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Symbolication Request

POST /symbolicate-js?timeout=123&scope=123 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "platform": "node",
  "source": {
    "id": "<id>",
    "url": "",
    "token": "secret"
  "stacktraces": [
      "frames": [
          "function": "x",
          "module": "x",
          "filename": "x",
          "abs_path": "x",
          "lineno": 1,
          "colno": 1,
          "in_app": true
  "modules": [
      "code_file": "some-code-file",
      "debug_id": "some-debug-id",
      "type": "debug_id"
  "dist": "production",
  "release": "1.33.1",
  "scraping": {
    "enabled": true,
    "allowed_origins": ["*"]

Query Parameters

  • timeout: If given, a response status of pending might be sent by the server.
  • scope: An optional scope which will be used to isolate cached files from each other

Request Body

A JSON payload describing the stack traces and code modules for symbolication, as well as configuration for scraping sources from external servers:

  • platform: The event's platform.
  • source: A descriptor for the Sentry source to be used for symbolication. See Sentry source.
  • modules: A list of source code files with a corresponding debug id that were loaded during JS code execution. The list is handled by the Sentry source.
  • stacktrace: A list of stacktraces to symbolicate.
  • frames: A list of frames with corresponding abs_path, lineno, and other optional fields like colno or minified function name.
  • release: Name of Sentry release for the processed request.
  • dist: Name of Sentry dist for the processed request.
  • scraping: Configuration for scraping of JS sources and sourcemaps from the web.
  • enabled: Whether scraping should happen at all.
  • allowed_origins: A list of "allowed origin patterns" that control what URLs we are allowed to scrape from. Allowed origins may be defined in several ways:
    •[:port]: Exact match for base URI (must include port).
    • *: Allow any domain.
    • * Matches and all subdomains, on any port.
    • Matches on any port.
    • *:port: Wildcard on hostname, but explicit match on port.
  • headers: A map of headers to send with every HTTP request while scraping.
  • options: Symbolication-specific options which control the endpoint's behavior.
  • apply_source_context: Whether to apply source context for the stack frames.


See Symbolication Response.