Module @sentry-internal/e2e-tests

E2E Tests

E2E tests enable us to verify the behavior of the packages in this repository as if they were to be published in their current state.

How to run

Prerequisites: Docker

  • Copy .env.example to .env
  • Fill in auth information in .env for an example Sentry project
    • The E2E_TEST_AUTH_TOKEN must have all the default permissions
yarn test:e2e

How they work

Before running any tests we launch a fake test registry (in our case Verdaccio), we build our packages, pack them, and publish them to the fake registry. The fake registry is hosted in a Docker container, and the script to publish the packages is also run from within a container to ensure that the fake publishing happens with the same Node.js and npm versions as we're using in CI.

After publishing our freshly built packages to the fake registry, the E2E test script will look for test-recipe.json files in test applications located in the test-applications folder. In this folder, we keep standalone test applications, that use our SDKs and can be used to verify their behavior. The test-recipe.json recipe files contain information on how to build the test applications and how to run tests on these applications.

How to set up a new test

Test applications are completely standalone applications that can be used to verify our SDKs. To set one up, follow these commands:

cd packages/e2e-tests

# Create a new test application folder
mkdir test-applications/my-new-test-application # Name of the new folder doesn't technically matter but choose something meaningful

# Create an npm configuration file that uses the fake test registry
cat > test-applications/my-new-test-application/.npmrc << EOF

# Add a test recipe file to the test application
touch test-applications/my-new-test-application/test-recipe.json

To get you started with the recipe, you can copy the following into test-recipe.json:

"$schema": "../../test-recipe-schema.json",
"testApplicationName": "My New Test Application",
"buildCommand": "pnpm install",
"tests": [
"testName": "My new test",
"testCommand": "pnpm test",
"timeoutSeconds": 60

The test-recipe.json files follow a schema (e2e-tests/test-recipe-schema.json). Here is a basic explanation of the fields:

  • The buildCommand command runs only once before any of the tests and is supposed to build the test application. If this command returns a non-zero exit code, it counts as a failed test and the test application's tests are not run. In the example above, we use the --pure-lockfile flag to install dependencies without modifiying the lockfile so that there aren't any changes in the git worktree after running the tests.
  • The testCommand command is supposed to run tests on the test application. If the configured command returns a non-zero exit code, it counts as a failed test.
  • A test timeout can be configured via timeoutSeconds, it defaults to 60.

An important thing to note: In the context of the buildCommand the fake test registry is available at http://localhost:4873. It hosts all of our packages as if they were to be published with the state of the current branch. This means we can install the packages from this registry via the .npmrc configuration as seen above. If you add Sentry dependencies to your test application, you should set the dependency versions set to *:

// package.json
"name": "my-new-test-application",
"version": "1.0.0",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Hello world!\""
"dependencies": {
"@sentry/node": "*"

All that is left for you to do now is to create a test app and run yarn test:e2e.

Standardized Test Apps

For some of our E2E tests we define a standard for test applications as to how they should look and behave. Standardized test apps enables us to reuse the same test suite over a number of different frameworks/SDKs.

Standardized Frontend Test Apps

A standardized frontend test application has the following features:

  • Just for the sake of consistency we prefix the standardized frontend tests with standard-frontend-. For example standard-frontend-nextjs.

  • A page at path /

    • Having a <input type="button" id="exception-button"> that captures an Exception when clicked. The returned eventId from the Sentry.captureException() call must be written to window.capturedExceptionId. It does not matter what the captured error looks like.
    • Having an link with id="navigation" that navigates to /user/5. It doesn't have to be an <a> tag, for example if a framework has another way of doing routing, the important part is that the element to click for navigation has the correct id. Text of the link doesn't matter.
  • An empty page at /user/5

  • Apps should write all pageload and navigation transaction IDs into an array at window.recordedTransactions. This can be done with an event processor:

    Sentry.addGlobalEventProcessor(event => {
    if (
    event.type === 'transaction' &&
    (event.contexts?.trace?.op === 'pageload' || event.contexts?.trace?.op === 'navigation')
    ) {
    const eventId = event.event_id;
    window.recordedTransactions = window.recordedTransactions || [];

    return event;

Standardized Backend Test Apps


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