use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::protocol::utils::null_to_default;
use crate::protocol::EventId;
/// User feedback for an event as sent by the client to the userfeedback/userreport endpoint.
/// Historically the "schema" for user report has been "defined" as the set of possible
/// keyword-arguments `sentry.models.UserReport` accepts. Anything the model constructor
/// accepts goes.
/// For example, `{"email": null}` is only invalid because `UserReport(email=None).save()` is. SDKs
/// may neither send this (historically, in Relay we relaxed this already), but more importantly
/// the ingest consumer may never receive this... because it would end up crashing the ingest
/// consumer (while in older versions of Sentry it would simply crash the endpoint).
/// The database/model schema is a bunch of not-null strings that have (pgsql) defaults, so that's
/// how we end up with this struct definition.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct UserReport {
/// The event ID for which this user feedback is created.
pub event_id: EventId,
/// The user's name.
#[serde(default, deserialize_with = "null_to_default")]
pub name: String,
/// The user's email address.
#[serde(default, deserialize_with = "null_to_default")]
pub email: String,
/// Comments supplied by the user.
#[serde(default, deserialize_with = "null_to_default")]
pub comments: String,