Package io.sentry

Class DeduplicateMultithreadedEventProcessor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class DeduplicateMultithreadedEventProcessor extends Object implements EventProcessor
An event processor that deduplicates crash events of the same type that are simultaneously from multiple threads. This can be the case for OutOfMemory errors or CursorWindowAllocationException, basically any error related to allocating memory when it's low.
  • Constructor Details

    • DeduplicateMultithreadedEventProcessor

      public DeduplicateMultithreadedEventProcessor(@NotNull @NotNull SentryOptions options)
  • Method Details

    • process

      @Nullable public @Nullable SentryEvent process(@NotNull @NotNull SentryEvent event, @NotNull @NotNull Hint hint)
      Description copied from interface: EventProcessor
      May mutate or drop a SentryEvent
      Specified by:
      process in interface EventProcessor
      event - the SentryEvent
      hint - the Hint
      the event itself, a mutated SentryEvent or null
    • getOrder

      @Nullable public @Nullable Long getOrder()
      Description copied from interface: EventProcessor
      Controls when this EventProcessor is invoked.
      Specified by:
      getOrder in interface EventProcessor
      order higher number = later, lower number = earlier (negative values may also be passed), null = latest (note: multiple event processors using null may lead to random ordering)