Committing offsets¶
Arroyo does not auto commit offsets. It is up to you to manually commit offsets when processing for that message is completed.
The commit callback will be passed to processing strategy via ProcessingStrategyFactory.create_with_partitions. You should pass this to the strategy and have your strategy call this commit function once the rest of the message processing has been done.
The offset to be committed in Kafka is always the next offset to be consumed from, i.e. message’s offset + 1. In Arroyo, this means you should commit Message.next_offset and never Message.offset when done processing that message. Arroyo exposes Message.position_to_commit to make this easier.
It is not safe to commit every offset in a high throughput consumer as this will add a lot of load to the system. Commits should generally be throttled. CommitPolicy is the Arroyo way of specifying commit frequency. A CommitPolicy must be passed to the stream processor, which allows specifying a minimum commit frequency (or messages between commits). Commit throttling can be skipped when needed (i.e. during consumer shutdown) by passing force=True to the commit callback. If you are not sure how often to commit, ONCE_PER_SECOND is a reasonable option.
The easiest way is to use the CommitOffsets strategy as the last step in a chain of processing strategies to commit offsets.
class MyConsumerFactoryFactory(ProcessingStrategyFactory[KafkaPayload]):
def create_with_partitions(
commit: Commit,
partitions: Mapping[Partition, int],
) -> ProcessingStrategy[KafkaPayload]:
def my_processing_function(message: Message[KafkaPayload]) -> None:
# do something (synchronous) with the message
return RunTask(my_processing_function, CommitOffsets(commit))