use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use globset::GlobBuilder;
use lru::LruCache;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use regex::bytes::{Regex, RegexBuilder};
use std::sync::{Mutex, PoisonError};
use crate::{RelayBuf, RelayStr};
pub enum GlobFlags {
DoubleStar = 1,
CaseInsensitive = 2,
PathNormalize = 4,
AllowNewline = 8,
pub unsafe extern "C" fn relay_is_glob_match(
value: *const RelayBuf,
pat: *const RelayStr,
flags: GlobFlags,
) -> bool {
let mut options = GlobOptions::default();
let flags = flags as u32;
if (flags & GlobFlags::DoubleStar as u32) != 0 {
options.double_star = true;
if (flags & GlobFlags::CaseInsensitive as u32) != 0 {
options.case_insensitive = true;
if (flags & GlobFlags::PathNormalize as u32) != 0 {
options.path_normalize = true;
if (flags & GlobFlags::AllowNewline as u32) != 0 {
options.allow_newline = true;
glob_match_bytes((*value).as_bytes(), (*pat).as_str(), options)
static GLOB_CACHE: Lazy<Mutex<LruCache<(GlobOptions, String), Regex>>> =
Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(LruCache::new(NonZeroUsize::new(500).unwrap())));
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct GlobOptions {
pub double_star: bool,
pub case_insensitive: bool,
pub path_normalize: bool,
pub allow_newline: bool,
fn translate_pattern(pat: &str, options: GlobOptions) -> Option<Regex> {
let mut builder = GlobBuilder::new(pat);
let glob =;
fn glob_match_bytes(value: &[u8], pat: &str, options: GlobOptions) -> bool {
let (value, pat) = if options.path_normalize {
.map(|&x| if x == b'\\' { b'/' } else { x })
pat.replace('\\', "/"),
} else {
(Cow::Borrowed(value), pat.to_string())
let key = (options, pat);
let mut cache = GLOB_CACHE.lock().unwrap_or_else(PoisonError::into_inner);
if let Some(pattern) = cache.get(&key) {
} else if let Some(pattern) = translate_pattern(&key.1, options) {
let rv = pattern.is_match(&value);
cache.put(key, pattern);
} else {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn glob_match(value: &str, pat: &str, options: GlobOptions) -> bool {
glob_match_bytes(value.as_bytes(), pat, options)
fn test_globs() {
macro_rules! test_glob {
($value:expr, $pat:expr, $is_match:expr, {$($k:ident: $v:expr),*}) => {{
let options = GlobOptions { $($k: $v,)* ..Default::default() };
glob_match($value, $pat, options) == $is_match,
"expected that {} {} {} with options {:?}",
if $is_match { "matches" } else { "does not match" },
test_glob!("", "*.py", true, {});
test_glob!("", "*.js", false, {});
test_glob!("foo/", "*.py", true, {});
test_glob!("foo/", "*.py", false, {double_star: true});
test_glob!("foo/", "**/*.py", true, {double_star: true});
test_glob!("foo/hello.PY", "**/*.py", false, {double_star: true});
test_glob!("foo/hello.PY", "**/*.py", true, {double_star: true, case_insensitive: true});
test_glob!("foo\\hello\\bar.PY", "foo/**/*.py", false, {double_star: true, case_insensitive: true});
test_glob!("foo\\hello\\bar.PY", "foo/**/*.py", true, {double_star: true, case_insensitive: true, path_normalize: true});
test_glob!("foo\nbar", "foo*", false, {});
test_glob!("foo\nbar", "foo*", true, {allow_newline: true});
test_glob!("", "1.18.[0-4].*", true, {});
let mut long_string = "x".repeat(1_000_000);
test_glob!(&long_string, "*************************.py", true, {double_star: true, case_insensitive: true, path_normalize: true});
test_glob!(&long_string, "*************************.js", false, {double_star: true, case_insensitive: true, path_normalize: true});