Span holding trace_id, span_id



data: {
    [key: string]: any;

Data of the Span.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
description?: string

Description of the Span.

endTimestamp?: number

Timestamp in seconds (epoch time) indicating when the span ended.

instrumenter: Instrumenter

The instrumenter that created this span.

op?: string

Operation of the Span.

parentSpanId?: string

Parent Span ID

sampled?: boolean

Was this span chosen to be sent as part of the sample?

spanId: string

Span ID

startTimestamp: number

Timestamp in seconds (epoch time) indicating when the span started.

status?: string

Completion status of the Span. See: {@sentry/tracing SpanStatus} for possible values

tags: {
    [key: string]: Primitive;

Tags of the Span.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: Primitive
traceId: string

Trace ID

transaction?: Transaction

The transaction containing this span


  • Sets the finish timestamp on the current span.


    • Optional endTimestamp: number

      Takes an endTimestamp if the end should not be the time when you call this function.

    Returns void

  • Convert the object to JSON for w. spans array info only

    Returns {
        data?: {
            [key: string]: any;
        description?: string;
        op?: string;
        parent_span_id?: string;
        span_id: string;
        status?: string;
        tags?: {
            [key: string]: Primitive;
        trace_id: string;

    • Optional data?: {
          [key: string]: any;
      • [key: string]: any
    • Optional description?: string
    • Optional op?: string
    • Optional parent_span_id?: string
    • span_id: string
    • Optional status?: string
    • Optional tags?: {
          [key: string]: Primitive;
      • [key: string]: Primitive
    • trace_id: string
  • Determines whether span was successful (HTTP200)

    Returns boolean

  • Sets the data attribute on the current span


    • key: string

      Data key

    • value: any

      Data value

    Returns Span

  • Sets the status attribute on the current span based on the http code


    • httpStatus: number

      http code used to set the status

    Returns Span

  • Sets the status attribute on the current span See: {@sentry/tracing SpanStatus} for possible values


    • status: string

      http code used to set the status

    Returns Span

  • Sets the tag attribute on the current span.

    Can also be used to unset a tag, by passing undefined.


    • key: string

      Tag key

    • value: Primitive

      Tag value

    Returns Span

  • Creates a new Span while setting the current as parentSpanId. Also the sampled decision will be inherited.


    • Optional spanContext: Pick<SpanContext, "tags" | "data" | "instrumenter" | "description" | "op" | "status" | "spanId" | "startTimestamp" | "endTimestamp">

    Returns Span

  • Returns the current span properties as a SpanContext

    Returns SpanContext

  • Convert the object to JSON

    Returns {
        data?: {
            [key: string]: any;
        description?: string;
        op?: string;
        parent_span_id?: string;
        span_id: string;
        start_timestamp: number;
        status?: string;
        tags?: {
            [key: string]: Primitive;
        timestamp?: number;
        trace_id: string;

    • Optional data?: {
          [key: string]: any;
      • [key: string]: any
    • Optional description?: string
    • Optional op?: string
    • Optional parent_span_id?: string
    • span_id: string
    • start_timestamp: number
    • Optional status?: string
    • Optional tags?: {
          [key: string]: Primitive;
      • [key: string]: Primitive
    • Optional timestamp?: number
    • trace_id: string
  • Return a traceparent compatible header string

    Returns string

  • Updates the current span with a new SpanContext


    Returns Span

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