Source code for sentry_sdk.transport

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import io
import os
import gzip
import socket
import ssl
import time
import warnings
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from collections import defaultdict
from urllib.request import getproxies

    import brotli  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    brotli = None

import urllib3
import certifi

import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk.consts import EndpointType
from sentry_sdk.utils import Dsn, logger, capture_internal_exceptions
from sentry_sdk.worker import BackgroundWorker
from sentry_sdk.envelope import Envelope, Item, PayloadRef

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast, List, Dict

    from typing import Any
    from typing import Callable
    from typing import DefaultDict
    from typing import Iterable
    from typing import Mapping
    from typing import Optional
    from typing import Self
    from typing import Tuple
    from typing import Type
    from typing import Union

    from urllib3.poolmanager import PoolManager
    from urllib3.poolmanager import ProxyManager

    from sentry_sdk._types import Event, EventDataCategory

for option in [
    (socket.SOL_SOCKET, lambda: getattr(socket, "SO_KEEPALIVE"), 1),  # noqa: B009
    (socket.SOL_TCP, lambda: getattr(socket, "TCP_KEEPIDLE"), 45),  # noqa: B009
    (socket.SOL_TCP, lambda: getattr(socket, "TCP_KEEPINTVL"), 10),  # noqa: B009
    (socket.SOL_TCP, lambda: getattr(socket, "TCP_KEEPCNT"), 6),  # noqa: B009
        KEEP_ALIVE_SOCKET_OPTIONS.append((option[0], option[1](), option[2]))
    except AttributeError:
        # a specific option might not be available on specific systems,
        # e.g. TCP_KEEPIDLE doesn't exist on macOS

[docs] class Transport(ABC): """Baseclass for all transports. A transport is used to send an event to sentry. """ parsed_dsn = None # type: Optional[Dsn] def __init__(self, options=None): # type: (Self, Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None self.options = options if options and options["dsn"] is not None and options["dsn"]: self.parsed_dsn = Dsn(options["dsn"]) else: self.parsed_dsn = None
[docs] def capture_event(self, event): # type: (Self, Event) -> None """ DEPRECATED: Please use capture_envelope instead. This gets invoked with the event dictionary when an event should be sent to sentry. """ warnings.warn( "capture_event is deprecated, please use capture_envelope instead!", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) envelope = Envelope() envelope.add_event(event) self.capture_envelope(envelope)
[docs] @abstractmethod def capture_envelope(self, envelope): # type: (Self, Envelope) -> None """ Send an envelope to Sentry. Envelopes are a data container format that can hold any type of data submitted to Sentry. We use it to send all event data (including errors, transactions, crons check-ins, etc.) to Sentry. """ pass
[docs] def flush( self, timeout, callback=None, ): # type: (Self, float, Optional[Any]) -> None """ Wait `timeout` seconds for the current events to be sent out. The default implementation is a no-op, since this method may only be relevant to some transports. Subclasses should override this method if necessary. """ return None
[docs] def kill(self): # type: (Self) -> None """ Forcefully kills the transport. The default implementation is a no-op, since this method may only be relevant to some transports. Subclasses should override this method if necessary. """ return None
[docs] def record_lost_event( self, reason, # type: str data_category=None, # type: Optional[EventDataCategory] item=None, # type: Optional[Item] *, quantity=1, # type: int ): # type: (...) -> None """This increments a counter for event loss by reason and data category by the given positive-int quantity (default 1). If an item is provided, the data category and quantity are extracted from the item, and the values passed for data_category and quantity are ignored. When recording a lost transaction via data_category="transaction", the calling code should also record the lost spans via this method. When recording lost spans, `quantity` should be set to the number of contained spans, plus one for the transaction itself. When passing an Item containing a transaction via the `item` parameter, this method automatically records the lost spans. """ return None
def is_healthy(self): # type: (Self) -> bool return True def __del__(self): # type: (Self) -> None try: self.kill() except Exception: pass
def _parse_rate_limits(header, now=None): # type: (str, Optional[datetime]) -> Iterable[Tuple[Optional[EventDataCategory], datetime]] if now is None: now = for limit in header.split(","): try: parameters = limit.strip().split(":") retry_after_val, categories = parameters[:2] retry_after = now + timedelta(seconds=int(retry_after_val)) for category in categories and categories.split(";") or (None,): if category == "metric_bucket": try: namespaces = parameters[4].split(";") except IndexError: namespaces = [] if not namespaces or "custom" in namespaces: yield category, retry_after # type: ignore else: yield category, retry_after # type: ignore except (LookupError, ValueError): continue class BaseHttpTransport(Transport): """The base HTTP transport.""" def __init__(self, options): # type: (Self, Dict[str, Any]) -> None from sentry_sdk.consts import VERSION Transport.__init__(self, options) assert self.parsed_dsn is not None self.options = options # type: Dict[str, Any] self._worker = BackgroundWorker(queue_size=options["transport_queue_size"]) self._auth = self.parsed_dsn.to_auth("sentry.python/%s" % VERSION) self._disabled_until = {} # type: Dict[Optional[EventDataCategory], datetime] # We only use this Retry() class for the `get_retry_after` method it exposes self._retry = urllib3.util.Retry() self._discarded_events = defaultdict( int ) # type: DefaultDict[Tuple[EventDataCategory, str], int] self._last_client_report_sent = time.time() self._pool = self._make_pool() # Backwards compatibility for deprecated `self.hub_class` attribute self._hub_cls = sentry_sdk.Hub experiments = options.get("_experiments", {}) compression_level = experiments.get( "transport_compression_level", experiments.get("transport_zlib_compression_level"), ) compression_algo = experiments.get( "transport_compression_algo", ( "gzip" # if only compression level is set, assume gzip for backwards compatibility # if we don't have brotli available, fallback to gzip if compression_level is not None or brotli is None else "br" ), ) if compression_algo == "br" and brotli is None: logger.warning( "You asked for brotli compression without the Brotli module, falling back to gzip -9" ) compression_algo = "gzip" compression_level = None if compression_algo not in ("br", "gzip"): logger.warning( "Unknown compression algo %s, disabling compression", compression_algo ) self._compression_level = 0 self._compression_algo = None else: self._compression_algo = compression_algo if compression_level is not None: self._compression_level = compression_level elif self._compression_algo == "gzip": self._compression_level = 9 elif self._compression_algo == "br": self._compression_level = 4 def record_lost_event( self, reason, # type: str data_category=None, # type: Optional[EventDataCategory] item=None, # type: Optional[Item] *, quantity=1, # type: int ): # type: (...) -> None if not self.options["send_client_reports"]: return if item is not None: data_category = item.data_category quantity = 1 # If an item is provided, we always count it as 1 (except for attachments, handled below). if data_category == "transaction": # Also record the lost spans event = item.get_transaction_event() or {} # +1 for the transaction itself span_count = ( len(cast(List[Dict[str, object]], event.get("spans") or [])) + 1 ) self.record_lost_event(reason, "span", quantity=span_count) elif data_category == "attachment": # quantity of 0 is actually 1 as we do not want to count # empty attachments as actually empty. quantity = len(item.get_bytes()) or 1 elif data_category is None: raise TypeError("data category not provided") self._discarded_events[data_category, reason] += quantity def _get_header_value(self, response, header): # type: (Self, Any, str) -> Optional[str] return response.headers.get(header) def _update_rate_limits(self, response): # type: (Self, Union[urllib3.BaseHTTPResponse, httpcore.Response]) -> None # new sentries with more rate limit insights. We honor this header # no matter of the status code to update our internal rate limits. header = self._get_header_value(response, "x-sentry-rate-limits") if header: logger.warning("Rate-limited via x-sentry-rate-limits") self._disabled_until.update(_parse_rate_limits(header)) # old sentries only communicate global rate limit hits via the # retry-after header on 429. This header can also be emitted on new # sentries if a proxy in front wants to globally slow things down. elif response.status == 429: logger.warning("Rate-limited via 429") retry_after_value = self._get_header_value(response, "Retry-After") retry_after = ( self._retry.parse_retry_after(retry_after_value) if retry_after_value is not None else None ) or 60 self._disabled_until[None] = + timedelta( seconds=retry_after ) def _send_request( self, body, headers, endpoint_type=EndpointType.ENVELOPE, envelope=None, ): # type: (Self, bytes, Dict[str, str], EndpointType, Optional[Envelope]) -> None def record_loss(reason): # type: (str) -> None if envelope is None: self.record_lost_event(reason, data_category="error") else: for item in envelope.items: self.record_lost_event(reason, item=item) headers.update( { "User-Agent": str(self._auth.client), "X-Sentry-Auth": str(self._auth.to_header()), } ) try: response = self._request( "POST", endpoint_type, body, headers, ) except Exception: self.on_dropped_event("network") record_loss("network_error") raise try: self._update_rate_limits(response) if response.status == 429: # if we hit a 429. Something was rate limited but we already # acted on this in `self._update_rate_limits`. Note that we # do not want to record event loss here as we will have recorded # an outcome in relay already. self.on_dropped_event("status_429") pass elif response.status >= 300 or response.status < 200: logger.error( "Unexpected status code: %s (body: %s)", response.status, getattr(response, "data", getattr(response, "content", None)), ) self.on_dropped_event("status_{}".format(response.status)) record_loss("network_error") finally: response.close() def on_dropped_event(self, _reason): # type: (Self, str) -> None return None def _fetch_pending_client_report(self, force=False, interval=60): # type: (Self, bool, int) -> Optional[Item] if not self.options["send_client_reports"]: return None if not (force or self._last_client_report_sent < time.time() - interval): return None discarded_events = self._discarded_events self._discarded_events = defaultdict(int) self._last_client_report_sent = time.time() if not discarded_events: return None return Item( PayloadRef( json={ "timestamp": time.time(), "discarded_events": [ {"reason": reason, "category": category, "quantity": quantity} for ( (category, reason), quantity, ) in discarded_events.items() ], } ), type="client_report", ) def _flush_client_reports(self, force=False): # type: (Self, bool) -> None client_report = self._fetch_pending_client_report(force=force, interval=60) if client_report is not None: self.capture_envelope(Envelope(items=[client_report])) def _check_disabled(self, category): # type: (str) -> bool def _disabled(bucket): # type: (Any) -> bool # The envelope item type used for metrics is statsd # whereas the rate limit category is metric_bucket if bucket == "statsd": bucket = "metric_bucket" ts = self._disabled_until.get(bucket) return ts is not None and ts > return _disabled(category) or _disabled(None) def _is_rate_limited(self): # type: (Self) -> bool return any( ts > for ts in self._disabled_until.values() ) def _is_worker_full(self): # type: (Self) -> bool return self._worker.full() def is_healthy(self): # type: (Self) -> bool return not (self._is_worker_full() or self._is_rate_limited()) def _send_envelope(self, envelope): # type: (Self, Envelope) -> None # remove all items from the envelope which are over quota new_items = [] for item in envelope.items: if self._check_disabled(item.data_category): if item.data_category in ("transaction", "error", "default", "statsd"): self.on_dropped_event("self_rate_limits") self.record_lost_event("ratelimit_backoff", item=item) else: new_items.append(item) # Since we're modifying the envelope here make a copy so that others # that hold references do not see their envelope modified. envelope = Envelope(headers=envelope.headers, items=new_items) if not envelope.items: return None # since we're already in the business of sending out an envelope here # check if we have one pending for the stats session envelopes so we # can attach it to this enveloped scheduled for sending. This will # currently typically attach the client report to the most recent # session update. client_report_item = self._fetch_pending_client_report(interval=30) if client_report_item is not None: envelope.items.append(client_report_item) content_encoding, body = self._serialize_envelope(envelope) assert self.parsed_dsn is not None logger.debug( "Sending envelope [%s] project:%s host:%s", envelope.description, self.parsed_dsn.project_id,, ) headers = { "Content-Type": "application/x-sentry-envelope", } if content_encoding: headers["Content-Encoding"] = content_encoding self._send_request( body.getvalue(), headers=headers, endpoint_type=EndpointType.ENVELOPE, envelope=envelope, ) return None def _serialize_envelope(self, envelope): # type: (Self, Envelope) -> tuple[Optional[str], io.BytesIO] content_encoding = None body = io.BytesIO() if self._compression_level == 0 or self._compression_algo is None: envelope.serialize_into(body) else: content_encoding = self._compression_algo if self._compression_algo == "br" and brotli is not None: body.write( brotli.compress( envelope.serialize(), quality=self._compression_level ) ) else: # assume gzip as we sanitize the algo value in init with gzip.GzipFile( fileobj=body, mode="w", compresslevel=self._compression_level ) as f: envelope.serialize_into(f) return content_encoding, body def _get_pool_options(self): # type: (Self) -> Dict[str, Any] raise NotImplementedError() def _in_no_proxy(self, parsed_dsn): # type: (Self, Dsn) -> bool no_proxy = getproxies().get("no") if not no_proxy: return False for host in no_proxy.split(","): host = host.strip() if or parsed_dsn.netloc.endswith(host): return True return False def _make_pool(self): # type: (Self) -> Union[PoolManager, ProxyManager, httpcore.SOCKSProxy, httpcore.HTTPProxy, httpcore.ConnectionPool] raise NotImplementedError() def _request( self, method, endpoint_type, body, headers, ): # type: (Self, str, EndpointType, Any, Mapping[str, str]) -> Union[urllib3.BaseHTTPResponse, httpcore.Response] raise NotImplementedError() def capture_envelope( self, envelope # type: Envelope ): # type: (...) -> None def send_envelope_wrapper(): # type: () -> None with capture_internal_exceptions(): self._send_envelope(envelope) self._flush_client_reports() if not self._worker.submit(send_envelope_wrapper): self.on_dropped_event("full_queue") for item in envelope.items: self.record_lost_event("queue_overflow", item=item) def flush( self, timeout, callback=None, ): # type: (Self, float, Optional[Callable[[int, float], None]]) -> None logger.debug("Flushing HTTP transport") if timeout > 0: self._worker.submit(lambda: self._flush_client_reports(force=True)) self._worker.flush(timeout, callback) def kill(self): # type: (Self) -> None logger.debug("Killing HTTP transport") self._worker.kill() @staticmethod def _warn_hub_cls(): # type: () -> None """Convenience method to warn users about the deprecation of the `hub_cls` attribute.""" warnings.warn( "The `hub_cls` attribute is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3, ) @property def hub_cls(self): # type: (Self) -> type[sentry_sdk.Hub] """DEPRECATED: This attribute is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.""" HttpTransport._warn_hub_cls() return self._hub_cls @hub_cls.setter def hub_cls(self, value): # type: (Self, type[sentry_sdk.Hub]) -> None """DEPRECATED: This attribute is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.""" HttpTransport._warn_hub_cls() self._hub_cls = value
[docs] class HttpTransport(BaseHttpTransport): if TYPE_CHECKING: _pool: Union[PoolManager, ProxyManager] def _get_pool_options(self): # type: (Self) -> Dict[str, Any] num_pools = self.options.get("_experiments", {}).get("transport_num_pools") options = { "num_pools": 2 if num_pools is None else int(num_pools), "cert_reqs": "CERT_REQUIRED", } socket_options = None # type: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int, int | bytes]]] if self.options["socket_options"] is not None: socket_options = self.options["socket_options"] if self.options["keep_alive"]: if socket_options is None: socket_options = [] used_options = {(o[0], o[1]) for o in socket_options} for default_option in KEEP_ALIVE_SOCKET_OPTIONS: if (default_option[0], default_option[1]) not in used_options: socket_options.append(default_option) if socket_options is not None: options["socket_options"] = socket_options options["ca_certs"] = ( self.options["ca_certs"] # User-provided bundle from the SDK init or os.environ.get("SSL_CERT_FILE") or os.environ.get("REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE") or certifi.where() ) options["cert_file"] = self.options["cert_file"] or os.environ.get( "CLIENT_CERT_FILE" ) options["key_file"] = self.options["key_file"] or os.environ.get( "CLIENT_KEY_FILE" ) return options def _make_pool(self): # type: (Self) -> Union[PoolManager, ProxyManager] if self.parsed_dsn is None: raise ValueError("Cannot create HTTP-based transport without valid DSN") proxy = None no_proxy = self._in_no_proxy(self.parsed_dsn) # try HTTPS first https_proxy = self.options["https_proxy"] if self.parsed_dsn.scheme == "https" and (https_proxy != ""): proxy = https_proxy or (not no_proxy and getproxies().get("https")) # maybe fallback to HTTP proxy http_proxy = self.options["http_proxy"] if not proxy and (http_proxy != ""): proxy = http_proxy or (not no_proxy and getproxies().get("http")) opts = self._get_pool_options() if proxy: proxy_headers = self.options["proxy_headers"] if proxy_headers: opts["proxy_headers"] = proxy_headers if proxy.startswith("socks"): use_socks_proxy = True try: # Check if PySocks dependency is available from urllib3.contrib.socks import SOCKSProxyManager except ImportError: use_socks_proxy = False logger.warning( "You have configured a SOCKS proxy (%s) but support for SOCKS proxies is not installed. Disabling proxy support. Please add `PySocks` (or `urllib3` with the `[socks]` extra) to your dependencies.", proxy, ) if use_socks_proxy: return SOCKSProxyManager(proxy, **opts) else: return urllib3.PoolManager(**opts) else: return urllib3.ProxyManager(proxy, **opts) else: return urllib3.PoolManager(**opts) def _request( self, method, endpoint_type, body, headers, ): # type: (Self, str, EndpointType, Any, Mapping[str, str]) -> urllib3.BaseHTTPResponse return self._pool.request( method, self._auth.get_api_url(endpoint_type), body=body, headers=headers, )
try: import httpcore import h2 # noqa: F401 except ImportError: # Sorry, no Http2Transport for you class Http2Transport(HttpTransport): def __init__(self, options): # type: (Self, Dict[str, Any]) -> None super().__init__(options) logger.warning( "You tried to use HTTP2Transport but don't have httpcore[http2] installed. Falling back to HTTPTransport." ) else: class Http2Transport(BaseHttpTransport): # type: ignore """The HTTP2 transport based on httpcore.""" if TYPE_CHECKING: _pool: Union[ httpcore.SOCKSProxy, httpcore.HTTPProxy, httpcore.ConnectionPool ] def _get_header_value(self, response, header): # type: (Self, httpcore.Response, str) -> Optional[str] return next( ( val.decode("ascii") for key, val in response.headers if key.decode("ascii").lower() == header ), None, ) def _request( self, method, endpoint_type, body, headers, ): # type: (Self, str, EndpointType, Any, Mapping[str, str]) -> httpcore.Response response = self._pool.request( method, self._auth.get_api_url(endpoint_type), content=body, headers=headers, # type: ignore ) return response def _get_pool_options(self): # type: (Self) -> Dict[str, Any] options = { "http2": self.parsed_dsn is not None and self.parsed_dsn.scheme == "https", "retries": 3, } # type: Dict[str, Any] socket_options = ( self.options["socket_options"] if self.options["socket_options"] is not None else [] ) used_options = {(o[0], o[1]) for o in socket_options} for default_option in KEEP_ALIVE_SOCKET_OPTIONS: if (default_option[0], default_option[1]) not in used_options: socket_options.append(default_option) options["socket_options"] = socket_options ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() ssl_context.load_verify_locations( self.options["ca_certs"] # User-provided bundle from the SDK init or os.environ.get("SSL_CERT_FILE") or os.environ.get("REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE") or certifi.where() ) cert_file = self.options["cert_file"] or os.environ.get("CLIENT_CERT_FILE") key_file = self.options["key_file"] or os.environ.get("CLIENT_KEY_FILE") if cert_file is not None: ssl_context.load_cert_chain(cert_file, key_file) options["ssl_context"] = ssl_context return options def _make_pool(self): # type: (Self) -> Union[httpcore.SOCKSProxy, httpcore.HTTPProxy, httpcore.ConnectionPool] if self.parsed_dsn is None: raise ValueError("Cannot create HTTP-based transport without valid DSN") proxy = None no_proxy = self._in_no_proxy(self.parsed_dsn) # try HTTPS first https_proxy = self.options["https_proxy"] if self.parsed_dsn.scheme == "https" and (https_proxy != ""): proxy = https_proxy or (not no_proxy and getproxies().get("https")) # maybe fallback to HTTP proxy http_proxy = self.options["http_proxy"] if not proxy and (http_proxy != ""): proxy = http_proxy or (not no_proxy and getproxies().get("http")) opts = self._get_pool_options() if proxy: proxy_headers = self.options["proxy_headers"] if proxy_headers: opts["proxy_headers"] = proxy_headers if proxy.startswith("socks"): try: if "socket_options" in opts: socket_options = opts.pop("socket_options") if socket_options: logger.warning( "You have defined socket_options but using a SOCKS proxy which doesn't support these. We'll ignore socket_options." ) return httpcore.SOCKSProxy(proxy_url=proxy, **opts) except RuntimeError: logger.warning( "You have configured a SOCKS proxy (%s) but support for SOCKS proxies is not installed. Disabling proxy support.", proxy, ) else: return httpcore.HTTPProxy(proxy_url=proxy, **opts) return httpcore.ConnectionPool(**opts) class _FunctionTransport(Transport): """ DEPRECATED: Users wishing to provide a custom transport should subclass the Transport class, rather than providing a function. """ def __init__( self, func # type: Callable[[Event], None] ): # type: (...) -> None Transport.__init__(self) self._func = func def capture_event( self, event # type: Event ): # type: (...) -> None self._func(event) return None def capture_envelope(self, envelope: Envelope) -> None: # Since function transports expect to be called with an event, we need # to iterate over the envelope and call the function for each event, via # the deprecated capture_event method. event = envelope.get_event() if event is not None: self.capture_event(event) def make_transport(options): # type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Transport] ref_transport = options["transport"] use_http2_transport = options.get("_experiments", {}).get("transport_http2", False) # By default, we use the http transport class transport_cls = ( Http2Transport if use_http2_transport else HttpTransport ) # type: Type[Transport] if isinstance(ref_transport, Transport): return ref_transport elif isinstance(ref_transport, type) and issubclass(ref_transport, Transport): transport_cls = ref_transport elif callable(ref_transport): warnings.warn( "Function transports are deprecated and will be removed in a future release." "Please provide a Transport instance or subclass, instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return _FunctionTransport(ref_transport) # if a transport class is given only instantiate it if the dsn is not # empty or None if options["dsn"]: return transport_cls(options) return None