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SDK Performance Measurements: Documentation

This documentation is also available on GitHub Pages.

Table of Contents

Preparing Environment

A testing environment is basically a set of container images that run together, plus a set of tests that run in one of the containers. For example, the simplest Python environment may consist of a Python-based image and a set of Python test scripts, where each script runs to completion. More specifically, each environment is a docker-compose-based project with some additional rules on how to discover tests and aggregate the results.

Environment: Structure and Contents

Every environment is defined in a separate directory, and belongs to a platform. For example, all Python environments are located in /platforms/python directory.

Important files in the environment directory:

Test Cases: Discovery, Format, and Execution

Test discovery is the process of finding test entry points in the environment. Two types of test formats are currently supported: file-based and directory-based tests.

  1. File-based tests

    All files that start with test- prefix in the environment root are treated as file-based tests. This type of tests is suitable e.g. for simple run-to-completion tests that don’t have too many dependencies.

    To know how to execute the given test, the system should figure out the entrypoint command. To do that, the system takes test_file_cmd attribute from the env spec, treats as a template, and replaces ${test_file} variable with the base name of the discovered test. By default, ./${test_file} value of test_file_cmd is used, which allows to run executable files with a valid shebang.

  2. Directory-based tests

    All directories that start with test- prefix in the environment root are treated as file-based tests. This type of tests allows the user, for example, to set up a performance test for a webapp with a non-trivial file structure.

    The execution entrypoint is built via test_dir_cmd attribute, with the default value of ./${test_dir}/ ${test_dir} will be replaced with the base name of the discovered test directory.

What services can be used by the test?

Build time

The following environment variables can be used in docker-compose.yaml file:

Execution time

The following environment variables can be used in the tests:

Anatomy of a Test Run

A run for the given environment consists of the three main stages:

  1. Preparing the environment

    The system will build all container images specified in docker-compose.yaml and push them to the internal registry, and also discover the tests in the environment.

  2. Running tests

    For every discovered tests, all containers specified in docker-compose.yaml will be started, and then the test entrypoint is executed.

  3. Collecting results

    After every test, the system aggregates runtime metrics (e.g. CPU, memory) based on the queries specified in the query spec file. Also, links to InfluxDB dashboards (that basically contain the raw test data) will be printed in one of the final steps.

Starting a New Run

Assuming your environment is ready, let’s start a new run.

  1. Make sure that the files of the environment(s) you want to test are pushed to this repository. It doesn’t have to be the main branch, though: if you’re iterating on something, feel free to push your changes to a new branch, just don’t forget to specify it in the workflow parameters in the next step.

  2. Go to (it is our self-hosted instance of Argo Workflows), click on + Submit New Workflow button, and pick the workflow called sdk-measurements. About the parameters you can configure:

    • sdk_measurements_revision - If you want to use a non-default branch of the sdk-measurements repository, you can set sdk_measurements_revision parameter to the revision of your choice.

    • platform - Platform of the environment(s) you want to test, e.g. “python”.

    • sentry_sdk_version - The version (revision) of the SDK you want to test. It will be passed to the environment’s build stage and can be used to e.g. install a specific SDK version into your testing image.

    • environments - A comma separated list of environments that you want to test. If __all__ is given, the workflow will execute for all enviroments.

    • comment - Additional comment for informational purposes: who/why starts the workflow, optional.

    After you update the parameters, it’ll look like this:

  3. Click + Submit. The workflow will start, triggering a redeployment of relevant components first, using the configuration from your branch. Then, when everything is redeployed, the test will start. Argo will display an execution graph that might looks like this:

    You can click on any node to get more info about the steps, read standard output, etc.

  4. After the test is done, you can find the link to the InfluxDB dashboard (containing raw time series data of the run) in the “collect-results” step:

    If you follow the link, here’s how the dashboard might look like:

  5. (WIP) You can also get a static report with aggregated stats. At the moment we generate an HTML report and upload it to Google Cloud Storage. To find the link of the report, check the output of the “generate-html-report” step:

    Here’s how a staticly generated report might look like:

    Eventually, the report will contain full information about the executed test(s), trend information a la “this is how the test behaved for the last N commits in master”, and also instruments for comparing different test runs.