Entity Schema


  • version: Version of schema.

  • kind: Component kind.

  • schema (array): Objects (or nested objects) representing columns containg a name, type and args.

  • name (string): Name of the entity.

  • storages (array): An array of storages and their associated translation mappers.

    • storage (string): Name of a readable or writable storage class which provides an abstraction to read from a table or a view in ClickHouse.

    • is_writable (boolean): Marks the storage is a writable one.

    • translation_mappers (object): Represents the set of rules used to translates different expression types.

      • columns (array)

        • mapper (string): Mapper class name.

        • args (object): Key/value mappings required to instantiate Mapper class.

      • functions (array)

        • mapper (string): Mapper class name.

        • args (object): Key/value mappings required to instantiate Mapper class.

      • curried_functions (array)

        • mapper (string): Mapper class name.

        • args (object): Key/value mappings required to instantiate Mapper class.

      • subscriptables (array)

        • mapper (string): Mapper class name.

        • args (object): Key/value mappings required to instantiate Mapper class.

  • join_relationships (object)

    • ^.*$ (object): The join relationship. The key for this relationship is how the relationship is specified in queries (MATCH x -[key]-> y).

      • rhs_entity (string): The entity key of the rhs entity to join with.

      • columns (array): A sequence of tuples of columns to join on, in the form (left, right).

      • join_type (string): The type of join that can be performed (either ‘left’ or ‘inner’.

      • equivalences (array): Tracking columns in the two entities that are not part of the join key but are still equivalent.

  • storage_selector (object):

    • selector (string): QueryStorageSelector class name.

    • args (object): Key/value mappings required to instantiate QueryStorageSelector class.

  • query_processors (array): Represents a transformation applied to the ClickHouse query.

    • processor (string): Name of LogicalQueryProcessor class config key. Responsible for the transformation applied to a query.

    • args (object): Key/value mappings required to instantiate QueryProcessor class.

  • validators (array): The validation logic used on the ClickHouse query.

    • validator (string): Validator class name.

    • args (object): Key/value mappings required to instantiate Validator class.

  • validate_data_model ([‘string’, ‘null’]): The level at which mismatched functions and columns when querying the entity should be logged.

  • required_time_column ([‘string’, ‘null’]): The name of the required time column specifed in schema.

  • partition_key_column_name ([‘string’, ‘null’]): The column name, if this entity is partitioned, to select slice.

  • subscription_processors (array)

    • processor (string): Entity Subscription Processor class name.

    • args (object): Key/value mappings required to instantiate Entity Subscription Processor class.

  • subscription_validators (array)

    • validator (string): Entity Subscription Validator class name.

    • args (object): Key/value mappings required to instantiate Entity Subscription Validator class.