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//! Defines all services of Relay.
//! Services require a tokio to run, see [`relay_system`] and particularly
//! [`Controller`](relay_system::Controller) for more information.
//! The web server is wrapped by [`HttpServer`](server::HttpServer). It starts the actual web server
//! and dispatches the graceful shutdown signal. Internally, it creates several other services
//! comprising the service state:
//! - [`ProjectCache`](projects::cache::ProjectCache): A cache that serves queries for project
//! configurations. Its requests are debounced and batched based on a configured interval (100ms
//! by default). Also, missing projects are cached for some time.
//! - [`EnvelopeProcessor`](processor::EnvelopeProcessor): A worker pool for CPU-intensive tasks.
//! Most importantly, this implements envelope processing to verify their projects, execute PII
//! stripping and finally send the envelope to the upstream.
//! - [`UpstreamRelay`](upstream::UpstreamRelay): Abstraction for communication with the upstream
//! (either another Relay or Sentry). It manages an internal client connector to throttle
//! requests and ensures this relay is authenticated before sending queries (e.g. project config
//! or public keys).
//! # Example
//! ```ignore
//! use relay_server::controller::Controller;
//! use relay_server::server::Server;
//! Controller::run(|| Server::start())
//! .expect("failed to start relay");
//! ```
pub mod buffer;
pub mod cogs;
pub mod global_config;
pub mod health_check;
pub mod metrics;
pub mod outcome;
pub mod outcome_aggregator;
pub mod processor;
pub mod projects;
pub mod relays;
pub mod server;
pub mod stats;
pub mod test_store;
pub mod upstream;
pub mod autoscaling;
#[cfg(feature = "processing")]
pub mod store;