Source code for sentry_sdk.profiler

This file is originally based on code from,
which is published under the following license:

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2014 Nylas

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


import atexit
import os
import platform
import random
import sys
import threading
import time
import uuid
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import deque

import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk._compat import PY311
from sentry_sdk._lru_cache import LRUCache
from sentry_sdk._types import TYPE_CHECKING
from sentry_sdk.utils import (

    from types import FrameType
    from typing import Any
    from typing import Callable
    from typing import Deque
    from typing import Dict
    from typing import List
    from typing import Optional
    from typing import Set
    from typing import Sequence
    from typing import Tuple
    from typing_extensions import TypedDict

    import sentry_sdk.tracing
    from sentry_sdk._types import Event, SamplingContext, ProfilerMode

    ThreadId = str

    ProcessedSample = TypedDict(
            "elapsed_since_start_ns": str,
            "thread_id": ThreadId,
            "stack_id": int,

    ProcessedStack = List[int]

    ProcessedFrame = TypedDict(
            "abs_path": str,
            "filename": Optional[str],
            "function": str,
            "lineno": int,
            "module": Optional[str],

    ProcessedThreadMetadata = TypedDict(
        {"name": str},

    ProcessedProfile = TypedDict(
            "frames": List[ProcessedFrame],
            "stacks": List[ProcessedStack],
            "samples": List[ProcessedSample],
            "thread_metadata": Dict[ThreadId, ProcessedThreadMetadata],

    ProfileContext = TypedDict(
        {"profile_id": str},

    FrameId = Tuple[
        str,  # abs_path
        int,  # lineno
        str,  # function
    FrameIds = Tuple[FrameId, ...]

    # The exact value of this id is not very meaningful. The purpose
    # of this id is to give us a compact and unique identifier for a
    # raw stack that can be used as a key to a dictionary so that it
    # can be used during the sampled format generation.
    StackId = Tuple[int, int]

    ExtractedStack = Tuple[StackId, FrameIds, List[ProcessedFrame]]
    ExtractedSample = Sequence[Tuple[ThreadId, ExtractedStack]]

    from gevent.monkey import get_original  # type: ignore
    from gevent.threadpool import ThreadPool  # type: ignore

    thread_sleep = get_original("time", "sleep")
except ImportError:
    thread_sleep = time.sleep

    ThreadPool = None

_scheduler = None  # type: Optional[Scheduler]

# The default sampling frequency to use. This is set at 101 in order to
# mitigate the effects of lockstep sampling.

# The minimum number of unique samples that must exist in a profile to be
# considered valid.

def has_profiling_enabled(options):
    # type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> bool
    profiles_sampler = options["profiles_sampler"]
    if profiles_sampler is not None:
        return True

    profiles_sample_rate = options["profiles_sample_rate"]
    if profiles_sample_rate is not None and profiles_sample_rate > 0:
        return True

    profiles_sample_rate = options["_experiments"].get("profiles_sample_rate")
    if profiles_sample_rate is not None:
            "_experiments['profiles_sample_rate'] is deprecated. "
            "Please use the non-experimental profiles_sample_rate option "
        if profiles_sample_rate > 0:
            return True

    return False

def setup_profiler(options):
    # type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> bool
    global _scheduler

    if _scheduler is not None:
        logger.debug("[Profiling] Profiler is already setup")
        return False


    if is_gevent():
        # If gevent has patched the threading modules then we cannot rely on
        # them to spawn a native thread for sampling.
        # Instead we default to the GeventScheduler which is capable of
        # spawning native threads within gevent.
        default_profiler_mode = GeventScheduler.mode
        default_profiler_mode = ThreadScheduler.mode

    if options.get("profiler_mode") is not None:
        profiler_mode = options["profiler_mode"]
        profiler_mode = options.get("_experiments", {}).get("profiler_mode")
        if profiler_mode is not None:
                "_experiments['profiler_mode'] is deprecated. Please use the "
                "non-experimental profiler_mode option directly."
        profiler_mode = profiler_mode or default_profiler_mode

    if (
        profiler_mode == ThreadScheduler.mode
        # for legacy reasons, we'll keep supporting sleep mode for this scheduler
        or profiler_mode == "sleep"
        _scheduler = ThreadScheduler(frequency=frequency)
    elif profiler_mode == GeventScheduler.mode:
        _scheduler = GeventScheduler(frequency=frequency)
        raise ValueError("Unknown profiler mode: {}".format(profiler_mode))

        "[Profiling] Setting up profiler in {mode} mode".format(mode=_scheduler.mode)


    return True

def teardown_profiler():
    # type: () -> None

    global _scheduler

    if _scheduler is not None:

    _scheduler = None

# We want to impose a stack depth limit so that samples aren't too large.

def extract_stack(
    raw_frame,  # type: Optional[FrameType]
    cache,  # type: LRUCache
    cwd,  # type: str
    max_stack_depth=MAX_STACK_DEPTH,  # type: int
    # type: (...) -> ExtractedStack
    Extracts the stack starting the specified frame. The extracted stack
    assumes the specified frame is the top of the stack, and works back
    to the bottom of the stack.

    In the event that the stack is more than `MAX_STACK_DEPTH` frames deep,
    only the first `MAX_STACK_DEPTH` frames will be returned.

    raw_frames = deque(maxlen=max_stack_depth)  # type: Deque[FrameType]

    while raw_frame is not None:
        f_back = raw_frame.f_back
        raw_frame = f_back

    frame_ids = tuple(frame_id(raw_frame) for raw_frame in raw_frames)
    frames = []
    for i, fid in enumerate(frame_ids):
        frame = cache.get(fid)
        if frame is None:
            frame = extract_frame(fid, raw_frames[i], cwd)
            cache.set(fid, frame)

    # Instead of mapping the stack into frame ids and hashing
    # that as a tuple, we can directly hash the stack.
    # This saves us from having to generate yet another list.
    # Additionally, using the stack as the key directly is
    # costly because the stack can be large, so we pre-hash
    # the stack, and use the hash as the key as this will be
    # needed a few times to improve performance.
    # To Reduce the likelihood of hash collisions, we include
    # the stack depth. This means that only stacks of the same
    # depth can suffer from hash collisions.
    stack_id = len(raw_frames), hash(frame_ids)

    return stack_id, frame_ids, frames

def frame_id(raw_frame):
    # type: (FrameType) -> FrameId
    return (raw_frame.f_code.co_filename, raw_frame.f_lineno, get_frame_name(raw_frame))

def extract_frame(fid, raw_frame, cwd):
    # type: (FrameId, FrameType, str) -> ProcessedFrame
    abs_path = raw_frame.f_code.co_filename

        module = raw_frame.f_globals["__name__"]
    except Exception:
        module = None

    # namedtuples can be many times slower when initialing
    # and accessing attribute so we opt to use a tuple here instead
    return {
        # This originally was `os.path.abspath(abs_path)` but that had
        # a large performance overhead.
        # According to docs, this is equivalent to
        # `os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path))`.
        # The `os.getcwd()` call is slow here, so we precompute it.
        # Additionally, since we are using normalized path already,
        # we skip calling `os.path.normpath` entirely.
        "abs_path": os.path.join(cwd, abs_path),
        "module": module,
        "filename": filename_for_module(module, abs_path) or None,
        "function": fid[2],
        "lineno": raw_frame.f_lineno,

if PY311:

    def get_frame_name(frame):
        # type: (FrameType) -> str
        return frame.f_code.co_qualname


    def get_frame_name(frame):
        # type: (FrameType) -> str

        f_code = frame.f_code
        co_varnames = f_code.co_varnames

        # co_name only contains the frame name.  If the frame was a method,
        # the class name will NOT be included.
        name = f_code.co_name

        # if it was a method, we can get the class name by inspecting
        # the f_locals for the `self` argument
            if (
                # the co_varnames start with the frame's positional arguments
                # and we expect the first to be `self` if its an instance method
                and co_varnames[0] == "self"
                and "self" in frame.f_locals
                for cls in frame.f_locals["self"].__class__.__mro__:
                    if name in cls.__dict__:
                        return "{}.{}".format(cls.__name__, name)
        except (AttributeError, ValueError):

        # if it was a class method, (decorated with `@classmethod`)
        # we can get the class name by inspecting the f_locals for the `cls` argument
            if (
                # the co_varnames start with the frame's positional arguments
                # and we expect the first to be `cls` if its a class method
                and co_varnames[0] == "cls"
                and "cls" in frame.f_locals
                for cls in frame.f_locals["cls"].__mro__:
                    if name in cls.__dict__:
                        return "{}.{}".format(cls.__name__, name)
        except (AttributeError, ValueError):

        # nothing we can do if it is a staticmethod (decorated with @staticmethod)

        # we've done all we can, time to give up and return what we have
        return name

MAX_PROFILE_DURATION_NS = int(3e10)  # 30 seconds

[docs] class Profile: def __init__( self, transaction, # type: sentry_sdk.tracing.Transaction hub=None, # type: Optional[sentry_sdk.Hub] scheduler=None, # type: Optional[Scheduler] ): # type: (...) -> None self.scheduler = _scheduler if scheduler is None else scheduler self.hub = hub self.event_id = uuid.uuid4().hex # type: str # Here, we assume that the sampling decision on the transaction has been finalized. # # We cannot keep a reference to the transaction around here because it'll create # a reference cycle. So we opt to pull out just the necessary attributes. self.sampled = transaction.sampled # type: Optional[bool] # Various framework integrations are capable of overwriting the active thread id. # If it is set to `None` at the end of the profile, we fall back to the default. self._default_active_thread_id = get_current_thread_meta()[0] or 0 # type: int self.active_thread_id = None # type: Optional[int] try: self.start_ns = transaction._start_timestamp_monotonic_ns # type: int except AttributeError: self.start_ns = 0 self.stop_ns = 0 # type: int = False # type: bool self.indexed_frames = {} # type: Dict[FrameId, int] self.indexed_stacks = {} # type: Dict[StackId, int] self.frames = [] # type: List[ProcessedFrame] self.stacks = [] # type: List[ProcessedStack] self.samples = [] # type: List[ProcessedSample] self.unique_samples = 0 transaction._profile = self def update_active_thread_id(self): # type: () -> None self.active_thread_id = get_current_thread_meta()[0] logger.debug( "[Profiling] updating active thread id to {tid}".format( tid=self.active_thread_id ) ) def _set_initial_sampling_decision(self, sampling_context): # type: (SamplingContext) -> None """ Sets the profile's sampling decision according to the following precedence rules: 1. If the transaction to be profiled is not sampled, that decision will be used, regardless of anything else. 2. Use `profiles_sample_rate` to decide. """ # The corresponding transaction was not sampled, # so don't generate a profile for it. if not self.sampled: logger.debug( "[Profiling] Discarding profile because transaction is discarded." ) self.sampled = False return # The profiler hasn't been properly initialized. if self.scheduler is None: logger.debug( "[Profiling] Discarding profile because profiler was not started." ) self.sampled = False return client = sentry_sdk.Scope.get_client() if not client.is_active(): self.sampled = False return options = client.options if callable(options.get("profiles_sampler")): sample_rate = options["profiles_sampler"](sampling_context) elif options["profiles_sample_rate"] is not None: sample_rate = options["profiles_sample_rate"] else: sample_rate = options["_experiments"].get("profiles_sample_rate") # The profiles_sample_rate option was not set, so profiling # was never enabled. if sample_rate is None: logger.debug( "[Profiling] Discarding profile because profiling was not enabled." ) self.sampled = False return if not is_valid_sample_rate(sample_rate, source="Profiling"): logger.warning( "[Profiling] Discarding profile because of invalid sample rate." ) self.sampled = False return # Now we roll the dice. random.random is inclusive of 0, but not of 1, # so strict < is safe here. In case sample_rate is a boolean, cast it # to a float (True becomes 1.0 and False becomes 0.0) self.sampled = random.random() < float(sample_rate) if self.sampled: logger.debug("[Profiling] Initializing profile") else: logger.debug( "[Profiling] Discarding profile because it's not included in the random sample (sample rate = {sample_rate})".format( sample_rate=float(sample_rate) ) ) def start(self): # type: () -> None if not self.sampled or return assert self.scheduler, "No scheduler specified" logger.debug("[Profiling] Starting profile") = True if not self.start_ns: self.start_ns = nanosecond_time() self.scheduler.start_profiling(self) def stop(self): # type: () -> None if not self.sampled or not return assert self.scheduler, "No scheduler specified" logger.debug("[Profiling] Stopping profile") = False self.stop_ns = nanosecond_time() def __enter__(self): # type: () -> Profile scope = sentry_sdk.scope.Scope.get_isolation_scope() old_profile = scope.profile scope.profile = self self._context_manager_state = (scope, old_profile) self.start() return self def __exit__(self, ty, value, tb): # type: (Optional[Any], Optional[Any], Optional[Any]) -> None self.stop() scope, old_profile = self._context_manager_state del self._context_manager_state scope.profile = old_profile def write(self, ts, sample): # type: (int, ExtractedSample) -> None if not return if ts < self.start_ns: return offset = ts - self.start_ns if offset > MAX_PROFILE_DURATION_NS: self.stop() return self.unique_samples += 1 elapsed_since_start_ns = str(offset) for tid, (stack_id, frame_ids, frames) in sample: try: # Check if the stack is indexed first, this lets us skip # indexing frames if it's not necessary if stack_id not in self.indexed_stacks: for i, frame_id in enumerate(frame_ids): if frame_id not in self.indexed_frames: self.indexed_frames[frame_id] = len(self.indexed_frames) self.frames.append(frames[i]) self.indexed_stacks[stack_id] = len(self.indexed_stacks) self.stacks.append( [self.indexed_frames[frame_id] for frame_id in frame_ids] ) self.samples.append( { "elapsed_since_start_ns": elapsed_since_start_ns, "thread_id": tid, "stack_id": self.indexed_stacks[stack_id], } ) except AttributeError: # For some reason, the frame we get doesn't have certain attributes. # When this happens, we abandon the current sample as it's bad. capture_internal_exception(sys.exc_info()) def process(self): # type: () -> ProcessedProfile # This collects the thread metadata at the end of a profile. Doing it # this way means that any threads that terminate before the profile ends # will not have any metadata associated with it. thread_metadata = { str(thread.ident): { "name": str(, } for thread in threading.enumerate() } # type: Dict[str, ProcessedThreadMetadata] return { "frames": self.frames, "stacks": self.stacks, "samples": self.samples, "thread_metadata": thread_metadata, } def to_json(self, event_opt, options): # type: (Event, Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any] profile = self.process() set_in_app_in_frames( profile["frames"], options["in_app_exclude"], options["in_app_include"], options["project_root"], ) return { "environment": event_opt.get("environment"), "event_id": self.event_id, "platform": "python", "profile": profile, "release": event_opt.get("release", ""), "timestamp": event_opt["start_timestamp"], "version": "1", "device": { "architecture": platform.machine(), }, "os": { "name": platform.system(), "version": platform.release(), }, "runtime": { "name": platform.python_implementation(), "version": platform.python_version(), }, "transactions": [ { "id": event_opt["event_id"], "name": event_opt["transaction"], # we start the transaction before the profile and this is # the transaction start time relative to the profile, so we # hardcode it to 0 until we can start the profile before "relative_start_ns": "0", # use the duration of the profile instead of the transaction # because we end the transaction after the profile "relative_end_ns": str(self.stop_ns - self.start_ns), "trace_id": event_opt["contexts"]["trace"]["trace_id"], "active_thread_id": str( self._default_active_thread_id if self.active_thread_id is None else self.active_thread_id ), } ], } def valid(self): # type: () -> bool client = sentry_sdk.Scope.get_client() if not client.is_active(): return False if not has_profiling_enabled(client.options): return False if self.sampled is None or not self.sampled: if client.transport: client.transport.record_lost_event( "sample_rate", data_category="profile" ) return False if self.unique_samples < PROFILE_MINIMUM_SAMPLES: if client.transport: client.transport.record_lost_event( "insufficient_data", data_category="profile" ) logger.debug("[Profiling] Discarding profile because insufficient samples.") return False return True
class Scheduler(ABC): mode = "unknown" # type: ProfilerMode def __init__(self, frequency): # type: (int) -> None self.interval = 1.0 / frequency self.sampler = self.make_sampler() # cap the number of new profiles at any time so it does not grow infinitely self.new_profiles = deque(maxlen=128) # type: Deque[Profile] self.active_profiles = set() # type: Set[Profile] def __enter__(self): # type: () -> Scheduler self.setup() return self def __exit__(self, ty, value, tb): # type: (Optional[Any], Optional[Any], Optional[Any]) -> None self.teardown() @abstractmethod def setup(self): # type: () -> None pass @abstractmethod def teardown(self): # type: () -> None pass def ensure_running(self): # type: () -> None """ Ensure the scheduler is running. By default, this method is a no-op. The method should be overridden by any implementation for which it is relevant. """ return None def start_profiling(self, profile): # type: (Profile) -> None self.ensure_running() self.new_profiles.append(profile) def make_sampler(self): # type: () -> Callable[..., None] cwd = os.getcwd() cache = LRUCache(max_size=256) def _sample_stack(*args, **kwargs): # type: (*Any, **Any) -> None """ Take a sample of the stack on all the threads in the process. This should be called at a regular interval to collect samples. """ # no profiles taking place, so we can stop early if not self.new_profiles and not self.active_profiles: # make sure to clear the cache if we're not profiling so we dont # keep a reference to the last stack of frames around return # This is the number of profiles we want to pop off. # It's possible another thread adds a new profile to # the list and we spend longer than we want inside # the loop below. # # Also make sure to set this value before extracting # frames so we do not write to any new profiles that # were started after this point. new_profiles = len(self.new_profiles) now = nanosecond_time() try: sample = [ (str(tid), extract_stack(frame, cache, cwd)) for tid, frame in sys._current_frames().items() ] except AttributeError: # For some reason, the frame we get doesn't have certain attributes. # When this happens, we abandon the current sample as it's bad. capture_internal_exception(sys.exc_info()) return # Move the new profiles into the active_profiles set. # # We cannot directly add the to active_profiles set # in `start_profiling` because it is called from other # threads which can cause a RuntimeError when it the # set sizes changes during iteration without a lock. # # We also want to avoid using a lock here so threads # that are starting profiles are not blocked until it # can acquire the lock. for _ in range(new_profiles): self.active_profiles.add(self.new_profiles.popleft()) inactive_profiles = [] for profile in self.active_profiles: if profile.write(now, sample) else: # If a thread is marked inactive, we buffer it # to `inactive_profiles` so it can be removed. # We cannot remove it here as it would result # in a RuntimeError. inactive_profiles.append(profile) for profile in inactive_profiles: self.active_profiles.remove(profile) return _sample_stack class ThreadScheduler(Scheduler): """ This scheduler is based on running a daemon thread that will call the sampler at a regular interval. """ mode = "thread" # type: ProfilerMode name = "sentry.profiler.ThreadScheduler" def __init__(self, frequency): # type: (int) -> None super().__init__(frequency=frequency) # used to signal to the thread that it should stop self.running = False self.thread = None # type: Optional[threading.Thread] = None # type: Optional[int] self.lock = threading.Lock() def setup(self): # type: () -> None pass def teardown(self): # type: () -> None if self.running: self.running = False if self.thread is not None: self.thread.join() def ensure_running(self): # type: () -> None """ Check that the profiler has an active thread to run in, and start one if that's not the case. Note that this might fail (e.g. in Python 3.12 it's not possible to spawn new threads at interpreter shutdown). In that case self.running will be False after running this function. """ pid = os.getpid() # is running on the right process if self.running and == pid: return with self.lock: # another thread may have tried to acquire the lock # at the same time so it may start another thread # make sure to check again before proceeding if self.running and == pid: return = pid self.running = True # make sure the thread is a daemon here otherwise this # can keep the application running after other threads # have exited self.thread = threading.Thread(,, daemon=True) try: self.thread.start() except RuntimeError: # Unfortunately at this point the interpreter is in a state that no # longer allows us to spawn a thread and we have to bail. self.running = False self.thread = None return def run(self): # type: () -> None last = time.perf_counter() while self.running: self.sampler() # some time may have elapsed since the last time # we sampled, so we need to account for that and # not sleep for too long elapsed = time.perf_counter() - last if elapsed < self.interval: thread_sleep(self.interval - elapsed) # after sleeping, make sure to take the current # timestamp so we can use it next iteration last = time.perf_counter() class GeventScheduler(Scheduler): """ This scheduler is based on the thread scheduler but adapted to work with gevent. When using gevent, it may monkey patch the threading modules (`threading` and `_thread`). This results in the use of greenlets instead of native threads. This is an issue because the sampler CANNOT run in a greenlet because 1. Other greenlets doing sync work will prevent the sampler from running 2. The greenlet runs in the same thread as other greenlets so when taking a sample, other greenlets will have been evicted from the thread. This results in a sample containing only the sampler's code. """ mode = "gevent" # type: ProfilerMode name = "sentry.profiler.GeventScheduler" def __init__(self, frequency): # type: (int) -> None if ThreadPool is None: raise ValueError("Profiler mode: {} is not available".format(self.mode)) super().__init__(frequency=frequency) # used to signal to the thread that it should stop self.running = False self.thread = None # type: Optional[ThreadPool] = None # type: Optional[int] # This intentionally uses the gevent patched threading.Lock. # The lock will be required when first trying to start profiles # as we need to spawn the profiler thread from the greenlets. self.lock = threading.Lock() def setup(self): # type: () -> None pass def teardown(self): # type: () -> None if self.running: self.running = False if self.thread is not None: self.thread.join() def ensure_running(self): # type: () -> None pid = os.getpid() # is running on the right process if self.running and == pid: return with self.lock: # another thread may have tried to acquire the lock # at the same time so it may start another thread # make sure to check again before proceeding if self.running and == pid: return = pid self.running = True self.thread = ThreadPool(1) try: self.thread.spawn( except RuntimeError: # Unfortunately at this point the interpreter is in a state that no # longer allows us to spawn a thread and we have to bail. self.running = False self.thread = None return def run(self): # type: () -> None last = time.perf_counter() while self.running: self.sampler() # some time may have elapsed since the last time # we sampled, so we need to account for that and # not sleep for too long elapsed = time.perf_counter() - last if elapsed < self.interval: thread_sleep(self.interval - elapsed) # after sleeping, make sure to take the current # timestamp so we can use it next iteration last = time.perf_counter()