphql
SentrySpringSubscriptionHandler - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql
SentrySpringSubscriptionHandler() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentrySpringSubscriptionHandler
SentrySpringSubscriptionHandler() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentrySpringSubscriptionHandler
SentryStackFrame - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Holds information about a single stacktrace frame.
SentryStackFrame() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
SentryStackFrame.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryStackTrace - Class in io.sentry.protocol
A stack trace of a single thread.
SentryStackTrace() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace
SentryStackTrace(List<SentryStackFrame>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace
SentryStackTrace.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryStackTrace.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryStackTraceFactory - Class in io.sentry
class responsible for converting Java StackTraceElements to SentryStackFrames
SentryStackTraceFactory(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryStackTraceFactory
SentrySubscriptionHandler - Interface in io.sentry.graphql
SentryTaskDecorator - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
Forks scopes for a thread running a Runnable given by parameter.
SentryTaskDecorator - Class in io.sentry.spring
Forks scopes for the thread running a Runnable given by parameter.
SentryTaskDecorator() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryTaskDecorator
SentryTaskDecorator() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.SentryTaskDecorator
SentryThread - Class in io.sentry.protocol
A process thread of an event.
SentryThread() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
SentryThread.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryThread.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryThreadFactory - Class in io.sentry
class responsible for converting Java Threads to SentryThreads
SentryThreadFactory(SentryStackTraceFactory, SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryThreadFactory
ctor SentryThreadFactory that takes a SentryStackTraceFactory
SentryTraceHeader - Class in io.sentry
Represents HTTP header "sentry-trace".
SentryTraceHeader(SentryId, SpanId, Boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryTraceHeader
SentryTraceHeader(String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryTraceHeader
SentryTracer - Class in io.sentry
SentryTracer(TransactionContext, IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryTracer
SentryTracer(TransactionContext, IScopes, TransactionOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryTracer
SentryTracingConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing
Provides infrastructure beans for creating transactions and spans around bean methods annotated with SentryTransaction and SentrySpan.
SentryTracingConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.tracing
Provides infrastructure beans for creating transactions and spans around bean methods annotated with SentryTransaction and SentrySpan.
SentryTracingConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryTracingConfiguration
SentryTracingConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryTracingConfiguration
SentryTracingFilter - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing
Creates ITransaction around HTTP request executions if performance is enabled.
SentryTracingFilter - Class in io.sentry.spring.tracing
Creates ITransaction around HTTP request executions.
SentryTracingFilter() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryTracingFilter
Creates filter that resolves transaction name using SpringMvcTransactionNameProvider.
SentryTracingFilter() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryTracingFilter
Creates filter that resolves transaction name using SpringMvcTransactionNameProvider.
SentryTracingFilter(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryTracingFilter
SentryTracingFilter(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryTracingFilter
SentryTracingFilter(IScopes, TransactionNameProvider) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryTracingFilter
Creates filter that resolves transaction name using transaction name provider given by parameter.
SentryTracingFilter(IScopes, TransactionNameProvider) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryTracingFilter
Creates filter that resolves transaction name using transaction name provider given by parameter.
SentryTransaction - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryTransaction - Annotation Interface in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing
Makes annotated method execution or a method execution within an annotated class to get wrapped into SentryTransaction.
SentryTransaction - Annotation Interface in io.sentry.spring.tracing
Makes annotated method execution or a method execution within an annotated class to get wrapped into SentryTransaction.
SentryTransaction(SentryTracer) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction
SentryTransaction(String, Double, Double, List<SentrySpan>, Map<String, MeasurementValue>, TransactionInfo) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction
SentryTransaction.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
SentryTransaction.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
sentryTransactionAdvice() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryAdviceConfiguration
sentryTransactionAdvice() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryAdviceConfiguration
SentryTransactionAdvice - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing
Reports execution of every bean method annotated with SentryTransaction or a execution of a bean method within a class annotated with SentryTransaction.
SentryTransactionAdvice - Class in io.sentry.spring.tracing
Reports execution of every bean method annotated with SentryTransaction or a execution of a bean method within a class annotated with SentryTransaction.
SentryTransactionAdvice() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryTransactionAdvice
SentryTransactionAdvice() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryTransactionAdvice
SentryTransactionAdvice(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryTransactionAdvice
SentryTransactionAdvice(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryTransactionAdvice
sentryTransactionAdvisor(Pointcut, Advice) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryAdviceConfiguration
sentryTransactionAdvisor(Pointcut, Advice) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryAdviceConfiguration
sentryTransactionPointcut() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryTransactionPointcutConfiguration
Pointcut around which transactions are created.
sentryTransactionPointcut() - Method in class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryTransactionPointcutConfiguration
Pointcut around which transactions are created.
SentryTransactionPointcutConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing
AOP pointcut configuration for SentryTransaction.
SentryTransactionPointcutConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.tracing
AOP pointcut configuration for SentryTransaction.
SentryTransactionPointcutConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryTransactionPointcutConfiguration
SentryTransactionPointcutConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryTransactionPointcutConfiguration
SentryUserFilter - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
Sets the User on the IScope with information retrieved from SentryUserProviders.
SentryUserFilter - Class in io.sentry.spring
Sets the User on the IScope with information retrieved from SentryUserProviders.
SentryUserFilter(IScopes, List<SentryUserProvider>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryUserFilter
SentryUserFilter(IScopes, List<SentryUserProvider>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.SentryUserFilter
SentryUserProvider - Interface in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
Out of the box Spring integration configures single SentryUserProvider - HttpServletRequestSentryUserProvider.
SentryUserProvider - Interface in io.sentry.spring
Out of the box Spring integration configures single SentryUserProvider - HttpServletRequestSentryUserProvider.
SentryUUID - Class in io.sentry
SentryUUID is a utility class for generating Sentry-specific ID Strings.
SentryWeakSpanStorage - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
Weakly references wrappers for OpenTelemetry spans meaning they'll be cleaned up when the OpenTelemetry span is garbage collected.
SentryWebConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
Registers Spring Web specific Sentry beans.
SentryWebConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring
Registers Spring Web specific Sentry beans.
SentryWebConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryWebConfiguration
SentryWebConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.SentryWebConfiguration
sentryWebExceptionHandler(IScopes) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryWebfluxAutoConfiguration
Configures exception handler that handles unhandled exceptions and sends them to Sentry.
sentryWebExceptionHandler(IScopes) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryWebfluxAutoConfiguration
Configures exception handler that handles unhandled exceptions and sends them to Sentry.
SentryWebExceptionHandler - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux
Handles unhandled exceptions in Spring WebFlux integration.
SentryWebExceptionHandler - Class in io.sentry.spring.webflux
Handles unhandled exceptions in Spring WebFlux integration.
SentryWebExceptionHandler(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryWebExceptionHandler
SentryWebExceptionHandler(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.webflux.SentryWebExceptionHandler
sentryWebFilter(IScopes) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryWebfluxAutoConfiguration
Configures a filter that sets up Sentry IScope for each request.
SentryWebFilter - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux
Manages IScope in Webflux request processing.
SentryWebFilter - Class in io.sentry.spring.webflux
Manages IScope in Webflux request processing.
SentryWebFilter(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryWebFilter
SentryWebFilter(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.webflux.SentryWebFilter
SentryWebFilterWithThreadLocalAccessor - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux
Manages IScope in Webflux request processing.
SentryWebFilterWithThreadLocalAccessor(IScopes) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryWebFilterWithThreadLocalAccessor
SentryWebfluxAutoConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta
Configures Sentry integration for Spring Webflux and Project Reactor.
SentryWebfluxAutoConfiguration - Class in io.sentry.spring.boot
Configures Sentry integration for Spring Webflux and Project Reactor.
SentryWebfluxAutoConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryWebfluxAutoConfiguration
SentryWebfluxAutoConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryWebfluxAutoConfiguration
SentryWrapper - Class in io.sentry
Helper class that provides wrappers around: Callable Supplier that forks the current scope(s) before execution and restores previous state afterwards.
SentryWrapper() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryWrapper
SEQ - Static variable in class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReport
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardedEvent
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in interface io.sentry.JsonSerializable
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorContexts
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurementValue
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Browser
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugMeta
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in enum class io.sentry.protocol.Device.DeviceOrientation
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Geo
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Message
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Response
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryId
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryPackage
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionInfo
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchy
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.ReplayRecording
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEventType
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in enum class io.sentry.SentryLevel
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in enum class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.ReplayType
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.Session
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanId
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.TraceContext
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.UserFeedback
serialize(ObjectWriter, ILogger, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectSerializer
serialize(RRWebEvent, ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent.Serializer
serialize(RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent, ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.Serializer
serialize(SentryBaseEvent, ObjectWriter, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.Serializer
serialize(SentryEnvelope, OutputStream) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISerializer
Serializes an envelope
serialize(SentryEnvelope, OutputStream) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonSerializer
Serializes an envelope to an OutputStream
serialize(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISerializer
serialize(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonSerializer
serialize(Object, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonReflectionObjectSerializer
serialize(T, Writer) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISerializer
serialize(T, Writer) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonSerializer
serializedName() - Method in enum class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions.SentryReplayQuality
serializeObject(Object, ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonReflectionObjectSerializer
serializer - Variable in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
Serializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent.Serializer
Serializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.Serializer
Serializer() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.Serializer
SERVER_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys
SERVLET_REQUEST - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Servlet Request breadcrumbs.
Session - Class in io.sentry
Session - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
Session - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
Session(Session.State, Date, Date, int, String, String, Boolean, Long, Double, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Session
Session(String, User, String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Session
SESSION - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.ReplayType
Session.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
Session.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
Session.State - Enum Class in io.sentry
Session state
SessionEnd - Interface in io.sentry.hints
Hint that shows this is a session end envelope
SessionEndHint - Class in io.sentry.hints
SessionEndHint() - Constructor for class io.sentry.hints.SessionEndHint
SessionStart - Interface in io.sentry.hints
Hint that shows this is a session start envelope
SessionStartHint - Class in io.sentry.hints
SessionStartHint() - Constructor for class io.sentry.hints.SessionStartHint
set(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.CustomSamplingContext
set(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
set(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
set(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
set(IScopes) - Method in class io.sentry.DefaultScopesStorage
set(IScopes) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopesStorage
set(IScopes) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopesStorage
set(IScopes) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelContextScopesStorage
setAbsPath(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setActiveSpan(ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setActiveSpan(ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
setActiveSpan(ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
setActiveSpan(ISpan) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
setActiveSpan(ISpan) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
setActiveSpan(ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
setActiveSpan(ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setActiveSpan(ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
setActiveSpan(ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
setActiveSpan(ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
setActiveSpan(ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
setAddress(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
setAlpha(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
setAndroidApiLevel(int) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setApiTarget(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
setApiType(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
setApp(App) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
setApp(App) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
setAppBuild(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
setAppIdentifier(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.InAppIncludesResolver
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.InAppIncludesResolver
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryInitBeanPostProcessor
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.SentryInitBeanPostProcessor
setAppName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
setAppStartTime(Date) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
setAppStartTransaction(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
setAppVersion(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
setArch(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
setArchs(String[]) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setAttachServerName(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets if SDK should automatically resolve and attache server name to events.
setAttachStacktrace(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the attachStacktrace to enabled or disabled
setAttachThreads(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the attachThreads to enabled or disabled
setBackpressureMonitor(IBackpressureMonitor) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setBatteryLevel(Float) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setBatteryTemperature(Float) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setBeforeBreadcrumb(SentryOptions.BeforeBreadcrumbCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the beforeBreadcrumb callback
setBeforeEnvelopeCallback(SentryOptions.BeforeEnvelopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setBeforeSend(SentryOptions.BeforeSendCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the beforeSend callback
setBeforeSendReplay(SentryOptions.BeforeSendReplayCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the beforeSendReplay callback
setBeforeSendTransaction(SentryOptions.BeforeSendTransactionCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the beforeSendTransaction callback
setBindToScope(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
Sets bindToScope to enabled or disabled
setBodySize(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
setBodySize(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Response
setBootTime(Date) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setBrand(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setBreadcrumbConverter(ReplayBreadcrumbConverter) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpReplayController
setBreadcrumbConverter(ReplayBreadcrumbConverter) - Method in interface io.sentry.ReplayController
setBreadcrumbs(Collection<Breadcrumb>) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
setBreadcrumbs(Collection<Breadcrumb>) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
setBreadcrumbs(Collection<Breadcrumb>) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
setBreadcrumbs(List<Breadcrumb>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
setBreadcrumbTimestamp(double) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
setBreadcrumbType(String) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
setBrowser(Browser) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
setBrowser(Browser) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
setBuild(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
setBuildId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setBuildType(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
setCacheDirPath(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the cache dir.
setCategory(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Sets the category
setCategory(String) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
setCharging(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setCheckinMargin(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
setChildren(List<ViewHierarchyNode>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
setCity(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Geo
Sets the human readable city name.
setClassName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
setCodeFile(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
setCodeId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
setColno(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setComments(String) - Method in class io.sentry.UserFeedback
Sets comments of the user about what happened.
setConnectionStatusProvider(IConnectionStatusProvider) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setConnectionTimeoutMillis(int) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the connection timeout in milliseconds.
setConnectionType(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setContainer(String) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setContext(String, Object) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
setContext(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
setContext(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
setContext(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
setContext(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
setContext(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
setContext(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
setContext(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
setContextLine(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setContexts(Contexts) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
setContexts(Contexts) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
setContexts(Contexts) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
setContexts(String, Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setContexts(String, Boolean) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets the Scope's contexts
setContexts(String, Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setContexts(String, Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets the Scope's contexts
setContexts(String, Character) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setContexts(String, Character) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets the Scope's contexts
setContexts(String, Character) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setContexts(String, Character) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets the Scope's contexts
setContexts(String, Number) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setContexts(String, Number) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets the Scope's contexts
setContexts(String, Number) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setContexts(String, Number) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets the Scope's contexts
setContexts(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setContexts(String, Object) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets the Scope's contexts
setContexts(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setContexts(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets the Scope's contexts
setContexts(String, Object[]) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setContexts(String, Object[]) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets the Scope's contexts
setContexts(String, Object[]) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setContexts(String, Object[]) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets the Scope's contexts
setContexts(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setContexts(String, String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets the Scope's contexts
setContexts(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setContexts(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets the Scope's contexts
setContexts(String, Collection<?>) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setContexts(String, Collection<?>) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets the Scope's contexts
setContexts(String, Collection<?>) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setContexts(String, Collection<?>) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets the Scope's contexts
setCookies(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
setCookies(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Response
setCountryCode(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Geo
Sets the two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
setCpuArchitecture(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setCpuDescription(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setCrashed(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Sets whether the crash happened on this thread.
setCrashedLastRun(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryCrashLastRunState
setCron(SentryOptions.Cron) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setCron(SentryOptions.Cron) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setCurrent(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Sets an optional flag to indicate that the thread was in the foreground.
setCurrentHub(IHub) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
setCurrentScopes(IScopes) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
setCustomSamplingContext(CustomSamplingContext) - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
Sets the customSamplingContext
setDaemon(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Sets if this is a daemon thread.
setData(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Sets an entry to the data's map
setData(String, Object) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Sets extra data on span or transaction.
setData(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
setData(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
setData(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
setData(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
setData(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
setData(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
setData(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
setData(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
setData(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
setData(Object) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Response
setData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
Sets additional arbitrary fields of the user.
setData(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
setData(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
setData(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
setData(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
setDataUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
setDataUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
setDataUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent
setDataUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent
setDataUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent
setDataUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
setDataUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setDateProvider(SentryDateProvider) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the SentryDateProvider which is used to retrieve the current date.
setDeadlineTimeout(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
Sets the deadlineTimeout.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the debug mode to ON or OFF Default is OFF
setDebug(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setDebugFile(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
setDebugId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
setDebugMeta(DebugMeta) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
setDebugMetaLoader(IDebugMetaLoader) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setDefaultCheckinMargin(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Cron
setDefaultFailureIssueThreshold(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Cron
setDefaultMaxRuntime(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Cron
setDefaultRecoveryThreshold(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Cron
setDefaultScopeType(ScopeType) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setDefaultTimezone(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Cron
setDescription(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Sets span description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
setDevice(Device) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
setDevice(Device) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
setDeviceAppHash(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
setDeviceCpuFrequencies(List<Integer>) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setDeviceIsEmulator(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setDeviceLocale(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setDeviceManufacturer(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setDeviceModel(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setDeviceOsBuildNumber(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setDeviceOsVersion(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setDevicePhysicalMemoryBytes(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setDiagnosticLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the minimum LogLevel if null, it uses the default min.
setDist(String) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
setDist(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setDist(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IOptionsObserver
setDist(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
setDist(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the distribution
setDistinctId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the distinct Id
setDsn(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setDsn(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the DSN
setDuration(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
setDurationMs(long) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setDurationNs(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setEmail(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
Gets the e-mail address of the user.
setEmail(String) - Method in class io.sentry.UserFeedback
Sets the email of the user.
setEmbeddedValueResolver(StringValueResolver) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentryCheckInAdvice
setEmbeddedValueResolver(StringValueResolver) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentryCheckInAdvice
setEnableAotCompatibility(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties
setEnableAppStartProfiling(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Whether to profile app launches, depending on profilesSampler or profilesSampleRate.
setEnableAutoSessionTracking(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Enable or disable the automatic session tracking
setEnableBackpressureHandling(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setEnableBackpressureHandling(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Whether Sentry should be enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties.Logging
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties.Logging
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setEnableDeduplication(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Enables or disables event deduplication.
setEnableDeduplication(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setEnableExternalConfiguration(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Enables loading options from external sources like file or environment variables, system properties.
setEnablePrettySerializationOutput(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Whether to format serialized data, e.g.
setEnablePrettySerializationOutput(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setEnableScopePersistence(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setEnableScreenTracking(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setEnableShutdownHook(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Enables or disable ShutdownHookIntegration.
setEnableSpotlight(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setEnableSpotlight(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setEnableTimeToFullDisplayTracing(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets if the time-to-full-display spans should be tracked in navigation transactions.
setEnableUncaughtExceptionHandler(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Enable or disable the default UncaughtExceptionHandlerIntegration.
setEnableUncaughtExceptionHandler(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setEnableUserInteractionBreadcrumbs(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setEnableUserInteractionTracing(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setEncoder(Encoder<ILoggingEvent>) - Method in class io.sentry.logback.SentryAppender
setEncoding(String) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setEndTimestamp(double) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
setEnvelopeDiskCache(IEnvelopeCache) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the EnvelopeCache interface
setEnvelopeReader(IEnvelopeReader) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setEnvironment(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setEnvironment(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
setEnvironment(String) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
setEnvironment(String) - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
setEnvironment(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setEnvironment(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IOptionsObserver
setEnvironment(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
setEnvironment(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the environment
setEnvs(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
setErrorIds(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
setEventDropReason(Hint, EventDropReason) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HintUtils
setEventId(SentryId) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
setExceptionGroup(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
setExceptionId(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
setExceptionResolverOrder(int) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties
Sets the order to use for Spring SentryExceptionResolver, which determines whether all web exceptions are reported, or only uncaught exceptions.
setExceptionResolverOrder(int) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties
Sets the order to use for Spring SentryExceptionResolver, which determines whether all web exceptions are reported, or only uncaught exceptions.
setExceptions(List<SentryException>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
setExecutorService(ISentryExecutorService) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the SentryExecutorService
setExternalFreeStorage(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setExternalStorageSize(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setExtra(String, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
setExtra(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setExtra(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
setExtra(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
setExtra(String, String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets an extra to the Scope's extra map
setExtra(String, String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
setExtra(String, String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Sets the extra key to an arbitrary value to the current Scope, overwriting a potential previous value
setExtra(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
setExtra(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setExtra(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
setExtra(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets an extra to the Scope's extra map
setExtra(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
setExtra(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
setExtra(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
setExtra(String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Sets the extra key to an arbitrary value to the current Scope, overwriting a potential previous value
setExtras(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
setExtras(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
setExtras(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
setExtras(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
setFailureIssueThreshold(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
setFamily(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setFilename(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setFingerprint(Collection<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
setFingerprint(Collection<String>) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
setFingerprint(Collection<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
setFingerprint(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setFingerprint(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
setFingerprint(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
setFingerprint(List<String>) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets the Scope's fingerprint list
setFingerprint(List<String>) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Sets the fingerprint to group specific events together to the current Scope.
setFingerprint(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
setFingerprint(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setFingerprint(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
setFingerprint(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets the Scope's fingerprint list
setFingerprint(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
setFingerprint(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
setFingerprint(List<String>) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Sets the fingerprint to group specific events together to the current Scope.
setFingerprints(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
setFlushable(SentryId) - Method in interface io.sentry.hints.DiskFlushNotification
setFlushable(SentryId) - Method in class io.sentry.UncaughtExceptionHandlerIntegration.UncaughtExceptionHint
setFlushTimeoutMillis(long) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the flush timeout in millis
setForceInit(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
If set to true a call to Sentry.init (or SentryAndroid.init) will go through and replace previous options if there are any.
setForceInit(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setFormatted(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Message
Sets a formatted String
setForNextAppStart(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionContext
setFragment(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
setFrameCount(int) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setFrameRate(int) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setFrameRateType(String) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setFrames(List<SentryStackFrame>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace
Sets the frames of this stacktrace.
setFramesOmitted(List<Integer>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setFreeMemory(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setFreeStorage(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setFullyDisplayedReporter(FullyDisplayedReporter) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setFunction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setGeo(Geo) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
Set user geo location.
setGestureTargetLocators(List<GestureTargetLocator>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the list of GestureTargetLocator being used to determine relevant UiElement for user interactions.
setGlobalHubMode(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setGlobalHubMode(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
If set to true, automatic scope forking will be disabled.
setGpu(Gpu) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
setGpu(Gpu) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
setGraphql(SentryProperties.Graphql) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties
setGraphql(SentryProperties.Graphql) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties
setHandled(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
setHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
setHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Response
setHeight(int) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent
setHeight(int) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setHeight(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
setHeldLocks(Map<String, SentryLockReason>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Sets locks held by this thread.
setHelpLink(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
setHost(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Proxy
setHref(String) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent
setHtmlSafe(boolean) - Method in class
Configure this writer to emit JSON that's safe for direct inclusion in HTML and XML documents.
setId(int) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
setId(int) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position
setId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
setId(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Sets the Id of the thread.
setId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
Sets the id of the user.
setId(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
setIdle(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanOptions
setIdleTimeout(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setIdleTimeout(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the idle timeout.
setIdleTimeout(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
Sets the idleTimeout
setIgnoredCheckIns(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setIgnoredCheckIns(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the list of monitor slugs for which captured check-ins should not be sent to Sentry.
setIgnoredErrors(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setIgnoredErrors(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the list of strings/regex patterns that `event.message`, `event.formatted`, and `{}: {event.throwable.message}` are checked against to determine if an event shall be sent to Sentry or ignored.
setIgnoredErrorTypes(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties.Graphql
setIgnoredErrorTypes(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties.Graphql
setIgnoredSpanOrigins(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the list of strings/regex patterns the origin of a new span/transaction will be tested against to determine whether the span/transaction shall be created.
setIgnoredTransactions(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setIgnoredTransactions(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the list of strings/regex patterns that captured transaction names are checked against to determine if a transaction shall be sent to Sentry or ignored.
setImageAddr(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
setImageAddr(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setImages(List<DebugImage>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugMeta
setImageSize(long) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
Sets the image size.
setImageSize(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
setInApp(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setIndent(String) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
setIndent(String) - Method in class
Sets the indentation string to be repeated for each level of indentation in the encoded document.
setInForeground(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
setInitAsTrue() - Method in class io.sentry.Session
Used for migrating the init flag when an session is gonna be deleted.
setInitPriority(InitPriority) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setInstructionAddr(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setInstrumenter(Instrumenter) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
this should no longer be needed with our current OpenTelmetry integration. Use SentryOptions.setIgnoredSpanOrigins(List) instead if you need fine grained control over what integrations can create spans.
setInstrumenter(Instrumenter) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
setInteractionType(RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
setIpAddress(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
Sets the IP address of the user.
setIsFromHybridSdk(Hint, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HintUtils
setKernelVersion(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
setLastEventId(SentryId) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setLastEventId(SentryId) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
setLastEventId(SentryId) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setLastEventId(SentryId) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
setLeft(int) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
setLenient(boolean) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
setLenient(boolean) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectWriter
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class
Configure this parser to be liberal in what it accepts.
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class
Configure this writer to relax its syntax rules.
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Sets the level
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets the Scope's SentryLevel Level from scope exceptionally take precedence over the event
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Sets the level of all events sent within current Scope
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets the Scope's SentryLevel Level from scope exceptionally take precedence over the event
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Sets the level of all events sent within current Scope
setLevel(SentryLevel) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
setLineno(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setLocale(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setLock(SentryLockReason) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setLogger(ILogger) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the Logger interface if null, logger will be NoOp
setLogger(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
setLoggers(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties.Logging
setLoggers(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties.Logging
setLogging(SentryProperties.Logging) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties
setLogging(SentryProperties.Logging) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties
setLowMemory(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setMain(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
If applicable, a flag indicating whether the thread was responsible for rendering the user interface.
setManufacturer(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setMaskAllImages(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
Mask all image content.
setMaskAllText(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
Mask all text content.
setMaskViewContainerClass(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
setMaxAttachmentSize(long) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the max attachment size for each attachment in bytes.
setMaxBreadcrumbs(int) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the max breadcrumbs Default is 100
setMaxCacheItems(int) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the max cache items for capping the number of events
setMaxDepth(int) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Set the max depth for when serializing object graphs using reflection.
setMaxQueueSize(int) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the max queue size if maxQueueSize is bigger than 0
setMaxRequestBodySize(SentryOptions.RequestSize) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setMaxRequestBodySize(SentryOptions.RequestSize) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setMaxRuntime(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
setMaxSpans(int) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the maximum number of spans that can be attached to single transaction.
setMaxTraceFileSize(long) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the max trace file size for each envelope item in bytes.
setMeasurement(String, Number) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Set a measurement without unit.
setMeasurement(String, Number) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
setMeasurement(String, Number) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
setMeasurement(String, Number) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
setMeasurement(String, Number) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
setMeasurement(String, Number) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
setMeasurement(String, Number) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
setMeasurement(String, Number) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
setMeasurement(String, Number, MeasurementUnit) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Set a measurement with specific unit.
setMeasurement(String, Number, MeasurementUnit) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
setMeasurement(String, Number, MeasurementUnit) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
setMeasurement(String, Number, MeasurementUnit) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
setMeasurement(String, Number, MeasurementUnit) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
setMeasurement(String, Number, MeasurementUnit) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
setMeasurement(String, Number, MeasurementUnit) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
setMeasurement(String, Number, MeasurementUnit) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
setMeasurementFromChild(String, Number) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
setMeasurementFromChild(String, Number, MeasurementUnit) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
setMechanism(Mechanism) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
Sets an optional mechanism that created this exception.
setMemorySize(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
setMemorySize(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setMessage(Message) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
setMessage(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Sets the message
setMessage(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Message
setMessage(String) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
setMeta(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
setMethod(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
setMinimumBreadcrumbLevel(Level) - Method in class io.sentry.logback.SentryAppender
setMinimumBreadcrumbLevel(Level) - Method in class io.sentry.jul.SentryHandler
setMinimumBreadcrumbLevel(Level) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties.Logging
setMinimumBreadcrumbLevel(Level) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties.Logging
setMinimumEventLevel(Level) - Method in class io.sentry.logback.SentryAppender
setMinimumEventLevel(Level) - Method in class io.sentry.jul.SentryHandler
setMinimumEventLevel(Level) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties.Logging
setMinimumEventLevel(Level) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties.Logging
setModel(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setModelId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setModule(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
setModule(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
Sets the optional module, or package which the exception type lives in.
setModule(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setModules(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
setModulesLoader(IModulesLoader) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setMonitorConfig(MonitorConfig) - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
setMonitorSlug(String) - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
setMultiThreadedRendering(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
setName(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransaction
Sets transaction name.
setName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
setName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
setName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
setName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion
setName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryPackage
setName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
setName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionContext
setName(String, TransactionNameSource) - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransaction
setName(String, TransactionNameSource) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
setName(String, TransactionNameSource) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
setName(String, TransactionNameSource) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
setName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Browser
setName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
setName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime
setName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Sets the name of the thread.
setName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
Set human readable name.
setName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
setName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.UserFeedback
Sets the name of the user.
setNative(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setNpotSupport(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
setOnErrorSampleRate(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
setOnline(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setOp(String) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
setOpenTelemetryMode(SentryOpenTelemetryMode) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Configures the SDK to either automatically determine if OpenTelemetry is available, whether to use it and what way to use it in.
setOperatingSystem(OperatingSystem) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
setOperatingSystem(OperatingSystem) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
setOperation(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Sets span operation.
setOperation(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
setOperation(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
setOperation(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanContext
setOperation(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
setOperation(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
setOperation(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
setOperation(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
setOperation(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
setOperation(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
setOptions(SentryOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.logback.SentryAppender
setOptionsPayload(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent
setOrientation(Device.DeviceOrientation) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setOrigin(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Sets the origin
setOrigin(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
setOrigin(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanOptions
setOthers(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
setPackage(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setPackageName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
setParams(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Message
setParentId(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
setParentNode(SpanNode) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SpanNode
setParentSampled(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionContext
setParentSampled(Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionContext
setParentSpanId(SpanId) - Method in class io.sentry.PropagationContext
setPass(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Proxy
setPayload(List<? extends RRWebEvent>) - Method in class io.sentry.ReplayRecording
setPayloadUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
setPayloadUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
setPayloadUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setPermissions(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
setPlatform(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setPlatform(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
setPointerId(int) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
setPointerId(int) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent
setPointerType(int) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
setPort(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Proxy
setPositions(List<RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent
setPostContext(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setPreContext(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setPrintfStyle(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.jul.SentryHandler
setPrintUncaughtStackTrace(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Enable or disable printing exceptions in UncaughtExceptionHandler
setPrintUncaughtStackTrace(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setPriority(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Sets the priority of the thread.
setProcessorCount(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setProcessorFrequency(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setProfileId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setProfileSampled(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
setProfileSampleRate(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
setProfilesSampler(SentryOptions.ProfilesSamplerCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the callback used to determine if a profile is sampled.
setProfilesSampleRate(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setProfilesSampleRate(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the profilesSampleRate.
setProfilingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
setProfilingTracesDirPath(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
setProfilingTracesHz(int) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
setProfilingTracesHz(int) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the rate the profiler will sample rates at.
setProguardUuid(String) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
setProguardUuid(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setProguardUuid(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IOptionsObserver
setProguardUuid(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets a Proguard UUID.
setPropagationContext(PropagationContext) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setPropagationContext(PropagationContext) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
setPropagationContext(PropagationContext) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setPropagationContext(PropagationContext) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
setProxy(SentryOptions.Proxy) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the proxy
setProxy(SentryOptions.Proxy) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setPublicKey(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
setQuality(SentryReplayOptions.SentryReplayQuality) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
setQueryString(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
setRawDescription(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
setRawDescription(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime
setRawFunction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setReactive(SentryProperties.Reactive) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties
setReadTimeoutMillis(int) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the read timeout in milliseconds
setRecoveryThreshold(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
setRegion(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Geo
Sets the human readable region name or code.
setRegisters(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace
setRelativeEndNs(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
setRelativeStartNs(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
setRelease(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setRelease(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
setRelease(String) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
setRelease(String) - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
setRelease(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setRelease(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IOptionsObserver
setRelease(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
setRelease(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the release
setRenderingSystem(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
setReplayController(ReplayController) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setReplayErrorSampleRate(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
setReplayErrorSampleRate(Double) - Method in interface io.sentry.IOptionsObserver
setReplayId(SentryId) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
setReplayId(SentryId) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setReplayId(SentryId) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets the Scope's current replay_id
setReplayId(SentryId) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
setReplayId(SentryId) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
setReplayId(SentryId) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
setReplayId(SentryId) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setReplayId(SentryId) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
setReplayId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
setReplayRecording(ReplayRecording) - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
setReplayStartTimestamp(Date) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
setReplayType(SentryReplayEvent.ReplayType) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
setRequest(Request) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
setRequest(Request) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setRequest(Request) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets the Scope's request
setRequest(Request) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
setRequest(Request) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setRequest(Request) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets the Scope's request
setRequest(Request) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
setRequest(Request) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
setResponse(Response) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
setResponse(Response) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
setResult(boolean) - Method in interface io.sentry.hints.SubmissionResult
setRetry(boolean) - Method in interface io.sentry.hints.Retryable
setRooted(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
setRuntime(SentryRuntime) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
setRuntime(SentryRuntime) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
setSampled(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.PropagationContext
setSampled(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
setSampled(Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
setSampled(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
setSampledProfile(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setSampleRand(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
setSampleRandDouble(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
setSampleRate(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
setSampleRate(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the sampleRate Can be anything between 0.0 and 1.0 or null (default), to disable it.
setSamplingDecision(TracesSamplingDecision) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
setSchedule(MonitorSchedule) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
setScopeBindingMode(ScopeBindingMode) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanOptions
setScreen(String) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setScreen(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets the Scope's current screen
setScreen(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setScreen(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets the Scope's current screen
setScreenDensity(Float) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setScreenDpi(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setScreenHeightPixels(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setScreenshot(Attachment) - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
setScreenWidthPixels(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setSdk(SdkVersion) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
setSdkInfo(SdkInfo) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugMeta
setSdkName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo
setSdkVersion(SdkVersion) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
setSdkVersion(SdkVersion) - Method in interface io.sentry.IOptionsObserver
setSdkVersion(SdkVersion) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the SdkVersion object
setSdkVersion(SdkVersion) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
setSeed(long) - Method in class io.sentry.util.Random
Sets the seed of this random number generator using a single long seed.
setSegmentId(int) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setSegmentId(int) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
setSegmentId(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.ReplayRecording
setSendClientReports(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Enables / disables sending of client reports.
setSendClientReports(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setSendDefaultPii(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setSendDefaultPii(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setSendModules(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Whether to send modules containing information about versions.
setSendModules(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setSentAt(Date) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader
Set he timestamp when the event was sent from the SDK as string in RFC 3339 format.
setSentryClientName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the Sentry client name
setSerializeNulls(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether object members are serialized when their value is null.
setSerializer(ISerializer) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the Serializer interface if null, Serializer will be NoOp
setServerName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setServerName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
setServerName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the default server name to be used in Sentry events.
setSessionFlushTimeoutMillis(long) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setSessionReplay(SentryReplayOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setSessionSampleRate(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
setSessionTrackingIntervalMillis(long) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the session tracking interval in millis
setShutdownTimeoutMillis(long) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the shutdown timeout in Millis Default is 2000 = 2s
setSimulator(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setSize(long) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setSnapshot(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace
setSource(RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent
setSpan(SpanData) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SpanNode
setSpanContext(Throwable, ISpan, String) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setSpanContext(Throwable, ISpan, String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
setSpanContext(Throwable, ISpan, String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
setSpanContext(Throwable, ISpan, String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
setSpanContext(Throwable, ISpan, String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Associates ISpan and the transaction name with the Throwable.
setSpanContext(Throwable, ISpan, String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
setSpanContext(Throwable, ISpan, String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setSpanContext(Throwable, ISpan, String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
setSpanContext(Throwable, ISpan, String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
setSpanContext(Throwable, ISpan, String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
setSpanContext(Throwable, ISpan, String) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
setSpanFactory(ISpanFactory) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setSpanFactory(ISpanFactory) - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
setSpanId(SpanId) - Method in class io.sentry.PropagationContext
setSplitApks(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
setSplitNames(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
setSpotlightConnectionUrl(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setSpotlightConnectionUrl(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setSslSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Set custom SSLSocketFactory that is trusted to self-signed certificates
setStacktrace(SentryStackTrace) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
Sets the stack trace.
setStacktrace(SentryStackTrace) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Sets the stacktrace of the thread.
setStartTimestamp(double) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
setStartTimestamp(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanOptions
Sets the startTimestamp
setStartType(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
setState(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
Sets the state of the thread.
setStatus(CheckInStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
setStatus(String) - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
setStatus(SpanStatus) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Sets span status.
setStatus(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
setStatus(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
setStatus(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanContext
setStatus(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
setStatus(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
setStatus(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
setStatus(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
setStatus(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
setStatus(SpanStatus) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
setStatusCode(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Response
setStorageSize(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setSymbol(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setSymbolAddr(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setSynthetic(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
setTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
setTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent
setTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
setTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
setTag(String, String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets a tag to Scope's tags
setTag(String, String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
setTag(String, String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Sets the tag to a string value to the current Scope, overwriting a potential previous value
setTag(String, String) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Sets the tag on span or transaction.
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets a tag to Scope's tags
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
setTag(String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Sets the tag to a string value to the current Scope, overwriting a potential previous value
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets a tag that is applied to all events and transactions.
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
setTag(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
setTag(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
setTags(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
setTags(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
setTags(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.sentry.IOptionsObserver
setTags(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
setTags(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
setTags(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
setThreadChecker(IThreadChecker) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setThreadDump(Attachment) - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
setThreadId(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
Sets an optional value which refers to a thread in the threads interface.
setThreadId(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
setThreadLocalAccessorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties.Reactive
setThreads(List<SentryThread>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
setThrowable(Throwable) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Sets the throwable that was thrown during the execution of the span.
setThrowable(Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
setThrowable(Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
setThrowable(Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
setThrowable(Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
setThrowable(Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
setThrowable(Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
Sets the Throwable
setThrowable(Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
setThrowable(Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
setTimeOffset(long) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position
setTimestamp(long) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent
setTimestamp(Date) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setTimestamp(Date) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
setTimestamp(Date) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
setTimezone(String) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
setTimezone(TimeZone) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setTop(int) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setTrace(SpanContext) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
setTrace(SpanContext) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorContexts
setTrace(SpanContext) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
setTrace(SpanContext, IScope) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
setTrace(SpanContext, IScope) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
setTrace(SpanContext, IScope) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
setTraceId(SentryId) - Method in class io.sentry.PropagationContext
setTraceId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setTraceId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
setTraceId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
setTraceIds(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
setTraceOptionsRequests(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Whether OPTIONS requests should be traced.
setTracePropagationTargets(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setTraceSampled(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
setTraceSampleRate(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
setTraceSampling(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
setTracesSampler(SentryOptions.TracesSamplerCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the callback used to determine if transaction is sampled.
setTracesSampleRate(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.ExternalOptions
setTracesSampleRate(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the tracesSampleRate Can be anything between 0.0 and 1.0 or null (default), to disable it.
setTrackOrientationChange(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
setTransaction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setTransaction(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets the Scope's transaction.
setTransaction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setTransaction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets the Scope's transaction.
setTransaction(ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.TracingState
setTransaction(ITransaction) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setTransaction(ITransaction) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets the current active transaction
setTransaction(ITransaction) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setTransaction(ITransaction) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets the current active transaction
setTransaction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
setTransaction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
setTransaction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
setTransaction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
setTransaction(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
setTransaction(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Sets the name of the current transaction to the current Scope.
setTransaction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
setTransaction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
setTransaction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
setTransaction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
setTransaction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
setTransaction(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Sets the name of the current transaction to the current Scope.
setTransaction(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
setTransactionFinishedCallback(TransactionFinishedCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
Sets the transactionFinishedCallback callback
setTransactionId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setTransactionName(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.opentelemetry.IOtelSpanWrapper
setTransactionName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
setTransactionName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
setTransactionName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setTransactionName(String, TransactionNameSource) - Method in interface io.sentry.opentelemetry.IOtelSpanWrapper
setTransactionName(String, TransactionNameSource) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
setTransactionName(String, TransactionNameSource) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
setTransactionNameSource(TransactionNameSource) - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionContext
setTransactionPerformanceCollector(TransactionPerformanceCollector) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the performance collector used to collect performance stats while transactions run.
setTransactionProfiler(ITransactionProfiler) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the listener interface to perform operations when a transaction is started or ended.
setTransactions(List<ProfilingTransactionData>) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setTransportFactory(ITransportFactory) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the TransportFactory interface
setTransportGate(ITransportGate) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the TransportGate interface
setTrimEnd(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanOptions
setTrimStart(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanOptions
setTruncationReason(String) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setType(int) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
setType(RRWebEventType) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent
setType(String) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule
setType(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
setType(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Sets the type
setType(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
setType(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
setType(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
The Exception Type.
setType(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
setType(Proxy.Type) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Proxy
setTypeCheckHint(Hint, Object) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HintUtils
setUnit(String) - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
setUnit(MonitorScheduleUnit) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule
setUnit(String) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.CheckIn
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReport
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardedEvent
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.sentry.JsonUnknown
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurementValue
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Browser
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugMeta
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Geo
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Message
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Response
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryPackage
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionInfo
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchy
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.ReplayRecording
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebOptionsEvent
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryEvent
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.Session
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.SpanContext
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.TraceContext
setUnknown(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.sentry.UserFeedback
setUnmaskViewContainerClass(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
setup() - Method in interface io.sentry.IPerformanceSnapshotCollector
setup() - Method in class io.sentry.JavaMemoryCollector
setUrl(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Request
setUrls(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
setUsableMemory(Long) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
setUseGitCommitIdAsRelease(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties
setUseGitCommitIdAsRelease(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties
setUser(User) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
setUser(User) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
setUser(User) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
setUser(User) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
setUser(User) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Sets the Scope's user
setUser(User) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopeObserver
setUser(User) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Shallow merges user configuration (email, username, etc) to the current Scope.
setUser(User) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
setUser(User) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
setUser(User) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
setUser(User) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Sets the Scope's user
setUser(User) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopeObserverAdapter
setUser(User) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
setUser(User) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
setUser(User) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Shallow merges user configuration (email, username, etc) to the current Scope.
setUser(User) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
setUser(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions.Proxy
setUserFilterOrder(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryProperties
setUserFilterOrder(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryProperties
setUserId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
setUsername(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.User
Sets the username of the user.
setUuid(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage
setValue(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule
setValue(String) - Method in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule
setValue(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException
The exception value
setValue(IScopes) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryReactorThreadLocalAccessor
setValue(T) - Method in class io.sentry.util.LazyEvaluator
setValues(Collection<ProfileMeasurementValue>) - Method in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
setValuesFromSamplingDecision(TracesSamplingDecision) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
setValuesFromScope(IScope, SentryOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
setValuesFromTransaction(SentryId, SentryId, SentryOptions, TracesSamplingDecision, String, TransactionNameSource) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
setVars(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame
setVendorId(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
setVendorName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
setVersion(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion
setVersion(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryPackage
setVersion(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Browser
setVersion(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
setVersion(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
setVersion(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime
setVersionMajor(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo
setVersionMinor(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo
setVersionPatchlevel(Integer) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo
setVideoFile(File) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent
setViewHierarchy(Attachment) - Method in class io.sentry.Hint
setViewHierarchyExporters(List<ViewHierarchyExporter>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryOptions
Sets the list of ViewHierarchyExporter being used to export the view hierarchy.
setViewNames(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.App
setVisibility(String) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
setWaitForChildren(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
Sets waitForChildren to enabled or disabled
setWidth(int) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent
setWidth(int) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent
setWidth(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
setX(float) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
setX(float) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position
setX(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
setY(float) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent
setY(float) - Method in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position
setY(Double) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
shouldApplyScopeData(Hint) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.HintUtils
Scope's data should be applied if: Hint is of the type ApplyScopeData or Hint is not Cached (this includes a null hint)
shouldEnrich() - Method in interface io.sentry.hints.Backfillable
shouldInit(SentryOptions, SentryOptions, boolean) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.InitUtil
shouldSample(Context, String, String, SpanKind, Attributes, List<LinkData>) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySampler
shouldTraceRequest(IScopes, ServerHttpRequest) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.AbstractSentryWebFilter
shutdown() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySpanExporter
ShutdownHookIntegration - Class in io.sentry
Registers hook that flushes Scopes when main thread shuts down.
ShutdownHookIntegration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.ShutdownHookIntegration
ShutdownHookIntegration(Runtime) - Constructor for class io.sentry.ShutdownHookIntegration
SID - Static variable in class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
SIMULATOR - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
size() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
size() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
size(Iterable<?>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.CollectionUtils
Returns an Iterator size
SIZE - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys
sizeScale - Variable in enum class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions.SentryReplayQuality
The scale related to the window size (in dp) at which the replay will be created.
skip(long) - Method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileInputStream
skipInit - Static variable in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryAutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider
skipValue() - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectReader
skipValue() - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectReader
skipValue() - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectReader
skipValue() - Method in class
Skips the next value recursively.
SLEEPING - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
SMALL - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryOptions.RequestSize
SNAPSHOT - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackTrace.JsonKeys
SOURCE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionInfo.JsonKeys
SOURCE - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.JsonKeys
Span - Class in io.sentry
Span - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
Span(TransactionContext, SentryTracer, IScopes, SpanOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.Span
SPAN_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan.JsonKeys
SPAN_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext.JsonKeys
SpanContext - Class in io.sentry
SpanContext(SentryId, SpanId, String, SpanId, TracesSamplingDecision) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SpanContext
SpanContext(SentryId, SpanId, SpanId, String, String, TracesSamplingDecision, SpanStatus, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SpanContext
SpanContext(SpanContext) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SpanContext
Copy constructor.
SpanContext(String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SpanContext
Creates trace context with deferred sampling decision.
SpanContext(String, TracesSamplingDecision) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SpanContext
SpanContext.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
SpanContext.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
SpanDataConvention - Interface in io.sentry
SpanDescriptionExtractor - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
SpanDescriptionExtractor() - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SpanDescriptionExtractor
SpanFactoryFactory - Class in io.sentry
SpanFactoryFactory() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SpanFactoryFactory
SpanFinishedCallback - Interface in io.sentry
SpanId - Class in io.sentry
SpanId() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SpanId
SpanId(String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.SpanId
SpanId.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
SpanNode - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
SpanNode(String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SpanNode
SpanOptions - Class in io.sentry
SpanOptions() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SpanOptions
SPANS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction.JsonKeys
SpanStatus - Enum Class in io.sentry
SpanStatus.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
SpanUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
SpanUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.SpanUtils
SPLIT_NAMES - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.App.JsonKeys
SpotlightIntegration - Class in io.sentry
SpotlightIntegration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SpotlightIntegration
SPRING_EXCHANGE_FILTER_REQUEST - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Spring exchange filter breadcrumbs.
SPRING_EXCHANGE_FILTER_RESPONSE - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Spring exchange filter breadcrumbs.
SPRING_REQUEST_FILTER_REQUEST - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Spring request filter breadcrumbs.
SPRING_REQUEST_FILTER_RESPONSE - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Spring request filter breadcrumbs.
SPRING_REQUEST_INTERCEPTOR_REQUEST - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Spring request interceptor breadcrumbs.
SPRING_REQUEST_INTERCEPTOR_REQUEST_BODY - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Spring request interceptor breadcrumbs.
SPRING_REQUEST_INTERCEPTOR_RESPONSE - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Spring request interceptor breadcrumbs.
SPRING_RESOLVER_REQUEST - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Spring resolver exceptions.
SPRING_RESOLVER_RESPONSE - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Spring resolver exceptions.
SpringMvcTransactionNameProvider - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing
Resolves transaction name using HttpServletRequest.getMethod() and templated route that handled the request.
SpringMvcTransactionNameProvider - Class in io.sentry.spring.tracing
Resolves transaction name using HttpServletRequest.getMethod() and templated route that handled the request.
SpringMvcTransactionNameProvider() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SpringMvcTransactionNameProvider
SpringMvcTransactionNameProvider() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SpringMvcTransactionNameProvider
SpringSecuritySentryUserProvider - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta
Resolves user information from Spring Security Authentication obtained via SecurityContextHolder.
SpringSecuritySentryUserProvider - Class in io.sentry.spring
Resolves user information from Spring Security Authentication obtained via SecurityContextHolder.
SpringSecuritySentryUserProvider(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SpringSecuritySentryUserProvider
SpringSecuritySentryUserProvider(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.SpringSecuritySentryUserProvider
SpringServletTransactionNameProvider - Class in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing
Fallback TransactionNameProvider when Spring is used in servlet mode (without MVC).
SpringServletTransactionNameProvider - Class in io.sentry.spring.tracing
Fallback TransactionNameProvider when Spring is used in servlet mode (without MVC).
SpringServletTransactionNameProvider() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SpringServletTransactionNameProvider
SpringServletTransactionNameProvider() - Constructor for class io.sentry.spring.tracing.SpringServletTransactionNameProvider
STACKTRACE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException.JsonKeys
STACKTRACE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread.JsonKeys
start() - Method in class io.sentry.backpressure.BackpressureMonitor
start() - Method in interface io.sentry.backpressure.IBackpressureMonitor
start() - Method in class io.sentry.backpressure.NoOpBackpressureMonitor
start() - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransactionProfiler
start() - Method in class io.sentry.log4j2.SentryAppender
start() - Method in class io.sentry.logback.SentryAppender
start() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpReplayController
start() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransactionProfiler
start() - Method in interface io.sentry.ReplayController
start(ITransaction) - Method in class io.sentry.DefaultTransactionPerformanceCollector
start(ITransaction) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransactionPerformanceCollector
start(ITransaction) - Method in interface io.sentry.TransactionPerformanceCollector
START_CPU_MS - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData.JsonKeys
START_NS - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurementValue.JsonKeys
START_NS - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData.JsonKeys
START_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan.JsonKeys
START_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction.JsonKeys
START_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebSpanEvent.JsonKeys
START_TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.App.JsonKeys
startChild(SpanContext, SpanOptions) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
startChild(SpanContext, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
startChild(SpanContext, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
startChild(SpanContext, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
startChild(SpanContext, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
startChild(SpanContext, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
startChild(SpanContext, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
startChild(SpanContext, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
startChild(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Starts a child Span.
startChild(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
startChild(String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
startChild(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
startChild(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
startChild(String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
startChild(String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
startChild(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
startChild(String, String) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Starts a child Span.
startChild(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
startChild(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
startChild(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
startChild(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
startChild(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
startChild(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
startChild(String, String) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
startChild(String, String, SpanOptions) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
startChild(String, String, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
startChild(String, String, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
startChild(String, String, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
startChild(String, String, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
startChild(String, String, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
startChild(String, String, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
startChild(String, String, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
startChild(String, String, SentryDate) - Method in interface io.sentry.ITransaction
Starts a child Span.
startChild(String, String, SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
startChild(String, String, SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
startChild(String, String, SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter, SpanOptions) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
startChild(String, String, SentryDate, Instrumenter, SpanOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
STARTED - Static variable in class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
startNewTrace(IScopes) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.TracingUtils
startSession() - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
startSession() - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
startSession() - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
startSession() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Returns a previous session (now closed) bound to this scope together with the newly created one
startSession() - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Starts a new session.
startSession() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
startSession() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
startSession() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
startSession() - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Returns a previous session (now closed) bound to this scope together with the newly created one
startSession() - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
startSession() - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
startSession() - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Starts a new session.
startTransaction(IScopes, ServerHttpRequest, TransactionContext, String) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.AbstractSentryWebFilter
startTransaction(TransactionContext) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Creates a Transaction and returns the instance.
startTransaction(TransactionContext) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Creates a Transaction and returns the instance.
startTransaction(TransactionContext, TransactionOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
startTransaction(TransactionContext, TransactionOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
startTransaction(TransactionContext, TransactionOptions) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Creates a Transaction and returns the instance.
startTransaction(TransactionContext, TransactionOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
startTransaction(TransactionContext, TransactionOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
startTransaction(TransactionContext, TransactionOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
startTransaction(TransactionContext, TransactionOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
startTransaction(TransactionContext, TransactionOptions) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Creates a Transaction and returns the instance.
startTransaction(String, String) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Creates a Transaction and returns the instance.
startTransaction(String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Creates a Transaction and returns the instance.
startTransaction(String, String, TransactionOptions) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Creates a Transaction and returns the instance.
startTransaction(String, String, TransactionOptions) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Creates a Transaction and returns the instance.
startTransaction(String, String, String, TransactionOptions) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Creates a Transaction and returns the instance.
STARTUP_CRASH_MARKER_FILE - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
STATE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread.JsonKeys
staticLock - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.SentryRequestResolver
staticLock - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.SentryRequestResolver
status - Variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext
Describes the status of the Transaction.
STATUS - Static variable in class io.sentry.CheckIn.JsonKeys
STATUS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan.JsonKeys
STATUS - Static variable in class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
STATUS - Static variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext.JsonKeys
STATUS_CODE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Response.JsonKeys
StdoutTransport - Class in io.sentry.transport
StdoutTransport(ISerializer) - Constructor for class io.sentry.transport.StdoutTransport
stop() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpReplayController
stop() - Method in interface io.sentry.ReplayController
stop(ITransaction) - Method in class io.sentry.DefaultTransactionPerformanceCollector
stop(ITransaction) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransactionPerformanceCollector
stop(ITransaction) - Method in interface io.sentry.TransactionPerformanceCollector
STORAGE_SIZE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
store(SentryEnvelope) - Method in interface io.sentry.cache.IEnvelopeCache
store(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
store(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in interface io.sentry.cache.IEnvelopeCache
store(SentryEnvelope, Hint) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.NoOpEnvelopeCache
store(SentryOptions, T, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
store(String, ISpan) - Method in class io.sentry.SentrySpanStorage
storeInContext(Context) - Method in interface io.sentry.opentelemetry.IOtelSpanWrapper
storeInContext(Context) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
storeInContext(Context) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
storeSentrySpan(SpanContext, IOtelSpanWrapper) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryWeakSpanStorage
STRING - Enum constant in enum class
A JSON string.
StringUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
StyleDeclaration - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
StyleSheetRule - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
SubmissionResult - Interface in io.sentry.hints
submit(Runnable) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryExecutorService
Submits a Runnable to the ThreadExecutor
submit(Runnable) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryExecutorService
submit(Callable<T>) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISentryExecutorService
Submits a Callable to the ThreadExecutor
submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryExecutorService
substringBefore(String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.StringUtils
success() - Static method in class io.sentry.transport.TransportResult
Use this method to announce success of sending the event.
SUFFIX_ENVELOPE_FILE - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
File suffix added to all serialized envelopes files.
supportsEventType(ResolvableType) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.SentryLogbackInitializer
supportsEventType(ResolvableType) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.boot.SentryLogbackInitializer
SYMBOL - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
SYMBOL_ADDR - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryStackFrame.JsonKeys
SYNTHETIC - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism.JsonKeys
SystemOutLogger - Class in io.sentry
ILogger implementation to System.out.
SystemOutLogger() - Constructor for class io.sentry.SystemOutLogger


TAG - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode.JsonKeys
TAG - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent.JsonKeys
tags - Variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext
A map or list of tags for this event.
TAGS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan.JsonKeys
TAGS - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys
TAGS - Static variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext.JsonKeys
TAGS_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingOptionsObserver
TAGS_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
TASK - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionNameSource
Name of a background task
TEBIBYTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Tebibyte (`"tebibyte"`), 2^40 bytes.
TERABYTE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Terabyte (`"terabyte"`), 10^12 bytes.
test(T) - Method in interface io.sentry.util.CollectionUtils.Predicate
TEXT_VIEW_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
THREAD_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.jul.SentryHandler
Name of the SentryEvent extra property containing the Thread id.
THREAD_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException.JsonKeys
THREAD_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason.JsonKeys
THREAD_ID - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
THREAD_NAME - Static variable in interface io.sentry.SpanDataConvention
ThreadChecker - Class in io.sentry.util.thread
Class that checks if a given thread is the Main/UI thread.
THREADS - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEvent.JsonKeys
throwable - Variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent
The captured Throwable
TIME_OFFSET - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position.JsonKeys
timestamp() - Method in interface io.sentry.hints.AbnormalExit
When exactly the abnormal exit happened
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb.JsonKeys
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReport.JsonKeys
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan.JsonKeys
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction.JsonKeys
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent.JsonKeys
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent.JsonKeys
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEvent.JsonKeys
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.JsonKeys
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
TIMEZONE - Static variable in class io.sentry.MonitorConfig.JsonKeys
TIMEZONE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
TIMEZONE_UTC - Static variable in class io.sentry.vendor.gson.internal.bind.util.ISO8601Utils
The UTC timezone, prefetched to avoid more lookups.
toBaggageHeader(List<String>) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Returns the baggage that can be sent as "baggage" header.
toBaggageHeader(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
toBaggageHeader(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
toBaggageHeader(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
toBaggageHeader(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
toBaggageHeader(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
toBaggageHeader(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
toBaggageHeader(List<String>) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
toHeaderString(String) - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
TOP - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys
toSentryIdString(long, long) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.UUIDStringUtils
toSentryIdString(UUID) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.UUIDStringUtils
toSentrySpanIdString(long) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.UUIDStringUtils
toSentrySpanIdString(UUID) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.UUIDStringUtils
toSentryTrace() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Returns the trace information that could be sent as a sentry-trace header.
toSentryTrace() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
toSentryTrace() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
toSentryTrace() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
toSentryTrace() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
toSentryTrace() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
toSentryTrace() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
toSentryTrace() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
toSpanContext() - Method in class io.sentry.PropagationContext
toString() - Method in class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardedEvent
toString() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryContextWrapper
toString() - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryId
toString() - Method in class io.sentry.SpanId
toString() - Method in class io.sentry.UserFeedback
toString() - Method in class
toString(Object) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.StringUtils
toTraceContext() - Method in class io.sentry.Baggage
TouchCancel - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType
TouchEnd - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType
TouchMove - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
TouchMove_Departed - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType
TouchStart - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType
toUtilDate(SentryDate) - Static method in class io.sentry.DateUtils
toUtilDateNotNull(SentryDate) - Static method in class io.sentry.DateUtils
trace(IScopes, List<String>, ISpan) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.TracingUtils
TRACE - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeHeader.JsonKeys
TRACE_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
TRACE_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.Baggage.DSCKeys
TRACE_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
TRACE_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTransactionData.JsonKeys
TRACE_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan.JsonKeys
TRACE_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext.JsonKeys
TRACE_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.TraceContext.JsonKeys
TRACE_IDS - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.JsonKeys
TRACE_ORIGIN - Static variable in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentrySpanExporter
TRACE_ORIGIN - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.SentryWebFilterWithThreadLocalAccessor
TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions.JsonKeys
TRACE_SAMPLED - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryAppStartProfilingOptions.JsonKeys
traceContext() - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Returns the trace context.
traceContext() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
traceContext() - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
traceContext() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
traceContext() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
traceContext() - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
traceContext() - Method in class io.sentry.PropagationContext
traceContext() - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
traceContext() - Method in class io.sentry.Span
TraceContext - Class in io.sentry
TraceContext.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
TraceContext.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
TraceData - Class in io.sentry.opentelemetry
TraceData(String, String, String, SentryTraceHeader, Baggage) - Constructor for class io.sentry.opentelemetry.TraceData
traceIfAllowed(IScopes, String, List<String>, ISpan) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.TracingUtils
TracesSampler - Class in io.sentry
TracesSampler(SentryOptions) - Constructor for class io.sentry.TracesSampler
TracesSamplingDecision - Class in io.sentry
TracesSamplingDecision(Boolean) - Constructor for class io.sentry.TracesSamplingDecision
TracesSamplingDecision(Boolean, Double) - Constructor for class io.sentry.TracesSamplingDecision
TracesSamplingDecision(Boolean, Double, Boolean, Double) - Constructor for class io.sentry.TracesSamplingDecision
TracesSamplingDecision(Boolean, Double, Double) - Constructor for class io.sentry.TracesSamplingDecision
TracesSamplingDecision(Boolean, Double, Double, Boolean, Double) - Constructor for class io.sentry.TracesSamplingDecision
TracingHeaders(SentryTraceHeader, BaggageHeader) - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.TracingUtils.TracingHeaders
TracingState() - Constructor for class io.sentry.graphql.SentryGraphqlInstrumentation.TracingState
TracingUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
TracingUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.TracingUtils
TracingUtils.TracingHeaders - Class in io.sentry.util
transaction(String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates transaction breadcrumb - describing a tracing event.
Transaction - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
Transaction - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
TRANSACTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.Baggage.DSCKeys
TRANSACTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction.JsonKeys
TRANSACTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEvent.JsonKeys
TRANSACTION - Static variable in class io.sentry.TraceContext.JsonKeys
TRANSACTION_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
TRANSACTION_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
TRANSACTION_INFO - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction.JsonKeys
TRANSACTION_LIST - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
TRANSACTION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
TransactionContext - Class in io.sentry
TransactionContext(SentryId, SpanId, SpanId, TracesSamplingDecision, Baggage) - Constructor for class io.sentry.TransactionContext
TransactionContext(String, TransactionNameSource, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.TransactionContext
TransactionContext(String, TransactionNameSource, String, TracesSamplingDecision) - Constructor for class io.sentry.TransactionContext
Creates TransactionContext with explicit sampling decision and name source.
TransactionContext(String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.TransactionContext
TransactionContext(String, String, TracesSamplingDecision) - Constructor for class io.sentry.TransactionContext
Creates TransactionContext with explicit sampling decision.
TransactionEnd - Interface in io.sentry.hints
Marker interface for events that should trigger finish of the current transaction on Scope
TransactionFinishedCallback - Interface in io.sentry
TransactionInfo - Class in io.sentry.protocol
TransactionInfo(String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionInfo
TransactionInfo.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
TransactionInfo.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
TransactionNameProvider - Interface in io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing
Resolves transaction name from HttpServletRequest.
TransactionNameProvider - Interface in io.sentry.spring.tracing
Resolves transaction name from HttpServletRequest.
TransactionNameSource - Enum Class in io.sentry.protocol
TransactionOptions - Class in io.sentry
Sentry Transaction options
TransactionOptions() - Constructor for class io.sentry.TransactionOptions
TransactionPerformanceCollector - Interface in io.sentry
TransportResult - Class in io.sentry.transport
TRUNCATION_REASON - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
TRUNCATION_REASON_BACKGROUNDED - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
TRUNCATION_REASON_NORMAL - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
TRUNCATION_REASON_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb.JsonKeys
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule.JsonKeys
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.App
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Browser
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage.JsonKeys
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Mechanism.JsonKeys
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Response
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException.JsonKeys
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction.JsonKeys
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode.JsonKeys
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebBreadcrumbEvent.JsonKeys
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEvent.JsonKeys
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.JsonKeys
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItemHeader.JsonKeys
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason.JsonKeys
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.JsonKeys
TYPE - Static variable in class io.sentry.SpanContext
TypeCheckHint - Class in io.sentry
Constants used for Type Check hints.
TypeCheckHint() - Constructor for class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
typeToString(GraphQLOutputType) - Static method in class io.sentry.graphql.GraphqlStringUtils


ui(String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates ui breadcrumb - a user interaction with your app's UI.
UiElement - Class in io.sentry.internal.gestures
UiElement(Object, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.internal.gestures.UiElement
UiElement.Type - Enum Class in io.sentry.internal.gestures
UNAUTHENTICATED - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
The requester doesn't have valid authentication credentials for the operation.
UNAVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
The service is currently available e.g.
uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class io.sentry.UncaughtExceptionHandlerIntegration
UncaughtExceptionHandlerIntegration - Class in io.sentry
Sends any uncaught exception to Sentry, then passes the exception on to the pre-existing uncaught exception handler.
UncaughtExceptionHandlerIntegration() - Constructor for class io.sentry.UncaughtExceptionHandlerIntegration
UncaughtExceptionHandlerIntegration.UncaughtExceptionHint - Class in io.sentry
UncaughtExceptionHint(long, ILogger) - Constructor for class io.sentry.UncaughtExceptionHandlerIntegration.UncaughtExceptionHint
UNIMPLEMENTED - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
The operation is not implemented or is not supported/enabled for this operation.
UNIT - Static variable in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule.JsonKeys
UNIT - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement.JsonKeys
UNIT - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue.JsonKeys
UNIT_BYTES - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
UNIT_HZ - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
UNIT_NANOSECONDS - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
UNIT_PERCENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
UNIT_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement
Unknown - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
Unknown - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.IConnectionStatusProvider.ConnectionStatus
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
An unknown error raised by APIs that don't return enough error information.
UNKNOWN_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
An unknown error raised by APIs that don't return enough error information.
unwrap(List<EventProcessorAndOrder>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.EventProcessorUtils
update(Session.State, String, boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.Session
update(Session.State, String, boolean, String) - Method in class io.sentry.Session
Updates the current session and set its values
updateEndDate(SentryDate) - Method in interface io.sentry.ISpan
Updates the end date of the span.
updateEndDate(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpSpan
updateEndDate(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpTransaction
updateEndDate(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelSpanWrapper
updateEndDate(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelStrongRefSpanWrapper
updateEndDate(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OtelTransactionSpanForwarder
updateEndDate(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.SentryTracer
updateEndDate(SentryDate) - Method in class io.sentry.Span
updateOpenTelemetryModeIfAuto(SentryOptions, LoadClass) - Static method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryUtil
updateRetryAfterLimits(String, String, int) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.RateLimiter
Reads and update the rate limit Dictionary
updateSdkVersion(SdkVersion, String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion
Updates the Sdk name and version or create a new one with the given values
URL - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionNameSource
Raw URL, potentially containing identifiers.
URL - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Request.JsonKeys
URL_SAFE - Static variable in class io.sentry.vendor.Base64
Encoder/decoder flag bit to indicate using the "URL and filename safe" variant of Base64 (see RFC 3548 section 4) where - and _ are used in place of + and /.
urlContainsDsnHost(SentryOptions, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.DsnUtil
UrlDetails(String, String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.UrlUtils.UrlDetails
URLS - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.JsonKeys
UrlUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
UrlUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.UrlUtils
UrlUtils.UrlDetails - Class in io.sentry.util
USABLE_MEMORY - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Device.JsonKeys
user(String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates user breadcrumb - a user interaction with your app's UI.
User - Class in io.sentry.protocol
Information about the user who triggered an event.
User() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.User
User(User) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.User
USER - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent.JsonKeys
USER_AGENT - Static variable in class io.sentry.Session.JsonKeys
USER_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.PersistingScopeObserver
USER_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.Baggage.DSCKeys
USER_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.TraceContext.JsonKeys
User.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
User.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
UserFeedback - Class in io.sentry
Adds additional information about what happened to an event.
UserFeedback - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
UserFeedback(SentryId) - Constructor for class io.sentry.UserFeedback
Initializes SentryUserFeedback and sets the required eventId.
UserFeedback(SentryId, String, String, String) - Constructor for class io.sentry.UserFeedback
Initializes SentryUserFeedback and sets the required eventId.
UserFeedback.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry
UserFeedback.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry
userInteraction(String, String, String) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates user breadcrumb - a user interaction with your app's UI.
userInteraction(String, String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates user breadcrumb - a user interaction with your app's UI.
userInteraction(String, String, String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class io.sentry.Breadcrumb
Creates user breadcrumb - a user interaction with your app's UI.
USERNAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.User.JsonKeys
UserReport - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
UTF_8 - Static variable in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
UUID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.DebugImage.JsonKeys
UUIDGenerator - Class in io.sentry.util
Utility class for generating UUIDs and half-length (1 long) UUIDs.
UUIDGenerator() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.UUIDGenerator
UUIDStringUtils - Class in io.sentry.util
Utility class to convert UUIDs and longs to Sentry ID Strings
UUIDStringUtils() - Constructor for class io.sentry.util.UUIDStringUtils


value() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.checkin.SentryCheckIn
Monitor slug.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentryCheckIn
Monitor slug.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentrySpan
Span operation.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.jakarta.tracing.SentryTransaction
Transaction name.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentrySpan
Span operation.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.sentry.spring.tracing.SentryTransaction
Transaction name.
value(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
value(boolean) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectWriter
value(boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
value(boolean) - Method in class
Encodes value.
value(double) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
value(double) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectWriter
value(double) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
value(double) - Method in class
Encodes value.
value(long) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
value(long) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectWriter
value(long) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
value(long) - Method in class
Encodes value.
value(ILogger, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
Encodes a supported object (Null, String, Boolean, Number, Collection, Array, Map, JsonSerializable).
value(ILogger, Object) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectWriter
value(ILogger, Object) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
value(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
value(Boolean) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectWriter
value(Boolean) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
value(Boolean) - Method in class
Encodes value.
value(Number) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
value(Number) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectWriter
value(Number) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
value(Number) - Method in class
Encodes value.
value(String) - Method in class io.sentry.JsonObjectWriter
value(String) - Method in interface io.sentry.ObjectWriter
value(String) - Method in class io.sentry.util.MapObjectWriter
value(String) - Method in class
Encodes value.
VALUE - Static variable in class io.sentry.MonitorSchedule.JsonKeys
VALUE - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurementValue.JsonKeys
VALUE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue.JsonKeys
VALUE - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryException.JsonKeys
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.CheckInStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.hints.EventDropReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.IConnectionStatusProvider.ConnectionStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.InitPriority
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.Instrumenter
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.internal.gestures.UiElement.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Duration
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Fraction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.MonitorScheduleType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.MonitorScheduleUnit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.protocol.Device.DeviceOrientation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionNameSource
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEventType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.ScopeBindingMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.ScopeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SentryLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SentryOpenTelemetryMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SentryOptions.RequestSize
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.ReplayType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions.SentryReplayQuality
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.Session.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOfLabel(String) - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.CheckInStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.DataCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.hints.EventDropReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.IConnectionStatusProvider.ConnectionStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.InitPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.Instrumenter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.internal.gestures.UiElement.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Duration
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Fraction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Information
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.MonitorScheduleType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.MonitorScheduleUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.protocol.Device.DeviceOrientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionNameSource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.InteractionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.ScopeBindingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.ScopeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SentryItemType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SentryLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SentryOpenTelemetryMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SentryOptions.RequestSize
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SentryReplayEvent.ReplayType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions.SentryReplayQuality
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.Session.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.sentry.SpanStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VALUES - Static variable in class io.sentry.profilemeasurements.ProfileMeasurement.JsonKeys
VENDOR_ID - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu.JsonKeys
VENDOR_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu.JsonKeys
VERSION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Browser.JsonKeys
VERSION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.Gpu.JsonKeys
VERSION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.OperatingSystem.JsonKeys
VERSION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion.JsonKeys
VERSION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryPackage.JsonKeys
VERSION - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SentryRuntime.JsonKeys
VERSION_CODE - Static variable in class io.sentry.ProfilingTraceData.JsonKeys
VERSION_MAJOR - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo.JsonKeys
VERSION_MINOR - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo.JsonKeys
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.apollo.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.apollo3.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.graphql.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.graphql22.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.jdbc.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.jul.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.log4j2.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.logback.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.okhttp.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.quartz.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.servlet.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.servlet.jakarta.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.boot.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.boot.jakarta.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.BuildConfig
VERSION_PATCHLEVEL - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.SdkInfo.JsonKeys
VIDEO_VIEW_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
VIEW - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.protocol.TransactionNameSource
Name of the view handling the request.
VIEW_NAMES - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.App.JsonKeys
ViewHierarchy - Class in io.sentry.protocol
ViewHierarchy(String, List<ViewHierarchyNode>) - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchy
ViewHierarchy.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
ViewHierarchy.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
ViewHierarchyExporter - Interface in io.sentry.internal.viewhierarchy
ViewHierarchyNode - Class in io.sentry.protocol
ViewHierarchyNode() - Constructor for class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode
ViewHierarchyNode.Deserializer - Class in io.sentry.protocol
ViewHierarchyNode.JsonKeys - Class in io.sentry.protocol
ViewportResize - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebIncrementalSnapshotEvent.IncrementalSource
VISIBILITY - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode.JsonKeys


waitFlush() - Method in class io.sentry.hints.BlockingFlushHint
waitFlush() - Method in interface io.sentry.hints.Flushable
WAITING - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryLockReason
waitPreviousSessionFlush() - Method in class io.sentry.cache.EnvelopeCache
Awaits until the previous session (if any) is flushed to its own file.
waitTillZero() - Method in class io.sentry.transport.ReusableCountLatch
Causes the current thread to wait until the latch has counted down to zero, unless the thread is interrupted.
waitTillZero(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.sentry.transport.ReusableCountLatch
Causes the current thread to wait until the latch has counted down to zero, unless the thread is interrupted, or the specified waiting time elapses.
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.SentryLevel
WEB_VIEW_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class io.sentry.SentryReplayOptions
WEBFLUX_EXCEPTION_HANDLER_EXCHANGE - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Spring WebFlux exception handler.
WEBFLUX_EXCEPTION_HANDLER_REQUEST - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Spring WebFlux exception handler.
WEBFLUX_EXCEPTION_HANDLER_RESPONSE - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Spring WebFlux exception handler.
WEBFLUX_FILTER_REQUEST - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Spring WebFlux filter breadcrumbs.
WEBFLUX_FILTER_RESPONSE - Static variable in class io.sentry.TypeCheckHint
Used for Spring WebFlux filter breadcrumbs.
WEEK - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MeasurementUnit.Duration
Week (`"week"`), 604,800 seconds.
WEEK - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MonitorScheduleUnit
WIDTH - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode.JsonKeys
WIDTH - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebMetaEvent.JsonKeys
WIDTH - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebVideoEvent.JsonKeys
WINDOWS - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchy.JsonKeys
with(ContextKey<V>, V) - Method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryContextWrapper
withAttachment(Attachment) - Static method in class io.sentry.Hint
withAttachments(List<Attachment>) - Static method in class io.sentry.Hint
withCheckIn(String, Callable<U>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.CheckInUtils
Helper method to send monitor check-ins for a Callable
withCheckIn(String, MonitorConfig, Callable<U>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.CheckInUtils
Helper method to send monitor check-ins for a Callable
withCheckIn(String, String, Callable<U>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.CheckInUtils
Helper method to send monitor check-ins for a Callable
withCheckIn(String, String, MonitorConfig, Callable<U>) - Static method in class io.sentry.util.CheckInUtils
Helper method to send monitor check-ins for a Callable
withIsolationScope(ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
withIsolationScope(ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
withIsolationScope(ScopeCallback) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Runs the callback with a new isolation scope which gets dropped at the end.
withIsolationScope(ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
withIsolationScope(ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
withIsolationScope(ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
withIsolationScope(ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
withIsolationScope(ScopeCallback) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Runs the callback with a new isolation scope which gets dropped at the end.
withName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec
withName(String) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec
withOptions(Consumer<DataLoaderOptions>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec
withOptions(Consumer<DataLoaderOptions>) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec
withOptions(DataLoaderOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec
withOptions(DataLoaderOptions) - Method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.graphql.SentryBatchLoaderRegistry.SentryRegistrationSpec
withPropagationContext(Scope.IWithPropagationContext) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
withPropagationContext(Scope.IWithPropagationContext) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
withPropagationContext(Scope.IWithPropagationContext) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
withPropagationContext(Scope.IWithPropagationContext) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
withResponse(HintUtils.SentryConsumer<Response>) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedContextsView
withResponse(HintUtils.SentryConsumer<Response>) - Method in class io.sentry.protocol.Contexts
withScope(ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.HubAdapter
withScope(ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.HubScopesWrapper
withScope(ScopeCallback) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScopes
Runs the callback with a new current scope which gets dropped at the end.
withScope(ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpHub
withScope(ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScopes
withScope(ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.Scopes
withScope(ScopeCallback) - Method in class io.sentry.ScopesAdapter
withScope(ScopeCallback) - Static method in class io.sentry.Sentry
Runs the callback with a new current scope which gets dropped at the end
withSentry(Flux<T>) - Static method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.ReactorUtils
Writes the current Sentry IScopes to the Context and uses ThreadLocalAccessor to propagate it.
withSentry(Mono<T>) - Static method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.ReactorUtils
Writes the current Sentry IScopes to the Context and uses ThreadLocalAccessor to propagate it.
withSentryForkedRoots(Flux<T>) - Static method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.ReactorUtils
Writes a new Sentry IScopes forked from the main scopes to the Context and uses ThreadLocalAccessor to propagate it.
withSentryForkedRoots(Mono<T>) - Static method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.ReactorUtils
Writes a new Sentry IScopes forked from the main scopes to the Context and uses ThreadLocalAccessor to propagate it.
withSentryScopes(Flux<T>, IScopes) - Static method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.ReactorUtils
Writes the given Sentry IScopes to the Context and uses ThreadLocalAccessor to propagate it.
withSentryScopes(Mono<T>, IScopes) - Static method in class io.sentry.spring.jakarta.webflux.ReactorUtils
Writes the given Sentry IScopes to the Context and uses ThreadLocalAccessor to propagate it.
withSession(Scope.IWithSession) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
withSession(Scope.IWithSession) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
withSession(Scope.IWithSession) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Callback to do atomic operations on session
withSession(Scope.IWithSession) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Callback to do atomic operations on session
withTransaction(Scope.IWithTransaction) - Method in class io.sentry.CombinedScopeView
withTransaction(Scope.IWithTransaction) - Method in class io.sentry.NoOpScope
withTransaction(Scope.IWithTransaction) - Method in class io.sentry.Scope
Mutates the current transaction atomically
withTransaction(Scope.IWithTransaction) - Method in interface io.sentry.IScope
Mutates the current transaction atomically
wrap(Context) - Static method in class io.sentry.opentelemetry.SentryContextWrapper
wrapCallable(Callable<U>) - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryWrapper
Helper method to wrap Callable
wrapSupplier(Supplier<U>) - Static method in class io.sentry.SentryWrapper
Helper method to wrap Supplier
write(byte[]) - Method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class io.sentry.instrumentation.file.SentryFileOutputStream


X - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode.JsonKeys
X - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.JsonKeys
X - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position.JsonKeys


Y - Static variable in class io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode.JsonKeys
Y - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionEvent.JsonKeys
Y - Static variable in class io.sentry.rrweb.RRWebInteractionMoveEvent.Position.JsonKeys
YEAR - Enum constant in enum class io.sentry.MonitorScheduleUnit
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 
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