What is Arroyo for?

Arroyo is a library for writing high-throughput, testable kafka consumers and producers. This document attempts to outline the intricacies of writing such consumers.


  1. Make it easy to build consumers that provide delivery guarantees

  2. Make it easy to write high-throughput kafka consumers

  3. Make it easy to write reliable, high throughput kafka producers

  4. Abstract away rebalancing such that users of the library do not have to worry about it

  5. Make it possible to test kafka consumer logic without having to reproduce the entire kafka environment

  6. Provide a way for the application logic to signal backpressure

Why Simple Doesn’t Cut It

When visualizing event-driven architecture, Kafka is viewed as an abstract queue with groups of producers pushing to it, and consumers consuming from it (as in the diagram below).

graph TD Producer --> Kafka_Topic Kafka_Topic --> Consumer Consumer --> Destination

A more accurate model is that kafka is like a log file which is persistent and there are offsets of the file that different consumers have read or not read.

The most simple kafka consumer looks something like this:

from confluent_kafka import Consumer

conf = {
    "bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092",
    "group.id": "my_group",
    "auto.offset.reset": "latest",

consumer = Consumer(conf)

while True:
    message = consumer.poll()

This simple consumer would not satisfy the goals mentioned at the top of this page. The following subsections will explain why

Providing delivery guarantees

By default, a consumer in the confluent_kafka library will auto-commit on poll. To understand what it means to commit to a kafka topic, see the Appendix. This can lead to the following issue:

# get message from kafka, commit immediately
message = consumer.poll()
# ❗❗❗ throws exception due to a network issue
# this message is now lost and we're on to the next one

This can be fixed by only committing after we know that the message has reached its destination in the following way:

# add this value to the config:
"enable.auto.commit": "false"
# -------
message = consumer.poll(timeout=0)

High Throughput

The previous section has allowed us to not commit messages that are not processed however committing every message severely hurts throughput. Every call to commit is a network operation, it also makes the broker persist and replicate the information. If we can reduce the number of commit calls, our throughput can be much higher. And so we commit in batches

# this code is purely descriptive.
# We have to commit to each partition separately
# but that code is not helpful for this example
message = consumer.poll(timeout=0)
if len(batch) == batch_size:
    consumer.commit(offsets=[m.offset() for m in batch])

This will get us faster throughput however we are currently hand-waving away how we send the message to its destination

Reliable High Throughput Batched Producers

Producing to Kafka reliably and at high throughput is not a simple operation. Here is how a simple Kafka Producer looks in code:

from confluent_kafka import Producer

conf = {
  "bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092",
producer = Producer(conf)
def send_to_destination(message):
    # ❗ This does not do what it says
    # it writes to a buffer
    producer.produce("destination_topic", message)
    # this will actually block until the messages are produced
    # calling this after produce every time is very expensive,
    # how often we flush has high impacts on the producer throughput

At a high level, the producer is actually buffering the messages produced to the topic


A kafka producer writes to an internal buffer. This batches the IO (good) but you don’t know when it will ever make it to the destination

In order to allow for reliability of transmission, the confluent_kafka library provides a callback to produce like so

def delivery_callback(error, message):
    # do something here to make sure your message is in the state
    # you want it to be

producer.produce("destination_topic", message, on_delivery=delivery_callback)

Dealing With Rebalancing

What is Rebalancing

A kafka topic is divided into n partitions, each partition can be consumed by exactly one consumer per consumer group. A consumer can consume multiple partitions


When Rebalancing Can Happen

Rebalancing can happen due to:

  • An addition or removal of a consumer to a consumer group

    • (Every deploy does this)

  • A rebalance being kicked off manually

  • A consumer pod dies and now its partition needs to be re-assigned

  • Whenever the broker decides it’s a good idea (it can happen at any time)

  • TODO: More things?

How Rebalancing Affects a Consumer

Rebalancing is annoying to handle for a consumer that processes batches, imagine the following scenario:

sequenceDiagram Broker->>Consumer: message activate Consumer note right of Consumer: start building batch Broker->>Consumer: message Broker->>Consumer: Revoke Partition deactivate Consumer Consumer->>Broker: commit batch note left of Broker: Received commit from revoked Consumer!

Once a partition is revoked for a consumer, it cannot commit to it. This is bad news for the batch that the consumer has built up. Each consumer has different requirements but a decision has to be made as to whether to flush the batch or to discard its work and let the next consumer assigned to this partition pick it up. The rebalancing behavior can be customized by providing an on_revoke callback to the consumer when subscribing.

from confluent_kafka import Consumer

conf = {
    "bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092",
    "group.id": "my_group",
    "auto.offset.reset": "latest",

def flush_current_batch(consumer, partitions):
    # flush the current batch

consumer = Consumer(conf)
consumer.subscribe(["my_topic"], on_revoke=flush_current_batch)

librdkafka’s Callback Hell

librdkafka uses callbacks as a core mechanic for control flow. A few such examples have been mentioned in this document already. What is not clear however, is that callbacks are only called when ``poll`` is called

This means that:

  • this line could possibly do a lot of work:

# any scheduled callbacks will run within this call
message = consumer.poll()
  • No callbacks will be invoked until the consumer or producer call poll again (for their respective callbacks)

  • poll has to be called periodically on a consumer otherwise the broker will kick the consumer out of the consumer group

    • The handling of that revocation won’t happen until poll is called


There are many intricacies and gotchas to writing high performant, reliable kafka consumers. This document does not outline all of them but all of what is outlined here should be kept in mind when designing any kafka consumer library.


Committing to a Kafka Topic

A consumer comitting to a topic signals to the broker that this message has been processed. When poll is called next by that consumer, it will return the next message.


What is a Kafka Consumer Group
