Module @sentry-internal/browser-integration-tests

Integration Tests for Sentry Browser SDK

Integration tests for Sentry's Browser SDK use Playwright internally. These tests are run on latest stable versions of Chromium, Firefox and Webkit.


The tests are grouped by their scope such as breadcrumbs or onunhandledrejection. In every group of tests, there are multiple folders containing test cases with their optional supporting assets.

Each case group has a default HTML skeleton named template.hbs, and also a default initialization script named init.js , which contains the Sentry.init() call. These defaults are used as fallbacks when a specific template.hbs or init.js is not defined in a case folder.

subject.js contains the logic that sets up the environment to be tested. It also can be defined locally and as a group fallback. Unlike template.hbs and init.js, it's not required to be defined for a group, as there may be cases that does not require a subject, instead the logic is injected using injectScriptAndGetEvents from utils/helpers.ts.

test.ts is required for each test case, which contains the assertions (and if required the script injection logic). For every case, any set of init.js, template.hbs and subject.js can be defined locally, and each one of them will have precedence over the default definitions of the test group.

To test page multi-page navigations, you can specify additional page-*.html (e.g. page-0.html, page-1.html) files. These will also be compiled and initialized with the same init.js and subject.js files that are applied to template.hbs/html. Note: page-*.html file lookup doesn not fall back to the parent directories, meaning that page files have to be directly in the test.ts directory.

|---- breadcrumbs/
|---- template.hbs [fallback template for breadcrumb tests]
|---- init.js [fallback init for breadcrumb tests]
|---- subject.js [optional fallback subject for breadcrumb tests]
|---- click_event_tree/
|---- template.hbs [optional case specific template]
|---- init.js [optional case specific init]
|---- subject.js [optional case specific subject]
|---- test.ts [assertions]
|---- page-*.html [optional, NO fallback!]

Writing Tests


utils/helpers.ts contains helpers that could be used in assertions (test.ts). These helpers define a convenient and reliable API to interact with Playwright's native API. It's highly recommended to define all common patterns of Playwright usage in helpers.


Fixtures allows us to define the globals and test-specific information in assertion groups (test.ts files). In it's current state, fixtures.ts contains an extension over the pure version of test() function of Playwright. All the tests should import sentryTest function from utils/fixtures.ts instead of @playwright/test to be able to access the extra fixtures.

Running Tests Locally

Tests can be run locally using the latest version of Chromium with:

yarn test

To run tests with a different browser such as firefox or webkit:

yarn test --browser='firefox' yarn test --browser='webkit'

Or to run on all three browsers:

yarn test --browser='all'

To filter tests by their title:

yarn test -g "XMLHttpRequest without any handlers set"

You can refer to Playwright documentation for other CLI options.

You can set env variable PW_BUNDLE to set specific build or bundle to test against. Available options: esm, cjs, bundle_es5, bundle_es5_min, bundle_es6, bundle_es6_min


Apart from Playwright-specific issues, below are common issues that might occur while writing tests for Sentry Browser SDK.

  • Flaky Tests

    If a test fails randomly, giving a Page Closed, Target Closed or a similar error, most of the times, the reason is a race condition between the page action defined in the subject and the listeners of the Sentry event / request. It's recommended to firstly check utils/helpers.ts whether if that async logic can be replaced by one of the helpers. If not, whether the awaited (or non-awaited on purpose in some cases) Playwright methods can be orchestrated by Promise.all. Manually-defined waiting logic such as timeouts are not recommended, and should not be required in most of the cases.

  • Build Errors

    Before running, a page for each test case is built under the case folder inside dist. If a page build is failed, it's recommended to check:

    • If both default template.hbs and init.js are defined for the test group.
    • If a subject.js is defined for the test case.
    • If either of init.js or subject.js contain non-browser code.
    • If the webpack configuration is valid.

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