======================================= ClickHouse Schema Design Best Practices ======================================= .. tip:: This is a work-in-progress document for collecting ClickHouse schema and querying best-practices based on experiences running ClickHouse at scale at Sentry. It is subject to change and if something doesn't seem right please submit a PR to Snuba. .. contents:: :local: Columns based on dictionary data (tag promotion) ------------------------------------------------ ClickHouse is a columnar datastore, and at run-time it loads columns on-demand based on the columns referenced in the query (both the columns ``SELECT`` ed and those part of the ``WHERE`` clause). The ability to store different columns independently and not load them for every row for every query is part of the performance advantage that ClickHouse provides over a traditional RDBMS (like PostgreSQL). Commonly, a data schema contains a flexible key:value pair mapping (canonically at Sentry: ``tags`` or ``contexts``) and stores that data in a ``Nested`` column that contains two arrays where the first array contains the keys of the dictionary and the second array contains the values. To make queries faster, a column like this can be indexed with bloom filters as described in :ref:`bloom`. In general we construct this index across datasets for ``tags`` but not for other columns. This works well when your dataset and query design gives you the ability to filter for exact matches and a large number of rows will NOT be an exact match. Often, however, a ClickHouse query filters for rows that contain a substring match or regular expression match for a tag value of a given key. This makes bloom filter indexes not usable for the query and, depending on the other selectivity attributes of your query, can necessitate moving (or promoting) those relevant values for a given tag key to a new separate column [#dupe]_. .. _selectivity: Selectivity in queries and indices ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Queries are much more efficient when they have the attribute of being low-selectivity on the table indexes -- meaning the query conditions on indexed columns filter the dataset to a very small proportion of the overall number of rows. High selectivity can break the efficiency of the bloom-filter style index on dictionary columns (see :ref:`bloom`). In cases of high-selectivity queries, there is a negative performance impact on both bloom-filter indexed columns as well as promoted tag value columns (when searching for a ``key=value`` pair exact match). The promoted column can make the penalty a bit less severe because it does not load tag values from unrelated keys. Still, an effort should be made to avoid low-selectivity queries. .. _bloom: Bloom filter indexing on dictionary-like columns ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To facilitate faster searching on dictionary columns, we tend to create bloom filter indices on a hashes of both the unique ``key`` values of each row as well as hashes of all the ``key=value`` pairs of each row. The `bloom filter `_ registers these in a stochastic data structure designed to quickly determine which elements do NOT exist in a set. So that it can model the entire unbounded keyspace in a fixed amount of memory, a bloom filter is designed to have false positives. This means that there is actually a performance **penalty** if the value is often present in the underlying set: First, the value must be tested against the bloom filter (which will always return "maybe present"), and after that operation occurs a full scan of the column must be performed. Due to their structure, bloom filters are only good for exact value searching. They cannot be used for "is user-value a prefix of column?" or "does column match regex?" style queries. Those styles of queries require a separate column to search. .. [#dupe] During migration from non-promoted to promoted, putting the data in both map and top-level column may be necessary so that queries of old rows can still access the attributes. After the table goes through a full TTL period and the API/storage definition is changed to serve the values from the top-level field, message processors should be changed to stop writing the data in duplicate places. Aggregate Tables and Materialization ------------------------------------ A common use case for ClickHouse and Snuba is to ingest raw data and automatically roll it up to aggregate values (keyed by a custom set of dimensions). This lets a dataset owner simplify their write logic while getting the query benefits of rows that are pre-aggregated. This is done with what we'll call a raw table (the table the consumer writes to), an aggregate table (the table the API reads from) and a materialized view (which describes how the data should be transformed from raw to aggregate). `Sample usage of a materialized view/aggregate table from the official ClickHouse Documentation `_. Note that contrary to this example, the aggregate table definition in Snuba is always separate from the materialized view definition (which is just a ClickHouse SQL transformation, similar to a PostgreSQL trigger). In general, Snuba follows the naming conventions here: * (``widgets_raw_local``, ``widgets_raw_dist``) for the raw (local, distributed) tables * ``widgets_aggregation_mv`` for the materialized view (this only exists on storage nodes) * (``widgets_aggregated_local``, ``widgets_aggregated_dist``) for the roll-up/aggregated (local, distributed) tables Materialized views are immutable so it's normal to have multiple versions of ``widgets_aggregation_mv`` when behavior is updated, with suffixes like ``widgets_aggregation_mv_v1``, ``widgets_aggregation_mv_v2``, etc. Migration between materialized view versions are described in the next section but in general old materialized views should be discarded once they are no longer used. Schema migrations using materialization_version ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As we discussed at the end of the prior section, materialized view logic cannot be updated in place. In order to continuously roll-up input data without data loss or duplication in the aggregate table, we control logic changes with a column on the raw table, ``materialization_version``, and making the materialized view logic depend on specific values of that column. To update MV logic, you create a new materialized view that looks for the last used value of ``materialization_version`` plus one and then, after that's been created in all relevant environments, update the consumer to write the new materialization_version to the raw column. Here is how this might look in practice: Context: 1. There is a raw table ``click_events_raw_local``, that has a field named ``click_duration``, of type Float64. A snuba consumer is setting this to 0 for certain types of click events. 2. There is a materialized view ``click_events_aggregation_mv`` that is writing a ``quantilesState()`` value for a ``click_duration`` column in ``click_events_aggregated_local`` including those zero-values. This materialized view looks for the value of ``materialization_version = 0`` in its WHERE condition. 3. The query users are being surprised by p90, p95, and p99 values that are taking into account zero-duration click events which don't make sense for the use case. To resolve this confusion, we don't want to set quantilesState for ``click_duration`` if the incoming ``click_duration`` is 0. Steps to resolve the issue: 1. Create a new materialized view ``click_events_aggregation_mv_v1`` via the migration system. This new materialized view will use the WHERE clause or some kind of filtering to avoid setting quantilesState(0) in the write for the ``click_duration`` column. This new materialized will only operate on inputs in ``click_events_raw_local`` where ``materialization_version = 1`` 2. Test that this fixes the issue in your local environment by changing your consumer to use ``materialization_version = 1``. It can make sense to control this via the settings file in (in ``snuba/settings/__init.py__``) 3. Run the migration in all relevant environments. 4. Change the materialization_version setting mentioned above in a specific environment, to set ``materialization_version = 1`` on write. 5. Validate that the consumer is writing rows with the new materialization version, and that it produces the expected roll-up results. 6. Write a migration to remove the now-unused materialized view (``click_events_aggregation_mv``).