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Symbolication Request

POST /symbolicate?timeout=123&scope=123 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "platform": "native",
  "signal": 11,
  "sources": [
      "id": "<uuid>",
      "type": "http",
  "threads": [
      "frames": [
          "instruction_addr": "0xfeedbeef",
          "addr_mode": "rel:0"
      "registers": {
        "rip": "0xfeedbeef",
        "rsp": "0xfeedface"
  "modules": [
      "type": "macho",
      "debug_id": "some-debug-id",
      "code_id": "some-debug-id",
      "debug_file": "/path/to/",
      "image_addr": "0xfeedbeef",
      "image_size": "0xbeef"

Query Parameters

  • timeout: If given, a response status of pending might be sent by the server.
  • scope: An optional scope which will be used to isolate cached files from each other

Request Body

A JSON payload describing the stack traces and code modules for symbolication, as well as external sources to pull symbols from:

  • platform: The event's platform.
  • sources: A list of descriptors for internal or external symbol sources. See Sources.
  • modules: A list of code modules (aka debug images) that were loaded into the process. All attributes other than type, image_addr and image_size are required. The Symbolicator may optimize lookups based on the type if present. Valid types are macho, pe, elf. Invalid types are silently ignored. The Symbolicator still works if the type is invalid, but less efficiently. However, a schematically valid but wrong type is fatal for finding symbols.
  • threads: A list of process threads to symbolicate.
  • registers: Optional register values aiding symbolication heuristics. For example, register values may be used to perform correction heuristics on the instruction address of the top frame.
  • frames: A list of frames with addresses. Arbitrary additional properties may be passed with frames, but are discarded. The addr_mode property defines the beahvior of instruction_addr.
  • scraping: Configuration for authenticating scraping requests via http headers.
  • enabled: Whether authentication should happen at all.
  • allowed_origins: A list of "allowed origin patterns" that control what URLs we are authenticating. Allowed origins may be defined in several ways:
    •[:port]: Exact match for base URI (must include port).
    • *: Allow any domain.
    • * Matches and all subdomains, on any port.
    • Matches on any port.
    • *:port: Wildcard on hostname, but explicit match on port.
  • headers: A map of headers to send with every HTTP request while scraping.


See Symbolication Response.