Source code for sentry_sdk.tracing

import uuid
import random
import warnings
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone

import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk.consts import INSTRUMENTER, SPANSTATUS, SPANDATA
from sentry_sdk.profiler.continuous_profiler import get_profiler_id
from sentry_sdk.utils import (

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from import Callable, Mapping, MutableMapping
    from typing import Any
    from typing import Dict
    from typing import Iterator
    from typing import List
    from typing import Optional
    from typing import overload
    from typing import ParamSpec
    from typing import Tuple
    from typing import Union
    from typing import TypeVar

    from typing_extensions import TypedDict, Unpack

    P = ParamSpec("P")
    R = TypeVar("R")

    from sentry_sdk.profiler.continuous_profiler import ContinuousProfile
    from sentry_sdk.profiler.transaction_profiler import Profile
    from sentry_sdk._types import (

    class SpanKwargs(TypedDict, total=False):
        trace_id: str
        The trace ID of the root span. If this new span is to be the root span,
        omit this parameter, and a new trace ID will be generated.

        span_id: str
        """The span ID of this span. If omitted, a new span ID will be generated."""

        parent_span_id: str
        """The span ID of the parent span, if applicable."""

        same_process_as_parent: bool
        """Whether this span is in the same process as the parent span."""

        sampled: bool
        Whether the span should be sampled. Overrides the default sampling decision
        for this span when provided.

        op: str
        The span's operation. A list of recommended values is available here:

        description: str
        """A description of what operation is being performed within the span. This argument is DEPRECATED. Please use the `name` parameter, instead."""

        hub: Optional["sentry_sdk.Hub"]
        """The hub to use for this span. This argument is DEPRECATED. Please use the `scope` parameter, instead."""

        status: str
        """The span's status. Possible values are listed at"""

        containing_transaction: Optional["Transaction"]
        """The transaction that this span belongs to."""

        start_timestamp: Optional[Union[datetime, float]]
        The timestamp when the span started. If omitted, the current time
        will be used.

        scope: "sentry_sdk.Scope"
        """The scope to use for this span. If not provided, we use the current scope."""

        origin: str
        The origin of the span.
        Default "manual".

        name: str
        """A string describing what operation is being performed within the span/transaction."""

    class TransactionKwargs(SpanKwargs, total=False):
        source: str
        A string describing the source of the transaction name. This will be used to determine the transaction's type.
        See for more information.
        Default "custom".

        parent_sampled: bool
        """Whether the parent transaction was sampled. If True this transaction will be kept, if False it will be discarded."""

        baggage: "Baggage"
        """The W3C baggage header value. (see"""

    ProfileContext = TypedDict(
            "profiler_id": str,


# Transaction source
# see

# These are typically high cardinality and the server hates them

    "method_and_path_pattern": TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ROUTE,
    "route_pattern": TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ROUTE,
    "uri_template": TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ROUTE,

def get_span_status_from_http_code(http_status_code):
    # type: (int) -> str
    Returns the Sentry status corresponding to the given HTTP status code.

    if http_status_code < 400:
        return SPANSTATUS.OK

    elif 400 <= http_status_code < 500:
        if http_status_code == 403:
        elif http_status_code == 404:
            return SPANSTATUS.NOT_FOUND
        elif http_status_code == 429:
        elif http_status_code == 413:
        elif http_status_code == 401:
        elif http_status_code == 409:

    elif 500 <= http_status_code < 600:
        if http_status_code == 504:
        elif http_status_code == 501:
        elif http_status_code == 503:


class _SpanRecorder:
    """Limits the number of spans recorded in a transaction."""

    __slots__ = ("maxlen", "spans", "dropped_spans")

    def __init__(self, maxlen):
        # type: (int) -> None
        # FIXME: this is `maxlen - 1` only to preserve historical behavior
        # enforced by tests.
        # Either this should be changed to `maxlen` or the JS SDK implementation
        # should be changed to match a consistent interpretation of what maxlen
        # limits: either transaction+spans or only child spans.
        self.maxlen = maxlen - 1
        self.spans = []  # type: List[Span]
        self.dropped_spans = 0  # type: int

    def add(self, span):
        # type: (Span) -> None
        if len(self.spans) > self.maxlen:
            span._span_recorder = None
            self.dropped_spans += 1

[docs] class Span: """A span holds timing information of a block of code. Spans can have multiple child spans thus forming a span tree. :param trace_id: The trace ID of the root span. If this new span is to be the root span, omit this parameter, and a new trace ID will be generated. :param span_id: The span ID of this span. If omitted, a new span ID will be generated. :param parent_span_id: The span ID of the parent span, if applicable. :param same_process_as_parent: Whether this span is in the same process as the parent span. :param sampled: Whether the span should be sampled. Overrides the default sampling decision for this span when provided. :param op: The span's operation. A list of recommended values is available here: :param description: A description of what operation is being performed within the span. .. deprecated:: 2.15.0 Please use the `name` parameter, instead. :param name: A string describing what operation is being performed within the span. :param hub: The hub to use for this span. .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 Please use the `scope` parameter, instead. :param status: The span's status. Possible values are listed at :param containing_transaction: The transaction that this span belongs to. :param start_timestamp: The timestamp when the span started. If omitted, the current time will be used. :param scope: The scope to use for this span. If not provided, we use the current scope. """ __slots__ = ( "trace_id", "span_id", "parent_span_id", "same_process_as_parent", "sampled", "op", "description", "_measurements", "start_timestamp", "_start_timestamp_monotonic_ns", "status", "timestamp", "_tags", "_data", "_span_recorder", "hub", "_context_manager_state", "_containing_transaction", "_local_aggregator", "scope", "origin", "name", ) def __init__( self, trace_id=None, # type: Optional[str] span_id=None, # type: Optional[str] parent_span_id=None, # type: Optional[str] same_process_as_parent=True, # type: bool sampled=None, # type: Optional[bool] op=None, # type: Optional[str] description=None, # type: Optional[str] hub=None, # type: Optional[sentry_sdk.Hub] # deprecated status=None, # type: Optional[str] containing_transaction=None, # type: Optional[Transaction] start_timestamp=None, # type: Optional[Union[datetime, float]] scope=None, # type: Optional[sentry_sdk.Scope] origin="manual", # type: str name=None, # type: Optional[str] ): # type: (...) -> None self.trace_id = trace_id or uuid.uuid4().hex self.span_id = span_id or uuid.uuid4().hex[16:] self.parent_span_id = parent_span_id self.same_process_as_parent = same_process_as_parent self.sampled = sampled self.op = op self.description = name or description self.status = status self.hub = hub # backwards compatibility self.scope = scope self.origin = origin self._measurements = {} # type: Dict[str, MeasurementValue] self._tags = {} # type: MutableMapping[str, str] self._data = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] self._containing_transaction = containing_transaction if hub is not None: warnings.warn( "The `hub` parameter is deprecated. Please use `scope` instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.scope = self.scope or hub.scope if start_timestamp is None: start_timestamp = elif isinstance(start_timestamp, float): start_timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(start_timestamp, timezone.utc) self.start_timestamp = start_timestamp try: # profiling depends on this value and requires that # it is measured in nanoseconds self._start_timestamp_monotonic_ns = nanosecond_time() except AttributeError: pass #: End timestamp of span self.timestamp = None # type: Optional[datetime] self._span_recorder = None # type: Optional[_SpanRecorder] self._local_aggregator = None # type: Optional[LocalAggregator] self.update_active_thread() self.set_profiler_id(get_profiler_id()) # TODO this should really live on the Transaction class rather than the Span # class def init_span_recorder(self, maxlen): # type: (int) -> None if self._span_recorder is None: self._span_recorder = _SpanRecorder(maxlen) def _get_local_aggregator(self): # type: (...) -> LocalAggregator rv = self._local_aggregator if rv is None: rv = self._local_aggregator = LocalAggregator() return rv def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str return ( "<%s(op=%r, description:%r, trace_id=%r, span_id=%r, parent_span_id=%r, sampled=%r, origin=%r)>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.op, self.description, self.trace_id, self.span_id, self.parent_span_id, self.sampled, self.origin, ) ) def __enter__(self): # type: () -> Span scope = self.scope or sentry_sdk.get_current_scope() old_span = scope.span scope.span = self self._context_manager_state = (scope, old_span) return self def __exit__(self, ty, value, tb): # type: (Optional[Any], Optional[Any], Optional[Any]) -> None if value is not None and should_be_treated_as_error(ty, value): self.set_status(SPANSTATUS.INTERNAL_ERROR) scope, old_span = self._context_manager_state del self._context_manager_state self.finish(scope) scope.span = old_span @property def containing_transaction(self): # type: () -> Optional[Transaction] """The ``Transaction`` that this span belongs to. The ``Transaction`` is the root of the span tree, so one could also think of this ``Transaction`` as the "root span".""" # this is a getter rather than a regular attribute so that transactions # can return `self` here instead (as a way to prevent them circularly # referencing themselves) return self._containing_transaction
[docs] def start_child(self, instrumenter=INSTRUMENTER.SENTRY, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> Span """ Start a sub-span from the current span or transaction. Takes the same arguments as the initializer of :py:class:`Span`. The trace id, sampling decision, transaction pointer, and span recorder are inherited from the current span/transaction. The instrumenter parameter is deprecated for user code, and it will be removed in the next major version. Going forward, it should only be used by the SDK itself. """ if kwargs.get("description") is not None: warnings.warn( "The `description` parameter is deprecated. Please use `name` instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) configuration_instrumenter = sentry_sdk.get_client().options["instrumenter"] if instrumenter != configuration_instrumenter: return NoOpSpan() kwargs.setdefault("sampled", self.sampled) child = Span( trace_id=self.trace_id, parent_span_id=self.span_id, containing_transaction=self.containing_transaction, **kwargs, ) span_recorder = ( self.containing_transaction and self.containing_transaction._span_recorder ) if span_recorder: span_recorder.add(child) return child
[docs] @classmethod def continue_from_environ( cls, environ, # type: Mapping[str, str] **kwargs, # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Transaction """ Create a Transaction with the given params, then add in data pulled from the ``sentry-trace`` and ``baggage`` headers from the environ (if any) before returning the Transaction. This is different from :py:meth:`~sentry_sdk.tracing.Span.continue_from_headers` in that it assumes header names in the form ``HTTP_HEADER_NAME`` - such as you would get from a WSGI/ASGI environ - rather than the form ``header-name``. :param environ: The ASGI/WSGI environ to pull information from. """ if cls is Span: logger.warning( "Deprecated: use Transaction.continue_from_environ " "instead of Span.continue_from_environ." ) return Transaction.continue_from_headers(EnvironHeaders(environ), **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def continue_from_headers( cls, headers, # type: Mapping[str, str] **kwargs, # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Transaction """ Create a transaction with the given params (including any data pulled from the ``sentry-trace`` and ``baggage`` headers). :param headers: The dictionary with the HTTP headers to pull information from. """ # TODO move this to the Transaction class if cls is Span: logger.warning( "Deprecated: use Transaction.continue_from_headers " "instead of Span.continue_from_headers." ) # TODO-neel move away from this kwargs stuff, it's confusing and opaque # make more explicit baggage = Baggage.from_incoming_header(headers.get(BAGGAGE_HEADER_NAME)) kwargs.update({BAGGAGE_HEADER_NAME: baggage}) sentrytrace_kwargs = extract_sentrytrace_data( headers.get(SENTRY_TRACE_HEADER_NAME) ) if sentrytrace_kwargs is not None: kwargs.update(sentrytrace_kwargs) # If there's an incoming sentry-trace but no incoming baggage header, # for instance in traces coming from older SDKs, # baggage will be empty and immutable and won't be populated as head SDK. baggage.freeze() transaction = Transaction(**kwargs) transaction.same_process_as_parent = False return transaction
[docs] def iter_headers(self): # type: () -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]] """ Creates a generator which returns the span's ``sentry-trace`` and ``baggage`` headers. If the span's containing transaction doesn't yet have a ``baggage`` value, this will cause one to be generated and stored. """ if not self.containing_transaction: # Do not propagate headers if there is no containing transaction. Otherwise, this # span ends up being the root span of a new trace, and since it does not get sent # to Sentry, the trace will be missing a root transaction. The dynamic sampling # context will also be missing, breaking dynamic sampling & traces. return yield SENTRY_TRACE_HEADER_NAME, self.to_traceparent() baggage = self.containing_transaction.get_baggage().serialize() if baggage: yield BAGGAGE_HEADER_NAME, baggage
[docs] @classmethod def from_traceparent( cls, traceparent, # type: Optional[str] **kwargs, # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Optional[Transaction] """ DEPRECATED: Use :py:meth:`sentry_sdk.tracing.Span.continue_from_headers`. Create a ``Transaction`` with the given params, then add in data pulled from the given ``sentry-trace`` header value before returning the ``Transaction``. """ logger.warning( "Deprecated: Use Transaction.continue_from_headers(headers, **kwargs) " "instead of from_traceparent(traceparent, **kwargs)" ) if not traceparent: return None return cls.continue_from_headers( {SENTRY_TRACE_HEADER_NAME: traceparent}, **kwargs )
def to_traceparent(self): # type: () -> str if self.sampled is True: sampled = "1" elif self.sampled is False: sampled = "0" else: sampled = None traceparent = "%s-%s" % (self.trace_id, self.span_id) if sampled is not None: traceparent += "-%s" % (sampled,) return traceparent
[docs] def to_baggage(self): # type: () -> Optional[Baggage] """Returns the :py:class:`~sentry_sdk.tracing_utils.Baggage` associated with this ``Span``, if any. (Taken from the root of the span tree.) """ if self.containing_transaction: return self.containing_transaction.get_baggage() return None
def set_tag(self, key, value): # type: (str, Any) -> None self._tags[key] = value def set_data(self, key, value): # type: (str, Any) -> None self._data[key] = value def set_status(self, value): # type: (str) -> None self.status = value def set_measurement(self, name, value, unit=""): # type: (str, float, MeasurementUnit) -> None self._measurements[name] = {"value": value, "unit": unit} def set_thread(self, thread_id, thread_name): # type: (Optional[int], Optional[str]) -> None if thread_id is not None: self.set_data(SPANDATA.THREAD_ID, str(thread_id)) if thread_name is not None: self.set_data(SPANDATA.THREAD_NAME, thread_name) def set_profiler_id(self, profiler_id): # type: (Optional[str]) -> None if profiler_id is not None: self.set_data(SPANDATA.PROFILER_ID, profiler_id) def set_http_status(self, http_status): # type: (int) -> None self.set_tag( "http.status_code", str(http_status) ) # we keep this for backwards compatibility self.set_data(SPANDATA.HTTP_STATUS_CODE, http_status) self.set_status(get_span_status_from_http_code(http_status)) def is_success(self): # type: () -> bool return self.status == "ok"
[docs] def finish(self, scope=None, end_timestamp=None): # type: (Optional[sentry_sdk.Scope], Optional[Union[float, datetime]]) -> Optional[str] """ Sets the end timestamp of the span. Additionally it also creates a breadcrumb from the span, if the span represents a database or HTTP request. :param scope: The scope to use for this transaction. If not provided, the current scope will be used. :param end_timestamp: Optional timestamp that should be used as timestamp instead of the current time. :return: Always ``None``. The type is ``Optional[str]`` to match the return value of :py:meth:`sentry_sdk.tracing.Transaction.finish`. """ if self.timestamp is not None: # This span is already finished, ignore. return None try: if end_timestamp: if isinstance(end_timestamp, float): end_timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(end_timestamp, timezone.utc) self.timestamp = end_timestamp else: elapsed = nanosecond_time() - self._start_timestamp_monotonic_ns self.timestamp = self.start_timestamp + timedelta( microseconds=elapsed / 1000 ) except AttributeError: self.timestamp = scope = scope or sentry_sdk.get_current_scope() maybe_create_breadcrumbs_from_span(scope, self) return None
[docs] def to_json(self): # type: () -> Dict[str, Any] """Returns a JSON-compatible representation of the span.""" rv = { "trace_id": self.trace_id, "span_id": self.span_id, "parent_span_id": self.parent_span_id, "same_process_as_parent": self.same_process_as_parent, "op": self.op, "description": self.description, "start_timestamp": self.start_timestamp, "timestamp": self.timestamp, "origin": self.origin, } # type: Dict[str, Any] if self.status: self._tags["status"] = self.status if self._local_aggregator is not None: metrics_summary = self._local_aggregator.to_json() if metrics_summary: rv["_metrics_summary"] = metrics_summary if len(self._measurements) > 0: rv["measurements"] = self._measurements tags = self._tags if tags: rv["tags"] = tags data = self._data if data: rv["data"] = data return rv
def get_trace_context(self): # type: () -> Any rv = { "trace_id": self.trace_id, "span_id": self.span_id, "parent_span_id": self.parent_span_id, "op": self.op, "description": self.description, "origin": self.origin, } # type: Dict[str, Any] if self.status: rv["status"] = self.status if self.containing_transaction: rv["dynamic_sampling_context"] = ( self.containing_transaction.get_baggage().dynamic_sampling_context() ) data = {} thread_id = self._data.get(SPANDATA.THREAD_ID) if thread_id is not None: data[""] = thread_id thread_name = self._data.get(SPANDATA.THREAD_NAME) if thread_name is not None: data[""] = thread_name if data: rv["data"] = data return rv def get_profile_context(self): # type: () -> Optional[ProfileContext] profiler_id = self._data.get(SPANDATA.PROFILER_ID) if profiler_id is None: return None return { "profiler_id": profiler_id, } def update_active_thread(self): # type: () -> None thread_id, thread_name = get_current_thread_meta() self.set_thread(thread_id, thread_name)
[docs] class Transaction(Span): """The Transaction is the root element that holds all the spans for Sentry performance instrumentation. :param name: Identifier of the transaction. Will show up in the Sentry UI. :param parent_sampled: Whether the parent transaction was sampled. If True this transaction will be kept, if False it will be discarded. :param baggage: The W3C baggage header value. (see :param source: A string describing the source of the transaction name. This will be used to determine the transaction's type. See for more information. Default "custom". :param kwargs: Additional arguments to be passed to the Span constructor. See :py:class:`sentry_sdk.tracing.Span` for available arguments. """ __slots__ = ( "name", "source", "parent_sampled", # used to create baggage value for head SDKs in dynamic sampling "sample_rate", "_measurements", "_contexts", "_profile", "_continuous_profile", "_baggage", ) def __init__( # type: ignore[misc] self, name="", # type: str parent_sampled=None, # type: Optional[bool] baggage=None, # type: Optional[Baggage] source=TRANSACTION_SOURCE_CUSTOM, # type: str **kwargs, # type: Unpack[SpanKwargs] ): # type: (...) -> None super().__init__(**kwargs) = name self.source = source self.sample_rate = None # type: Optional[float] self.parent_sampled = parent_sampled self._measurements = {} # type: Dict[str, MeasurementValue] self._contexts = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] self._profile = None # type: Optional[Profile] self._continuous_profile = None # type: Optional[ContinuousProfile] self._baggage = baggage def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str return ( "<%s(name=%r, op=%r, trace_id=%r, span_id=%r, parent_span_id=%r, sampled=%r, source=%r, origin=%r)>" % ( self.__class__.__name__,, self.op, self.trace_id, self.span_id, self.parent_span_id, self.sampled, self.source, self.origin, ) ) def _possibly_started(self): # type: () -> bool """Returns whether the transaction might have been started. If this returns False, we know that the transaction was not started with sentry_sdk.start_transaction, and therefore the transaction will be discarded. """ # We must explicitly check self.sampled is False since self.sampled can be None return self._span_recorder is not None or self.sampled is False def __enter__(self): # type: () -> Transaction if not self._possibly_started(): logger.debug( "Transaction was entered without being started with sentry_sdk.start_transaction." "The transaction will not be sent to Sentry. To fix, start the transaction by" "passing it to sentry_sdk.start_transaction." ) super().__enter__() if self._profile is not None: self._profile.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, ty, value, tb): # type: (Optional[Any], Optional[Any], Optional[Any]) -> None if self._profile is not None: self._profile.__exit__(ty, value, tb) if self._continuous_profile is not None: self._continuous_profile.stop() super().__exit__(ty, value, tb) @property def containing_transaction(self): # type: () -> Transaction """The root element of the span tree. In the case of a transaction it is the transaction itself. """ # Transactions (as spans) belong to themselves (as transactions). This # is a getter rather than a regular attribute to avoid having a circular # reference. return self def _get_scope_from_finish_args( self, scope_arg, # type: Optional[Union[sentry_sdk.Scope, sentry_sdk.Hub]] hub_arg, # type: Optional[Union[sentry_sdk.Scope, sentry_sdk.Hub]] ): # type: (...) -> Optional[sentry_sdk.Scope] """ Logic to get the scope from the arguments passed to finish. This function exists for backwards compatibility with the old finish. TODO: Remove this function in the next major version. """ scope_or_hub = scope_arg if hub_arg is not None: warnings.warn( "The `hub` parameter is deprecated. Please use the `scope` parameter, instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3, ) scope_or_hub = hub_arg if isinstance(scope_or_hub, sentry_sdk.Hub): warnings.warn( "Passing a Hub to finish is deprecated. Please pass a Scope, instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3, ) return scope_or_hub.scope return scope_or_hub
[docs] def finish( self, scope=None, # type: Optional[sentry_sdk.Scope] end_timestamp=None, # type: Optional[Union[float, datetime]] *, hub=None, # type: Optional[sentry_sdk.Hub] ): # type: (...) -> Optional[str] """Finishes the transaction and sends it to Sentry. All finished spans in the transaction will also be sent to Sentry. :param scope: The Scope to use for this transaction. If not provided, the current Scope will be used. :param end_timestamp: Optional timestamp that should be used as timestamp instead of the current time. :param hub: The hub to use for this transaction. This argument is DEPRECATED. Please use the `scope` parameter, instead. :return: The event ID if the transaction was sent to Sentry, otherwise None. """ if self.timestamp is not None: # This transaction is already finished, ignore. return None # For backwards compatibility, we must handle the case where `scope` # or `hub` could both either be a `Scope` or a `Hub`. scope = self._get_scope_from_finish_args( scope, hub ) # type: Optional[sentry_sdk.Scope] scope = scope or self.scope or sentry_sdk.get_current_scope() client = sentry_sdk.get_client() if not client.is_active(): # We have no active client and therefore nowhere to send this transaction. return None if self._span_recorder is None: # Explicit check against False needed because self.sampled might be None if self.sampled is False: logger.debug("Discarding transaction because sampled = False") else: logger.debug( "Discarding transaction because it was not started with sentry_sdk.start_transaction" ) # This is not entirely accurate because discards here are not # exclusively based on sample rate but also traces sampler, but # we handle this the same here. if client.transport and has_tracing_enabled(client.options): if client.monitor and client.monitor.downsample_factor > 0: reason = "backpressure" else: reason = "sample_rate" client.transport.record_lost_event(reason, data_category="transaction") # Only one span (the transaction itself) is discarded, since we did not record any spans here. client.transport.record_lost_event(reason, data_category="span") return None if not logger.warning( "Transaction has no name, falling back to `<unlabeled transaction>`." ) = "<unlabeled transaction>" super().finish(scope, end_timestamp) if not self.sampled: # At this point a `sampled = None` should have already been resolved # to a concrete decision. if self.sampled is None: logger.warning("Discarding transaction without sampling decision.") return None finished_spans = [ span.to_json() for span in self._span_recorder.spans if span.timestamp is not None ] len_diff = len(self._span_recorder.spans) - len(finished_spans) dropped_spans = len_diff + self._span_recorder.dropped_spans # we do this to break the circular reference of transaction -> span # recorder -> span -> containing transaction (which is where we started) # before either the spans or the transaction goes out of scope and has # to be garbage collected self._span_recorder = None contexts = {} contexts.update(self._contexts) contexts.update({"trace": self.get_trace_context()}) profile_context = self.get_profile_context() if profile_context is not None: contexts.update({"profile": profile_context}) event = { "type": "transaction", "transaction":, "transaction_info": {"source": self.source}, "contexts": contexts, "tags": self._tags, "timestamp": self.timestamp, "start_timestamp": self.start_timestamp, "spans": finished_spans, } # type: Event if dropped_spans > 0: event["_dropped_spans"] = dropped_spans if self._profile is not None and self._profile.valid(): event["profile"] = self._profile self._profile = None event["measurements"] = self._measurements # This is here since `to_json` is not invoked. This really should # be gone when we switch to onlyspans. if self._local_aggregator is not None: metrics_summary = self._local_aggregator.to_json() if metrics_summary: event["_metrics_summary"] = metrics_summary return scope.capture_event(event)
def set_measurement(self, name, value, unit=""): # type: (str, float, MeasurementUnit) -> None self._measurements[name] = {"value": value, "unit": unit}
[docs] def set_context(self, key, value): # type: (str, Any) -> None """Sets a context. Transactions can have multiple contexts and they should follow the format described in the "Contexts Interface" documentation. :param key: The name of the context. :param value: The information about the context. """ self._contexts[key] = value
[docs] def set_http_status(self, http_status): # type: (int) -> None """Sets the status of the Transaction according to the given HTTP status. :param http_status: The HTTP status code.""" super().set_http_status(http_status) self.set_context("response", {"status_code": http_status})
[docs] def to_json(self): # type: () -> Dict[str, Any] """Returns a JSON-compatible representation of the transaction.""" rv = super().to_json() rv["name"] = rv["source"] = self.source rv["sampled"] = self.sampled return rv
def get_trace_context(self): # type: () -> Any trace_context = super().get_trace_context() if self._data: trace_context["data"] = self._data return trace_context
[docs] def get_baggage(self): # type: () -> Baggage """Returns the :py:class:`~sentry_sdk.tracing_utils.Baggage` associated with the Transaction. The first time a new baggage with Sentry items is made, it will be frozen.""" if not self._baggage or self._baggage.mutable: self._baggage = Baggage.populate_from_transaction(self) return self._baggage
def _set_initial_sampling_decision(self, sampling_context): # type: (SamplingContext) -> None """ Sets the transaction's sampling decision, according to the following precedence rules: 1. If a sampling decision is passed to `start_transaction` (`start_transaction(name: "my transaction", sampled: True)`), that decision will be used, regardless of anything else 2. If `traces_sampler` is defined, its decision will be used. It can choose to keep or ignore any parent sampling decision, or use the sampling context data to make its own decision or to choose a sample rate for the transaction. 3. If `traces_sampler` is not defined, but there's a parent sampling decision, the parent sampling decision will be used. 4. If `traces_sampler` is not defined and there's no parent sampling decision, `traces_sample_rate` will be used. """ client = sentry_sdk.get_client() transaction_description = "{op}transaction <{name}>".format( op=("<" + self.op + "> " if self.op else ""), ) # nothing to do if tracing is disabled if not has_tracing_enabled(client.options): self.sampled = False return # if the user has forced a sampling decision by passing a `sampled` # value when starting the transaction, go with that if self.sampled is not None: self.sample_rate = float(self.sampled) return # we would have bailed already if neither `traces_sampler` nor # `traces_sample_rate` were defined, so one of these should work; prefer # the hook if so sample_rate = ( client.options["traces_sampler"](sampling_context) if callable(client.options.get("traces_sampler")) else ( # default inheritance behavior sampling_context["parent_sampled"] if sampling_context["parent_sampled"] is not None else client.options["traces_sample_rate"] ) ) # Since this is coming from the user (or from a function provided by the # user), who knows what we might get. (The only valid values are # booleans or numbers between 0 and 1.) if not is_valid_sample_rate(sample_rate, source="Tracing"): logger.warning( "[Tracing] Discarding {transaction_description} because of invalid sample rate.".format( transaction_description=transaction_description, ) ) self.sampled = False return self.sample_rate = float(sample_rate) if client.monitor: self.sample_rate /= 2**client.monitor.downsample_factor # if the function returned 0 (or false), or if `traces_sample_rate` is # 0, it's a sign the transaction should be dropped if not self.sample_rate: logger.debug( "[Tracing] Discarding {transaction_description} because {reason}".format( transaction_description=transaction_description, reason=( "traces_sampler returned 0 or False" if callable(client.options.get("traces_sampler")) else "traces_sample_rate is set to 0" ), ) ) self.sampled = False return # Now we roll the dice. random.random is inclusive of 0, but not of 1, # so strict < is safe here. In case sample_rate is a boolean, cast it # to a float (True becomes 1.0 and False becomes 0.0) self.sampled = random.random() < self.sample_rate if self.sampled: logger.debug( "[Tracing] Starting {transaction_description}".format( transaction_description=transaction_description, ) ) else: logger.debug( "[Tracing] Discarding {transaction_description} because it's not included in the random sample (sampling rate = {sample_rate})".format( transaction_description=transaction_description, sample_rate=self.sample_rate, ) )
class NoOpSpan(Span): def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str return "<%s>" % self.__class__.__name__ @property def containing_transaction(self): # type: () -> Optional[Transaction] return None def start_child(self, instrumenter=INSTRUMENTER.SENTRY, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> NoOpSpan return NoOpSpan() def to_traceparent(self): # type: () -> str return "" def to_baggage(self): # type: () -> Optional[Baggage] return None def get_baggage(self): # type: () -> Optional[Baggage] return None def iter_headers(self): # type: () -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]] return iter(()) def set_tag(self, key, value): # type: (str, Any) -> None pass def set_data(self, key, value): # type: (str, Any) -> None pass def set_status(self, value): # type: (str) -> None pass def set_http_status(self, http_status): # type: (int) -> None pass def is_success(self): # type: () -> bool return True def to_json(self): # type: () -> Dict[str, Any] return {} def get_trace_context(self): # type: () -> Any return {} def get_profile_context(self): # type: () -> Any return {} def finish( self, scope=None, # type: Optional[sentry_sdk.Scope] end_timestamp=None, # type: Optional[Union[float, datetime]] *, hub=None, # type: Optional[sentry_sdk.Hub] ): # type: (...) -> Optional[str] """ The `hub` parameter is deprecated. Please use the `scope` parameter, instead. """ pass def set_measurement(self, name, value, unit=""): # type: (str, float, MeasurementUnit) -> None pass def set_context(self, key, value): # type: (str, Any) -> None pass def init_span_recorder(self, maxlen): # type: (int) -> None pass def _set_initial_sampling_decision(self, sampling_context): # type: (SamplingContext) -> None pass if TYPE_CHECKING: @overload def trace(func=None): # type: (None) -> Callable[[Callable[P, R]], Callable[P, R]] pass @overload def trace(func): # type: (Callable[P, R]) -> Callable[P, R] pass def trace(func=None): # type: (Optional[Callable[P, R]]) -> Union[Callable[P, R], Callable[[Callable[P, R]], Callable[P, R]]] """ Decorator to start a child span under the existing current transaction. If there is no current transaction, then nothing will be traced. .. code-block:: :caption: Usage import sentry_sdk @sentry_sdk.trace def my_function(): ... @sentry_sdk.trace async def my_async_function(): ... """ from sentry_sdk.tracing_utils import start_child_span_decorator # This patterns allows usage of both @sentry_traced and @sentry_traced(...) # See if func: return start_child_span_decorator(func) else: return start_child_span_decorator # Circular imports from sentry_sdk.tracing_utils import ( Baggage, EnvironHeaders, extract_sentrytrace_data, has_tracing_enabled, maybe_create_breadcrumbs_from_span, ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): # The code in this file which uses `LocalAggregator` is only called from the deprecated `metrics` module. warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) from sentry_sdk.metrics import LocalAggregator