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//! Sampling logic for performing sampling decisions of incoming events.
//! In order to allow Sentry to offer performance at scale, Relay extracts key `metrics` from all
//! transactions, but only forwards a random sample of raw transaction payloads to the upstream.
//! What exact percentage is sampled is determined by `dynamic sampling rules`, and depends on the
//! project, the environment, the transaction name, etc.
//! In order to determine the sample rate, Relay uses a [`SamplingConfig`] which contains a set of
//! [`SamplingRule`](crate::config::SamplingRule)s that are matched against incoming data.
//! # Types of Sampling
//! There are two main types of dynamic sampling:
//! 1. **Trace sampling** ensures that either all transactions of a trace are sampled or none. Rules
//! have access to information in the [`DynamicSamplingContext`].
//! 2. **Transaction sampling** does not guarantee complete traces and instead applies to individual
//! transactions. Rules have access to the full data in transaction events.
//! # Components
//! The sampling system implemented in Relay is composed of the following components:
//! - [`DynamicSamplingContext`]: a container for information associated with the trace.
//! - [`SamplingRule`](crate::config::SamplingRule): a rule that is matched against incoming data.
//! It specifies a condition that acts as predicate on the incoming payload.
//! - [`SamplingMatch`](crate::evaluation::SamplingMatch): the result of the matching of one or more
//! rules.
//! # How It Works
//! - The incoming data is received by Relay.
//! - Relay resolves the [`SamplingConfig`] of the project to which the incoming data belongs.
//! Additionally, it tries to resolve the configuration of the project that started the trace, the
//! so-called "root project".
//! - The two [`SamplingConfig`]s are merged together and dynamic sampling evaluates a result. The
//! algorithm goes over each rule and compute either a factor or sample rate based on the
//! value of the rule.
//! - The [`SamplingMatch`](crate::evaluation::SamplingMatch) is finally returned containing the
//! final `sample_rate` and some additional data that will be used in `relay_server` to perform
//! the sampling decision.
//! # Determinism
//! The concept of determinism is a core concept for dynamic sampling. Deterministic sampling
//! decisions allow to:
//! - Run dynamic sampling repeatedly over a **chain of Relays** (e.g., we don't want to drop an
//! event that was retained by a previous Relay and vice-versa).
//! - Run dynamic sampling independently on **transactions of the same trace** (e.g., we want to be
//! able to sample all the transactions of the same trace, even though some exceptions apply).
//! In order to perform deterministic sampling, Relay uses teh trace ID or event ID as the seed for
//! the random number generator.
//! # Examples
//! ## [`SamplingConfig`]
//! ```json
#![doc = include_str!("../tests/fixtures/sampling_config.json")]
//! ```
//! ## [`DynamicSamplingContext`]
//! ```json
#![doc = include_str!("../tests/fixtures/dynamic_sampling_context.json")]
//! ```
html_logo_url = "",
html_favicon_url = ""
pub mod config;
pub mod dsc;
pub mod evaluation;
#[cfg(feature = "redis")]
mod redis_sampling;
pub use config::SamplingConfig;
pub use dsc::DynamicSamplingContext;