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//! # Relay Threading
//! This module provides a robust threading framework for Relay, designed to efficiently manage and execute
//! asynchronous workloads. At its core is a thread-based asynchronous task pool that offers:
//! - **Flexible Configuration**: Fine-tune thread counts, naming patterns, panic handling strategies,
//! and concurrency limits through a builder pattern.
//! - **Task Multiplexing**: Distribute tasks across dedicated worker threads.
//! - **Panic Recovery**: Built-in mechanisms to gracefully handle and recover from panics, both at the
//! thread and individual task level
//! - **Tokio Integration**: Seamlessly integrates with Tokio runtime for async task execution
//! ## Concurrency Model
//! The pool maintains a set of dedicated worker threads, each capable of executing multiple async tasks
//! concurrently up to a configurable limit. This architecture ensures efficient resource utilization
//! while preventing any single thread from becoming overwhelmed.
//! The pool maintains a bounded queue with a capacity of twice the number of worker threads. This
//! design allows new tasks to be queued while existing ones are being processed, ensuring smooth
//! task handoff between producers and consumers. The bounded nature of the queue provides natural
//! backpressure - when workers are overwhelmed, task submission will block until capacity becomes
//! available, preventing resource exhaustion.
//! ## Usage Example
//! ```rust
//! use relay_threading::{AsyncPoolBuilder, AsyncPool};
//! use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
//! // Create a runtime (for example purposes, create one inline)
//! let runtime_handle = Runtime::new().unwrap();
//! // Build an async pool with 4 threads and a max of 100 concurrent tasks per thread
//! let pool: AsyncPool<_> = AsyncPoolBuilder::new(runtime_handle.handle().clone())
//! .num_threads(4)
//! .max_concurrency(100)
//! .build()
//! .expect("Failed to build async pool");
//! // Schedule a task to be executed by the pool
//! pool.spawn(async {
//! // Place your asynchronous task logic here
//! });
//! ```
//! ## Error Handling
//! Both the async pool and its task multiplexer support custom panic handlers, allowing graceful
//! recovery from panics in either thread execution or individual tasks.
mod builder;
mod metrics;
mod multiplexing;
mod pool;
pub use self::builder::*;
pub use self::metrics::*;
pub use self::pool::*;